• last year


00:00 [Music]
00:22 [Knocking]
00:23 You sure that Supervisor Trent was going to meet us here?
00:26 Yes, we had an appointment.
00:28 [Knocking]
00:30 Mr. Trent.
00:31 [Knocking]
00:32 Mr. Trent!
00:33 Come in.
00:35 Mr. Trent.
00:36 Hello, Pat.
00:37 You knew my party, Stoney.
00:38 I think so.
00:39 Hey, Trent.
00:40 Say, what's the idea of the clothesline?
00:41 Somebody broke into this office last night through that window.
00:44 Did they get anything?
00:45 Bail award and guilt clemency.
00:47 They must be making a haul.
00:49 They did all right.
00:50 They just about peened this country out of wolves.
00:52 They took out yesterday.
00:54 You happen to know where they've gone?
00:55 Well, I have an idea.
00:57 I told them the story of the golden wolf.
00:59 And, well, Jake and Gil seem pretty interested.
01:02 The golden wolf?
01:03 Yeah, he's become sort of a legend up in Cherimoya County.
01:06 He and his pack have slaughtered, oh, lots of cattle.
01:10 But why would these professional hunters be interested in just one wolf?
01:13 Because this particular wolf is worth $1,500 dead.
01:17 $3,000 if they take him alive.
01:20 $3,000, that's a lot of money, Pat.
01:23 It sure is.
01:24 Wow.
01:25 Hey, how'd you like to take a crack at him?
01:28 Can you just imagine squinting down the sights at $1,500 on the hoof?
01:33 Or should I say paw?
01:34 You may get a chance.
01:35 We're heading for Cherimoya Country.
01:37 Yeah.
01:38 Now let me get this straight.
01:39 That's $1,500 dead.
01:41 And $3,000 if you catch him alive.
01:45 Well, thanks, Mr. Trent.
01:46 Good luck.
01:47 See you later.
01:48 Come on, Daniel Boone.
01:49 I was collecting the money.
01:51 So long.
01:52 Good luck.
01:54 [music]
02:01 [howling]
02:05 [music]
02:22 [howling]
02:39 Hey, Stoney, look.
02:44 [howling]
02:45 Whoa.
02:49 [gunshots]
02:53 You didn't expect to hit him from this distance, did you?
02:55 Oh, we can still trail him.
02:59 Yeah, but according to legend, he's supposed to disappear right into thin air.
03:05 You don't believe that, do you?
03:07 Could be.
03:09 [music]
03:24 We followed the wolf to a small lake surrounded by rocks.
03:28 He was a smart one, all right.
03:30 We had to go back around the rocks to pick up his trail again.
03:34 [music]
03:46 After a fast ride, we came to open country and no wolf in sight.
03:51 [music]
03:55 He just can't disappear like that.
03:58 Well, according to legend, he does.
04:00 That's why the golden wolf's worth so much money.
04:03 Yeah, but there's no place for him to hide.
04:13 [music]
04:21 Wow, that would have taken my foot off.
04:23 What's it for, a bear?
04:25 No, it's for wolves.
04:27 This is the kind of a trap that Clement and Kirby work with.
04:30 Then they did come to Cherimoya County.
04:34 Yeah, they didn't set just one trap.
04:36 They've set a whole line of them.
04:38 You know, I'm just thinking of something.
04:41 It's real strange the way that golden wolf--
04:44 it was like he wanted to lead us to this trap.
04:47 Yeah, it was.
04:49 The trail sort of goes off that way.
04:51 Yeah, he led us to the trap and then just disappears into thin air.
04:55 Stoney, you ride into town and see the land agent.
04:59 Find out if Clement and Kirby are in the county.
05:01 I'll meet you back here.
05:03 What are you going to do?
05:05 I'm going to follow this trap line and see where it leads to.
05:07 Well, how about me following the trap line and you can ride into town?
05:13 Stoney, if I get the golden wolf, I'll split the bounty with you.
05:17 Oh, I wasn't thinking of that, really.
05:20 Yeah, Stoney.
05:22 Yeah, I was.
05:23 I thought so.
05:24 I'll ride to town.
05:26 [dog barking]
05:29 [music]
05:35 I'm right here when you get back.
05:36 Give me the whistle.
05:37 Right.
05:38 [music]
06:03 This wolf was no ordinary wolf.
06:06 I found some new tracks which led me right up to a trap that was sprung.
06:10 Yes, a professional wolf hunter's trap.
06:14 This was something new in this part of the country.
06:17 So Zipper and I ventured further up the trail.
06:20 [music]
06:32 Which led us to another lake.
06:34 [music]
06:44 There was a cabin at the far end which looked deserted.
06:47 No one around, so I decided to investigate.
06:51 [music]
07:09 It might have looked deserted from the outside,
07:12 but where did these traps and wolf hides come from?
07:15 These hides looked old and treated.
07:18 [music]
07:38 All right, stay where you are.
07:40 Don't move.
07:41 Don't you even turn around.
07:44 I don't know how you do it.
07:46 Know what?
07:48 You've only been in the county a few days,
07:50 and already you've got a stack of wolf hides like this.
07:53 Well, that's why you came into my cabin, huh?
07:55 Just a snoop around, and we'll cut her off.
07:58 [music]
08:27 [music]
08:50 [music]
09:04 There you are, Mr. Clemens.
09:06 Thanks, Mr. Davis.
09:07 Now, if you and your partner are just half as successful here
09:10 as you were in the other counties,
09:12 we'd be very well satisfied.
09:13 Don't worry.
09:14 Kirby and I never miss.
09:17 Oh, anything I can do for you?
09:19 My name is Jennings.
09:20 My partner and I are kind of interested in the wolf situation up here.
09:24 Yeah, it's pretty bad, I'm afraid.
09:26 If you're thinking of hunting them, you can forget about it.
09:28 Why is that?
09:29 We just gave Mr. Clemens and his partner exclusive rights in this county.
09:33 Oh, yeah, we just rode through Lago County.
09:36 They were all talking about what you and Kirby did down there.
09:39 What do you mean?
09:40 Oh, about how you cleaned out the wolves and so quick.
09:43 You know, I don't know how you do it.
09:46 I can't get within a mile of a wolf when I'm carrying a gun.
09:50 Professional secrets.
09:52 You know, if my partner and I were to tell everybody how we work,
09:55 there wouldn't be any wolves left for us.
09:58 Well, there's only one wolf I'm interested in,
10:00 and that's the golden wolf.
10:03 But you can forget about him.
10:05 My partner and I are going to pick up that big bounty any day now.
10:09 Oh, does your contract cover him too?
10:11 No, it doesn't.
10:12 But anybody can collect on him.
10:14 As good as that is if they can get him.
10:16 And if you're thinking of hunting him, just don't get in our way.
10:29 Say, Mr. Davis, do you happen to keep a record of the bounties paid in the last 30 days?
10:34 Yes, I got it right here.
10:37 Do you mind if I look at it?
10:40 Well, I guess there's no harm in that.
10:42 Thank you very much, sir.
11:00 What's wrong?
11:01 I called a guy four hours behind in the cabin,
11:04 and he got to asking too many questions.
11:06 So I had to knock him out.
11:08 Where is he now?
11:09 He's still there.
11:10 He's tied up.
11:11 You got any idea who it might be?
11:13 Yeah, that fellow in the land office said he had a partner.
11:17 I wonder.
11:19 Who's that fellow?
11:21 He said he just rode in from Lagos County.
11:23 Let's go talk to the guy you caught.
11:25 That's if he's still alive.
11:27 I had to clout him pretty hard.
11:29 Go ahead.
11:30 Let's go.
11:31 Come on.
11:32 [music playing]
11:41 My head felt like I was hit with a 10-pound sledge.
11:45 There was scratching and whining coming from outside.
11:49 Wolf howls were getting louder.
11:51 It meant trouble.
11:52 [music playing]
12:03 The wolf was trying to get in.
12:05 I had to get free of this rope and move fast.
12:08 [music playing]
12:33 There's the wolf again.
12:35 He ran straight for the lake.
12:37 I had to follow him and not lose him, for now I
12:40 knew he was no ordinary wolf.
12:42 [wolf howls]
12:43 Was he trying to tell me something in his own way?
12:46 I had to find out.
12:48 [music playing]
12:51 [wolf howls]
12:53 [music playing]
13:14 Why did this wolf lead me back here?
13:17 Once again, I lost the track of the golden wolf.
13:20 Then he would appear and again disappear.
13:22 He had me going around in circles.
13:25 Now I knew for sure that he was not a killer.
13:27 [music playing]
13:31 He's gone.
13:32 It can't be.
13:33 You didn't hit him hard enough, you fool.
13:35 No, only hard enough to kill him.
13:38 And he was tied up on every side.
13:40 Come on, let's see if we can get him.
13:41 We can't follow him.
13:42 Why not?
13:43 He can't be far.
13:44 Come on, we've got a lot of tall figuring to do.
13:46 [music playing]
13:48 Once more around the circle, back again
13:51 to the same location where I was supposed to meet Stoney.
13:55 What a wolf.
13:56 Or is he?
13:57 [music playing]
13:59 But why the $3,000 bounty?
14:02 Kirby and Clement must not get a chance to get him.
14:05 There was something wrong about this whole setup.
14:08 [music playing]
14:11 The wolf's trail led right back to the exact spot,
14:15 an open country where I left Stoney.
14:17 I was supposed to go into town and see Mr. Davis.
14:20 But why did this wolf lead me back here?
14:23 I don't get it.
14:25 [music playing]
14:41 Again I lost him.
14:42 Too many circles.
14:44 [music playing]
14:53 Hand me those hides.
14:56 What are we going to pull out of here for anyway?
14:58 Because we ain't pushing our luck any further, that's why.
15:00 Yeah, but we--
15:01 There are plenty of other counties that have wolves.
15:03 Yeah, but we just got here, though.
15:05 You should have heard that guy in the land office.
15:07 And how about that snooper you caught?
15:08 Yeah, but we don't know for sure that they're investigating.
15:10 Well, we're not taking any chances.
15:12 Here, all these.
15:15 You think they'll take them after we just got here, too?
15:17 I spent a half hour convincing the land agent how good we were.
15:21 These ought to convince him.
15:22 Yeah, but I sure hate to leave $1,500 running around loose.
15:27 You know?
15:28 And $3,000 if we catch the wolf alive.
15:32 That's why we got to work.
15:34 Yeah.
15:35 I forgot all about that golden wolf.
15:38 We'll spend the night trailing him.
15:40 Man, how about the big investigators you talked about?
15:43 For $1,500, I'd have sued you to man as a wolf.
15:47 I'm going to be all right.
15:48 [music playing]
16:16 [siren]
16:18 Finally, I heard Stoney's signal off in the distance.
16:20 [siren]
16:23 Come on, Zipper.
16:24 Let's find Stoney.
16:25 He might be in trouble.
16:26 [music playing]
16:29 [roaring]
16:31 [music playing]
16:35 [roaring]
16:36 [music playing]
16:41 [roaring]
16:43 [music playing]
17:02 I came as soon as I heard your whistle.
17:03 Are you all right?
17:04 Yeah, I guess I am.
17:05 But it's a good thing you got here when you did.
17:07 He was going to tear my head off.
17:08 Oh, don't blame him for jumping you.
17:10 He probably thought you killed his maid.
17:11 Oh, no.
17:12 She's been dead for hours.
17:13 Yeah, looks like it doesn't.
17:14 Oh, boy, imagine.
17:15 $1,500 in bounty money.
17:17 Your mathematics are wrong.
17:19 $3,000 because it's alive.
17:21 $3,000?
17:23 What a time I'm going to have in town with that money.
17:25 Don't start counting your money too soon, Stoney.
17:28 Why?
17:29 He's more important than any bounty.
17:31 More important than $3,000?
17:34 That's right.
17:35 Come on, it's getting late.
17:37 Let's strike a camp.
17:38 [music playing]
17:51 As soon as it's dark.
17:52 [music playing]
18:07 Stoney.
18:08 Stoney.
18:09 What's wrong?
18:10 He's gone.
18:11 [music playing]
18:18 It's been chewed clean through.
18:20 I told you we should have killed him.
18:21 Stoney, that wasn't chewed through.
18:23 That was cut with a knife.
18:24 Kirby and Clement.
18:25 Who else?
18:26 You either followed, you or the wolf here.
18:28 Stoney, I want you to ride to Fort Dale as quick as you can.
18:31 See Colonel Merriam.
18:33 Give him this note.
18:35 What about you?
18:37 I'm going to Shemoria.
18:38 See if I can get there before they pay off that bounty.
18:40 You still worried about keeping him alive?
18:42 More than ever.
18:43 I'll get going.
18:44 [music playing]
19:02 I can't pay the Golden Wolf bounty without identifying him.
19:05 We don't expect you to, Mr. Davis.
19:08 Kirby, let him out of the sack.
19:10 But be sure and tie him up first.
19:12 Sure.
19:13 Here's the rest of the regular bounty.
19:16 I don't know how you do it in a couple days.
19:18 I told you we were the best.
19:21 Sure you won't consider staying here for a couple days?
19:23 Afraid not.
19:26 He almost got me that time.
19:27 [barking]
19:29 Yes, you're right.
19:30 That's him all right.
19:32 I could never mistake him.
19:33 I only saw him once.
19:35 Oh, here's the bounty money right here in an envelope.
19:37 You mind signing a receipt for me?
19:39 Sure.
19:40 [music playing]
19:46 There you are.
19:47 And here you-- wait a minute.
19:50 Somehow it does seem right to pay a bounty on a live animal.
19:54 What's the matter?
19:55 Well, it's a technicality.
19:57 This is the amount of money the ranchers
19:59 offered for a dead wolf.
20:00 I thought it was $3,000.
20:02 Alive.
20:03 That's what the army offered.
20:04 You know how it is with the service.
20:06 All the red tape and everything, they take several months.
20:08 Well, I agree to it.
20:10 We'll take $1,500 right now.
20:14 [barking]
20:15 For a dead wolf.
20:16 [barking]
20:21 Hold it.
20:23 Put that gun away.
20:26 Just who are you?
20:28 That's the guy I caught snooping in the cabin.
20:31 Are you Mr. Davis?
20:32 Yes.
20:33 You paid these men the bounty money yet?
20:35 Any reason why I shouldn't?
20:36 Yes, a good reason.
20:38 That's not a wolf.
20:39 What?
20:40 I don't understand.
20:41 Then what is he?
20:42 It's a dog.
20:43 A breed of dog the United States Army imported from Germany.
20:47 You going to swallow a story like that?
20:49 Well, I can get 100 ranchers to identify that wolf.
20:52 Tell me, did you ever see a dog that looked like that?
20:55 I don't know.
20:56 Look, we brought in the wolf and we're entitled to the bounty money.
20:59 Go ahead and shoot him, Kirby.
21:01 Wait a minute.
21:02 You'll do nothing of the kind.
21:04 I'm a federal agent.
21:05 My partner's bringing proof right now from Fort Dale.
21:08 This dog is government property.
21:10 Well, we'll wait.
21:11 He's right.
21:12 If there's a chance he is government property, we better wait.
21:15 [dog panting]
21:18 [dog panting]
21:20 [music]
21:26 [dog barking]
21:28 Maybe that's him now.
21:32 It is.
21:34 Relax.
21:36 [dog barking]
21:41 Hi, Pat.
21:42 Tell me, Stoney, did you bring those papers?
21:44 I sure did.
21:45 And that wolf over there is a certified, genuine United States Army German shepherd dog named Prince.
21:55 Hello, Prince.
21:58 You been missing that Army chow?
22:08 How do you like that?
22:11 That don't prove a thing.
22:12 It's because he's a government wolf.
22:15 He's worth $3,000, and we want it now.
22:18 Here's his papers, Mr. Davis.
22:21 But how can you prove this is the dog these papers belong to?
22:24 If he bites my hand, I'll say that he's a wolf.
22:28 [dog panting]
22:35 Are you convinced?
22:37 That's enough to convince even a couple of old plumbers.
22:43 Oh, yeah.
22:45 But I guess you collected a pretty good bounty on the other hide.
22:49 Yeah.
22:50 Come on, let's go.
22:51 Wait a minute.
22:56 Mr. Davis, I missed it.
22:58 Trent already paid these men the bounty on these hides.
23:00 Yeah.
23:01 They broke into Trent's office and stole these hides back again.
23:04 What?
23:05 Well, look at this.
23:06 That's a dry skin.
23:08 Yes.
23:09 You see this mark?
23:10 I put that mark on myself the day before these men were supposed to have killed these wolves.
23:14 [music]
23:43 [dog barking]
23:51 All right, you.
23:52 Get up.
23:53 Get over there.
23:54 Face the wall.
23:55 Come on.
23:56 Put those hands up.
23:57 Stay there.
23:59 It certainly took you long enough.
24:00 Well, did you see the size of that big ape?
24:02 We've been following these two men all the way from Montana, down through Idaho and Utah.
24:06 Quite a racket, and I fell for it.
24:08 I don't know how many times they've collected money on the bounty on those skins,
24:11 but it's running to thousands and thousands of dollars.
24:13 Well, it won't happen again because I'm going to burn those skins right now.
24:16 That's a good idea.
24:17 Hey, you know something, Pat?
24:19 I'm worried.
24:20 This Prince here, they -- the ranchers say he's a killer.
24:24 [dog barking]
24:26 Ah, Stewart, you don't believe that.
24:28 Of course not.
24:29 Neither do you, do you?
24:30 No.
24:31 Well, if anybody doubts it, we'll have the government post bond.
24:34 Fine.
24:35 Well, we better get this dog face back to the post now.
24:37 He's been AWOL long enough.
24:40 And turn the prisoners over to the sheriff, will you?
24:43 I'll do that, and I'll press charges.
24:44 Thank you, sir.
24:45 Thank you, boys.
24:46 Thank you, Mr. Davis.
24:47 Hello.
24:48 Bye.
24:49 Bye.
24:50 Come on, Prince.
24:51 Come on, boy.
24:52 [music playing]
24:59 [music playing]
25:03 [music playing]
25:06 [music playing]
25:09 [music playing]
25:12 [music playing]
25:15 [music playing]
25:18 [music playing]
25:21 [Music]