Approved | 30min | Adventure, Western | TV Series (1957)
Frontier wives hope to join their husbands in time for Christmas.
Director: Stanley Neufeld
Writers: Nat Tanchuck
Stars: John Hart, Lon Chaney Jr., Kay Hawtrey
Frontier wives hope to join their husbands in time for Christmas.
Director: Stanley Neufeld
Writers: Nat Tanchuck
Stars: John Hart, Lon Chaney Jr., Kay Hawtrey
Short filmTranscript
00:00The immortal pen of James F. Cooper brings you thrilling tales of excitement, blazing
00:14action on the early American frontier, stirring adventures filled with the daring and courage
00:21of Hawkeye, first of the Long Rifles, and his blood brother, Chinguchkuk, last of the
01:00Well, from the look on your face, I'll say you didn't have any more luck than I did.
01:11Snow and ice everywhere. Same in that direction. Beats me how this fella,
01:17Hanlon, keeps saying there's a snow-free pass in these parts.
01:20He hear Iroquois legend too many times. The worst of it is he has those women
01:25back in Kiroga, counting on a way west that just doesn't exist.
01:28Ladies, ladies, please, I can't let you have all these goods.
01:39Could you get your wagon over to the blacksmith's? They're working on it now.
01:43Good. Mrs. Daniels, can't you stop? I got my regular customers to think of.
01:49We're taking no more than we ordered.
01:51Well, from the frowns on your faces, I suppose you're about to say we told you so.
02:01That's about the sum of it, Mrs. Daniels. We searched for a pass, not find.
02:05Snow and ice deep everywhere. Mrs. Shandy's not afraid of snow.
02:10Mrs. Shandy's pretty brave. She's a mite stubborn, Peggy.
02:14You ladies still plan on pushing on to Ranchee Valley?
02:17All trails from here dangerous now.
02:20That's one plan I'll never change, Hawkeye.
02:22It took my husband two years to build us a home and send for us,
02:26and we're fair anxious to be a family again.
02:29White brave, wait many moons for white squaw and papoose.
02:33Fewer, more moons not matter.
02:36What he means, ma'am, is it would be a lot better if you just wait here till after the spring thaw.
02:41But we can't wait here that long. We've little money and not very many supplies.
02:45The other ladies are in the same fix.
02:47As I told them, tightening your belts is a lot safer than chancing those snow-filled passes.
02:52But Mr. Hanlon says there's a way through, a way kept clear by hot springs under the ground.
02:56That I can vouch for, ma'am.
02:59And like I told you, I'll have you all in the Ranchee Valley by Christmas.
03:04Not to be interfering, Mr. Hanlon, but for the sake of the women and children you're guiding,
03:08I sure hope this snow-free pass of yours just isn't an Indian legend.
03:12It ain't only a legend. Me and my friends been using it quite a spell,
03:16traipsing in and out of Ranchee Valley, snug as you please.
03:18Chingitskook and me, we're searching for your pass.
03:21There's no place anywhere around here that's fit for a wagon crossing.
03:25Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
03:27Great wardsman.
03:29What's the matter? A little sprinkle in the snow bogged down your tracking?
03:33Well, ladies, you heard him. What do you think of my offer to guide you now?
03:36Twarn't our intention, Hawkeye, to spend the winter here in Kiroga.
03:40And if you listen to me, you won't have to.
03:42All I can say, Mrs. Daniels, is that I hope his eyesight's a lot better than ours.
03:47He is snow-blind. He think he find pass.
03:51You're saying I'm a liar, Injun?
03:53All Chingitskook meant was that sometimes the snow plays tricks on people's eyes.
03:57My ears understand the king's English where it's spit out by an Injun's tongue,
04:02or by a bag of wind where a buck skips.
04:04Gents, gents, no fighting now.
04:06Think of the ladies, the important thing is to get them up to Ranchee Valley.
04:11Mr. Hammond, do you think we'll be able to reach the valley in time for Christmas?
04:14Sooner than that, ma'am.
04:15Once we get through that hot water pass,
04:17it's like traveling on spring grass all the way.
04:20Sounds mighty convincing.
04:23Don't you think so, Mr. Bragg?
04:24If it were up to me, I'd rather wait till the snow's thawed.
04:27So would I, if I own this trading post.
04:30Make a nice tidy profit having these ladies around till spring,
04:32ought to sell everything out.
04:34Now, you look here, Mrs. Daniels asked me an opinion and I give it.
04:37So did he.
04:39Well, ladies, are you listening to them and spend all winter here,
04:44or are you coming with me?
04:46I'm for pushing on now.
04:49Might as well go along with him, Mrs. Wedstock.
04:52You won't be happy otherwise.
05:05Helen, seeing as you're so busy,
05:08you got time for a little talk?
05:11I guess I can spare a couple of minutes.
05:13I can't seem to get this Hot Springs Pass of yours out of my mind.
05:17What direction did you say it was in?
05:19I didn't.
05:20Me and Chingagook, knowing the ways of the country as we do,
05:23we figured we'd go along and lend you a hand getting the wagons through.
05:27If we needed help from you and that engine, we'd ask for it.
05:30Something tells me you're gonna need all you can get.
05:33Now, when you're by White River Rapids,
05:36that Snowfree Pass of yours ought to be north of there.
05:39Keep a-guessing.
05:40Couldn't be south on account of the Willicott River.
05:43Well, now, that's something you're gonna have to find out for yourself.
05:46Well, you act, Hanlon, the body'd think you never heard of White River Rapids.
05:50I know White River Rapids better than you.
05:53Now, just tend to your own business and keep your nose out of mine.
05:57White River Rapids is the same kind of legend as that Hot Springs Pass of yours.
06:02There's no such place in this territory.
06:05That's the second time you and that engine's called me a liar.
06:08I guess me and Chingagook are just a couple of natural disbelievers.
06:35Come on.
07:06Hawkeye, Hanlon's our only chance of getting out of here.
07:10Me and Chingagook know how anxious you folks are to get to Ranchi Valley.
07:14We'd feel a whole lot better if you'd just wait till we make sure you're going the right way.
07:18We can't wait, Hawkeye.
07:20Another storm and we'd be snowed in here for the rest of the winter.
07:23Better you stay here for winter than out there in snow forever.
07:28That woodsman's like a bulldog walking in the snow.
07:31He'll chomp on it till he cracks it open in the mirror.
07:34He sure ain't swallowed the bill of goods we sold them women.
07:37Maybe we ought to call the whole thing off.
07:39And keep the other boys waiting for the slaves we promised them?
07:42We'll deal with Mr. Hawkeye and his Indian friend as we have to.
07:51No use, Mrs. Whitestock.
07:53The blacksmith needs a couple more days to make a pimp for that Whipple tree.
07:56I don't understand.
07:58He told me yesterday the only thing wrong was that cracked rim.
08:01Yeah, and he fixed it.
08:03I thought maybe I'd have something he could use in place of that pin, but I didn't.
08:06Well, what do you suggest we do, Mr. Hanlon?
08:09The only thing we can do, Mrs. Daniels,
08:11we'll put half of the women from the Whitestock wagon into yours.
08:14The other half can go with Saunders.
08:16But what about us? You can't leave us behind.
08:18Don't intend to.
08:20Could be my crowded, but we'll find room for you and your family somewhere.
08:23Indeed we will.
08:25But I can't leave my wagon behind. Everything we own is in it.
08:28It's the only thing we can do, Mrs. Whitestock.
08:30We've got a long way to go, and we can't chance any more delays.
08:33Don't mean to be interfering, Mrs. Whitestock,
08:35but maybe there's something we can do to help you.
08:37Nobody's asking you.
08:39Now, let's hear him out, Mr. Hanlon.
08:41Do you have a way of fixing the wagon?
08:43No, ma'am, that's the job for the blacksmith.
08:45But when he's done with it, me and Chingagook could follow your trail and bring it to you.
08:49It's a light wagon. Catch up fast.
08:52Well, that's a wonderful idea. What do you think, Mr. Hanlon?
08:55I'm not objecting. First bit of sense to come out of that woodsman.
08:59All right, everybody, let's get loaded.
09:04What do you want Hawkeye and that Injun friend of his tagging along for?
09:07Why not? At least we'll know where to find them if we want them.
09:11All right, let's get things moving.
09:23Still doubting they'll find that pass, Hawkeye?
09:26That's right. They're not going to find anything more than me and Chingagook did.
09:30When we follow, as soon as they're out of sight.
09:33Didn't you say you were going to drive the Whitestock wagon?
09:36The blacksmith says it won't be ready till tomorrow anyway.
09:39My brother Hawkeye.
09:41I'm not going to let him get away with it.
09:43I'm not going to let him get away with it.
09:45I'm not going to let him get away with it.
09:47I'm not going to let him get away with it.
09:51My brother Hawkeye.
09:53Not me, blacksmith.
10:12All right, ladies, fall out.
10:15Four hours of being cramped in them wagons is enough.
10:18Take a rest here first, pal.
10:32You boys are going on a hunting trip.
10:35What for? We've got enough food for ourselves.
10:38The womenfolk can look to the Ottawa's for their vittles.
10:40Wasn't thinking of that kind of hunting.
10:43The game you're going after can shoot back.
10:46When you let them.
11:01Hanlon sure changed his mind fast about us coming along.
11:05Maybe he have good reason to know where we are at.
11:10But why he so anxious to take white squaws on such dangerous trail?
11:16That's a good question, my brother.
11:18And that's one that we must find the answer to.
11:46Ready or not, here I come.
11:52Sh, sh, Shanty, don't say anything.
11:55A Ronnie will find us.
11:58Come on, let's go.
12:01Come on, let's go.
12:03Come on, let's go.
12:05Come on, let's go.
12:07Come on, let's go.
12:09Come on, let's go.
12:11Come on, let's go.
12:13A Ronnie will find us.
12:36We got them both.
12:38You sure?
12:39First shot.
12:41Drilled that engine right through the heart.
12:43And I left the great Hawkeye with a ball of lead right smack between the eyes.
12:48Now let's not keep Chief Tomisca and his otterwise waiting for the slaves any longer.
12:57Maybe she's over in the other wagon.
13:03Tomisca ought to pay us a pretty good price for that young'un.
13:06Ronnie! Ronnie!
13:09Mom! Ronnie!
13:11Where'd she come from?
13:13Mommy! Mommy!
13:15They're going to take us to Indians!
13:17What are you talking about?
13:19Come on, let's hitch up the horses.
13:22We may have to ride close herd now, ladies, from now on.
13:28No, we haven't got time. You see, Mr. Hammond's calling us.
13:34You bled a lot, but you're going to be all right.
13:37But my brother Hawkeye, he not hurt.
13:40No, I just played possum so the bushwhackers would leave.
13:43White Squaw's in bad trouble. Need help fast.
13:47We go on foot. Wagon make too much noise.
13:51You stay put. I'm going alone.
13:53Where my brother go, I go.
13:55If you were any weaker, you'd be needing a cradle.
13:58Me not papoose. Me go.
14:01You just stay put. You've lost a lot of blood.
14:04You'll be snug here for a while.
14:06As soon as you feel able, drive the team back to the settlement.
14:09Tell them what's happened.
14:37That's what they said. Honest.
14:40Are you sure they said Ottawa's?
14:42Mr. Hanlon says he's going to get a good price for Ronnie.
14:46Peggy's not one for making up tales, Mrs. Daniels.
14:49Well, I just can't believe it.
14:51Why, Mr. Hanlon and his friends even refused payment for guiding us.
14:54Maybe with good reason.
14:56They're bringing us back to the settlement.
14:58I don't think so, Peggy.
15:00I don't think so.
15:02Why, Mr. Hanlon and his friends even refused payment for guiding us.
15:05Maybe with good reason.
15:07They're planning to sell us into slavery to the Indians.
15:09The child's making it up. Now, aren't you?
15:12Mrs. Shandy was with me. She heard him, too.
15:15Didn't you, Mrs. Shandy?
15:17Well, look, if they went scouting for engines,
15:19they would have gone ahead of us. Ain't that right?
15:22Well, then why'd they go back trail?
15:24And he shot Hawkeye. I heard them say so.
15:33Judging by the looks on your faces,
15:35I'd say little Mrs. Shandy's been talking out of turn.
15:38Then it's true.
15:40You don't have to worry, ladies.
15:42The Ottawa's won't work you too hard.
15:44Might even marry and take you and your little ones into the tribe.
15:47Oh, you foul son of Satan.
15:49Watch your tongue.
15:51I don't want any trouble from you ladies.
15:53The Ottawa's won't pay much for damaged goods.
15:56The Ottawa's won't pay much for damaged goods.
16:26You let my boy alone!
16:28Him? Not afraid.
16:30Regular little warrior, ain't he?
16:32You be good, and maybe the chief will keep you all together.
16:55Come on, Lillian.
16:56You filthy beast.
16:58Maybe I'll keep this one for myself.
17:00I'd rather be slave to the grubbiest Ottawa.
17:03You'll get your way.
17:05We'll start with her, chief.
17:06How much?
17:07Four beva.
17:08Manchile two.
17:09Papouse one.
17:11They're all good and sturdy, chief.
17:14I figured I'm getting at least four hands of beva pelts for the women.
17:18Two hands.
17:20Four for the young ones, and three for the older ones.
17:23Scores three hands, no more.
17:29You got yourself a deal, Temesca.
17:33Bring furs.
17:37You heathen devils!
17:39We'll die before we suffer ourselves to be your slaves.
17:53I ain't never seen so many prime pals in my life.
18:10Just remember, two-thirds of them is mine.
18:13When we leave here, all our weapons are going to be in my wagon.
18:17What about the furs for the young'uns, chief?
18:26And what of the furs for the young'uns?
18:29Give us the furs.
18:31I'll get the furs.
18:33You two, get a load of this.
18:36And the furs.
18:38I'll get the furs.
18:40And the furs.
18:42You, get a load of this.
18:45Give us the furs.
18:47I'll get the furs.
18:50Give us the furs.
18:51Tumisca is known beyond the land of the Ottawa's even as other tribes know the justice of Ottawa law
18:57Manitou give Ottawa law
19:00And I reckon Manitou wouldn't like you having slaves that were not taken in battle chief
19:05This hunter of squaws stole those white women chief
19:09He hasn't the courage to do battle with men
19:12You say you'll not steal white women. Oh, what's the difference chief? They're here, aren't they? You hear Tumisca?
19:18He speaks with a tongue of a serpent under the eye of Manitou
19:21I'll fight him for those captives. If he wins they stay if I beat him they go free. Don't listen to him chief
19:29Let me and my friends take care of him. Wait
19:34You wise in Ottawa law Hawkeye
19:41Money to place hand on through one
19:47Takes slave only from battle test of knives prove who speak with straight tongue
19:55Hawkeye die
19:57Tumisca by captives. What's the sense of this Tumisca?
20:00We went to a lot of trouble bringing them to you test of knives for eyes of money to only
20:09They may call you Hawkeye cuz you're good with a gun with a knife
20:15Carl Hanlon skewered many a man without getting nary a scratch
21:41Money to has spoken
21:43The captives are free!
22:07Get at him! Get at him!
22:09Ladies! Ladies! We want them all in one piece for the trial.
22:17Ottawa law is good, chief, but remember,
22:20before Manitou, no man or woman should be a slave, whether red or white.
22:25The bravery of Hawkeye will make Tamiska remember.
22:29Miss Shandy, meet your new sister, Matilda.
22:32Well, this is the first time we've ever celebrated Christmas in the spring.
22:36Well, a cup of cheer tastes just as good in April as it does in December.
22:40When all people are happy, not matter what season.
22:43And we couldn't be happier.
22:45Thanks to you both for bringing us together and making us a real family again.
22:50Yes, Miss Shandy?
22:52Yes, Miss Matilda?
22:54Yes, Miss Shandy.
22:56Hawkeye, Miss Shandy loves you and thanks you.
22:59Well, thank you, Miss Shandy.
23:02Miss Shandy loves you and wants to thank you, too.
23:06Oh, yeah. Miss Shandy is a very smart lady.
23:10She knows that now is the season for everyone to love each other.
23:19Join us again at this same time next week for another episode of
23:23Join us again at this same time next week for another of
23:26James Fenimore Cooper's gripping tales of the early American frontier.
23:30Another exciting adventure of Hawkeye and his blood brother, Chinguchkuk.
23:35Last of the Mohicans.
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