[ ENGSUB - INDOSUB ] The Investiture of the Gods Episode 11

  • 4 years ago
00:00Timing and Subtitles brought to you by "The Legendary Investors" Team @Viki
00:17♪ Chaos started throwing the earth into disorder, Pangu talked of Dao and separating heaven and earth. ♪
00:21♪ The golden age of peace and quiet has reached a peak, and King Zhou's tyranny destroyed the world. ♪
00:25♪ The people's hearts were good and versed in etiquette. When just and evil fight, only one must win. ♪
00:28♪ Demons troubled the world, and the people complained and Ziya was born, an immortal among the people ♪
00:36♪ In fights and struggles, evil and just, in wind and rain, hard-pressing for a thousand years. ♪
00:40♪ One generation after the other with destiny unfulfilled, living and dying, the immortals reincarnate ♪
00:44♪ In a disordered row, disturbing the mortal world among the transitions of good and evil. ♪
00:47♪ Real, real, fake, fake, demons and Dao, The hidden and dim can finally be seen! ♪
00:54♪ As a god, as an immortal, smoke-like phantom. ♪
00:58♪ Heaven and earth, sun and moon, wind and rain, thunder and lightning. ♪
01:01♪ Being a traitor, being virtuous,strong as the will of heaven, ♪
01:05♪ Roaming for all eternity, rendering verdicts upon the gods. ♪
01:09♪ Doing justice to the virtuous and traitor, recognizing loyal ones from traitors. ♪
01:13♪Calling upon the wind and summoning the rain with boundless magic powers! ♪
01:16♪ As a god, as an immortal. Being loyal, being a traitor. ♪
01:20♪ Roaming for all eternity, rendering verdicts upon the gods. ♪
01:28♪Great one of primordial skies, his essence controls ruler and arms. Guards the earth dust, defends life's essence. ♪
01:32♪ With magnificent clothes and embroidered skirt, hat and dress of green fabric, green dragon lining to the left, white tiger visiting on the right ♪
01:35♪ A flying fairy deceiving fire, thunder with the utmost godly power. The supreme, ultimate one above and below, encircling all around the four social bonds. ♪
01:39♪ Overturning the skies, pouring efficacy, boiling seas destroying mountains, the drums of the six dragons speed up vibration under decree! ♪
01:50♪ Chaos started throwing the earth into disorder, Pangu talked of Dao and separating heaven and earth. ♪
01:53♪ The golden age of peace and quiet has reached a peak and King Zhou's tyranny destroyed the world ♪
01:57♪ The people's hearts were good and versed in etiquette. When just and evil fight, only one must win. ♪
02:01♪ Demons troubled the world, and the people complained and Ziya was born, an immortal among the people ♪
02:08♪ As a god, as an immortal, smoke-like phantom ♪
02:12♪ Heaven and earth, sun and moon, wind and rain, thunder and lightning ♪
02:15♪ Being a traitor, being virtuous, strong as the will of heaven ♪
02:19♪ Roaming for all eternity, rendering verdicts upon the gods. ♪
02:26The Investiture of the Gods
02:30Episode 11
02:38-Come -Drink
02:45Strange, why is there a scent of a fox?
02:56Amazing, amazing, amazing
02:58Truly amazing!
03:08Come, drink
03:15Are these really immortals?
03:17Or are these evil spirits and demons?
03:20I must figure this out
03:22Please continue to drink
03:29Let's drink a glass
03:30All right
03:56Come, come,
03:59Drink, drink
04:00Please drink
04:02Why is there no more wine?
04:04Come, get your glasses
04:06Why do immortals want to drink?
04:11Your Majesty, ithere are also immortals who like to have a drink
04:17Right, what my beauty said is correct
04:25-Please -Please
04:29Come, drink again!
04:33Come, come
04:35All right, all right
04:38Good wine!
04:47They're almost drunk
04:49 Let's see what you originally are
05:02How are immortals drunk?
05:07It's all because of Your Majesty's good wine, even their hearts will become drunk
05:12Yes, that's logical, what my beauty said is still correct
05:23Please continue to drink
05:41Please drink, drink at ease
05:54They even showed their fox tail
05:56Indeed these demons are imposing as immortals
06:00Ridiculous, how dare they impose as immortals!
06:04and asked for me as a noble Prime Minister to pour their wine!
06:08 I really need to think of a plan to punish them
06:12Good wine!
06:16Ziya said that this talisman can exorcise demons and evil spirits
06:20You, how dare you demons impose as immortals to seduce our King!
06:24Look at the Talisman
06:46What is happening? Why is it like this?
06:57Pull up the curtains
07:01Your Majesty
07:03What is happening
07:04Your Majesty, the beings just there weren't immortals
07:07they were all demons
07:11Ridiculous, they were all invited by the National Master
07:15how could they be demons?
07:16I definitely invited immortals and not demons
07:20No, those were definitely demons!
07:23In the way you speak like this, what evidence do you have?
07:25Of course, I have
07:27Your Majesty, immortals should be have a scent of immortality even to their bones
07:31and so their body must have a fragrant scent of purity
07:33However, when I poured wine over there
07:35I only smelled a scent of a fox
07:40A fox scent?
07:45Your Majesty, everyone has a different sense of smell
07:49Some think it smells nice, other think it smells bad
07:52How can we confirm that those were demons?
07:56What my favourite consort said is logical, I just smelled a fragrant scent
08:01But Your Majesty, when they were drunk
08:05I briefly saw their faces
08:08started to change and also their fox tail
08:13also started showing up, one by one
08:15Fox tail?
08:19Consort, are you going to tell me that even immortals have fox tails?
08:28Of course immortals don't have fox tails
08:31But Prime Minister, you're old and your eyes are blurry
08:36Did you see the wrong thing?
08:38Consort, I certainly did not see wrongly
08:41I can confirm strongly that what I saw were fox demons
08:45No, they were immortals
08:47Were demons
08:48Were immortals
08:52My favourite consort, Prime Minister, stop arguing
08:56I just saw their clothes danced briefly and they descended from the heavens
09:00They should be immortals
09:02Your Majesty! -All right
09:03Prime Minister, I know what you said was logical
09:05but they are now gone
09:08I don't want to meddle with this anymore
09:10But Your Majesty! -Enough
09:11Prime Minister, I need to head back and have a rest
09:14If you still have something to say, leave it till tomorrow
09:16Head back to the Palace -Yes
09:19Heading back to the Palace
09:34Immortals? I do not believe it
09:39I will definitely catch their fox tails
09:55How come there's still no information now?
09:58This is frustrating me
09:59What is happening?
10:04Qing Qing
10:06How are my disciples and their disciples?
10:10Qing Qing, stop crying
10:20Gongbao you say it, how are they?
10:29were burned too badly by the fire and they all died
10:38Big Sister, Big Sister -Big Sister
10:42Why? Why were they treated like that, they were innocent!
10:47All me
10:49All my fault, I caused their death
10:54Big Sister, it's not your fault
10:58If we need to blame, we need to blame that Bi Gan
11:02It's him who deserves to die
11:06Yes, he said that he will eventually
11:10dig out your fox tail
11:15Did he really say that?
11:20Bi Gan!
11:22In what way did I ever interfere with him, why did he have to do that to me? If it is so
11:27then we'll see
11:33Mansion of Marquis of the West
11:40Why is he still not here?
11:50Mother, don't panic, Father will return soon
11:55Marquis is back to his mansion!
11:58Marquis is back! Marquis is back!
12:16Fa Er
12:19Fa Er
12:21Fa Er
12:23Father, you are indeed back!
12:29You are finally back!
12:47Congratulations on Marquis returning back safely
13:01Everybody worked hard
13:04You all suffered when I wasn't here
13:10That's what we should do as subjects
13:15Marquis what about Bo Yikao
13:19Why isn't he returning with you?
13:24It's all this child's fault for not listening to me words
13:29and so he ended up like this!
13:33What ending?
13:39Are you hiding something from me?
13:42Say it
13:45What happened to Bo Yikao?
13:48Tell me!
13:53Forget it, this thing
13:57you'll know about it whether earlier or later
14:08son Bo Yikao died in Zhao Ge
14:14Mother, mother!
14:17Mother, you need to soothe your pain
14:21Why did they kill Bo Yikao
14:24Mother, it's all because of that indulgent King
14:27Indulgent, immoral king, who cannot distinguish the loyal and the wicked
14:29Father, we should invade Zhao Ge
14:34Invade the indulgent King! Invade the indulgent King!
14:37Invade the indulgent King! Invade the indulgent King! Invade the indulgent King!
14:39Invade the indulgent King! Invade the indulgent King! Invade the indulgent King!
14:43All right
14:46Everybody, please restrain from rash actions
14:51Currently the indulgent King is in power, the citizens are not happy and they're suffering
14:57I also want to invade that King, but
15:01once the war starts
15:06the ones who are suffering are the citizens
15:10Father, cannot because of this
15:13not to invade the King
15:16If we continue like this the citizens will even suffer more
15:21Marquis, what I think
15:25is that we should start saving up power and train soldiers
15:29and attack them in the shortest time
15:32In this way, we can reduce the number of deaths and injuries
15:37Father, what San Dafu said is right, I agree with him
15:43What you said is also logical, but to invade the King
15:48we must have the help of the people who are righteous and capable
15:52Righteous and capable?
15:54Fa Er, when I went to Zhao Ge and got locked up in the dungeons
16:00I met a valuable person, who saved me twice
16:07If this valuable person is willing to help us
16:11then invading the King will definitely be successful
16:17Father, what is the name of this righteous and capable person?
16:21and what does he look like?
16:25I don't know his name
16:27but I only that he is a pale and white-haired old man
16:31and his age is around 70-80 years of age
16:3570-80 years of age?
16:39It's just that in this vast ocean of people
16:42I don't know where to start looking
16:45If it is so, I'll immediately start seeking for him
16:49no matter where he is, even if it's the edge of the world, I have to find this man
16:52to help us
16:55Good Child, then I'll let you take this matter
17:00I'll follow you orders
17:03Long live the King to ten thousand years of age
17:09If the subjects have matters to discuss, quickly bring it up
17:15Your Majesty, the balcony is already constructed, I hope Your Majesty will tell the whole world
17:19so that the Nobles and Marquis all come to congratulate and celebrate
17:23Exactly, so in this way, we can show how powerful our country is
17:27so that all those nobles and Marquis will stay loyal
17:30All right, do as you two say
17:33-Yes -Do other subjects have other matters to discuss?
17:39Your Majesty, in regards to inviting all nobles and Marquis
17:43I think that being too extravagant---
17:47Your Majesty! Your Majesty!
17:57What? My favourite consort is having a heart ache?
18:00Tell her, I'll immediately come, dismiss the meeting, dismiss, dismiss
18:04Your Majesty! -Dismiss!
18:14Consort, Consort, how are you?
18:16Heart really aches!
18:18Consort, Consort, Consort!
18:21Really hurts!
18:23Get away!
18:26Beauty? Beauty
18:29Your Majesty!
18:30Beauty? -It really hurts! -What's happening my beauty?
18:32My heart, really hurts!! -Beauty?
18:35Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I'm going to die!
18:42My favourite consort? Beauty?
18:46Men, call the doctor immediately!
18:50Your Majesty, it's useless
18:53Even the imperial doctors cannot treat consort's sickness
18:56Why? What is happening?
19:00Your Majesty, the sickness the Consort has is, a Faulty Heart Sickness
19:05Faulty Heart Sickness? I've never heard of it before!
19:09Your Majesty, I'm afraid the Consort's heart is already dead
19:14That's why she's in so much pain
19:21Do you have any way to treat her well?
19:27Your Majesty, we do have a plan, however...
19:31However what? I don't care what way you're using
19:34you have to save my loving consort!
19:36Your Majesty, if you have to save Consort's life
19:40we need to exchange hearts!
19:43Isn't that simple? Just immediately find a person and dig his heart out
19:46and exchange it for the Consort
19:54This what?
19:56Your Majesty, if we have to exchange hearts we cannot use an ordinary person's heart
20:01We have to find a seven-holed heart
20:05Seven-holed heart... what is a seven-holed heart?
20:09A seven-holed heart is the heart of a loyal subject
20:12The higher the rank of the subject and the more loyal he is
20:15the better his heart will be.
20:18All right, all my subjects in the government are all loyal to me
20:22You say it, who's heart will we exchange?
20:25Your Majesty, the most loyal subject
20:29we say Minister Ah, Bi Gan
20:38Prime Minister?
20:43Prime Minister is my royal uncle
20:45How can I have his heart?
20:51Whether Your Majesty wants to save Consort's life
20:54is your decision
21:03Your Majesty, Your Majesty
21:07Beauty? I'm coming
21:20Your Majesty, my fortunes are thin
21:24I know that my life won't be saved
21:27In the future, I won't be able to be by your sides
21:34It won't happen, I won't let you get injured
21:40Your Majesty, Your Majesty
21:42Don't comfort me
21:45in the future when I'm not by your sides
21:49you need to remember to take good care of yourself
21:55I won't let you die, you won't get injured
22:02Your Majesty!
22:10Send Bi Gan to the pavillion
22:23Eunuch Wang, the King sent a consecutive of six imperial orders
22:26to order me to go the pavillion. What is happening?
22:30Prime Minister, I won't keep it away from you, Consort Daji is having a heart pain
22:35and the National Master said that she must consume a seven-holed heart
22:40Seven-holed Heart?
22:42What is a Seven-holed heart?
22:45A seven-holed heart is... is...
22:47it means the heart of a loyal subject
22:50the more loyal he is, the better it is
22:59The King asked for me to go the pavilion is because of my heart?
23:04Please immediately go to the pavilion Prime Minister, I'll excuse myself now
23:23I'm so loyal
23:27yet it ends up having my heart being digged out
23:38Heaven, are there still rules in Heaven?
23:44No wonder,
23:46no wonder, all the righteous and honourable me all leave
23:51Di Xin, it's not the heavens who want to destroy you
23:55it's you who will destroy yourself
23:58I cannot just die
24:08Ziya gave me some Talisman before he left
24:11I can use these Talisman
24:13 {Instructions}
24:16Put the first Talisman into water and drink it
24:19Put the second Talisman on your heart
24:22Put the third Talisman on your body to protect you
24:25After having your heart dug out, immediately return to your mansion
24:28and very importantly, do not speak to other people
24:30Ziya will be waiting for you at our mansion, Remember! Remember!
24:38Ziya already predicted that
24:40I'll have such a misfortune and gave these Talisman to me
24:44so that I'll be able to pass these misfortunes peacefully
25:14[Sticking on Talisman]
25:28Di Xin, I would really want to see
25:31how you are going to dig my heart
25:47Prime Minister, Prime Minister! Prime Minister!
25:52Prime Minister is coming
25:53Prime Minister, Prime Minister!
25:57Prime Minister you must not go to the pavilion!
26:00We all know that the King wants to dig your heart out
26:03At these times, the wicked are in power
26:05There's too little of honest and righteous people like you, Prime Minister!
26:09If you had something bad happen to you, what are we citizens of Zhao Ge going to do!
26:14Don't go, Prime Minister! Don't go!
26:17Stay here, Prime Minister,
26:20Stand up first!
26:32If I really did have my heart dug out
26:35then I won't have a heart in the future
26:37However, I know that you all have hearts
26:40and have a strong passion
26:44As a Prime Minister, I Bi Gan cannot defy the orders made by the King
26:49As long as the King wants Bi Gan to do something
26:53Bi Gan will still have to do it
26:57Rest assured
27:00I won't have any bad thing happen to me
27:02Prime Minister, Prime Minister
27:03Prime Minister, Prime Minister, you cannot go!
27:05Prime Minister, Prime Minister,
27:07Prime Minister, Prime Minister,
27:10Prime Minister, Prime Minister you cannot go!
27:14Prime Minister, Prime Minister you cannot go
27:16Prime Minister, Prime Minister
27:20Don't go! You can't go!
27:22Prime Minister, Prime Minister
27:26Prime Minister, Prime Minister,
27:43Your Majesty gave six consecutive imperial orders for me to go to the palace
27:47What is it for?
27:58Your Majesty, the Consort is waiting for the Seven-Holed Heart
28:06Ya Fu, My favourite consort
28:11seems to have a Faulty-Heart sickness
28:15Only the Seven-Holed Heart can save her now
28:20I want to borrow a Seven-Holed Heart from you
28:24in order to save my favourite Consort, I guess Ya Fu, you won't say no?
28:35Your Majesty, the heart is the main of the body
28:41Hidden behind the lungs, sitting in the middle of six flaps and two loops
28:45and cannot be poisoned, once it is poisoned, it will die
28:51If the heart is proper
28:54then your limbs are also proper
28:56If your heart is not properly working, then your limbs do not work
29:00It is the miraculous out of the many thousand things on the world, and the base of every living thing
29:07Today, Your Majesty wants my heart
29:11May I still have a life?
29:18Even though I cannot die fully
29:22it's just that our society is lacking in righteous and honourable people
29:27Today, Your Majesty listened to the voices of the wicked
29:33to have my heart
29:36I'm afraid if I, Bi Gan is alive, the society is alive,
29:41if Bi Gan dies
29:44the society will definitely die
29:47I just want you Seven-Holed Heart
29:51do you have to take it so serious?
29:52You foolish king!
29:56You say it so easily
29:58Is your brain seduced with wine and beauty?
30:03Not even talking about my heart, even if it's cutting open my abdominal
30:06will I still have my life?
30:09If the monarch wants the subject to die, if the subject doesn't die then he isn't loyal
30:15You always said you were the most loyal subject
30:18and right now you are in the pavilion arguing with me.
30:22Men! -Present!
30:24Take Bi Gan away and dissect the heart
30:34Prime Minister
30:42Useless! You bunch of useless people!
30:44Do you really want me to do it myself?
30:49I really want to know whether you would
30:51do it yourself!
31:01Your Majesty!
31:38Bi Gan is alive, the society is alive
31:43Bi Gan is dead, the society is dead
31:46Then is the Kingdom my kingdom or
31:49is it Bi Gan's kingdom?
32:05You really cannot be saved
32:25If the king wants the subject dead, the subject cannot not die
32:35To the ancestors above
32:39I wanted to help and boost your hundreds of years establishment
32:43seventeen decades with thirty one kings
32:46Today, it isn't because I'm not loyal
32:50it is because the present king is opinionated and stubborn
32:55and trusts the wicked and listens to the words of the evil
33:01and is seduced by the demons
33:04and will destroy your hundreds of years of establishments
33:13Foolish king, I'll see how you will face the past King!
33:35Prime Minister, Prime Minister
33:44Prime Minister
34:45Prime Minister, Prime Minister
34:53Prime Minister
35:04Prime Minister, Prime Minister
35:14Your Majesty! Your Majesty!
35:22Quick, bring this heart to let my beloved consort consume it
35:45That old man, Bi Gan is finally dead
35:47and I've finally finished my strongest hatred
35:51Yes, so that we revenged for our disciples
35:55Big Sister, Bi Gan hasn't died
36:01What? Gongbao, Bi Gan hasn't die?
36:04But hasn't his heart been already dug out?
36:07He indeed hasn't died yet
36:09I saw how he walked out of the pavilion
36:17Big Sister, what do we do now?
36:20I think this is another cunning plan from Jiang Ziya
36:24Jiang Ziya must've set some magic on Bi Gan so that he doesn't die
36:28Jiang Ziya, Jiang Ziya it's always Jiang Ziya
36:33What should we do now?
36:47Doesn't matter, I have a way
37:02Prime Minister, Prime Minister
37:04Prime Minister, Greetings, Prime Minister
37:35Heartless vegetables, fresh heartless vegetables
37:39Heartless vegetables! Selling heartless vegetables!
37:42Heartless vegetables! Heartless vegetables!
37:44Does anyone want heartless vegetables?
37:48Heartless vegetables!
37:53Heartless vegetables? What are heartless vegetables?
37:58Heartless vegetables! are of course vegetables without heart
38:03Vegetables without heart, can they still live?
38:06Vegetables don't have a heart, of course they can live
38:10What about humans?
38:14People without heart, aren't they still living?
38:16Actually humans without hearts, can only die
38:26Yes, humans without hearts cannot live
38:47Bi Gan, you don't have a heart anymore
38:50you should've died earlier
38:56Prime Minister! Prime Minister!
39:11Prime Minister! Prime Minister!
39:26Indeed everything already has its own destiny
39:29Bi Gan, Ya Prime Minister, indeed cannot escape this misfortune
39:35The fall of Yin Shang is not far
39:39It seems, that I should leave this place and go to Chen Tangguan
39:43to reunite with Wu Ji
39:49 [Chen Tangguan]
39:57It's indeed bustling here
40:01What are they doing over there, with so many people
40:04They put up a notice
40:06and it's because they want to tell
40:08or if they have a reward to offer
40:15That means they'll have reward money
40:20Master's wife, MAster's wife
40:22Maybe the reward money is used to catch us!
40:24Quickly telll your Master's wife to come back!
40:26If not we don't know what trouble we'll get into
40:28Quick, go!
40:29Wu Ji, go quickly, I'll look after yur mum
40:31You go after her, quickly
40:34I know you are nice to me
40:36If I cannot come back, look after my mum
40:54Excuse me, excuse me!
41:04Oh, I thought it was something
41:07this soldier what does it say?
41:13Whatever, the person we are finding is not you
41:16Second Brother you cannot be so impolite [Muzha] [Jinzha]
41:18Did you forget what father said about how many capable people are hiding their abilities in the world
41:23waiting for their time to show their abilities?
41:26Then all right, you tell her
41:28Madam, this is what's happening
41:31My mother is already pregnant for 3 years and 6 months
41:33but she hasn't yet given birth
41:36so we are seeking people who are capable to make her give birth
41:41Oh... so you are seeking a person to deliver birth
41:46Then is there reward money?
41:50Our reward money is not a small amount
41:53Not small? That means
41:56there's a lot
41:58This is amazing! We're going to be rich
42:01My husband he is the well-known
42:05this really amazing and...
42:08Excuse me, excuse me
42:12Look at you, why are you so naughty, coming out again bumping into things
42:16Sorry, my third aunt is a crazy person
42:18if she bothered you, I apologise
42:22Who did you say was crazy? Why did you say I'm crazy?
42:24I'm telling you that you are crazy
42:25I'm telling you to remember this! I'll tell your Master this
42:30Master's wife, if we don't go back peacefully, you cannot revenge
42:33Let's go back quickly
42:44Let's go -I'm not going
42:46Let's go -I'm not going to go
42:47Let's go -I'm not going to go
42:49What are you guys doing here? If you want to fight go over and don't bustle here!
42:53How are we here, disrupting you?
42:55You're not here to rip the notice, what are you doing here? Get out! Get out!
42:58Go quickly!
43:00All right, we'll go immediately
43:03Oh, so we have to rip the notice to do it, then
43:06I'll just rip it now
43:09You're not allow to rip it
43:11Then I'm definietly rip it
43:12Cannot rip it -I'll rip it
43:14Cannot rip it -Cannot rip it?
43:15You rip it
43:16I rip it
43:22You ripped it
43:24I don't care, the notice is ripped, what do we do now?
43:30Master's wife, you do know that ripping the notice means that you'll go and visit the patient
43:35if you cannot heal the patient, you will be beheaded!
44:01Timing and Subtitles brought to you by "The Legendary Investors" Team @Viki
44:09♪ Cold pond of Ten Li, waning lights of the red mansion ♪
44:16♪ Wind of dawn, setting moon, longing, half-awake ♪
44:22♪ The morning hours rush the sinking moon, the warm wind rushes the brown goose ♪
44:28♪ Blossoming a thousand trees, but you still haven't returned. ♪
44:34♪ Fog spreading of the third month, a distant image and a lonely sail is all that is left ♪
44:40♪ Curtain of beads, floating lamps, a wild goose returning alone ♪
44:47♪ Willow catkins spreading on the earth, the peach blossoms fall and evening comes ♪
44:53♪ The qin sound is played, and rain drops over Chang'an. ♪
44:58♪ In the endless night, fine rain falling freely by the riverside ♪
45:04♪ Whose feelings are prying into the qin sound day and night? ♪
45:11♪ The worries are heavy, the water flowing, carrying motionless ♪
45:16♪ Just wishing to accompany you for another travel south of the river♪
45:22♪ In the endless night, the rain tonight is falling on Chang'an ♪
45:28♪ Whose feelings are blown into chaos on the paper? ♪
45:35♪At the end of the world, leaning on a wall with a lost gaze ♪
45:41♪ Who will bring letters and will talk with me about the tree peonies of Luoyang ♪
45:47♪ Who will bring letters and will talk with me about the tree peonies of Luoyang ♪
