Full Body WO Day 6

  • last year
00:00 [Music]
00:03 Hello everyone, meet me again, Mutia,
00:06 in the full body workout weekly.
00:08 Yes, are you on spirit today?
00:10 Yes, today is the sixth day,
00:13 we will do a total body workout.
00:16 Yes, total body workout.
00:18 For the first exercise,
00:19 we will do jumping jacks for 30 seconds.
00:22 Yes, let's go.
00:28 Jumping jacks are useful for increasing heart rate.
00:31 So it's good for the start of exercise.
00:35 Woo, spirit.
00:41 A little more.
00:48 Okay, 3, 2, 1, rest for 10 seconds.
00:56 The sweat is immediately drained.
00:58 Okay, for the second one,
01:00 we will do burpees.
01:02 Are you ready? On position, yes.
01:04 And, go.
01:07 For 12 times.
01:11 Two.
01:14 Three.
01:16 Four.
01:20 Five.
01:25 Six.
01:26 Seven.
01:29 Don't rush.
01:33 Nine.
01:36 Ten.
01:39 Eleven, one more.
01:43 Twelve, rest for 10 seconds.
01:47 Yes, for the third exercise,
01:50 we will do wood chop reverse.
01:53 Yes, on position.
01:55 And, go.
01:57 One, six times for each side.
02:00 Six times for each side.
02:02 Three.
02:03 Four.
02:05 Five.
02:07 Six.
02:09 The right side.
02:11 One.
02:12 Two.
02:14 Three.
02:16 Four.
02:18 Five.
02:20 Six.
02:22 Six, okay.
02:24 Rest for 10 seconds.
02:26 We will do shuffle to test.
02:29 For 30 seconds.
02:31 Yes, 30 seconds, correct.
02:33 Okay.
02:34 This is also good.
02:40 To increase the heart rate.
02:42 All the sweat is drained.
02:44 Reduce the weight.
02:46 Burn calories.
02:48 Burn fat.
02:51 30 seconds.
02:53 One more.
02:59 Don't give up.
03:02 Three.
03:03 Two.
03:04 One.
03:05 Yes.
03:06 10 seconds, rest.
03:09 Inhale and exhale.
03:11 Okay.
03:12 We will do squat rotate.
03:14 This is good for the butt,
03:16 for the full circle body.
03:18 Okay.
03:20 Two.
03:21 Three.
03:23 Four.
03:25 Five.
03:27 Six.
03:28 Inhale and exhale.
03:30 Eight.
03:32 Nine.
03:34 Ten.
03:35 Eleven.
03:37 One more.
03:38 Twelve.
03:39 Rest for 10 seconds.
03:40 Yes, we are almost there.
03:42 Don't give up.
03:44 The next exercise is frogger.
03:47 Okay.
03:48 And go.
03:49 One.
03:50 One.
03:52 Two.
03:54 Like this.
03:55 Three.
03:57 Twelve.
03:58 Four.
04:00 Five.
04:02 Yes.
04:03 Six.
04:05 Continue.
04:06 Seven.
04:08 Eight.
04:11 Nine.
04:14 Ten.
04:18 Eleven.
04:19 One more.
04:20 Twelve.
04:22 Oh my god.
04:24 One more.
04:25 Rest for 10 seconds.
04:28 On position.
04:30 We will do leg movement on plank position.
04:34 Yes.
04:38 12 times.
04:39 One.
04:40 Two.
04:41 Three.
04:43 Four.
04:45 Five.
04:47 Six.
04:48 Seven.
04:50 Eight.
04:52 Nine.
04:54 Ten.
04:56 Eleven.
04:58 Keep it up.
04:59 Twelve.
05:00 Oh my god.
05:02 We are almost there.
05:04 Yes.
05:05 Today's exercise is total full body workout.
05:08 Repeat it three to four times.
05:10 So you can get one hour of full body workout.
05:13 Yes.
05:15 Good.
05:16 Yes.
05:17 Good job.
05:18 Thank you for watching today's full body workout video.
05:21 For the seventh day, please rest.
05:24 If you like this video, please like and subscribe to the How To Squad channel.
05:30 Thank you and see you.
05:33 [Music]
05:53 (train clacking)
