• 5 years ago
30min | Adventure, Family, Western | TV Episode

The lovely Maggie MacGregor resists her arranged marriage to the old frontiersman Cluny, a match coordinated by her father. It is common knowledge that Maggie and young Colin Shaw are in love. On the eve of their wedding, Shaw makes a scene at the fort's tavern, and asserts that Cluny is already in a relationship with Oussita, a Native American woman, causing a scandal.

Director: Sidney J. Furie

Writers: Victor Arthur, G. Francis Stayner

Stars: Antoinette Bower, John Clark, Anne Collings
00:00Hudson's Bay, the saga of the great Hudson's Bay fur company and of the brave men who traveled
00:18the untracked wilderness from Labrador to California, from Minnesota to Alaska, starring
00:28Barry Nelson as Jonathan Benner, Hudson's Bay man.
00:43With George Tobias as Pierre Falcone.
01:04Fort Gannon, 1821.
01:06We were taking on some of the niceties of civilization in the Northwest, also assuming
01:12some of civilization's problems.
01:29Oh, Colin, you promised.
01:33I couldn't keep myself away, Mary.
01:36I shan't ever be able to.
01:39Oh, my love, you shouldn't have come.
01:42I haven't eaten what you've cooked.
01:47I can't give you up, Mary.
01:53You can.
02:07Yes, Father?
02:12You're taking a long time in getting to bed.
02:16It won't do to look haggard and tired tomorrow.
02:19I was just making ready.
02:23Oh, Father, please.
02:25Nothing will be changed by tears.
02:28I know what's best for you, Miguel.
02:31Good night.
02:34And let me see that your light's out quickly.
02:42Good night.
02:49Go away, Colin.
02:52Go away.
03:04I know, I know.
03:12How are you, Father?
03:14We've been drinking toast to the bridegroom all night.
03:17Now I'll give you a new toast.
03:20To the finest man among us, Jock Mason.
03:23Jimmy, if it weren't known that you're the biggest spreader of larny in the whole of Canada,
03:30I wouldn't accept such a toast.
03:33But since it is,
03:36and to keep you happy,
03:39I will.
03:46You think it's a good thing or a bad thing?
03:49I'm sure it's not him.
03:52I wish I knew.
03:54I'm not telling about a young hothead like him.
03:58He cannot steal the girl like from under her father's nose.
04:01Nothing to stop him from trying.
04:03Probably getting himself killed.
04:12What is it, Banner? What do you want?
04:14I want to talk to you.
04:17Some other time.
04:19I miss too much of Jock Mason's wedding celebration as it is.
04:24I want to wish him well.
04:26Drink his health.
04:28And all that.
04:29Listen to me first.
04:31Come on.
04:32Do you want to see Mary McGregor tonight?
04:34What business is that of yours?
04:35Anything that can cause trouble on this post is my business.
04:38You've got no right over a man's personal business.
04:41No. Maybe I can help it.
04:44Look, Shaw.
04:45You know, we're not going to get married.
04:49I'm not going to lose you.
04:52You're going to lose me.
04:53I'll go to the police.
04:54I'll go to the police.
04:55No, no, I can't take it anymore.
04:56I'm not going to lose you.
04:57I'm not going to lose you.
04:58I'm not going to lose you.
04:59I'm not going to lose you.
05:00I'm not going to lose you.
05:01Look, Shaw, you're married out of your mind.
05:03Your case is hopeless.
05:04She'll be Jock's wife tomorrow.
05:06I shall never give her up.
05:08She's being forced into this marriage, and it's wrong.
05:11Maybe it is, but that's the way things work here.
05:15A father has the right to pick who he thinks
05:17is best for his daughter.
05:18I hope maybe someday it'll be different.
05:23But I can't wait until someday.
05:25Look, Mr. Banner, we love each other.
05:28I'm sure you do.
05:29Mr. Banner, haven't you ever been in love?
05:36When I first joined the company,
05:39I was seeing a girl like your Mary.
05:42We wanted to be married too.
05:44My father, he wouldn't hear of it.
05:48Married her off to a merchant prince in Montreal.
05:53Actually, I took it pretty hard.
05:57For a father, I thought he was a...
06:02I still think of it every once in a while.
06:05I don't know.
06:07I wonder if I really would have made her happy
06:10with the kind of life I lead.
06:12If she'd really loved you enough,
06:14she'd have been happy.
06:18But who knows how much is enough?
06:22Oh, I can't blame your father for not wanting to take chances.
06:26Young fellas got a lot of proving to do.
06:29And young Maitland has proven himself.
06:32Maitland's not worthy of her.
06:34Well, he came in as an apprentice boy at 14.
06:37He learned as much about the fur trade
06:38as any man in the Hudson's Bay Company.
06:40And he's to be promoted to factor.
06:42I'm not supposed to make him a good husband for Mary.
06:45Up to me.
06:49As your toastmaster, I want you all on your feet
06:52as we drink to the bride.
06:57To the lovely Mary McGregor,
06:59who tomorrow will be the lovely Mary Maitland.
07:01Oh, great!
07:04I'm sorry I'm late.
07:06But this is a toast that I... I don't want to miss.
07:09So then, gentlemen, health and long life to her.
07:13Oh, Mary.
07:17Well, now that we've drunk to one lady
07:20who should be here in spirit,
07:22let's drink to another one.
07:24A lady who certainly is, gentlemen,
07:28a toast to Wasita!
07:31Hey, get her, boy.
07:33All right, I'll put you both under arrest.
07:35Wedding or no wedding, if I have to.
07:37Just give me two minutes with the mother on the outside, Johnny.
07:39Two minutes!
07:40I welcome it!
07:41What are you so hot about, Jock?
07:43What's the matter? Doesn't Wasita deserve a toast?
07:45Oh, she's been a good woman to you, Jock.
07:47Even if she is only an Indian squire!
07:49That's enough.
07:50Come on.
07:55Come on.
08:09Settle this, Shaw.
08:10You're leaving the post by morning.
08:12I have no intention of running away.
08:14Well, I'm ordering you.
08:15For your own protection,
08:16you're being transferred to the Two Rivers Post.
08:18What if I refuse to go?
08:20You'll be locked up and lose your job to boot.
08:22Or make up your mind.
08:29You don't leave me much choice, do you?
08:40I feel sorry for that boy.
08:42I, too.
08:44Johnny, if you've got time,
08:46Jock would like a word with you.
08:47I'll be in.
08:49Go over to the corral and pick out a horse for Shaw, will you?
08:52He'll need a good one.
08:53I'll have to throw him a map.
08:55He'll never find his way without it.
09:09Hey, have a drink, Johnny.
09:11Thanks, Johnny.
09:13I want to talk to you, Johnny.
09:16Here's to you, Jock.
09:17But not to my marriage.
09:19Oh, you know I wish you well.
09:22It'll work out all right.
09:25Mary's the right wife for me,
09:27and I'm ready to settle down.
09:31All the best.
09:35It's no secret from me about
09:37Mary having taken a fancy to the young Shaw,
09:40but she'll get over it.
09:48We can't stay in the same post.
09:50Oh, no, I'm...
09:51I'm transferring him to Two Rivers Post tomorrow.
09:57I'll see you tomorrow.
10:04I could...
10:05I could break him in half with these bare fists.
10:13Well, I...
10:14Well, I still need trouble.
10:18Well, there's nothing else
10:19that'd be giving you trouble around here,
10:21would there, Jock?
10:25I can't transfer her to Two Rivers.
10:27Oh, that's over.
10:30Zita's a fine girl,
10:32but she's just something that went along
10:33with the bottle on a Saturday night.
10:37Nothing more than that to either of us.
10:40You've, uh...
10:42You've told her?
10:44She's gone back to her people.
10:48She understands.
10:51When a man marries,
10:53it has to be of his own kind.
11:10I will go away in the morning.
11:16Why did you come back?
11:21You are not married until tomorrow.
11:23You are not married until tomorrow.
11:54I'm the man I am.
11:56I'm the man I am.
12:13The bride was on her way.
12:15Everything was ready.
12:17But Jock was late.
12:19The air and I headed for his cabin
12:21to hurry him up.
13:23I guess you just take too long putting on fancy clothes.
13:32Looks like it.
13:36Help me lift him.
13:55But easy.
13:56He's almost gone.
13:57It is a bad wound.
14:18It's very bad.
14:19Jack told me you'd left.
14:22I go, but I come back again.
14:23Then I hear guns.
14:24All right, you can give me a hand.
14:26I'll take bandages out of something, shirts, anything.
14:29Here, Andrew McGregor's had a bit of medical schooling.
14:31Get him here fast.
15:02Brace yourself, Jack.
15:03It's gonna hurt.
15:04You bite this hard.
15:05It'll help.
15:06My legs.
15:07I feel nothing.
15:08They're like dead.
15:09You did well getting the bullet out quickly, Bonner.
15:38But from what little I know of anatomy, it strikes me he may not regain the use of his
15:47It's not for me to answer that question.
15:49But I can tell you this, though.
15:51He'll need care day and night.
15:54Mary, go home and get him to fit in clothes.
15:57You'll have nurses' work to do.
16:00If it's to be day and night, Andrew, Mary will have to have help.
16:04I'll not have my daughter sharing a man with an Indian wench.
16:09Jock promised me that was all over.
16:10She can't do it alone.
16:13If you want Jock to live.
16:15Very well.
16:16But what will you do about the man who fired the shot?
16:22Oh, Andrew.
16:23Now, you know as well as I do, and that it might have been Colin Shaw, but...
16:27Might have been?
16:28Johnny, is the other man here?
16:30Johnny, the other man, they want to go to Two Rivers and bring Shaw back.
16:40Take good care of Zeta.
16:43Help Miss McGregor when she comes back.
16:46I'll help.
16:49Time for us all going after him.
16:57And shooting him down when we find him, like he shot down Jock.
17:01Very good.
17:04You must know something I don't know, Jimmy.
17:06What do you mean?
17:07Pierre and I were pretty close to Jock when he was hit.
17:10We didn't see who fired the shot.
17:13Who else could it have been but Shaw?
17:16And if you don't think so, why are you going down to Two Rivers to fetch him back?
17:21If you can find him.
17:22I told Andrew McGregor, and I'm telling you all now.
17:25It looks like Shaw's guilty, but there's going to be no action taken until it's proven beyond a doubt.
17:31You understand?
17:33Sure, we understand.
17:36If you're trapping between here and Two Rivers, boys, then you're just chance to see Mr. Shaw.
17:42Don't do nothing about it.
17:45Wrong, Jimmy.
17:47Only don't do what you've been thinking of doing.
18:56The trail turned off around here.
18:59Ah, this greenhorn.
19:01And I have given him a map.
19:03Well, maybe he didn't want to go the way the map was taking him.
19:07You think he tried to escape?
19:10What's that?
19:16Right here, Banner.
19:19You better get your hands up.
19:26Not thinking of turning outlaw, are you, Shaw?
19:29I'm not going back with you.
19:31I didn't kill Maitland.
19:33How did you know he was dead?
19:35I happened to see the shooting.
19:39Well, you've nothing to fear.
19:45Take one more step and I'll fire.
20:00Funny thing, but...
20:02I don't think you will.
20:29Mary, you've been kindness itself, helping to nurse me.
20:35I was only doing my duty.
20:38I hear a great one for dutiful feelings.
20:42Towards your father now, and towards me, we're married, no doubt.
20:46I'll do what's expected of me.
20:50No more?
20:51What more is there?
20:54Would there be more if you married Colin Shaw?
20:57There's no point in talking about that.
21:04You must be tired.
21:06Send Rosetta in and stay with me a while.
21:22He asked for you.
21:31Sit beside me here.
21:41You're not much for duty, are you, girl?
21:48No matter.
21:51I can't be angry with you.
21:53I should be.
22:06You should be coming home for a rest, Mary.
22:09Yes, father.
22:27Did you find Shaw?
22:28Pierre's bringing him in the fort now.
22:30But the men there, they'll kill him.
22:32No, they won't, Mary.
22:39How are you feeling, Jack?
22:40Much better.
22:42I'm going to have to ask your help to save Colin Shaw from violence, if nothing more.
22:47He didn't shoot you, Jack.
22:50What are you saying?
22:52Well, this is the bullet I dug out of your back, a musket ball.
22:55The only gun that Shaw was holding was his rifle.
23:02He admits that he intended to shoot you, even aimed at you.
23:06But somebody else fired first.
23:12Now, who could that have been?
23:16You know, Jack.
23:19Stand back, Pierre.
23:21We're bound to take him and pay him out for what he did to Jock.
23:24Johnny say to shoot the first man who tried to take Shaw.
23:26Be sensible, man.
23:28There's many of us here, and you've only one shot in that piece.
23:31You wish to be the one who die?
23:47Not a minute too soon, were we?
23:49Tell him, Jack.
23:51Thank you for your friendly concern, Jimmy, trying to even the score for me.
23:56But it wasn't young Shaw that put the bullet in me.
24:00Who was it?
24:02It was an Indian.
24:04An Indian brave that bore me a grudge.
24:07I saw him playing when I was filming.
24:13If you want to go to him.
24:23Sending her to him?
24:25What about the marriage?
24:28There'll be a marriage.
24:30Never fear.
24:48Are they well and fully married?
24:50They are.
24:51And off to Montreal, where he's to be a clerk in the offices.
24:54To which he's better suited than a life in the woods.
24:57Mary is like a new woman.
24:59She'll make Shaw a good wife, not just a dutiful one.
25:02She will.
25:03She has a great love for him.
25:05Although she'd never shoot him in case he decides to give her up.
25:10What could you mean by that?
25:13I don't know.
25:14I feel a little vague today.
25:15Touch of the sun, I guess.
25:20I have to turn in that report about the shooting, Jock.
25:24Haven't you done it already?
25:26I told you the whole story.
25:28I was shot by an Indian who bore me a grudge.
25:33But doesn't any longer.
25:39That's what I thought.
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