how to Make a Doll Makeup Kit

  • last year
00:00 Hey YouTube!
00:05 OMG I'm so excited because I have a doll makeup kit from Everyday Doll Creations and I'm going
00:14 to open it up and try everything on!
00:19 OMG I look fabulous!
00:23 Selfie!
00:24 Hello Everyday Doll Creations!
00:31 Yeah!
00:32 It's Amber and I love your makeup kit.
00:39 Can you teach us how to make one?
00:42 Oh yeah of course I will Amber!
00:44 Yay!
00:45 Hey YouTube so today I'm going to be teaching you how to make a doll makeup kit using a
00:55 small box, nail polish, preferably sparkle nail polish, cotton balls, q-tips, stickers,
01:14 scrapbook paper, nail clips, craft foam, a pencil, scissors, and hot glue.
01:34 So first you just take your box and take the top off and then take your scrapbook paper
01:42 and lay the base of the box on top of it and then you're just going to put your finger
01:49 in and trace around the box.
01:58 After that you cut it out and put it inside and it will look like this.
02:05 Then take your box and some craft foam and sketch the design of your box, the base of
02:12 your box.
02:13 Hello!
02:14 Then take the craft foam and sketch the base of the box onto it like I did here.
02:22 Then take your craft foam and divide the box into halves and then quarters like this and
02:34 then just cut one quarter of, well one fourth of your craft foam.
02:42 After you've done the same with three other pieces of craft foam, paint over the craft
02:47 foam with its corresponding nail polish color.
02:51 When you're done, do the same design on another piece of craft foam except cut out the half
02:58 and you can make about four or five and stack them together like this and then put it inside
03:08 of here.
03:13 Then take your finished makeup thingies like this and when you're finished just squeeze
03:26 it into here like this.
03:30 Take your finished craft foam pieces and glue them inside like so.
03:37 When you're done it should look like this.
03:42 So next take your Q-tip.
03:49 So when you're done it should look like this and just take your Q-tip and cut it so that
03:58 it's the length of the makeup side like so.
04:04 Then take a cotton ball and just paint it with some nail polish a little bit like this
04:10 to look like it's been used and pull some fluff off the bottom to make sure that it
04:16 can fit in your box and just put it in there along with some mini nail clippers.
04:28 And when you're done it should look a lot like this.
04:32 Then take your cap, put it on top and decorate it with stickers.
04:39 So this is what mine looks like and you can also choose to put some tape around the edges
04:45 and just make it your own and you can make a little handle for it by hot gluing a bead
04:54 to the front.
04:55 So that's what I'm going to do.
04:57 It just looks really cute and so there you have it, your doll makeup kit.
05:04 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!