• 2 years ago


00:00 leave me alone and let me live in peace.
00:03 That is my theme.
00:05 - Josephine Wright from Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
00:08 is battling a development company that she says
00:11 is trying to force her off her land
00:13 to build a new residential subdivision.
00:15 - Actually, it began a little over a year ago.
00:19 They were cutting down the trees
00:22 and we could hear this boom, boom, boom.
00:25 Some of these trees have been here for a hundred years.
00:28 - The 93 year old has lived in the home for 30 years.
00:32 The property is full of history and wildlife
00:34 and it has been in her family
00:36 since the end of the civil war.
00:38 - The wildlife, the wildlife habitat,
00:40 the peace and tranquility.
00:43 - Bailey Point Investment LLC aims to construct
00:46 Bailey's Cove Housing Development,
00:49 a neighborhood with 147 homes and is suing.
00:53 - They said I had a satellite on the property
00:58 where they purchased.
01:00 They also said we had a utility building
01:05 that was partially on their property.
01:09 However, anyone knows if you know anything
01:14 about property and buying stuff,
01:16 when you purchase a property, you purchase everything on it.
01:22 So why would I be encroachment?
01:26 - Josephine says unusual things have happened
01:28 since this all began.
01:30 - My granddaughter, Sharif, her sister,
01:33 was in the shower and someone was looking in the window.
01:38 They came on my property during that time,
01:44 walking all around my property
01:48 and she just let out a terrible scream.
01:52 When we came out of the house to go to church,
01:54 I'd say about four months ago,
01:57 my two rear tires were flat.
02:00 And a week after that, I come out of my door
02:06 and on my window of my front room
02:10 was a snake about the size of 12 feet.
02:15 Now I cannot definitely say they are responsible
02:20 'cause I did not see who did.
02:23 I just know that these little things
02:26 were intimidation to me.
02:29 - And years ago, a realtor offered her money.
02:32 - And she said, "Well, you know,
02:34 "we have a person that's interested in buying your property."
02:39 And I said, "Really?
02:41 "Well, what are you offering?"
02:43 And she said, "Well, they said 39,000."
02:46 I said, "Don't insult my intelligence."
02:49 I said, "I'm sorry, please get out of my house."
02:52 - A GoFundMe was created to raise money for legal fees,
02:55 property taxes, and more.
02:57 It's gotten the attention of her community,
02:59 the nation, and A-list celebrities.
03:02 - Thank you for your help and for your support.
03:07 - Snoop Dogg and all of those,
03:10 and Tyler Perry and Fantasia and Irving, the football,
03:17 all of these people I give so much thanks to
03:21 because they were the ones really responsible
03:25 in highlighting this problem.
03:29 So when I say that,
03:33 oh boy, my heart just goes out to them.
03:40 - Construction is halted on the development.
03:43 - We haven't heard a word from them
03:45 since the town shut them down.
03:47 They cannot build anything on Hilton Head.
03:51 - Until they settle this.
03:52 Until this is resolved completely.
03:55 - Josephine says no amount of money will make her leave,
03:58 and she wants her property to not only be part
04:01 of her legacy, but the legacy of her seven children,
04:05 40 grandchildren, 50 great-grandchildren,
04:08 and 16 great-great-grandchildren.
04:11 - Without your help, I don't know what I would do.
04:15 - We love this property, and we are gonna stay here,
04:20 and we're gonna make sure
04:21 that this becomes a historical site
04:25 so that there will be no one moving in on this property.
04:29 - Amen.
04:30 - I'm firmly against getting rid of my property,
04:34 and I mean to stay on it as long as I live.
04:38 - When asked for comment by Inside Edition Digital,
04:41 a Bailey Point Investment LLC employee said,
04:44 quote, "I don't think we'd be interested at this time,"
04:47 and hung up.
04:49 Inside Edition Digital also reached out
04:51 to Bailey Point Investment LLC's lawyer for comment
04:54 and did not hear back.
04:56 For Inside Edition Digital, I'm Andres Wendel.
05:00 (gentle music)
