• 3 years ago
4x2x145lb, 3x2x195lb
This is the Squat recommended by Harold Ansorge in his book, "How to Bent Press Correctly ". Of course, he picks the weight of Stands while l use a One Hand & Two Hand Anyhow to the Shoulder. As Ansorge suggests turning around looking back for Bent Pressing, the same is done on these Squats. I don't believe you can turn around as much on the Squat as for the Bent Press and still hit that the depth. The depth is paramount for getting in a similar position as coming up from a heavy Bent Press where the Triceps & Lat of the free arm are used to help push & pull against the lifting side leg which DEFINITELY is necessary for standing up with a big weight. So far, not only does this twisted position build mobility, that free arm is learning to get in the habit of pushing & pulling. I am quite excited to see where this takes me. God Bless!!