• 2 years ago
Interview with Jeff Fenster & college student Grant Hafercamp on exploring your ultimate potential.

Find your passion and purpose: Grant Haferkamp's inspiring story of founding Strictly SoCal highlights the importance of pursuing a career that aligns with your values and allows for a good quality of life.

Personal branding and resumes matter: Jeff Fenster emphasizes the significance of crafting a compelling personal brand and resume that authentically represent who you are and resonate with potential employers.

Relationship capital is key: Building strong relationships and leveraging connections is more important than what you know. Jeff encourages listeners to lead with value and give something to the relationship first.
00:00 Hey guys, welcome to Back to the Basics with Jeff Fenster, where we bring in college students
00:03 from around the country to ask questions and help them be the best version of themselves
00:08 and the future founders of tomorrow.
00:09 I'm so excited to have Grant Haferkamp, a San Diego State student, here today to ask
00:14 me questions.
00:15 What's up, Grant?
00:16 How's it going?
00:17 We doing good today?
00:18 Doing great.
00:19 Thanks for having me.
00:20 I appreciate it on the show.
00:21 Yes, thanks for coming on your spring break nonetheless.
00:22 Yeah, man.
00:23 I just, I couldn't find a better place than to be here with you and ask some simple questions
00:28 about college and see what you have for me.
00:30 Well, thank you, man.
00:31 Let's, let's jump right in.
00:33 So the first question I have is, as personal branding is really evolving over the last
00:38 couple years and through TikTok and through Instagram and social media, how important
00:43 is it to build a personal brand through college?
00:46 And really, should people be harping on building a personal brand through college or building
00:51 their resume?
00:53 Well, I actually think they're one in the same.
00:56 And it took me until about a year and a half ago to understand that.
00:59 And so if I could go back myself, I would have started the personal brand earlier.
01:03 Your personal brand is your resume.
01:06 In the world of social media, in the world of TikTok, Instagram, and all these influential
01:10 platforms, what you are as Grant, what I am as Jeff Fenster, becomes the resume.
01:16 So as we think of resumes as the jobs I once had and the, you know, the internships I've
01:20 taken, the classes I've excelled in, those are what you've accomplished.
01:24 But who you are as a person is your personal brand, and that's what you stand for.
01:28 So I would definitely focus a lot more attention in my personal brand as early as possible.
01:33 And it doesn't just mean talking head stuff where you're sitting there promoting yourself,
01:37 but personal brand is all aspects of Grant, who you are, what you stand for, why you stand
01:42 for it.
01:43 And if you can portray that in your social media, then anyone who's looking to hire you
01:46 or looking to come work with you or for you, they're going to understand what you stand
01:50 for, and then they're going to align their core values with yours.
01:53 So you mentioned having a good reputation, right, with working with different employers
01:57 and having that reputation that really sets yourself apart and that you have a good connection
02:02 with others.
02:03 I've watched other podcasts that you've been on, and I've seen that you've used the term
02:07 relationship capital.
02:08 And I love that term.
02:10 I've never heard that before, and I've listened to a lot of motivational speakers, inspirational
02:14 speakers, business leaders in the world, and they've never mentioned that.
02:18 And when I heard that, I thought I was ecstatic because I would call myself someone that,
02:23 you know, is good with connections.
02:24 And I don't know, I just kind of want you to go into that concept and that term and
02:29 how important relationship capital is.
02:31 Sure.
02:32 So we talk about networks, and a lot of times it's your network is your net worth.
02:36 We've heard that saying.
02:37 And what I like to think about things is in the simplest form.
02:40 So capital is any type of currency, whether it's money, whether it's your network.
02:45 We could trade baseball cards, and the baseball card can be currency.
02:49 Your time in volunteering it is a currency.
02:51 I'll work for blank, right?
02:53 Food, money, et cetera.
02:55 When you understand that relationships have that same value and who you know is so much
02:59 more important than what you know, because if you know the right person, then you can
03:03 skip so many steps along the way.
03:06 And so what I think a lot of people fail to realize is if you don't think of it like a
03:10 currency, you don't appreciate it like a currency.
03:14 Think of it your money in your bank account.
03:15 If you have $100 in your bank account and you withdraw $20 for dinner tonight, $20 tomorrow,
03:19 and you keep withdrawing, eventually you're going to run out of money and be broke.
03:23 Same thing is true with relationships.
03:25 If I have a friend or an acquaintance or someone I'm trying to meet, and all I do is ask for
03:29 favors, ask for things for me, and make it all about me all the time, I'm making withdrawals
03:34 in that relationship.
03:35 And eventually I lose the ability to go to that human, and I don't build that long-term
03:39 value with them.
03:41 But if I go the other way and I lead with value, and I see how can I help you?
03:44 What can I do to help inspire you?
03:46 What can I do to help grow your company?
03:47 What can I do to help you with your children?
03:50 Can I help you wash your car?
03:51 Whatever the needs are of the individual, whatever they're looking for, the more I can
03:55 do for them, I'm making deposits, and I'm becoming wealthy in relationship capital.
03:59 And then all of a sudden, when I need things, I've earned the right to make a withdrawal
04:03 because I'm wealthy.
04:04 Also, I've learned that time is also a big thing, and you can't really rush the process
04:09 with relationship capital.
04:11 And like you said, giving is really important.
04:13 I've heard you and your actual role model, David Meltzer, talk about giving first and
04:18 how important that really is to building a relationship.
04:22 Could you kind of expand on that and maybe provide an example of where you gave first
04:27 in your life and it came to benefit you?
04:30 Yeah.
04:31 So leading with value is the way I coin it myself.
04:33 I like to think of it as, OK, when I meet somebody, especially someone that I want to
04:37 build a relationship with, my only goal in that first exchange is what can I do to help?
04:43 What is something that they need?
04:45 Is it an introduction?
04:47 Everyone likes to have introductions.
04:49 Those are easy things to figure out.
04:50 Is it they are putting on an event and they're short on humans, and so maybe I can devote
04:54 my time?
04:55 Do they need a recommendation on a restaurant or a hotel or a place to go?
05:01 Things that I might be able to help and lead with value and give something to the relationship
05:06 first.
05:07 So that's the first one.
05:08 As far as an example, David Meltzer is a great example.
05:10 So I've known David since I was four years old and he was a high school kid.
05:15 So naturally, we were family friends and our moms are best friends.
05:19 But when I became a teenager, he didn't really have a need for me, so I wanted to be around
05:25 him.
05:26 So I had to think about what can I do to make someone who's now in his late 20s and killing
05:31 it in the world and in business, and I wanted to learn from, how can I make myself valuable
05:36 to him?
05:37 And so I said, "David, you have this company.
05:39 I don't know anything.
05:40 I'm 15 years old.
05:41 Let me just come intern.
05:42 Let me just come be whatever you need me to be there.
05:45 I'll take out the trash.
05:46 I'll get you coffee.
05:48 I'll write notes."
05:49 I didn't care what I did.
05:50 I was just going to be resourceful and give him my time in the hopes that he was going
05:55 to receive it, and then maybe I would learn something along the way.
05:58 So I did that for many years.
05:59 I interned or worked for Dave for free at four of his companies from when I was 15 till
06:04 I was 22.
06:05 And as a result of that, I earned the right to ask for stuff.
06:09 And so that was the timeframe and giving of leading with value first.
06:12 I learned things along the way, but when I was 24 and I started my first company, I called
06:17 David and I said, "Hey, I need a favor."
06:20 And he said, "What?"
06:21 And I said, "I'd like to...
06:22 I just started my first payroll company and I need clients.
06:25 Can you open the door for me?"
06:26 And he did, and he gave me 100 names and 100 warm introductions, and I closed like 40,
06:30 50% of them, and it was a six-figure for my company.
06:34 I generated six figures in revenue just from that one group of 100 that he gave me, and
06:39 it changed the whole dynamic of my startup.
06:41 Overnight I was making money.
06:43 And you could say, "Well, that was just lucky."
06:44 No, that was five years of giving for that one moment.
06:47 I didn't know that at the time.
06:48 So that's obviously a bigger example, but it can be as simple as what we're doing here
06:53 right now.
06:55 I want to give and lead with value.
06:57 So I love the idea of bringing college students in here because hopefully I can give something
07:02 to you guys, not knowing if it's ever going to pay dividends for me.
07:04 I don't know.
07:05 I don't care.
07:06 I want to build wealth in the relationship bank account with as many humans as I can
07:12 because I never know when you start...
07:14 Your first startup might become the next Google, and hopefully I'm going to be able to call
07:19 you one day and be like, "Grant, remember me?"
07:21 And you're like, "Yeah, dude.
07:22 I remember you."
07:23 And then I have a relationship with the founder of the next Google.
07:25 Yeah, that's awesome.
07:27 That really gets me excited, the relationship capital aspect.
07:30 And really what I've done to try and be as successful as I can and reach my biggest potential,
07:37 just switching gears, but is to surround myself with like-minded individuals and successful
07:43 other entrepreneurs like Serfina and Enoch in the back there.
07:50 But I find it...
07:52 Some people might find it difficult to find these other like-minded people and successful
07:57 entrepreneurs in a place like college when the real aspect of...
08:03 Or not aspect, but lack of a better word.
08:06 The real concept of college that people see is party, party, party.
08:09 But when you're really trying to get down to working and finding those like-minded individuals
08:15 that don't go out and party, and they're working on themselves, and they're working on their
08:18 brands, how important is that to be around those people and to find those people at an
08:23 early stage in your life?
08:24 I think it's very important.
08:26 I don't know how easy it is to find it necessarily with your peers.
08:30 I struggle with that even now.
08:31 I mean, as an adult, most people that I interact with, they're not entrepreneurial minds.
08:37 That's not who they are.
08:38 It's not a bad thing.
08:39 It's just the reality.
08:40 They're not thinking about starting companies and solving bigger problems and building organizations.
08:45 They're thinking about, "What are we doing this weekend?"
08:47 And, "I'm taking my kids to Disneyland, and my job sucks," or, "I love my job," and spousal
08:54 stuff.
08:55 It's always the case that it's hard to find with your peers.
08:58 What I think is amazing that you guys have at your disposal at San Diego State and other
09:01 colleges around the country is you have organizations and groups.
09:04 I would definitely start connecting with them.
09:08 But I would also realize that you don't have to just look at college.
09:11 You can also trade up.
09:13 You guys are young adults.
09:14 There are so many businesses out there that would love to have free help.
09:18 I use that word importantly because you're in the years where I think focusing on earning
09:23 money should not be your main focus.
09:25 Learning right now and building relationship capital.
09:28 I know when I was in college, I always had an internship.
09:30 I always was calling a company I wanted to work for or work with and people I wanted
09:35 to be around.
09:36 I would say, "Listen, I'm Jeff Fenster.
09:37 I have no skills to offer except my time.
09:39 I will do whatever you want me to do.
09:41 I just want to be in the building.
09:42 I want to be around you guys.
09:43 My hope is to learn.
09:44 I want to get exposed to everything that's going on because I didn't know what I wanted
09:47 to do."
09:48 And so, yes, I think you should be looking around at your peers in college and saying,
09:52 "Who here is like-minded?
09:54 Who can I start not be focusing on parties but settling down, focusing on things we can
09:58 do?"
09:59 Because you're in the greatest time frame.
10:01 If there were entrepreneurship schools when I went to college, I would have probably participated
10:07 in something even though I didn't know about entrepreneurship.
10:10 That wasn't a word that I even knew.
10:13 I had to just kind of get thrust into it.
10:15 And so I think the best way I can answer your question is, yes, I would hunt for it, but
10:19 I wouldn't just limit myself to who's at San Diego State that is like-minded.
10:23 You obviously have Lavin at San Diego State, which is a group of juniors and seniors that
10:27 definitely are thinking that way.
10:29 But you also have outside the school and you have CEOs and founders all over the place,
10:34 and especially in San Diego where there's three and a half million people.
10:37 So definitely find your community, find your tribe, and just be a sponge.
10:42 Ask questions, be there, be in the room, do what you can and devote your time.
10:45 And when you graduate or at any point when you're ready to start your company, all those
10:50 lessons, all those things that you will have been exposed to, they're going to pay dividends.
10:54 It's going to be that fuel for you to rocket your next venture.
10:57 Hey there, it's your host Jeff Fenster, and I have something very exciting to share with
11:00 you today.
11:01 You know, here on the Jeff Fenster Show, we're all about growth, both personally and professionally.
11:06 Speaking of growth, have you ever heard of Everbill?
11:09 As the proud founder of Everbill, I can tell you firsthand that we're on a mission to help
11:13 everyone un-evolve, to live actively and eat stuff that's been around forever.
11:18 Imagine stepping back into a world where everything you eat is fresh, nourishing, and packed with
11:23 nutrients.
11:24 At Everbill, we've got you covered with our wide range of superfood bowls.
11:29 But it's not just about the food.
11:30 It's about a community of like-minded individuals who are determined to embrace a vibrant, fulfilling
11:35 lifestyle.
11:36 Join us on this journey as we redefine what it means to be healthy and active.
11:41 So if you're ready to un-evolve and be the best version of yourself, head over to everbill.com
11:45 and check out our menu.
11:47 Another question I had was for you personally, what type of, I guess I could say like sacrifices
11:54 did you have to make to be able to have this type of success with being the founder of
11:58 Everbill and having, I think it's 175 locations, maybe more, right?
12:05 - Sacrifices are part of it.
12:07 They're part of everything.
12:08 I can glorify the sacrifices I made as the founder and an entrepreneur, but I think we
12:13 all make sacrifices for any job we take, for any company we start.
12:18 You have to look at opportunity cost.
12:20 You have to look at the fact that as a founder, everything is my fault.
12:25 It's just the way it is.
12:26 I get the credit for everything good as well, but every issue in my company is my fault.
12:31 I hired somebody to do a job.
12:33 If they do a bad job, it's my fault, which means the buck always stops on my door and
12:37 I don't get to take the day off and just say, "Well, it's not my problem."
12:41 They're all my problems.
12:43 Especially as you raise money from outside investors and you bring in outside capital,
12:48 it becomes even more on you.
12:50 I would say the biggest sacrifice at the Everbill level, I mean, I was fortunately already financially
12:54 successful when I started Everbill from past ventures, so my sacrifices were different.
12:59 I will tell you when I started Everbill, the first four months, I never left the store,
13:03 seven days a week, 13 hours a day.
13:07 I had a wife and two kids and they were pissed because I was never home.
13:12 I was always working.
13:13 My wife even said this specifically to me, "You're a millionaire working a minimum wage
13:17 job, spending time away from your family and you don't have to do this.
13:20 Why?"
13:21 It's like, "What's my answer?"
13:23 My answer was because I started this company and this is what's required.
13:27 That's the thing is I do what's required and founders who are successful do what's required.
13:31 It means there are periods of time where I work 23-hour days and there are periods of
13:35 time where I don't have to work.
13:37 Point is, when you're in the 23-hour day phase, it's all in.
13:40 If you don't go all in, you can't be successful because you're competing with other founders
13:46 and CEOs and organizations that are going all in.
13:50 I'll beat most companies just because I'll outwork them.
13:53 To compete, you have to equal and match my work ethic and I'm not unique.
13:57 There's a lot of people like me who are building companies that have that work ethic.
14:02 Biggest sacrifice is time, especially as a father and husband.
14:05 That time away from my family is my biggest sacrifice.
14:08 I don't get that back.
14:10 When I was young and early, it was much more financial.
14:13 I sold my house when I had a job and moved in with my parents and had to sacrifice all
14:18 of the material things because I had no money.
14:21 Those are different sacrifices.
14:22 It's just where you are on the journey.
14:23 For Everbolt, the biggest sacrifice has been time away from my wife and kids and missing
14:27 out on life events that I'll never get back.
14:29 I think you bring up a good point, is what your wife said.
14:32 You're a millionaire and you're working a minimum wage job.
14:37 It's very important to show your employees that you really care.
14:43 Through growing the business, what has kept you with that fire?
14:47 What keeps you growing the business in such an expansive way?
14:52 It's what lights my fire is industry.
14:56 It's business.
14:57 It's growing companies.
14:58 I love that whole journey.
14:59 I like the problems.
15:01 They're problems.
15:02 They keep me up at night.
15:03 They give me stress.
15:05 I like them because problems are the differentiator.
15:08 I know that I can make a lot of money and have a lot of fun and build disruptive organizations
15:13 in the chaos.
15:14 A lot of people don't thrive in chaos.
15:17 That becomes really overbearing for them.
15:20 Really where I lose my fire is when it's so optimized that no longer are we really
15:25 doing disruptive things.
15:26 We're optimizing the business in the margins.
15:29 It's the little things that are going to change it.
15:31 Everbull's growing to the point now where I brought in a brand president.
15:33 His name's Trevor Sacco.
15:36 He runs Everbull day to day as far as the restaurants are concerned because I don't
15:39 really add value anymore.
15:41 It grew bigger than what my benefit is to the organization.
15:44 What did I do is now I'm focusing on the other areas of the business that are in the more
15:48 startup phase because that's who I am.
15:50 I'm a startup guy.
15:51 I like you and me sitting here.
15:52 We come up with some idea.
15:54 Taking that from here to scale, I'm all in.
15:57 I don't even know what day it is.
15:58 I don't care.
15:59 Let's just do that.
16:00 That's like my drug.
16:01 But once you get to a certain point, I lose that.
16:03 So I found ways to go back to those phases.
16:06 I'm focusing on a company called WeBuild where we build new concepts and I get to go back
16:10 to the beginning.
16:11 We get to start retooling and refinding it.
16:14 I get to be a founder again versus a president.
16:17 And I think a lot of college students, they're really just still stuck, honestly, on what
16:22 they want to do and the things that they think they can do in life and honestly their purpose.
16:28 When did you find out that you were a startup guy, essentially, quote unquote?
16:33 I would say probably over the last 10 years.
16:37 It took a while and it took the glorification of entrepreneurship and it took the social
16:41 media craze and the fact that now entrepreneurship is a degree.
16:44 It's a focus.
16:45 I don't understand.
16:46 It's a thing for me to go, "Oh, wait.
16:47 I'm an entrepreneur."
16:48 I just never thought of myself that way.
16:50 I just couldn't work for someone else.
16:51 I wasn't programmed that way.
16:54 I don't see boxes.
16:55 The prison?
16:56 Yeah.
16:57 For me, it was a prison.
16:58 Yeah.
16:59 I don't see boxes.
17:00 I don't think outside of a box.
17:01 I don't see the box.
17:02 It's not that I want to be different.
17:03 I don't.
17:04 If you ask me, honestly, I don't know that I want my kids to do what I do.
17:10 There is a lot of sacrifice and time.
17:12 It's the biggest sacrifice entrepreneurs have to make and I don't think people realize it
17:16 early on.
17:17 If you can do something else and make a good living and have a good quality of life and
17:22 find passion in it, but go home at night and not have to have that all be on your shoulders,
17:27 I would do that.
17:28 I just can't.
17:29 I wish I could.
17:31 For me, I found my purpose in the fact that when I'm doing it, I don't realize what time
17:35 it is.
17:36 I don't realize what day it is.
17:37 I don't go, "Oh, my gosh."
17:38 I don't wait for Friday.
17:39 I don't.
17:40 There was periods of time where I'm working at Sunday.
17:42 I think it's Thursday.
17:44 It doesn't matter.
17:45 I'm just enjoying what I'm doing and that's when I realized my purpose and my passion.
17:49 I understand being in college, I had no idea what I was going to do, none.
17:52 It used to stress me out beyond belief.
17:55 When I graduated college, I enlisted in the Marine Corps and applied to law school at
17:58 the same time and talk about two polar opposites, not knowing which one I was going to do and
18:05 not knowing if I wanted to really do either of those.
18:07 It was like trying to find my job is tough.
18:09 It's like one of the hardest things that I ever went through.
18:12 I think it's a journey, but when you do something and you don't realize what time it is, the
18:18 days fly and you go to bed and you can't wait for tomorrow to do it again, you found your
18:23 purpose and that's what you need to find.
18:25 If it's entrepreneurship, you'll know right away because when you start those companies
18:30 and you realize you're working long 15, 16, 18-hour days, you're exhausted.
18:34 When you wake up without an alarm clock at 5 a.m. the next day wide awake because you
18:38 have ideas pouring through your brain and you can't wait to see and get going, that's
18:43 your purpose, man.
18:45 That's what you need to be doing.
18:46 Well, Grant, this was a lot of fun, man.
18:48 I can honestly say it's been enjoyable getting to meet you and have you here.
18:52 I have a question.
18:54 I know you're working on your own project.
18:56 What is it?
18:57 Yeah.
18:58 I got a little clothing company called Strictly SoCal.
19:01 I was born in San Diego and you said you're from here as well.
19:04 Yeah, born and raised.
19:06 And I went to San Diego State so I thought it'd be a good opportunity to make a little
19:09 clothing brand.
19:11 And the people out here of Enoch and Serfina have really helped me just to kind of expand
19:16 the brand and helped me a lot with it.
19:17 And I wanted to give you one of my shirts.
19:21 Yes.
19:22 Check it out.
19:23 And you got a little note there for you.
19:24 I'm going to open the shirt first and then read the note.
19:27 Go for it.
19:29 So I started in about August and I've just been running with it.
19:32 But I've had a lot of help from some friends.
19:35 Oh, yeah.
19:36 This is cool.
19:37 So is the thesis to basically highlight all things SoCal?
19:41 Yeah, pretty much.
19:43 Just kind of shed light on the greatness of Southern California.
19:47 And you got the sun there and the waves and just kind of surf vibes.
19:53 So where can people buy this?
19:56 So you could go to strictlysocal.com.
19:58 I have a little Shopify website there.
20:00 We got hats, shirts, hoodies, and actually sorority hats as well.
20:06 So if you're in a sorority, you can check it out there as well.
20:09 That's awesome.
20:10 And did you do all the designs yourself?
20:11 No.
20:12 So I actually outsourced the designs on a site called Fiverr.
20:15 I'm sure you've heard of Fiverr before.
20:18 But I'm not really a graphic designer myself.
20:20 So I had someone else do that for me.
20:21 And I took the business part of it and ran with it.
20:24 So if you're listening to this and watching this, do me a favor.
20:27 Go to strictlysocal.com.
20:28 Let's buy some gear.
20:30 Let's support our future founders of America.
20:33 Grant's doing some awesome stuff.
20:34 And I'm a customer.
20:35 I'm going to rock this shirt.
20:36 And thank you for coming on, man.
20:38 And thank you for being a guest on another episode of Back to the Basics with Jeff Fenster.
20:42 This was a lot of fun.
20:43 And I'm a resource, man.
20:44 If there's anything I can ever do for you, hit me up.
20:45 All right, brother.
20:46 Thank you a lot.
20:47 Appreciate it.
20:48 Thank you so much for listening.
20:50 If you're looking to level up your relationship capital game, then take a minute and text
20:53 the word JEFF to 33777 for a free copy of my Network to Millions playbook.
21:00 The link will also be provided in the show notes below.
21:03 See you guys next time.
