• 2 years ago
Trump attorney speaks out on what he witnessed in courtroom The Constitution is being attacked


00:00 Joining me now to unpack all of this is John Loro, attorney for president Donald J. Trump.
00:04 He was there in the courtroom today. John, they want this trial to be speedy. This was repeated
00:12 all day long on the other cable networks. They want it to happen before the election.
00:17 What does that tell you tonight? It tells me everything, Laura,
00:21 about what's going on, about the attack on our constitution. I've talked a lot about
00:27 how this is criminalized first amendment speech, because president Trump, like all of us,
00:32 has a right to redress grievances, has a right to protest an election that he felt was unfair,
00:38 has a right to campaign on a position. And they've attacked that right, not just for president Trump,
00:45 but for everyone. But now, today in court, which was a very terribly sad day, they're attacking
00:52 other parts of the constitution, because they want to take president Trump to trial in a few months.
00:59 They want to deny him his sixth amendment rights to counsel, to give me and my co-counsel Todd
01:05 Blanche an opportunity to prepare. They want to deny president Trump his due process rights
01:10 to look at documents, to get witnesses, to use our subpoena power. They want to deny all of him
01:18 those rights in a rush to judgment for one political purpose, and that's to uphold the
01:24 Biden administration. Make no mistake about it. This has Merrick Garland's handiwork all around
01:30 it. This case was brought, had to be approved by Merrick Garland. And interestingly enough,
01:35 why the bum's rush on this case? Do they feel that there's a problem in the other cases that
01:43 are being orchestrated and they need to bring this case to trial in a couple of months in this venue?
01:49 What does that tell you? Well, they definitely don't want to name any of the other
01:55 co-conspirators, correct? Because that would slow them down. I mean, if this was such a assault
02:00 on our democratic process, which obviously it was not, Trump left office voluntarily,
02:06 the electors, you know, had the, you know, vote certified, all of that. So that all happened.
02:11 But they actually want this to go forward as fast as possible. And so they'll, they'll let
02:18 go of the co-conspirators, correct? That's key to this.
02:21 100%. This is a, this is a fast moving railroad without any concern for justice. Speedy trial
02:30 rights are a defendant's speedy trial rights, a citizen's speedy trial rights, not the government.
02:36 The government has an obligation to ensure a fair trial. And in this case, what we need is a
02:44 journey to the truth, not, not a railroading of a, of an American citizen, let alone a former
02:50 president. So what we have here is a strategic move by the Biden administration to get to trial
02:57 as quickly as possible, because for whatever reason, and we know the reason, they think they
03:02 can do better here in the district of Columbia than they can do in a more diverse state like
03:08 Florida. Well, they, I mean, I think that's a harder argument for you to, for you to argue,
03:12 because it's, it is very difficult to change venue and in these types of cases, it hasn't been
03:16 successful. But I think you're onto something about what they want to prevent. They want to,
03:21 they want to prevent the people from having their say next year, whatever that say is.
03:24 Bill Barr, the former attorney general, no love lost, obviously between Trump and Barr,
03:30 he disagrees with the free speech defense. And this is why.
03:33 They're not attacking his first amendment, right? He can say whatever he wants. He can even lie.
03:40 That does not protect you from entering into a conspiracy. All conspiracies involve speech
03:45 and all fraud involves speech. So, you know, free speech doesn't give you the right to engage
03:53 in a fraudulent conspiracy. John, your response to that?
03:58 Laughable. Absolutely laughable. What's the fraud? Tell me what the fraud is. What's the
04:04 fraudulent speech? Donald Trump, president Trump was out in the open petitioning the state
04:11 legislature's petitioning the courts. There was nothing fraudulent going on. This is absolutely
04:18 protected first amendment speech. For Mr. Barr to say that is a complete and utter, utter ignorance
04:27 of what the basic law is with respect to freedom of speech. The first amendment protects not only
04:33 speech, but it protects the right to protest and it protects the right to petition for grievances,
04:39 which president Trump did to characterize this as fraud. When there's nothing being done in secret,
04:46 there's nothing being hidden. There's no deceit. Well, they're hanging it all. Yeah, John,
04:49 they're hanging it all or a lot of it on the supposed conversation between Pence and Trump
04:54 that Pence took contemporaneous notes of where Trump said, you're too honest, I'm paraphrasing,
05:00 but yeah, you're just too honest. But I mean, to me, that's just a throwaway line. That doesn't
05:03 prove anything, but man, they're hanging a lot on that one phrase. Good luck. I'm ready for them
05:08 to trial. I can't wait. But, but something about the conversations between Mr. Pence and Mr. Trump,
05:13 president Trump was getting advice from an esteemed constitutional scholar as to an array
05:20 of options that he could take in light of the discrepancies and what was going on in 2020.
05:26 Those discrepancies were well-known and, and they were being litigated. Professor Eastman
05:32 laid out a series of options that were discussed with vice president Pence. Vice, vice president
05:39 Pence disagreed on certain issues, but ultimately what president Trump said is let's go with option
05:44 D. Let's just halt. Let's just pause the voting and allow the state legislatures to take one last
05:51 look and make a determination as to the, as to whether or not the elections were handled fairly.
05:56 That's constitutional law. That's not an issue of, of criminal activity.
06:00 John, August 28th is the next date that you guys are supposed to appear or you'll, you'll appear
06:07 for the next hearing. Thank you. We're going to be following this. We really appreciate you
06:11 joining us tonight. Now, we're going to be talking about the Trump administration.
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