Tomi Lahren- Megan Rapinoe fell on her face at the World Cup

  • last year


00:00 All right, the US Women's National Team
00:01 has been eliminated from the World Cup
00:03 after scoring zero goals.
00:04 The team lost in the penalty kick round
00:07 against low-ranked Sweden.
00:08 This after a missed kick from team superstar Megan Rapinos,
00:13 who was a once-proud recipient
00:16 of the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Joe Biden.
00:19 Her poor performance earned this strong rebuke
00:22 from Donald Trump on Truth Social, quote,
00:24 "Woke equals failure."
00:26 Megan has been better known recently
00:28 for left-wing activism than her soccer skills,
00:31 frequently kneeling during the national anthem,
00:33 a huge proponent of biological men
00:35 competing in women's sports.
00:37 And by the way, we did check,
00:38 and Megan has never once had to face a biological man
00:42 at the World Cup, so maybe she should reserve judgment
00:45 until she knows what that's like.
00:48 For now, she'll just have to settle for knowing
00:51 what it's like to just lose big time.
00:53 Here with Reaction, author of a brand new book
00:55 just out today, and it is the "American Playbook,
00:59 "A Guide to Winning Back the Country,"
01:00,, and bookstores
01:03 all around the country, Clay Travis,
01:05 and the host of OutKicks, Tommy Lahren is fearless.
01:07 Tommy Lahren, Tommy, I mean,
01:10 I wonder if she would think differently.
01:12 Clay told me today that when I looked it up,
01:15 I had not known this, that a Dallas,
01:18 a young man's team at an academy somewhere in Dallas,
01:22 15 years old, beat the national team five to two.
01:27 And these are 15-year-old boys
01:30 versus almost like a professional women's team.
01:34 - Yeah, exactly, and when Megan Rapinoe
01:37 talked about the proudest moment in her career,
01:40 she talked about fighting for equal pay
01:42 for what I assume would be women.
01:44 But then out of the other side of her mouth,
01:45 she said she has no problem with biological men
01:48 competing against women.
01:49 So which one is it, Megan?
01:50 Do you want equality and fairness for women,
01:52 or does it only come to your own paycheck?
01:55 This woman is the epitome of selfish,
01:57 and she made it really hard to root for the United States,
02:00 and we all root for the USA, don't get me wrong.
02:02 Even if it is Megan Rapinoe and others
02:04 that decided to kneel for the national anthem,
02:07 we still root for this country.
02:09 It would be nice though, if those women
02:11 who wear the USA on their jerseys
02:14 could love the country as much as we do.
02:16 I don't think that's too much to ask for, Sean.
02:19 You know, if you look at the worst year in the NFL,
02:22 Clay Travis, it was when we had the whole
02:26 Colin Kaepernick issue, and Americans were disgusted.
02:29 They did not want politics in football.
02:32 And I understand everyone's going woke,
02:34 and I understand they think they're inclusive,
02:36 but you're taking the most uniting moment,
02:40 a common passion for a team, a common passion for a sport,
02:44 strangers high-fiving each other in the stands,
02:47 and you're ruining it by adding politics to it.
02:49 If you want politics, watch this show every night.
02:51 You'll get your fill of it.
02:53 You're 100% right, and that's why Michael Jordan
02:56 said Republicans buy sneakers too.
02:58 Sean, 15-year-old boys in Dallas, just Dallas,
03:03 beat the US women's soccer team
03:05 that won the World Cup in 2019 five to two.
03:08 Couple things on this.
03:09 I was in the crowd with my family in Vancouver, Canada
03:13 in 2015 when Megan Rapinoe and her teammates
03:16 won the first women's World Cup of this era.
03:19 This is one of the most beloved teams of all time.
03:22 2019, they go off to France.
03:25 Donald Trump invites them to the White House
03:28 to celebrate their back-to-back World Cup championships.
03:32 They refuse to go.
03:34 2023, Megan Rapinoe, wide right on the kick.
03:38 Who would have seen that with that PK, by the way, Sean?
03:40 And I bet you could have scored there.
03:42 I bet I could have scored there.
03:44 I bet Tommy could have scored there.
03:46 It ain't that hard when you're in the PK.
03:48 Certainly if you're the best woman in the world, right?
03:50 Theoretically, one of the best women in the world.
03:53 And here's the other thing on this.
03:55 They alienated everybody, and they didn't need to do it.
03:58 And if you get to the point
04:00 where so many people are not upset,
04:02 this is the worst performing
04:04 women's World Cup team of all time,
04:08 and they wanted equality with the men.
04:10 Congratulations, they've got equality.
04:12 They both stunk and got kicked out in the round of 16.
04:16 You know, if this ever really takes hold,
04:18 every bit of progress that we've made
04:21 with Title IX and women's sports,
04:23 it goes away, doesn't it, Tommy?
04:24 Oh, it certainly does.
04:28 And I think it's really rich for somebody like Megan,
04:30 who is retiring, to now say that she's okay
04:33 with the sport being absolutely ruined
04:35 and taken over by what could be in the next several years,
04:38 many more biological men who decide they've failed
04:40 at their own sport category
04:42 and decide their retirement plan is to play women's sports.
04:44 So I think that's very rich.
04:46 But here's another thing to this.
04:47 You can be an activist.
04:49 You can be an athlete activist.
04:50 We see it with LeBron,
04:51 and we see it with many others across the NFL,
04:54 the NBA, the MLB, you name it.
04:56 There are activists.
04:57 But you have to be good.
04:59 And that's where Megan lost,
05:01 and she fell on her face there.
05:02 You have to be good if you wanna be cocky and indulgent.
05:05 And unfortunately, she missed the mark
05:07 on more than one thing.
05:08 - And it was kinda hard watching Riley Gaines
05:10 have to deal with Bill Maher.
05:11 - That was a little rough, I think, for everybody.
05:14 And being asked very specific questions.
05:17 Anyway, thank you both.
05:18 By the way, Clay, congrats on the book.
05:20 In bookstores now all around the country,
05:22 the "American Playbook,"
05:23 How Conservatives Can Win Back the Country.
05:25 Yeah, good idea.
05:26 Thank you both.
05:27 Hey, Sean Hannity here.
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