Ted Cruzs Past Comes Back To Haunt Him
00:00 >> This morning, the humanitarian crisis in Texas is accelerating. Millions still without
00:05 power or water. Hospitals around the state pushed to their brink and the death toll is
00:09 rising. >> Senator Ted Cruz made time for a family
00:12 vacation in the middle of our state's historic winter storm.
00:16 >> The images were everywhere today showing the Texas senator with his family boarding
00:20 that flight to Mexico. >> This is inexcusable and Texas should be
00:24 outraged.
00:25 >> Okay, well, that is an ad from the Luz Cruz pack and I'm sure they feel like that's
00:35 a really good attack against Ted Cruz. But the issue is the heat wave that he was running
00:40 from was like a year ago.
00:43 Clearly Texas is never gonna experience a heat wave like that again. So it's hardly
00:47 gonna be a topical thing. Of course, Texas is baking right now with once again a lethal
00:53 heat wave. And so being reminded that their senator just fled to go have fun, drink a
01:00 pina colada, relax in the ocean, that might hurt him.
01:05 Now we're gonna remind you of a few other elements of that in a second.
01:07 >> I just wanna correct one thing real quick, John.
01:09 >> Jump in. >> He actually fled during the polar vortex.
01:11 So we were freezing in Texas and that's when he fled to Mexico.
01:14 >> Sorry, I apologize. I have to remember that you guys are either in one of those two
01:18 states at any particular time. >> Yeah, yeah, it's fine.
01:21 February 2021, winter storm is what he was fleeing then. Soon, I'm sure he'll be fleeing
01:28 the heat as well. So look, the general issue is that Texas is not prepared for extremes
01:34 of weather. Whether they come in the form of winter storms or they come in the form
01:38 of heat waves, people die.
01:40 And they will continue to die if that's what brings corporate profits. And since it does,
01:46 and that's who pays politicians like Ted Cruz, he's not gonna do anything. And the fact that
01:51 he fled, that he went to Cancun or whatever, that's kinda like the spit in the eye.
01:57 But what he doesn't do, which is push for any sort of regulation, any change, any evolution
02:03 to the way Texas manages its power grid, or helps those who are potentially vulnerable
02:09 in times of heat or cold, that's the big issue. And that's why, it's a good ad visually. It
02:16 makes him look callous and it makes him look like a joke and everything.
02:19 But it's a reminder of an incredibly serious ongoing problem.
02:23 >> I will say, first of all, I feel like every time I come on one of these shows, you guys
02:27 try to trigger me with footage of Ted Cruz, so thank you for that. But I will say there
02:33 is some level of brilliance to the ad.
02:36 Because if you talk to a lot of people who don't like Ted Cruz, that comes up. They call
02:41 him, what do they call him, Fled Cruz or something, right?
02:44 >> Yeah, or Cancun Cruz. >> He fled, right? It was emotionally, a
02:49 little bit offensive to Texans that he did that. Of course, there's a bigger issue as
02:53 to our whole power grid and how the oil and gas industry won't really let us fix it.
02:59 And how our governor is blaming all of the issues with our power grid on the windmills
03:03 of all things. So there's actual issues that need to be discussed. But I think that thing
03:09 about Ted Cruz fleeing to Cancun, it really does hit at the emotions of a lot of Texans.
03:14 That was, I don't think that I'm overselling it to say that it was like a traumatic event
03:19 for a lot of people living in the state at the time. And I think people outside of Texas,
03:23 outside of Texas, really don't understand what it was like going through something like
03:27 that.
03:28 We are not equipped for cold weather. We're not prepared for it. We don't have the resources
03:31 to deal with it. But something like what happened in February 2021 still should not have happened,
03:38 right? We still should have been able to keep our heat on inside of our homes. And our government
03:43 didn't really do a whole lot about it during or after the fact.
03:47 And two years later, they still haven't really done a whole lot to fix the power grid. So
03:51 it is an ongoing issue. It does need to be talked about. But the emotions are still,
03:56 I think, more fresh than I would even expect them to be. So that's a good thing.
04:01 >> Yeah, and look, I understand it on a primal level. When you think about most politicians,
04:07 most politicians obviously are terrible and do nothing. But what's the one thing they
04:12 know they're supposed to do? When there's a disaster, you go there. You go there and
04:19 you probably do nothing.
04:21 You probably accomplish nothing. You walk through a flooded street or you stand on the
04:25 beach when there's a hurricane. It doesn't necessarily accomplish much, but it at least
04:29 tells the community that you're in it with them, that you feel their pain or at least
04:34 are close to their pain.
04:35 >> Yeah, no, Ted couldn't even be bothered to do that much. He wouldn't do that. But
04:40 he did do stuff, was Beto O'Rourke, who at the time was, I don't even think he held a
04:44 public position at that point. And AOC came down here, she did more stuff than Ted Cruz
04:49 did. And then Ted Cruz went to Florida and he made fun of all the Texans who were freezing.
04:54 So he's just the worst. And his dog's name is Snowflake and he left the dog at home.
04:59 My God, what a disaster.
05:02 >> That's another one of those primal things that'll hit people. Now, that said, we're
05:05 pointing out why I think a lot of people have a problem with this. If you don't recall,
05:09 we did have a reason for going to Cancun. Take a look.
05:13 >> Well, Texas is going through horrific storms and millions of Texans have lost power and
05:20 lost teeth and have been hurt. And our family was among them. We had no heat and no power.
05:29 And yesterday my daughters asked if they could take a trip with some friends. And Heidi and
05:34 I agreed, so I flew down with them last night. Dropped them off here and now I'm headed
05:40 back to Texas.
05:41 >> Yeah, I don't know that that necessarily helps. I mean, he acknowledged the storms
05:47 are bad, which is true, that's good. That means that at least while he was in Cancun,
05:52 he googled what was going on, so that's nice.
05:55 But a reminder that what you fled was horrendous is also not great for you. Cuz again, you
05:59 fled it and you can't change that. And then to try to throw your family under the winter
06:06 storm or whatever. I don't think a lot of people are gonna love that too. All of this
06:11 is just, it is like the perfect encapsulation of the issue people have with slimy politicians
06:17 who don't give a damn what happens to their constituents.
06:20 >> Yeah, and he lied and he tried to blame it on his daughters, which is really, really
06:24 low. And then the best part of this whole saga, John, was that we actually got leaked
06:29 text messages from his wife's friend group. So somebody in his wife's friend group is
06:35 the one who leaked this to the media, which is my favorite part of this whole story.
06:39 And they were the ones planning the trip, they wanted to go and then he had the audacity
06:43 to blame it on his daughters. He sucks, he's the worst.
06:48 >> Yeah, I can only imagine after all of this what other messages were going around in his
06:52 wife's friend's group message. Probably not positive stuff for him. In any event, reminder,
06:58 if you live in Texas and you're disgusted by what you just saw, you don't have to see
07:03 it for that much longer.
07:04 You can boot his butt out of the seat.