The Five Trump speaks after pleading not guilty
00:00 Hello everyone, I'm Dana Perino along with Shannon Bream, Harold Ford Jr., Jesse Watters,
00:04 and Greg Gutfeld.
00:05 It's 5 o'clock in New York City.
00:06 This is The Five.
00:14 Right now, former President Donald Trump arriving at the airport in DC after his third criminal
00:19 arraignment.
00:20 Trump pleading not guilty to four charges over allegations he tried to overturn the
00:24 2020 election.
00:25 The former president is denying any wrongdoing and accusing special counsel Jack Smith of
00:30 engaging in quote election interference.
00:32 The spokesperson for Trump's legal team sounding off outside the courthouse earlier.
00:37 This is election interference at its finest against the leading candidate right now for
00:43 president, for either party.
00:47 President Trump is under siege in a way that we have never seen before.
00:51 People are afraid of somebody that cannot be bought by Washington.
00:55 People are afraid of somebody who is independently wealthy and who has given up his good life
01:01 to fight for this country.
01:02 And that frightens a lot of politicians who are career politicians, unfortunately.
01:06 We have seen them try and tie up, and me as an attorney, I've never seen this, tie up
01:10 one individual who's a campaign, who's running a campaign in a campaign, running for office
01:14 for president so that he is in court, in depositions, and distracted so that he won't properly run
01:20 for 2024.
01:21 And frankly, it's not going to work.
01:23 Trump has left Washington, D.C.
01:25 That's him there pulling up to the plane so that he can go back to Bedminster, New Jersey.
01:31 And Shannon Bream is with us, thankfully, chief legal correspondent and of course, Fox
01:36 News Sunday host.
01:37 So what was that bottom line today?
01:39 There was no gag order put on the president?
01:42 Not that I've heard of from this hearing today.
01:44 And that would be really tenuous.
01:46 I've asked his legal team about this before.
01:48 What happens if you get a gag order?
01:50 You and I have talked about it.
01:51 I was just with Neil last hour, the fact that every one of his rallies, his speeches is
01:55 built around this idea that Washington, the establishment, the quote, deep state is coming
01:59 after him.
02:00 He is what stands between the voters and those guys.
02:02 And so it's unimaginable that a judge would tell him, you got a gag order.
02:07 You can't talk about any of these cases because that is at the crux of every speech he gives.
02:11 There would be a knockdown, drag out legal fight with plenty of appeals if that happens.
02:15 But the judge's purview is to set the parameters of exactly how this works.
02:21 It looks like we are in hot pursuit of seeing.
02:23 Yes, you have the reporters racing to try to get over to where the president has just
02:27 gotten out of the vehicle.
02:28 Let's see here.
02:29 I just see some shoes.
02:31 But this was this is called the pool.
02:35 This is the press pool, Jesse, that they are there because, you know, as I've said on on
02:40 New York, a bit of show, as somebody else pointed out to me, I just feel like the Justice
02:43 Department has not won these new cycles the past three days.
02:46 They might have won it necessarily like on other networks.
02:50 But in the court of public opinion, I don't think this case landed the way they thought
02:54 it would.
02:55 None of them have.
02:56 And so usually he doesn't speak at the tarmac.
03:00 Last time he went back to Bedminster and spoke.
03:04 So though now it looks like it's drizzling.
03:07 So I'm not sure he's going to like those optics.
03:09 But I think the country would like to hear from him because there's been a significant
03:13 buildup here.
03:15 This buildup has been a little different than the Bragg in even the Mar-a-Lago case.
03:20 This January 6th case seems a little bit more dark and we expect hopefully to hear from
03:27 him.
03:28 I'd like to hear from him.
03:29 But everything that has come out so far has landed with a dud.
03:34 And the timing of all of these legal actions has really benefited him.
03:38 He was laying low and then all of a sudden they bust into Mar-a-Lago and the whole country
03:44 woke up and thought, oh my God, this is serious.
03:48 And no one likes that.
03:50 And then the Republicans win the House and then they get subpoena power and start finding
03:54 out all these scandalous things about the Biden family.
03:57 And then what do you know?
03:58 The Bragg indictment comes down.
04:00 Everyone can't wait to see it.
04:01 You look at the indictment and it's a pile of garbage.
04:05 Jesse, I think the president is going to make a statement.
04:07 Okay, let's listen.
04:08 Well, thank you very much.
04:09 This is a very sad day for America.
04:10 And it was also very sad driving through Washington, D.C. and seeing the filth and the decay and
04:11 all of the broken buildings and walls and the graffiti.
04:12 This is not the place that I left.
04:13 It's a very sad thing to see it.
04:14 When you look at what's happening, this is a persecution of a political opponent.
04:15 This was not a political opponent.
04:16 This was not a political opponent.
04:17 This was a political opponent.
04:18 And the fact that the president is going to be in the White House, I think it's a very
04:19 sad thing to see.
04:20 I think it's a very sad thing to see.
04:21 I think it's a very sad thing to see.
04:22 I think it's a very sad thing to see.
04:23 I think it's a very sad thing to see.
04:24 I think it's a very sad thing to see.
04:50 So if you can't beat him, you persecute him or you prosecute him.
04:53 We can't let this happen in America.
04:55 Thank you very much.
04:56 Do you want these trials to happen before the 2024 election?
04:59 All right.
05:00 There you have the statement.
05:01 Basically, sad day.
05:02 He made a point of pointing out how filthy Washington, D.C. is and the empty buildings.
05:05 He's not wrong there, of course.
05:07 He says it is a political persecution of the person who is running against Joe Biden, that
05:11 this should never happen in America.
05:14 And yet, Jesse, I'll let you finish your thought here because it is.
05:17 He's chuckling at the graphic description of the venue, have it be filthy.
05:22 And he didn't leave it that way.
05:24 But he seemed loose to me.
05:25 He seemed calm, steady, loose.
05:29 You know, this is his third indictment.
05:30 I would have probably been wetting myself.
05:33 But again, this is now something after the raid.
05:36 And then after you find about Joe Biden and then you looked at the Alvin Bragg indictment
05:43 and everybody was scratching their head like this doesn't even make any legal sense.
05:47 And so that happens.
05:49 And then by this January 6th indictment, we're kind of tired of it.
05:54 And all of them on the media, they say, oh, my God, this is the biggest.
05:58 This is airtight.
06:00 And then you look at it and everybody says, ho-hum.
06:04 But the drama unfolding on the screen really benefits this guy.
06:08 They follow him around like it's like the Bronco chase.
06:12 You got cameras in the in the pursuing him.
06:16 Cameras are tripping over themselves on wet tarmacs.
06:20 And Biden's on vacation.
06:21 He's passed out at the beach.
06:23 I'm not sure they're winning the media war.
06:26 I guess we'll have to see what happens in the courtroom.
06:28 Greg Gutfeld, you have been watching all day.
06:31 Not really.
06:32 I've been pretty much hanging around.
06:34 I didn't.
06:35 You know, I never hear the Gutfeld rule that the value of something gets smaller with each
06:40 iteration.
06:41 And I think that's what you're seeing with with these indictments as well as what happened
06:45 with impeachments, is that they just get smaller and smaller and smaller.
06:49 The value becomes less because they're more mundane.
06:52 Obviously, here they just go too far.
06:55 They go too far.
06:56 They're going to do it again and they're going to do it again.
06:57 And he's right.
06:58 And Jesse's right.
06:59 There is a pattern of indictment.
07:00 It always follows something else.
07:02 If I was Trump's lawyer, it's so easy to just say if it's a crime to say that I've been
07:09 cheated out loud, then we better start building a whole bunch of supermax prisons with an
07:15 exclusive wing for Obama, Hillary, John Kerry, Stacey Abrams.
07:20 Throw in some professional baseball players, some high school coaches, high stake poker
07:25 players.
07:26 Throw me there.
07:27 OK, because I sold I sold the most books this week in America.
07:32 And The New York Times put me at number six.
07:35 They cheated.
07:36 Well, they cheated.
07:37 Lock me up.
07:38 Go for it.
07:39 I dare you to.
07:40 But the point is, is it irrational to think that an election can be unfair?
07:46 I think it's a bit rich when you see things that have been happening for the last four
07:51 years, whether it is Russian collusion or it's how they hid the laptop, the 52 experts.
07:58 There's there's a lot of weird stuff going on.
08:01 And I think real world experience teaches you that things, everything, every institution
08:06 can be corrupted, can be exploited.
08:08 The Biden family has showed us that clearly that, you know, politics, everything, finance.
08:14 You know, I think what bothers me is the media spent decades saying how every system is rigged,
08:20 right?
08:21 The justice system, housing, finance, the defense industry, the cops, everything is
08:26 broken.
08:28 Everything is broken.
08:29 Correct the elections when we win.
08:31 Right.
08:32 Then it's pristine.
08:33 It's impervious to cheating.
08:34 You know, we would we don't know if the election by and large with 50 states was corrupted
08:38 or whatnot.
08:39 It's unprovable, but it's it can't be proven either way.
08:44 So I don't understand how you can actually prove this or read his mind when it comes
08:48 to something like this.
08:49 Twistful thinking.
08:50 Harold Ford, Jr., people have missed your voice.
08:53 You are back here around the table and it's so good to have you here.
08:57 What do you think the Democrats are thinking today?
08:59 I don't know.
09:00 It's good to be back, though.
09:01 And I listened to President Trump.
09:02 He has an amazing calmness about him.
09:05 Probably he's experienced some of these things.
09:08 It's facing a lot of turmoil and a lot of difficulty as presidents are.
09:13 He's innocent to proven guilty.
09:14 One of the more, I think, refreshing things to hear Jack Smith say in his presentation
09:18 and the recitation of what he's doing a day or two ago was that the president is innocent
09:23 and they have to prove the case to.
09:26 I lost a race for the US Senate about 17 years ago and it was a close race.
09:32 There were those people, some in my state and some of my campaign who actually thought
09:35 we won.
09:36 Now, I could have gone around telling people that we won and that I'd been robbed of the
09:39 race, which would be fine and that would be protected speech.
09:43 But if I picked up the phone and called three Democratic election officials in counties
09:46 that I had won and said, look, find me twenty five thousand votes.
09:49 I think that's what's at stake here.
09:51 And I don't know all the facts.
09:53 I was learned today as I listened to Andy McCarthy, who I think is as good as anybody
09:56 on any network.
09:57 I only watch Fox, but as good as anybody on any network analyzing this legally.
10:02 Note that Shannon's great.
10:03 Our whole team is great, but I think his experience in the Justice Department is fantastic.
10:08 He has even indicated that that it may be that Jack Smith has more than we know at the
10:13 moment.
10:14 Greg, I'd say one thing about the elections.
10:17 I agree with you on so many things, but on election integrity, remember, 60 judges or
10:22 60 courts rejected President Trump's campaign.
10:26 Your point is we cannot know if everything is done correctly.
10:28 And I would agree with that.
10:29 You look at it.
10:30 Right.
10:31 Well, none of those guys looked at it.
10:32 That's not true.
10:33 That's not true.
10:34 Some of those courts, some of those courts did.
10:35 And it's it's so unfortunate, I think tragic that we oftentimes preface whenever we talk
10:40 about courts with that was a judge that was appointed by this person or that person.
10:44 Remember, judges, like anybody in elected office, take an oath of office and central
10:48 to that oath, fundamental to that oath is uphold the Constitution.
10:51 So I believe that any judge, be they appointed by George W. H. W. Obama, Trump, whomever,
10:57 they may Clinton, whomever, that they're going to try that they're going to uphold the law.
11:01 Finally, in this case, remember, whether we like or agree with Attorney General Barr,
11:07 that was his attorney general.
11:08 He believes that President Trump knew these things.
11:11 Vice President Pence believes when I say these things, he believes that President Trump knew
11:16 that he had lost this race and that he was acting with some intentionality.
11:20 These are things that they're saying.
11:21 And I would imagine that these people likely are going to be called by Jack Smith during
11:26 the course of this case.
11:28 One thing I do agree wholeheartedly with what President Trump said as he got on the plane
11:31 there was that this is a tough day and a terrible day for the country.
11:35 And I hope that they're able to get to a trial as soon as it is suitable for both sides,
11:39 Jesse, for the president to be prepared.
11:41 And it seems as if the government is prepared.
11:43 And I hope that they're able to go through this in a way that that delivers justice for
11:47 the country and for those involved.
11:49 Yeah, since Harold just attacked me like I've never seen in my life, I would like to respond
11:57 to him.
11:58 OK, OK.
11:59 I think you can question the judges in the jury because I don't think this is normal.
12:03 I don't think this case is normal.
12:04 This isn't like a fender bender between a paparazzi and Wayne Newton.
12:08 I mean, this is the president of the United States that was portrayed as Hitler in the
12:12 media.
12:13 So, you know, the entire jury pool and the judges are poisoned.
12:16 I mean, how can like if you're a judge or you're a jury and you've been for five years
12:21 and I said this on the five, I think two years ago, I said, if we're if everybody's saying
12:25 that this guy's Hitler, there's got to be something wrong with you if you don't rig
12:29 the election.
12:30 There's got to be something wrong with you if you aren't biased, if you're on a jury
12:34 and Hitler's there, of course, you don't care if he's innocent of this particular thing
12:38 that do Taylor.
12:39 You got to get rid of him.
12:40 And I think that, you know, for five years, this guy has been Hitler.
12:44 There's no way that you can get around that.
12:47 I think up to your other point, you can know that you lost an election, but still think
12:51 it was crooked.
12:52 But if you act to try to undo the election, that's all I'm saying.
12:55 If I call people and say, let's find some more votes here because I know we've won.
12:58 And if you get that's the only point I was.
13:00 Let's ask our legal eagle.
13:01 OK, again, she's here.
13:02 There were a lot of cases that were never heard on the merits.
13:05 I mean, they were tossed on early motions, other technicalities.
13:08 So a lot of these cases didn't get to the marriage.
13:10 Some of them did.
13:12 But I think that the president's legal team, meaning President Trump, felt like a lot of
13:15 these things were unresolved.
13:16 Their efforts to get things done at the Supreme Court.
13:18 Yeah, I got to get at least four justices to vote to hear a case there.
13:21 They didn't do it.
13:22 So they feel like there were a lot of, you know, angles and lanes that were left to them.
13:27 But I think it's interesting that it seems that Democrats are getting more and more concerned
13:30 about what they've pushed for, which I think is to make Trump the nominee because they
13:34 think he's going to be the easiest one to beat.
13:36 Now when they see him surging and him joking on social media about I just need that fourth
13:40 indictment, it's going to ensure my reelection.
13:42 They're getting nervous in playbook.
13:43 I think it was today.
13:45 There was a private lunch with President Obama and President Biden that was leaked where
13:49 he warned him, like, you've got to take Trump seriously.
13:52 Why was that leaked?
13:53 Why was that private lunch?
13:54 And who leaked that to playbook?
13:55 I think that the left is getting seriously worried about they've created this monster,
14:00 meaning they want multiple indictments.
14:01 They want them tied up in all the I imagine that the leaker is somebody from Obama's team.
14:05 Yeah, it wants to make it clear that Obama's warning.
14:07 We're taking this seriously.
14:08 Can I ask you one thing, though, about this question?
14:10 I agree.
14:11 Trump is a more serious candidate.
14:12 For Jack Smith, wouldn't he have put all that he had into this indictment with the
14:18 court of public opinion being like this unprecedented?
14:21 Would he actually hold back all of these other like supposedly great nuggets and evidence
14:26 it's to then present at trial?
14:28 He would hold it back.
14:29 It's possible that not everything is in the indictment.
14:31 That's that's clear.
14:32 It could be hundreds of pages long then.
14:33 But think about former Attorney General Bill Barr in an interview last night said he is
14:37 convinced that there is a lot more that Jack Smith has that he hasn't put out there.
14:41 Remember when former Vice President Pence was forced to testify to one of these grand
14:45 juries, we saw the transcript.
14:46 There were 18 consecutive pages at one point blacked out.
14:49 So there are a lot of questions about what else did Pence have to say?
14:52 What else don't we know that's been held behind closed doors and for the grand jury to this
14:55 point?
14:56 And again, would you present to a grand jury and how you do this at trial?
14:59 Very different.
15:00 There's no one defending the defendant at the grand jury hearing.
15:02 So when you get to trial, we'll we'll see a lot more.
15:05 Do you guys want to see some Democrats losing their minds?
15:08 Sure.
15:09 We have here.
15:10 I love America.
15:11 Think about Sonny if he makes a deal with Smith without jail time and without you.
15:17 He says, look, I'm going away.
15:18 I'm moving to Saudi Arabia.
15:20 I just want him to go away and stop ruining my country.
15:23 There are prosecutors that would offer him a plea agreement without time if he would
15:28 agree to never run for public office again.
15:31 Anywhere democracy itself is really at issue in this trial.
15:35 If Trump could get away with what he's done, what he's charged with here, then we don't
15:41 have the democracy we believe we had.
15:43 To me, this is really going to be about whether people in this country care about the facts
15:50 and the law.
15:51 It would be the end of our democracy if Donald Trump was able to get back into office.
15:56 Missy Waters, that was just a sampling of the reaction.
16:00 They said that after the midterms.
16:01 Remember democracy was supposed to be over if the Republicans won the House.
16:05 So we don't have one technically right now.
16:07 If you listen to them, the view does not seem confident that Jack Smith's going to be able
16:11 to bring this home if they're fantasizing about some sort of ridiculous plea where he
16:15 goes and lives in Greece.
16:17 It just seems like Trump's traveled more to arraignments than Biden's traveled to swing
16:22 states.
16:23 He's been zigzagging all over the East Coast and Biden's been asleep or at least like in
16:28 Delaware reading a book.
16:30 It doesn't look good for Joe Biden right now.
16:33 I'm starting to agree with Greg.
16:35 I hate to say that.
16:37 Signs are pointing that he might not be the nominee.
16:40 And I want to bring up what you said about Barr.
16:43 Some really smart lawyer earlier on Fox said that if they're going to bring in Barr as
16:48 a witness, they get to cross Barr and say, OK, well, you told Trump there was no election
16:53 fraud.
16:54 What did you do to investigate it?
16:55 How many man hours did you spend?
16:56 How much money did you spend?
16:57 Where did you go?
16:58 What did those lieutenants tell you?
17:00 I mean, you can't say everything's fine.
17:03 It was like two weeks.
17:04 He checked for fraud.
17:06 OK, everybody has the right to be suspicious in this country.
17:09 If you have a covid election where they blow out all of the signature requirements, they
17:14 blow out all of the deadlines and then they blast out all these unsolicited ballots into
17:18 the ecosystem with no chain of custody.
17:22 You're not suspicious.
17:23 You have a right to be suspicious.
17:25 And all these state legislators had no power to do anything about it.
17:28 It was just done via judicial fiat.
17:31 And then Zuckerberg lands, I think it was a half a billion layers over all of these
17:36 election volunteers all over the state worker act.
17:40 These people were activists that were running this thing.
17:43 So if someone sends you an affidavit, it says there's monkey business in Detroit.
17:47 The president has every legal right to call the Michigan state legislature and say, can
17:53 you guys look into this?
17:54 Do you want to send an alternative slate of electors for me?
17:57 And by the way, it's not a big deal to send an alternative slate of electors.
18:01 You know what they did when like what a half dozen alternate electors came in?
18:06 They had the real ones.
18:08 Then they got the alter alternative ones and then they just threw the other ones in the
18:12 trash.
18:13 That's it.
18:14 It didn't it didn't mean anything.
18:15 It's just an alternative elector.
18:16 That's it.
18:17 But Jesse, no, no, no president has ever done that before.
18:20 Well, they did it in Hawaii turned in 1960.
18:23 They had an alternative slate.
18:24 It's fine.
18:25 It's been done before.
18:26 And the other thing is like, why can't you just ask Mike Pence to do that?
18:30 Did you know an election from 1960 in Hawaii?
18:34 Jesse waters.
18:35 Take off that mask.
18:36 How long has that been a state?
18:39 I'm researching too much.
18:41 President Trump's as you can see the plane, they're lining up on the tarmac and he is
18:44 about to depart back to New Jersey.
18:46 Can I make a point?
18:47 I hate to do this because I go into the view for political insight is like going to McDonald's
18:50 for tofu.
18:51 But they said something that was true and that is it's not about an election or a crime.
18:58 It's about taking them off the board.
19:00 It's like they just want him to go away.
19:01 They just want to go away.
19:02 And it's like they're playing a team in which he's the best player that they got.
19:07 Sorry, Republicans.
19:08 But where's the where are the others?
19:10 And so they just want to take them off.
19:12 So they just actually told the truth that they're willing to do anything to get rid
19:15 of them because they can't play fair.
19:17 I agree with you.
19:18 And that's you can't do that.
19:20 As an American, we know the Constitution requires a couple of things to run for president and
19:24 it's not to be approved by the view.
19:25 You have to be a certain age.
19:26 You have to be born in America, be an American citizen.
19:29 Democrats or anyone who wish something like that in their political opponent is just that's
19:33 un-American.
19:34 You have to beat someone at the ballot.
19:35 You know the other thing is that I've been noticing.
19:36 At the ballot box.
19:37 Let me just ask you about this, Greg, is that the Democrats are constantly so disappointed
19:42 and disgusted with Republicans because they keep saying like if you listen to NPR, for
19:46 example, they'll say they just cannot believe that Republicans would stick with them even
19:50 after all these indictments, like even after all of these legal problems and they stick
19:55 with them and they cannot figure it out.
19:56 That's a terrible impression of NPR.
19:58 I can't believe I'll give it a try.
20:00 And although I listen at one point five speed to get it over with faster, why are Republicans
20:05 still sticking to the person that we can't stand?
20:08 We hate him so much.
20:09 Why don't they hate him too?
20:11 It's because you hate him so much that they love him because he scares you because they
20:18 support him.
20:19 That's the whole thing.
20:20 So the more you throw this stuff at him again, like I said yesterday, it's spinach to Popeye.
20:24 You know, the more you the more indictments, the impeachments.
20:27 By the way, that impeachment's got to feel pretty weird right now.
20:29 The first impeachment, the perfect phone call when it turns out he was dead, right?
20:33 Think about that.
20:34 Yeah.
20:35 Yeah.
20:36 Shannon Bream, what is the next step in the legal process?
20:38 Will his team make a motion to what?
20:41 Well, August, what is it?
20:43 Twenty eighth is the next hearing.
20:44 So this judge is not wasting time.
20:45 I mean, they want to move this thing forward as far as the DC case is concerned.
20:49 But there are going to be so many pretrial motions.
20:51 I think venue's going to come up.
20:52 I don't think it'll work, but they're going to try it.
20:54 I think all kinds of other motions.
20:56 The Mar-a-Lago case, because there are classified documents and so many things involved there
21:00 that you got to vet before you get to a jury.
21:02 There's a lot of pretrial wrangling that's going to happen in that one as well.
21:05 We talked about Georgia, Georgia.
21:07 We wait now because we're in this kind of two week window that we think if there's going
21:10 to be an indictment from the special grand jury there, it'll come.
21:13 So that could be any time.
21:14 And that is the one that includes the mugshot.
21:17 That's the sheriff has pledged.
21:19 If there is an indictment of President Trump, he will get a mugshot in Georgia, unlike these
21:22 federal cases.
21:23 And that will be the most probably the most profitable T-shirt ever made.
21:29 We talked about mugshots last week.
21:30 Danny, you weren't here, but we talked about do you practice for your mugshot?
21:33 Would you?
21:34 I've thought about it.
21:35 You got to be prepared.
21:36 You got to be smiling, but not like a crazy person, but smiling like a medicine.
21:39 Yeah.
21:40 Remember Tom delays mugshot?
21:41 Yes.
21:42 Anyway, Gen X or Gen Z.
21:44 Look at Google it.
21:45 Tom delay.
21:46 D.L.A.
21:47 He's probably watching right now going, why are you bringing this up?
21:49 All right.
21:50 President Trump said to take off after pleading not guilty in four federal charges.
21:53 Hey, Sean Hannity here.
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