• 2 years ago
00:00 Don't go away. We are still here. We are still with you. So as I say if we go down again, we'll try to reconnect
00:07 Like that literally so as I say we are trying to keep it going for you
00:12 We're gonna try and keep the camera over this side of the room
00:14 So hopefully fingers crossed that'll work for you. And for those of you that are watching so far
00:18 Thank you very much for joining us
00:20 We are live and direct from Scott Bailey hairdressing and as I say, we've done the first side already, which you saw earlier
00:26 I'm just literally about to start cutting side two now. So as I say with the lovely Julie and also Lynn tonight watching
00:33 Which I know some of you have been texting Lynn and trying to ring Lynn
00:36 Obviously Lynn won't answer the phone because she's here at the moment and it'll interfere with the broadcast
00:41 If you want to text Lynn feel free to text Lynn. Don't text me because I'm not speaking up either because I'm cutting
00:48 Anyway, we're now working with
00:50 Fat Muck
00:52 Rehabilizing spray. So we're now just gonna work on side two. So let's spin Julie around
00:57 And come through to what we were doing earlier on so you can see
01:01 So we'll keep the camera over this side for some reason over the other side. It just doesn't seem to like it
01:06 So, okay, let's just make it so you can bring the camera around the other side. Okay, Dad
01:16 So let's get everything prepared a bit of excitement there so let's just have a look
01:22 Oh got a few people back on excellent. Tom Matthews. Good evening, Janet Joan Gregson. Good evening
01:26 Hope you're okay, Joan Gregson and Mick nice to see you're always on with us tonight. Hopefully you saw the other side, right?
01:33 So now we're working again in three sections one two
01:36 Three section one is 45 degrees section two is 25 degrees and section three is zero
01:41 Elevation the easiest way to remember this also is we've got to remember what angle we're going at as well
01:46 So thinking about the angle thinking about the section to keep it clean
01:50 So now we're going to go slightly lower
01:53 And of course, we've got to make sure the balance is sitting right with what we've got on the other side as well
01:59 So again, there's quite a lot to think about when you're doing this
02:02 So just keeping all the sections nice and clean again, if I cannot emphasize enough on the second knuckle most of the
02:10 customers that come here
02:13 Will be watching out for this when they come in next time with the team
02:16 I have to say also I have an amazing team of people that I work with
02:21 I know Charlotte will be watching now, but you know, I'm not just saying this
02:25 I've got an amazing team of people around me and that makes it easier to do what I do every day and to do this
02:31 At night, so thank you to the team that work with me. It's always very appreciated
02:37 Just how hard you graft as with any hairdressers that are in salons, you know, you know hard it is. It's not easy. I
02:44 Tend to visit salons around
02:48 When I get a chance to go and see what other people are doing because I think it's a great way to sort of learn
02:52 From watching and I'm not afraid to continue learning
02:56 Next year, I'll celebrate 30 years of hairdressing
03:00 Make sure you film the right side that when you film the next time so I look so look young on it. All right
03:06 So I'll be celebrating my 45th birthday next year for those of you that are trying to work out
03:12 So you get nice compliments from people that say well, did you start when you were young? Well, actually I did but
03:18 obviously
03:20 Working a lot of hours sometimes takes its toll. So as the ladies night Chanel in Foss Park
03:27 Go and get my fake tan from down there and it's quite nice. I can hide sometimes
03:32 so let's just come through the side now getting this layer in just cutting through with the
03:37 Comb, so I try to keep it all nice and clean looking
03:41 So I just correct himself from cutting my fingers because I like to cut my fingers on this part because it creates a lot
03:47 Of tension and it just doesn't work for me as much so it's keeping everything nice and clean on the section
03:53 So you can now see where we're going with this. It all just falls nice and beautifully outside one
03:59 So let's just pull everything down
04:02 Again, we'll use a little bit more of the fat milk volumizing spray just to keep everything nice and damp down. Yes
04:09 Sorry, there you go. Just so Justina and I can see that time as with mucking Australia
04:15 so
04:18 Now it's the last part. Let's just see where we're going. We need to have a quick flick round in the mirror
04:22 So you have to work your line ahead
04:27 We've still got a picture on the feed. That's good. Excellent. Right? Here we go then
04:32 so
04:34 Just keeping everything clean on the angle so obviously I think about where we're going on the angles
04:40 Again, that's very important. What I'll do is this cut will take
04:46 Approximately now with the layering on it. It will take about another
04:50 10 to 11 minutes once that's been done off. So then
04:55 Switch off the broadcast
04:57 Some of you may say oh no, some of you may even say hooray
05:01 But what we'll do is we'll take the broadcast off and then we'll blow dry
05:06 Julie's hair and what we'll do then is we'll come back on once we've done one half of it with a style stick the reason being
05:14 that with the hair dryer, it's quite loud and
05:18 I don't want to sort of struggle for you to hear me at home
05:22 I'll go through the blow-drying techniques again, but also doing two nights of this and
05:28 Teaching and talking all day in the salon. It takes its toll on your voice. So
05:32 So I can save my voice for tomorrow. Most of my guests will love it if I can't talk but
05:37 the plan is that with with everything we can then sort of
05:42 showcase at the very end what we're doing with
05:46 The cut when you see it then dried and styled
05:52 Okay, so we've now got both sides
05:54 Let's just dump everything down again, I'm going to come into the layering process. So as I said earlier on
06:02 The important part of this is to make sure that the layers work on the hair
06:08 So the important part is layering is very important because obviously with this layering we want to be able to make Julie's hair look
06:19 thicker
06:21 And also we need to think about what we're going to do
06:23 So we're going to use a square layer to the parietal ridge
06:26 Then we use a rounded layer here and then at this point we'll spin round and we'll do another
06:30 rounded layer coming through to the sides which will hopefully give us then a nice full effect on the top a
06:36 Really full effect on the side here and going into the bottom will give us that heart shape rather than an a-line dress
06:41 We'll then also pull the layers back slightly which will then create more of a point towards the front which you'll see in a moment
06:48 Before that, I'm just going to put some lift in the back and just drop in a nice
06:52 Layout just through the back section. So let's just go back into working from the apex
06:57 to the mastoid process, which most of you at home are probably thinking that now because you've
07:02 watched it and
07:04 Sort of worked it out. So I'm just going to come through this now
07:07 Just change the position of the chair
07:10 Just to keep the camera on
07:13 And dad can film from that side
07:17 It's a nice thing as the chairs move
07:19 So again thinking about a rounded layout all of it. We need to think about this rounded layer works
07:25 We want to be able to keep the tension on as it starts to fall away. That's the length
07:29 That needs to be really really tight. So there's no tension
07:33 So there's no slack on that the tension needs to be on it and no drag so second knuckle off it comes
07:40 Then moving round into segments of like an orange. I'll then take one step round again keeping the section clean
07:48 Not pulling it back into the middle
07:51 If you look at my arm a second dad what I'm doing with it so you can just see the mechanics are
07:57 Actually working on this so it's able to
08:00 Pull the section into the right section for the hair. So now we're moving around again. Just thinking about I'm standing really straight
08:07 I'm not straining my back or well-being is correct. And then again, I'll come back into just making sure that's correct
08:14 So the second knuckle as we all know as hairdressers, there's a lot to think about
08:17 Just to make sure you stand in the right position
08:20 Okay, the arms coming up again
08:23 Just coming through taking that off now and then that then allows us to bring that layer in so now we've got that layer coming around
08:30 That then just allows that to bend right? So it's just turn around this way
08:36 You just come around to the side. Hello. That's it. So again
08:40 standing in this position
08:44 Again, look at the arm
08:46 the arm
08:47 It's gonna feel quite awkward for a lot of people
08:50 But I tend to do it this way because I can then face the guest as I'm talking and say to them
08:55 You're on holiday this year
08:58 I don't ever ask that question. That's something I don't ever ask
09:01 Some of the guests that are there now will be thinking to themselves. I never ask if you're going on holiday
09:06 It's so typical cliche. No, I normally just ask whatever I want to ask but tonight I've got no script. I'll just talk without script
09:12 So the nice thing is you can face towards the guest as opposed to facing backwards which some people tend to face backwards when they do
09:20 This part so it's just nice just to face so just try try this if you never tried before it's quite nice
09:25 It's a different technique and you can maintain that conversation through the mirror at the same time. So now we're coming through
09:31 Creating that rounded layer
09:35 And then we work towards the layer at the front which I'll just go through in a second just to explain
09:40 To you what we're doing
09:42 Okay. So now that's the shape
09:45 coming through
09:47 What we do now is we're working a quadrant which is looking at the top as a cross
09:51 That creates this corner which is a quadrant
09:56 Thinking about the rounded layer I did earlier
09:59 I'm now just going to just lift that up and see if there's anything needs to come off which there isn't hardly anything
10:04 But because I'm quite OCD when I cut hair, I like to just make sure that everything's right
10:09 So let's just lift this up again here again thinking about the layer where we are
10:15 And just taking that tiniest bit off
10:17 So now we've got the layers in the back which will nicely plump that cut up and give it the fullness, right
10:24 So let's just have a quick talk about what's going on the side here. So we talked about the layers
10:30 On the top rounded layer and the square layer and the even more acute round layer at the bottom
10:35 each section we're going to take will bring back to this section, so
10:41 For instance in section one, we'll go straight up section two will come back to section one and so on
10:47 Till we get to the front which will come back to this section here
10:51 Which is the mastoid process which will then create the points at the front. That's how it's going to work
10:55 When you get through to this side
10:58 Again, the thumb always leads which is very important
11:01 So you'll take a step to the side spin your hand over and then the thumb leads in order to get that third layer
11:07 So you'll go one to the parietal ridge two and then take a step
11:11 Three which will then create that nice shape, which I'm now going to do for you
11:16 So looking at the reference point on the head, which we talked about earlier. We've got
11:22 the square layer which goes to the
11:27 Parietal Ridge, so now just lifting it up
11:29 keeping the arm really level and
11:32 Then literally keeping the tension on and taking it off now
11:36 This idea here is to make the hair look as thick as we can
11:40 So now just pulling it out and pulling it around we're using club cutting
11:44 Which is a solid line and we're not using anything else
11:47 No texture or anything and then as we come through this side, I'll take a step to the left and then literally
11:52 What I do then is
11:54 Pull the section out now. I'll just explain to you how this works for those of you never seen it
11:59 That's the length that's dropping which we don't want to take off. This is the length we cut earlier
12:04 So we just take that off which is like a triangle of weight
12:06 What I do now is as I comb that round
12:09 Give it a little tap it then just goes round and drops in nicely and that will then
12:14 Release the weight to give it the body on the top
12:16 pretty smart I
12:19 So now we go to section two
12:22 Which is a replication of section one. However, we bring that back to section one
12:27 So looking for the guide again, keeping the arm really straight and then just taking it off
12:32 Now again, it's coming through to the side passing over the parietal Ridge
12:36 Frost is watching tonight. He loves the parietal Ridge and then again
12:41 Just taking that off
12:43 But again, you're on the second knuckle because that's the discipline if you go past the second knuckle
12:47 It doesn't allow you to get this excess piece of hair. You've got here. So take a step to the left
12:52 Now you should be able to see this as clear as daylight
12:54 You've got the length the length and that's how you take that off there
12:57 If you were to try to do it with your hands
13:01 What happened is you do this if you feel my body now that you can really see I'm really bending the self right over literally
13:09 So it's not good. So you have to think your well-being by standing up straight
13:13 Like I'm going to dance in the ballet. It's just easier. So you have to think about your well-being. So here we go next piece
13:21 So we replicate everything the same now and bring it all back to section one
13:27 So it's just above the apex
13:29 Taking that off and then just bringing it through
13:34 Again just watching the arms
13:38 Taking a step to the left. But again, you've got to remember to pull this back
13:42 So again, if you pull it out one do anything so you got to pull this back
13:45 Slightly and take that off
13:48 That then gives you the point as it starts to fall
13:51 This is a great technique to do and I'm sure that you will have many of our hours of enjoyment doing it as you create
13:59 the look
14:00 So now it's coming on to the top
14:02 As we come back again, just making sure we've got everything on there
14:07 And to the parietal
14:11 But again making sure you pull it back because
14:15 Trusting off earlier on you've got to pull that by but making sure you keep the length. So we now just come back
14:21 Again, everything should be just in corner with the back of the blade and literally on the mastoid process
14:27 That you then just giving it a comb round little tap. You can see where you're going with the shape. Let's just dump it down again
14:33 we're starting to try out and
14:36 Water is better. It just produces a better look and you can keep the line very clean and sharp
14:45 Okay, so
14:47 Now on the last section
14:52 So again pull that back
14:56 To the parietal ridge
15:01 Everything comes right back now to the top of the mastoid process and the apex literally just bring this round
15:13 Angled again thinking about the hand and then let you take a step to the left
15:17 Got to take that step if you don't tell that step you don't get this
15:21 It's like I said earlier on about the clock if you don't follow the clock, you don't get the look
15:25 So you'll think about how you hold in the sections all these reference points are really important when you do the haircut
15:31 all this should be going through your head when you're working on the guest and
15:35 People will be saying things like I never talked like this when he's doing my hair
15:39 Why you can't really talk like it because if you started talking like it customers would never understand a word you're saying
15:45 no deal
15:47 But in your head
15:49 You're saying it
15:51 But when you're doing glasses, okay, please turn around and say in your head. Okay, this is working on me
15:57 Well, you'd use the must or process anyway
15:59 So prior to
16:08 So you have to draw things out quite nicely taking a clue from next door on the other side and then literally just joining it
16:14 up
16:15 Okay again, it's rounding it off
16:17 And again taking that so now you take a step to the right
16:23 And the hand this time if we just come around the camera dad
16:26 You can see that's the length there as it's dropping
16:29 This is the length that we've just taken off the thumb is leading this way, which is really important
16:35 I emphasize this a lot when I'm doing hair cutting I'll talk about which way the thumbs leading which is really important
16:41 I know a lot of people pick up on that because it's really important that is so
16:45 Think about those things
16:48 Just really important. So they're just guidelines, right? So now this comes back again
16:52 Take it off
16:56 And again, as I say when this is blow-dried later, you'll see Julie's hair when it's all blow-dry now
17:01 It will look really really thicker and it will have a nice curve in it when we come back after you've
17:07 Had your dinner?
17:09 Doing your washing up?
17:11 And maybe caught up on a little bit of Coronation Street and put the children to bed
17:16 So just a few more minutes
17:19 Then we'll disappear
17:21 Then we'll come back on again
17:24 with the finish and the
17:26 personalization and finale
17:29 So for Nikki Gowell if she's watching this tonight
17:32 Karen Booth, this is all very similar layering to what we put through your hair and Helen Baylor
17:39 Just quite nice to be able to sort of see it being done on somebody else's hair
17:44 again
17:47 When you're watching it, it's completely different on playback. Julie will probably watch this and think to herself
17:52 Oh is that how he did it? I can't see a thing what he's doing
17:57 We've had to go this way so I can keep the feed going otherwise sadly the feed won't work
18:02 The other night was disastrous because we were trying desperately to keep the feed going and it was challenging
18:08 So tonight it's just a lot better because it seems to want to play ball which is nice on a brand new router
18:14 So we go
18:17 Come through this part and then the last part
18:19 What we'll do now is bring it back
18:25 Put the fringe in later, we'll cut all that when it's dry
18:28 And then we'll come back on there so what we'll do is I'll actually prepare the hair in a second
18:37 With the product just so everybody can see it
18:40 Before we start so you got a real nice turn in there now
18:44 So what we'll do now is we'll prepare the hair
18:55 To blow-dry. This is what we're going to blow-dry the hair with
18:57 Filthy muck styling paste which most people would think this is actually being a product
19:03 On men's hair, but it's humidity resistant, which is a really good thing
19:09 You don't really need an awful lot of product enough to cover both hands and literally this is how we're going to do it
19:15 We're actually going to apply this product. There'll be no tricks whatsoever
19:17 The only thing we've used on here so far is the muck
19:22 Blonding shampoo just literally just to bring that color up a little bit more, which is a blue shampoo
19:28 We put that on earlier on on Julie's hair just to really just sort of
19:31 Pre-prepare it and obviously we put some fat muck volumizing
19:36 Blowout mousse in there also, but really this is the only product we're going to use so we're going to disappear now
19:43 And say goodbye and then when we come back later
19:47 When we come back later, we will literally then have done the blow-dry
19:52 We'll then go into doing the straightening on one side with the muck muck style stick and then when you return
19:58 Hopefully if you come back and see us later
19:59 We'll do the other side with the muck style stick and you'll see how that works with the ion
20:03 Lights that are on there which put the condition into the hair
20:06 You see how shiny the hair looks and then we'll then come to the personalization which will do the fringe
20:10 We'll use my curved scissors
20:12 We'll then clean all the back out and then also come into the finish off to make it look even bigger
20:18 Okay, so don't go away. Enjoy your dinner and you're putting your children to bed. We'll see you soon. Ciao
