Ex-BLM activist denounces the organization

  • last year


00:00 Now racial activists love to opine, don't they, about the legacy of George Floyd.
00:04 And sure, while there may be more attention now paid to training police officers and weeding
00:09 out problem recruits, there's also a dangerous boomerang effect that's terrorizing American
00:15 cities and businesses.
00:17 More crime.
00:18 The mob of at least a thousand kids and teenagers that swarmed New York City's Union Square
00:23 on Friday is a case in point.
00:25 Now a PlayStation giveaway that was, you know, people gathered for this quickly turned into
00:30 a violent free-for-all where police were attacked with bottles, rocks and fireworks.
00:36 Move back! Move back! Move back! Move back! Move back! Move back! Move back! Move back!
00:45 Voluntarily, no charges will be placed against you. If you refuse to leave, you will be arrested for unlawful assembly.
00:53 Now, since the summer of 2020, it's basically been a nonstop blur of violent crime committed
01:01 by unrepentant thugs, from people who knock over convenience stores and department stores
01:06 with brazen arrogance to beating defenseless women and seniors, and sometimes even in broad
01:13 daylight.
01:14 The perpetrators almost seem to act as if they're justified, don't they?
01:18 After all, in our "everyone's a victim" culture, you can right past wrongs by chucking a full
01:24 water bottle now at law enforcement.
01:27 Because even if they're not obviously racist police officers, they're part of a racist
01:32 organization.
01:33 Now, that's the flavor of the post-Floyd propaganda that we've seen saturate social media and
01:40 even at times make its way into school curricula.
01:43 And even in the cities plagued by crime, liberal mayors are still unafraid to say it like it
01:48 is.
01:50 Police is not going to be able to resolve these issues on our own. The great level of
01:55 restraint we saw yesterday by the New York City Police Department, that could have turned
02:02 really ugly.
02:03 These are young people. We have to be mindful of that as we bring back order.
02:09 Mayor Adams, this riot didn't turn ugly. It was ugly. And it was ugly because there are
02:15 rarely repercussions for the oppressed and the misunderstood. In fact, for most, well,
02:22 crime pays.
02:23 Now, young people are angry because they're being taught that their anger is righteous,
02:29 it's justified, and that oftentimes non-minorities just hate them.
02:35 Remember this scene from a Florida school last fall where one student felt entitled
02:38 to tackle a police officer who was working on school grounds? Or what happened earlier
02:43 this year when a teacher had the nerve to take away a student's Nintendo Switch?
02:50 But of course, celebrities and elites, you know, they're usually unfazed by this behavior
02:54 because it rarely affects them. So they're shocked when members of their beloved audience
03:01 end up hurling objects at them while they're on stage.
03:04 Now, these megastars, some of whom indulge Black Lives Matter and vilified police themselves,
03:16 help create this madness. Ditto with left-wing politicians and woke corporate CEOs who were
03:22 too busy virtue signaling on race to think about where all this is going to lead.
03:27 Ain't nothing you can do, man, until the police come in.
03:30 Watch out, mama. Hey, hey, hey, don't.
03:36 To a world where criminals fear no consequences and where those who stand up to them are most
03:41 likely to be prosecuted. That's why last week a deranged felon in California felt totally
03:47 comfortable targeting a 7-Eleven store, one he's suspected, by the way, of robbing twice
03:53 before in the same 24-hour period. When two of the workers stepped in to defend themselves
03:58 in the store, most of America cheered. The video went viral.
04:02 But in our upside-down post-Floyd world, the store clerks are being investigated. So the
04:10 left may not have defunded the police, but they helped set a dynamic where suddenly the
04:16 victims are treated like aggressors and the aggressors as victims.
04:22 So the message to law-abiding citizens, if you're robbed or you're threatened, stand
04:28 by placidly. Don't put up a fight ever. After all, America has a lot to atone for. So just
04:36 consider it payback.
04:38 Joining us now is Xavier de Rosseau, ex-Black Lives Matter activist and PragerU personality.
04:44 Xavier, this victimhood mentality that we're encouraging and nurturing, where does this
04:51 all end up? And we're seeing some of it play out on our streets, but what else is coming?
04:59 You know, cities like New York City and Chicago have gone completely rogue because there's
05:04 just such a lack of accountability. There are no consequences. And what we're seeing
05:09 instead now is there's an entire generation of people who are so used to not being condemned
05:14 for this bad behavior that they don't even know the skill set of taking accountability.
05:19 What they learn instead from fraudulent organizations like Black Lives Matter is that you should
05:23 shift the blame to irrelevant, outdated issues like systemic racism, rather looking yourself
05:28 in the mirror and recognizing that you need to change. There's a reason that most of the
05:32 people displaying these violent behaviors are not first-time offenders. If there was
05:37 nothing to stop them from committing this crime in the first place, then what's going
05:40 to stop them the fifth, sixth and seventh time?
05:43 Well, I mean, when Mayor Adams says it could have gotten ugly, we were watching the video
05:48 thinking, "What are you talking about?" And by the way, Xavier, Chicago, as we've
05:53 mentioned, is experiencing these teen takeovers as well. And I mean, that's a nice way of
05:59 putting it. But here's what Mayor Johnson had to say. Watch this.
06:02 Oh, you're not aware of some of these large gatherings?
06:04 You're talking about the mob actions?
06:07 No. That's not appropriate. We're not talking about mob actions. I didn't say that. But
06:13 we have to be very careful when we use language to describe certain behavior. I mean, to refer
06:18 to children as like baby Al Capone's is not appropriate.
06:22 Not appropriate, Xavier.
06:25 It's not appropriate. It's funny they say that this is getting ugly, but to me it looks
06:28 hideous. In fact, it's honestly embarrassing for humanity to see where we've gone as a
06:32 society. And what I need parents, especially, when you see these young people being destructive,
06:37 they need to realize it's not law enforcement's job to babysit their kids. But if they continue
06:41 to just sit back and allow their kids and their community to be so destructive, then
06:45 eventually the judicial system is going to jump in. And I don't want to hear anybody
06:49 complaining that they're oppressed because they decided to become a convict at 18 years
06:54 old.
06:55 Xavier, thank you.
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