
  • last year
00:00 You can't leave the camp.
00:01 Why?
00:02 You can't.
00:03 Go back.
00:04 You and your three.
00:09 Wait.
00:11 Stand still.
00:12 I'll find the commander.
00:13 Find whoever you want.
00:15 [Music]
00:30 I quit.
00:31 What's wrong with you?
00:32 Why do you quit?
00:33 The commander lied to me.
00:35 What did he lie to you?
00:36 He bullied me.
00:36 I want to go home.
00:37 Go home?
00:39 You think this is a hotel?
00:40 You can come and go as you like.
00:42 This is your home.
00:43 My home is on the mountain.
00:45 I can explain.
00:46 Stop.
00:47 Listen, you brat.
00:50 You are a soldier when you are in the camp.
00:52 If you go back now, you are a deserter.
00:55 You will be shot.
00:57 Shot again?
00:59 Hey.
01:02 Hey, hold on.
01:05 Otherwise...
01:08 I...
01:10 Well...
01:13 I'll tell you.
01:14 I'll come back to punish you when the commander comes back.
01:15 De Biao.
01:17 I heard that the military has snipers.
01:21 And it's a training abroad.
01:23 You said that Mu Liangfeng got the national hero.
01:27 Did you steal the military's limelight?
01:30 And when you shot Mu Liangfeng,
01:34 that special order.
01:36 Did you inform me on purpose?
01:39 Or what?
01:42 Hey.
01:42 How can you say that?
01:44 Hey, bro.
01:46 If you say that, you will kill me.
01:48 This is the superior's order.
01:51 You say that,
01:53 not only you took me there,
01:54 but also you took the boss away.
01:56 I...
01:58 I heard this from the military's secretary,
02:00 Li.
02:01 He always doesn't tell me.
02:02 You...
02:03 You are a good son of the uncle.
02:07 This...
02:08 You know what?
02:09 Mu Liangfeng is a national hero.
02:13 The superior ordered you to protect him.
02:18 If anything happens to him,
02:20 you will be killed.
02:22 But...
02:24 Don't think that a national hero
02:26 just arrived in your village
02:27 and was killed by the Japanese.
02:29 If that's the case,
02:30 all the anti-Japanese morale in the country
02:32 will be suppressed by your village.
02:37 Go.
02:39 (Mu Liangfeng)
02:41 Chase!
03:05 Chase!
03:07 In this matter of Mu Liangfeng,
03:09 let's make a deal.
03:10 It's a piece of cake.
03:14 I can't run away, but you can't fly.
03:16 You want to find a scapegoat?
03:20 Come on.
03:22 Drink.
03:23 You're really good.
03:24 Don't run!
03:30 Mu Liangfeng ran away.
03:33 Catch him.
03:35 (Mu Liangfeng)
03:36 I'll tell you...
03:37 I'll tell you a secret.
03:41 There's a devilish character
03:44 in the Japanese military.
03:47 His name is Jingyi.
03:48 He is the most talented man
03:50 who graduated from the best military school in Japan.
03:53 He is the first sniper in Japan.
03:55 He has won the military sword of the Huang family.
03:59 You mean the Japanese military sword?
04:04 Yes, that's him.
04:06 He is very willing to make a scene.
04:09 He...
04:11 is likely to be on Mu Liangfeng's side.
04:17 I'll tell you.
04:27 You...
04:29 Let Mu Liangfeng
04:31 make a mistake in your group.
04:34 What?
04:35 For example,
04:36 you'll die of illness.
04:38 Or,
04:40 you'll fall into a pit and die.
04:43 If the Japanese kill you,
04:46 you'll be in big trouble.
04:48 I don't know.
04:58 What should I do?
05:00 What should you do?
05:03 Think about it.
05:05 You'll die of illness.
05:09 Or, you'll fall into a pit and die.
05:14 Don't shoot!
05:36 Mu Liangfeng!
05:40 This is a training.
05:42 This is not a training.
05:43 This is the mountain goat
05:46 you left for the Lihui City.
05:48 Why did you come here in the morning?
05:51 He is honest.
05:57 Liu Biao, if there's nothing else,
05:59 can you go first?
06:02 Commander Zhao, I'll go first.
06:06 Okay, don't go.
06:10 Take him away!
06:11 Mu Liangfeng,
06:23 are you a man?
06:25 A national hero? A man?
06:28 You're worse than a dog.
06:30 You're worse than a dog.
06:33 You're good.
06:34 You can give orders and then you can go.
06:37 I was wrong about you.
06:39 I shouldn't have taken you to Fengming Road.
06:42 I shouldn't have let the villagers throw stinky chicken feces on your face.
06:46 I tell you, I have a sense of smell.
06:50 I don't want to be a soldier.
06:54 I have a reason.
06:55 What reason?
06:56 You lied to me.
06:57 I lied to you?
06:59 How clear it is!
07:00 You lied to me.
07:02 Who told you I lied to you?
07:04 You don't need to tell me.
07:06 I'll figure it out myself.
07:07 I'll tell you two good things.
07:10 The first one,
07:12 I believe you're a good man, not a liar.
07:15 You saved the American pilot.
07:18 Let's talk about the second good thing.
07:21 Because you saved the American pilot,
07:23 you got the title of a national hero.
07:27 And I gave you the medal of national hero.
07:32 Take a good look.
07:33 Is this for me?
07:34 Of course.
07:35 We're inseparable from the beginning, right?
07:38 Yes.
07:39 That is to say, before you went to the execution ground,
07:42 you knew I saved the American pilot.
07:44 I got the title of a national hero, right?
07:47 Yes.
07:48 If it wasn't for this afternoon, I would have figured it out.
07:51 I have to keep you in the dark for the rest of my life.
07:54 I'm not playing with you.
07:55 I'm going home to find my grandpa.
07:56 I'm going to the town to find Boss Liu.
07:58 Guo Liangfang,
08:01 you were right just now.
08:04 Yes, that's right.
08:06 I lied to you on the battlefield.
08:09 Because I'm doing it for your own good.
08:11 I think you're a rare god-hand.
08:14 Since you want to go, let's go.
08:17 You're hiding something from me.
08:19 You tell me what you want to say, and I'll go.
08:21 I'm telling you,
08:22 there's a very powerful Japanese guy who wants to kill you.
08:26 Who's killing me?
08:28 Who else is killing me?
08:30 Who have I offended?
08:31 Who have you offended?
08:33 Have you ever killed a Japanese?
08:35 Yes, I have.
08:36 I'm telling you,
08:37 there's a Japanese guy who's been trained professionally.
08:39 He wants to kill you.
08:41 Where is he? Tell me.
08:42 If I knew where he was,
08:43 I would have let the people of the ship kill him first.
08:46 I don't know where he is.
08:49 You go back to your house.
08:50 He'll come after you and kill you.
08:52 He might kill your grandpa.
08:54 You go back to town.
08:55 He'll come after you and kill you.
08:57 He'll even kill Boss Liu.
08:59 I'm doing it for them.
09:00 I'll keep you in the ice.
09:02 That way, they'll be safe.
09:05 You can still have two options.
09:07 Think about it.
09:08 You can fight the Japanese and the Japanese.
09:10 How glorious is that?
09:11 If this matter is announced in the newspaper,
09:14 what kind of situation will it be for the people?
09:18 It must be a group of people who are united,
09:21 working together to get rid of the Japanese.
09:24 Then...
09:26 you're saying that you're right.
09:30 Then I...
09:31 I... Okay, I'll accompany you to the house.
09:33 Jin Ming.
09:34 Jin Ming.
09:37 I'm sitting on the hillside.
09:46 Come down.
09:52 Come down.
09:53 Come down.
10:02 Xiao Biao.
10:05 We've settled the matter with Mu Liangfeng.
10:08 He listened to my advice.
10:09 He's willing to stay in the ice and be my soldier.
10:12 That's great.
10:13 Jin Ming.
10:15 You've brought a hot-blooded good man into your arms.
10:19 You've done your best.
10:21 If I'm not careful,
10:23 I'll burn a flower for you.
10:25 No, I'm confused.
10:28 You're burning a flower for me.
10:30 What should I do?
10:32 Didn't I tell you?
10:34 You should focus on your death.
10:36 Sickness and death are two different things.
10:39 No, that's not right.
10:41 What if this boy is not dead?
10:45 As the saying goes,
10:47 as long as you work hard, you'll be successful.
10:50 Besides, Mu Liangfeng is not a swine.
10:54 As long as you can touch him,
10:58 he'll be a big boy.
11:02 Okay, don't worry.
11:05 I'll make him a big boy.
11:19 Hello, who is Chief Zhao Mengzi?
11:24 Wu, are you here to pick up the Eagle?
11:26 Hurry up.
11:30 I am.
11:35 You're the first sniper of the National Army,
11:38 Chief Zhao Mengzi?
11:40 Nice to meet you.
11:43 Say hello.
11:44 I'm Mu Liangfeng.
11:46 You're the national hero?
11:49 That's what they call me.
11:51 What's wrong? Why are you punished?
11:54 It's a self-punishment.
11:56 Good.
11:57 You're a newbie.
11:59 You just graduated.
12:01 You can't avoid being punished.
12:03 It's good to practice.
12:05 In the army,
12:07 if you want to be punished less, you have to listen to orders.
12:09 Sir, what's the order?
12:16 I'm not asking you to explain orders.
12:19 Who do you listen to?
12:21 My grandpa.
12:22 Have you ever disobeyed your grandpa?
12:24 A few times.
12:25 What's the consequence?
12:27 I was offended by a boar.
12:28 You were offended by a boar.
12:31 It means your grandpa is good for you.
12:33 What your grandpa said is an order.
12:35 In the army, if you disobey orders,
12:38 you may be shot.
12:40 You've been to the execution ground. Are you afraid?
12:42 Yes.
12:43 That's good.
12:45 Go and play.
12:46 Sir.
12:47 I'm here to report.
12:51 Go to whom you should go.
12:52 I'm looking for you.
12:54 No way.
12:57 We're the snipers of the 204th Regiment.
12:59 We won't need people like you.
13:02 It's the order of the commander.
13:04 An order?
13:05 You said just now.
13:06 If you disobey orders,
13:08 what's the consequence?
13:09 You'll be shot.
13:10 Are you afraid when you're at the execution ground?
13:12 I'll ask you again.
13:13 Is it the order of the commander or you?
13:16 I think it's the order of the commander.
13:18 Since it's the order of the commander,
13:19 you should obey the order of the commander.
13:22 Get away from me.
13:23 We're the snipers of the 204th Regiment.
13:24 We won't need people like you.
13:26 You're like a wild boar.
13:32 Sir.
13:37 Come in.
13:39 Report, sir.
13:41 Report, sir.
13:44 I don't want the national hero you mentioned.
13:48 Why?
13:49 No reason.
13:50 If you don't have a reason, why not?
13:52 Sir.
13:53 Who are the snipers?
13:57 They're elites.
13:58 They're selected from the many people.
14:00 I don't want this wild boar.
14:01 Get out.
14:03 Because he's a wild boar,
14:05 he has no chance to kill so many Japs like you.
14:09 Because he's a wild boar,
14:11 he has no chance to be trained like you.
14:13 If he had your conditions,
14:15 I believe he wouldn't kill less Japs than you.
14:19 Sir.
14:20 How many soldiers have been trained?
14:23 How many people have the chance to kill Japs?
14:24 No one has the chance to kill me.
14:26 I'm not afraid of you.
14:28 I'm not afraid of you.
14:30 No one has the chance to kill Japs.
14:32 No one has killed so many Japs like me.
14:34 You'll be killed by this pride sooner or later.
14:40 I'm proud?
14:42 I don't want him. I'm doing this for the snipers.
14:44 For our regiment.
14:45 To keep our honor.
14:47 You say I'm proud because of him?
14:49 You never said that before.
14:51 Yes.
14:52 I put him in your rank to irritate you.
14:57 You know what it means to have a friend outside the circle.
15:00 You look down on me.
15:02 I don't look down on you.
15:04 Because you're a good-for-nothing.
15:07 You're a tiger in the mountains.
15:10 You're a tiger in the army.
15:12 He's a tiger in the mountains.
15:14 You'll have to deal with your own problems.
15:21 You'll have to deal with your own problems.
15:31 I've been talking for a long time.
15:33 The regiment commander wants me to fix it.
15:44 This Muliangfeng wants to ride on my head.
15:49 I'll give you a ride.
15:52 I'll give you a ride.
15:56 [♪♪♪]
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16:25 [♪♪♪]
16:35 [♪♪♪]
16:45 [♪♪♪]
16:50 [whistle blows]
16:52 [shouting in Chinese]
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16:57 [whistle blows]
17:00 [whistle blows]
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17:55 [♪♪♪]
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20:39 [explosion]
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24:06 [siren]
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24:16 [explosion]
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24:24 [music]
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28:44 [explosion]
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