00:00 Now take a look at this video. It's a sheriff's deputy leaping into a speedboat going about
00:05 40 miles an hour after the driver fell off. It is not a movie stunt. This really happened.
00:11 You got it.
00:12 A deputy sheriff is being hailed a hero today after stopping a runaway boat. The body cam
00:17 footage shows the dangerously out of control boat and the moment the deputy springs into
00:22 action.
00:23 You got it. I don't care about getting wet. You got it.
00:25 Deputy Travis Fernandez leaps from his patrol boat onto the speeding vessel going more than
00:30 40 miles per hour. Once on board, he quickly takes control, throttling down as backup pulls
00:38 up.
00:39 Definitely a rush. It was awesome to be able to stop that vessel.
00:42 The driver of the runaway boat off the coast of Clearwater, Florida was thrown into the
00:46 ocean but rescued.
00:48 Deputy Fernandez does his own stunts, goes this post from the Pinellas County Sheriff's
00:53 Office and we're learning more about the rescue of a 25-year-old man who was lost at sea for
00:58 nearly two days.
01:00 The Coast Guard found Charles Gregory clinging to the partially submerged boat as sharks
01:05 circled nearby off the coast of St. Augustine, Florida. His parents were overjoyed when he
01:10 was brought ashore, severely sunburned and suffering from jellyfish stings but thankful
01:16 to be alive.
01:17 (dramatic news music)
01:20 you