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(Adnkronos) - : In occasione della 49esima edizione del Forum The European House - Ambrosetti a Cernobbio, in corso dall’1 al 3 settembre 2023, è stata presentata la ricerca “Acqua: azioni e investimenti per l’energia, le persone e i territori”, realizzata da The European House - Ambrosetti in collaborazione con A2a. Focalizzata sulla gestione delle risorse idriche e la risposta ai fenomeni idrici estremi, la ricerca riflette sugli investimenti e le azioni da mettere in campo per una maggiore resilienza strutturale. TAGS: A2a, a2a energia, energia idroelettrica, idroelettrico, forum ambrosetti, cernobbio, imprese, economia, transizione energetica, energia green, energia rinnovabile, fonti rinnovabili, The European House Ambrosetti, Tavazzi, Mazzoncini,


00:00 [Music]
00:07 Water. Action and investment for energy, people and territories.
00:13 This is the title of the research carried out by The European House Ambrosetti in collaboration with A2A
00:19 and presented on the occasion of the first of the three days of the 49th edition of the Cernobbio Forum
00:25 entitled "The Scenario of Today and Tomorrow for Competitive Strategies".
00:29 Starting from a reflection on the increasingly frequent extreme hydric phenomena,
00:33 the research focuses on the management of water resources and on the actions and investments to be put into practice
00:40 in order to contain the effects of these phenomena, both on the energy sector and on the water cycle.
00:46 On the one hand, we have less and less water.
00:49 2022 was a horrible year, we had the worst drought ever,
00:54 we lost 36 billion cubic meters of water, which is the equivalent of 60 lakes in Simeon, or a larger lake.
01:02 And on the other hand, we have a network of aqueducts that continues to lose 42% of the water
01:10 against an average of around 25%.
01:12 So, having always had a lot of water in the country, we have had little care for it,
01:19 and therefore we absolutely have to make investments to ensure that the network is efficient and that precious water is not lost.
01:27 Water must be seen both from the point of view of the water cycle, which is what all citizens know,
01:33 and from the point of view of hydroelectric production, which today is the first Italian renewable energy.
01:37 Italy, after Norway and France, is the country with the largest hydroelectric quota in Europe and one of the largest in the world.
01:45 We have estimated 32 billion euros in investments in the water cycle, which means aqueducts,
01:51 fountains, pools to recover rainwater, and 16 billion euros in hydroelectricity,
01:56 which means new pumping stations to recover more power from power plants,
02:01 revamping existing power plants, new mini-hydroelectric plants,
02:05 and everything you can do to use water for energy production.
02:09 It takes 10 years to do this, it takes engineering, and it takes companies that are able to implement finance.
02:17 These are not sectors that require, as you say, lost-fund financing, PNRR for example,
02:24 because these are sectors that, with the sale of energy or with the rate, are able to self-finance.
02:30 But we have to do it.
