• 2 years ago
First Sinn Fein Deputy Mayor of Lisburn and Castlereagh City looks forward to a busy year ahead
00:00 My name is Gary McLeave. I am honoured to have been elected Deputy Mayor of Lisburn
00:04 and Castlereagh City Council. I'll be the first Shetland County Councilor to hold a
00:09 civic position on this council. My plan for the year ahead is to assist our Mayor in supporting
00:15 our local communities. We're very much both community focused. I'm looking forward to
00:21 the year ahead. I'll also do my best in supporting him for his children's charity, the Council
00:26 for the Fund for Children. It's a charity that does fantastic work for families, even
00:31 through the most challenging times. I'm ready to work for all and work together to lead
00:37 positive and progressive change for every single citizen and every community. I will
00:42 use my role as Deputy Mayor to achieve this.
