Yuk Latihan 10 Menit Mengecilkan Lengan Sebelum Tidur - Latihan Di Rumah

  • last year
00:00 Hello, welcome back with me Uli.
00:04 This time we will do a warm up exercise to strengthen our arms.
00:08 We will do this exercise before going to bed.
00:10 Let's get started.
00:11 First, we will do forward pull.
00:14 So, from here, open your arms wide to the side.
00:17 Then, close your arms.
00:19 Just a little bit.
00:20 Push forward, a little bit.
00:23 Straighten your arms.
00:25 We start from now.
00:27 Bring your arms to the front and back.
00:31 Try to keep your arms straight, parallel to the shoulder.
00:34 Slowly.
00:36 Relax.
00:37 Slowly.
00:39 Hold.
00:42 A little bit more.
00:44 Keep your arms active.
00:47 Keep them straight.
00:50 Five, four, three, two, one.
00:56 Okay, that's enough.
00:58 Now, we will do big forward pull.
01:00 The movement is the same as before.
01:02 But, bring your arms to the front.
01:05 So, open, forward.
01:08 Okay, we will do it from now.
01:10 Open your arms wide to the side.
01:12 Then, bring your arms to the front.
01:15 Okay, we will do this movement for 30 seconds.
01:19 Open your arms wide.
01:22 Yes.
01:24 Relax your shoulders.
01:26 Keep your arms straight to the front.
01:29 Okay.
01:31 Hold.
01:32 Halfway.
01:34 Bring your arms to the front.
01:36 Five, four, three, two, one.
01:43 Okay, release.
01:45 Relax your arms.
01:48 Okay.
01:49 From now, we will do armsicle forward.
01:51 So, from here, bring your arms to the front.
01:54 If we did it to the front, now bring your arms to the front.
01:57 Okay, turn.
01:58 Slowly.
02:00 Okay, turn to the front.
02:02 Okay, up and down.
02:04 Sorry.
02:05 Open your arms wide.
02:06 Circle forward.
02:07 We will do it from now.
02:09 Open your arms wide to the side.
02:10 Okay, turn to the front.
02:12 Relax.
02:15 Keep your eyes to the front.
02:17 Turn your arms.
02:19 Good job.
02:21 How is it?
02:22 Can you feel it in your arms?
02:24 Okay, straight.
02:26 Yes.
02:27 Halfway.
02:28 Stay calm.
02:30 Look to the front.
02:31 For those who have strong arms, hold.
02:35 Five, four, three, two, one.
02:41 Okay, shake your hands.
02:43 Release first.
02:44 Now, we will do armsicle backward.
02:47 So, the arms are like before, but turn to the opposite side.
02:50 Turn to the back.
02:51 The shoulders move back.
02:53 Okay, open your arms wide.
02:55 We will start from now.
02:57 Yes.
02:58 Turn to the back.
02:59 Yes, straight your arms.
03:01 Good job.
03:03 Hold here.
03:05 Okay.
03:07 Halfway.
03:09 Straight again.
03:12 Hold.
03:14 Yes.
03:16 Stay calm.
03:18 Okay.
03:19 Five, four, three, two, one.
03:27 Okay, release.
03:29 Shake your hands.
03:30 Relax your neck.
03:32 Okay, inhale.
03:34 Exhale.
03:35 Exhale.
03:36 Send your arms up.
03:38 Okay, next position.
03:40 Open your legs wide.
03:41 Now, we will do scissors position.
03:43 So, the palms are facing down.
03:45 The palms are facing down.
03:46 Then, cross your arms.
03:48 Like a scissors.
03:50 Okay, straight.
03:52 We will start from now.
03:54 Do it for 30 seconds.
04:01 If you can, do this exercise twice a week.
04:03 So, you can get the maximum result.
04:05 Hold.
04:08 Good job.
04:10 Use your power.
04:12 Yes.
04:13 A little bit more.
04:15 Okay.
04:17 Five, four, three, two, one.
04:24 Okay, that's enough.
04:26 Now, the next position.
04:27 Put your hands up and down.
04:29 The fingers are here.
04:31 Then, open.
04:32 Cross.
04:33 When you open your arms,
04:35 make sure your shoulder blades are behind.
04:37 Open.
04:39 We will do it from now.
04:42 Open.
04:43 Good job.
04:44 Use your power.
04:46 Hold.
04:48 Yes.
04:49 Push back.
04:51 Push back.
04:53 Okay, feel it on your arms.
04:59 From the beginning until now.
05:02 You can feel it burning.
05:05 Use your small hands.
05:07 Five, four, three, two, one.
05:12 Okay, that's enough.
05:13 Relax.
05:15 Okay.
05:16 Let's move on to the next exercise.
05:18 We will start from all four position.
05:20 Then, raise your arms up.
05:22 From here,
05:23 take your chest.
05:24 Your arms are parallel to the shoulder blades.
05:26 Open your legs as wide as you can.
05:28 Kneel.
05:29 Look forward.
05:31 From here, raise your arms.
05:32 Pull your arms back.
05:34 Up and then back.
05:35 Push back.
05:36 Okay.
05:37 We will start from now.
05:39 Yes.
05:46 Hold.
05:47 Pull.
05:49 Use your power.
05:51 Back.
05:53 Forward.
05:55 Good job.
05:57 A little bit more.
05:59 Nice.
06:01 A little bit more.
06:05 Five, four, three, two, one.
06:10 Okay, that's enough.
06:12 Now, let's move on to the opposite side.
06:14 Turn your body.
06:15 We will go back to the all four position.
06:17 The opposite side.
06:18 Open your legs as wide as you can.
06:21 Make sure your arms are parallel to the shoulder blades.
06:23 Check your chest.
06:24 We will start from now.
06:26 Up.
06:28 Two.
06:29 Yes.
06:30 Push back.
06:31 Up.
06:32 Nice.
06:33 Push back.
06:35 Pull.
06:40 A little bit more.
06:42 Good job.
06:47 Okay.
06:52 Five, four, three, two, one.
06:58 Okay, that's enough.
07:00 Relax your arms.
07:01 Shake your hands.
07:03 Now, let's move on to the sitting position.
07:06 Okay.
07:07 Open your legs as wide as you can.
07:10 Here, we will do tricep dip.
07:12 For the tricep,
07:15 to make it stronger,
07:17 put your hands behind your hips.
07:19 So, your hips are facing the hips.
07:21 From here, we will try to lift.
07:23 And then, down.
07:25 Up.
07:26 Down.
07:27 Up.
07:28 Down.
07:29 Okay.
07:30 We will start from now.
07:32 Let's go.
07:34 Push back.
07:37 Yes.
07:39 Good.
07:42 Hold.
07:49 Relax.
07:56 Five.
07:59 Four.
08:00 Three.
08:01 Two.
08:03 One.
08:04 Okay, release.
08:06 Shake your hands.
08:07 Just relax.
08:09 Okay.
08:10 The next exercise,
08:11 we will do plank position,
08:13 and then forearm plank.
08:15 Bring your body to plank position.
08:18 Okay.
08:19 From here, bring it.
08:21 So, high plank, and then forearm plank.
08:23 Or it's also called commando.
08:25 From here, up.
08:27 When you do plank,
08:29 lift your hips.
08:30 So, it's not like this.
08:32 Up.
08:33 Lift your hips,
08:34 and round your body a little bit.
08:35 This is plank.
08:36 And then, we go to forearm plank.
08:39 Okay.
08:40 Start.
08:42 Ready.
08:44 Hands open, shoulder width apart.
08:46 And then, up.
08:48 We will do plank position.
08:50 We will start from now.
08:52 [Music]
09:02 Hold it.
09:04 How is it?
09:06 Just started.
09:20 Okay. A little bit more.
09:22 Okay. That's enough.
09:26 Yes.
09:27 Relax first.
09:28 Sit on your heels.
09:30 And then, relax.
09:32 Hands down, on the side of your thighs.
09:34 Okay.
09:37 Now, the last position.
09:39 The next position is,
09:41 down dog to plank position.
09:43 So, from here,
09:44 open your hands.
09:46 Okay.
09:47 Push your butt to the sky.
09:49 Yes.
09:50 Relax your shoulders.
09:52 Relax your shoulders.
09:54 Don't lock your elbows.
09:57 Relax your heels.
09:58 And then, look back.
10:00 Move your body forward.
10:02 Go to plank position.
10:03 Remember.
10:04 You have to pay attention to the plank position.
10:06 Don't do this.
10:08 Up.
10:09 And then, back to down dog.
10:11 Bring it back to plank.
10:12 Okay.
10:13 Yes.
10:14 We start from down dog.
10:16 Bring it forward.
10:19 Back to downward facing dog.
10:21 Forward.
10:23 Back down dog.
10:26 Bring it to high plank.
10:29 Back down dog.
10:32 Bring it to plank.
10:34 Back to down dog.
10:37 Forward.
10:39 And then, back.
10:42 Forward.
10:47 Down dog.
10:48 Bring it forward.
10:51 And then, back.
10:54 One more time.
10:56 Move your body forward.
10:58 And then, back to downward facing dog.
11:01 Okay.
11:04 That was 10 minutes of exercise to strengthen your arms.
11:11 Good luck.
11:12 I hope you can sleep more relaxed.
11:14 See you in the next video.
11:16 Bye!
