Trump Doubles Down: 'No President Ever Worked Harder Than Me'

  • 5 years ago
President Trump on Monday insisted he's the hardest working president in U.S. history.

President Trump on Monday again insisted that he works harder than his predecessors. 
"No president ever worked harder than me (cleaning up the mess I inherited)!" Trump tweeted.
The president posted similar tweets on Sunday.
"The media was able to get my work schedule, something very easy to do, but it should have been reported as a positive, not negative," Trump tweeted. "When the term Executive Time is used, I am generally working, not relaxing. In fact, I probably work more hours than almost any past President."
He continued: "The fact is, when I took over as President, our Country was a mess. Depleted Military, Endless Wars, a potential War with North Korea, V.A., High Taxes & too many Regulations, Border, Immigration & HealthCare problems, & much more. I had no choice but to work very long hours!"
The tweets come days after Axios published the more than fifty presidential daily schedules it had obtained from an unnamed White House source. The schedules revealed that, in the days since the 2018 midterm elections, "Trump has spent around 60% of his scheduled time…in unstructured 'Executive Time.'"  Axios also noted those hours are typically taken in the morning and spent "in the residence, watching TV, reading the papers, and responding to what he sees and reads by phoning aides, members of Congress, friends, administration officials and informal advisers." 


