Diamond And Silk Told Fox & Friends Beto O'Rourke's Rhetoric Echoes That Of A 'Slave Owner'

  • 5 years ago
Conservative commentators Diamond and Silk on Friday said that Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke’s recent rhetoric echoes that of a “slave owner."

Conservative commentators and Fox Nation hosts Diamond and Silk on Friday said that Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O'Rourke's recent rhetoric echoes that of a "slave owner," reports the Daily Beast. The comparison was made during an appearance on 'Fox & Friends' and in response to O'Rourke's Thursday comments at Iowa's Morningside College. In a clip from the event shown on the Fox show, O'Rourke stated: "The president of the United States has called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. He then went on to call asylum-seekers animals and an infestation. Now we would not be surprised if in the Third Reich other human beings were described as an infestation, as a cockroach or a pest that you would want to kill."  Diamond was first to respond, noting: "When I listen to Beto O'Rourke, his rhetoric, it reminds me of a slave owner. Anytime you want to tear down existing walls and allow poor people to flow into our country and then having them living in the shadows; they're working for slave wages. That makes you a slave owner. So he needs to look at himself." "And his own rhetoric," Silk added.


