नयन फाऊंडेशन - दृष्टिहीन तरुणांच्या कलागुणांना वाव देणारं व्यासपीठ | गोष्ट असामान्यांची भाग ५४

  • last year
रुईया महाविद्यालयातील माजी विद्यार्थी असलेल्या पोन्नलागर देवेंद्र देवेंद्र यांनी २०१० साली दृष्टिहीन तरुण-तरुणींसाठी नयन फाऊंडेशनची स्थापना केली. पोन्नलागर देवेंद्र हे स्वतः अंशतः अंध आहेत. दृष्टिहीन आणि अंशतः अंध तरुण-तरुणींना ट्रेकिंगचा अनुभव मिळावा या साध्या-सोप्या उद्देशासाठी संस्थेनं काम सुरू केलं. संस्थेच्या माध्यमातून आतापर्यंत १४ यशस्वी ट्रेकिंगचा टप्पा पूर्ण झाला आहे. ट्रेकिंगबरोबरच बुध्दीबळ स्पर्धा, योग प्रात्यक्षिकं, मल्लखांब अशा कार्यक्रमांची आखणी संस्था करते. इतकंच काय तर महाराष्ट्रातील पहिलं दृष्टिहीन गोविंदा पथक याच संस्थेनं तयार केलं आहे. सामाजिक जाणिवेतून स्थापन झालेल्या या संस्थेनं आज दृष्टिहीन तरुण-तरुणींच्या कलागुणांना वाव देणाऱ्या एका व्यासपीठाचं रुप घेतलं आहे.


00:00 The history of Shivaji Maharaj in the book of Uthi
00:03 We had a desire to go to the Ghat fort from that time itself
00:06 We started with trekking
00:08 We are doing the same thing that other organizations are not doing
00:15 Casteism is still there even blind
00:17 It should not be in the society
00:20 The government should take some notice of these things
00:23 The first vision of the Nayan Foundation Maharashtra
00:26 was that people should see it as a human being
00:32 Nayan Foundation
00:36 Namaskar, I welcome you all once again to this special episode of Lok Satta Online
00:43 Friends, if I ask you if you can close your eyes and do trekking
00:47 or can you keep a human heart
00:50 You will say how is this possible?
00:52 But Nayan Foundation has proven this is possible
00:54 Nayan Foundation works for visually impaired children
00:58 Devendra Ponnelagar is blind
01:02 He established this organization in 2010
01:05 He was a fan of Giriya Rovan
01:07 He established this organization to get the same experience of trekking
01:11 that other children should not get
01:14 Along with trekking, yoga training, Buddhi Bal
01:17 and other activities are organized through this organization
01:20 The first visually impaired child in Maharashtra
01:24 started his journey through this organization
01:26 Let us know about his journey today
01:30 Namaskar, my name is Devendra Ponnelagar
01:33 We started Nayan Foundation in 2010
01:36 We started with trekking
01:38 We are a organization that works for visually impaired people
01:45 We had to do trekking every year
01:48 It was very difficult that year
01:50 To keep this tradition intact
01:53 Nayan Foundation was established in 2010
01:56 We had not registered then
01:58 But in 2014 we registered Nayan Foundation
02:04 My primary education was in Happy Home School for the Blind, Varli
02:09 After that I joined Ruia College
02:12 I have done my B.A. from Ruia
02:15 I did my B.A. in Yoga Shastra, Somaya College
02:18 We are not doing this anymore
02:20 Because we are doing what other organizations are not doing
02:28 There will be some obstacles in the future
02:32 We can take the next step in this direction
02:37 Avhan is the son of the founder of Phoenix Foundation
02:42 He joined us in 2010
02:45 The children who are physically challenged
02:48 They have been doing trekking for many years
02:52 We got their experience
02:54 We read in the book of Chauti that the Ghat Killa's favorite is Swaji Maharaj's history
03:00 We had a desire to go to Ghat Killa
03:04 That desire was fulfilled through Nayan Foundation
03:09 We established Nayan Foundation in 2010
03:14 We have more than 200 children in our organization
03:18 They participate in various activities
03:22 Like beach cleaning, football, cricket, yoga, dahi andi
03:29 They are involved in various activities
03:34 Nayan Foundation was established by Govinda Pathak
03:40 In 2013, a citizen from Magadhane
03:45 He invited us to come to him
03:49 He did not give us any specific invitation
03:54 We had organized a feast for three groups of children
03:58 The children believed that we can go to various places through this
04:08 We established the Pathak in 2014
04:13 And it is still going on
04:15 From 2014, we have been going to various places like Mumbai, Thane, Nashik and Alibaug
04:26 We have held more than 200 events
04:30 I had a good experience
04:32 I came here for the first time and was selected for the Topper
04:35 I was very nervous
04:37 But our coach Manoj sir and the president of this organization Pundu Radha
04:42 They gave me a lot of confidence
04:44 They said that I can do this
04:46 The girls in my Pathak also took care of me
04:50 They gave me a good technique
04:52 I practiced a lot
04:54 I started practicing from 15th August
04:57 I have full confidence now
04:59 That I can stand for a long time
05:02 I can balance myself
05:04 And can break the wall
05:05 Actually, the children who are with us
05:08 They are already active in various sports
05:11 Like, in Mallakhamb, Uday Deshpande sir has already given them good training
05:18 Then climbing and getting down is not very difficult
05:22 Once we tell them where to put their feet
05:25 They climb up with the help of that
05:29 They are given instructions on the sound of the whistle
05:31 When to go and when to go
05:33 If the whistle is blown, people automatically reach that side
05:36 Till now, we have completed 14 treks from 2010
05:41 After joining the organization, we give people information about our plans
05:48 Their awareness about the blind field increases
05:51 Many people are blind after learning
05:55 We give them different information
05:59 And through these games, their mobility improves
06:03 Or their life becomes better than before
06:08 These are their reactions
06:11 Now, there is a girl in our Pathak, Priyadarshini Salian
06:15 She studied in a normal school till 10th grade
06:19 When she joined our organization
06:24 She got the opportunity to provide her with a writer's degree
06:27 She was able to do this from the yoga field
06:31 She did not know that there is something different for us
06:36 She did not know where to get a writer's degree
06:39 She could get it after approaching an organization
06:43 Or we could get it by telling the board
06:46 She did not know all these things
06:49 Actually, she has gained some awareness
06:52 But the government should take some notice of these things
06:57 Their employment opportunities
07:00 Or the opportunities for education
07:03 If a blind child wants to learn English from childhood
07:10 There is not a single school in Maharashtra
07:13 That provides blind children with an English medium
07:17 Many people want to do this
07:20 But it has not been done yet
07:23 Our organization is registered in the Sain Koiwada
07:27 And the children who come to us are from other parts of the country
07:31 If I go to a politician
07:36 They say that the children who are going to stay here are not from here
07:40 It is difficult to reach them
07:43 And there are many problems in bringing all these things together
07:48 I am a member of the NSS
07:54 My friend from the NSS is from Ruiya
07:58 I get financial help from them
08:01 And some other social organizations go with us
08:05 They help us with the Jai Jawan Patak
08:10 And we can do this through some political organizations
08:14 We take the insurance of all the Govindas
08:21 And we carry their helmet and safety jacket
08:27 I would like to tell you a story
08:30 A girl from Matunga station was going to Ruiya College
08:35 A woman held her hand
08:42 And after walking for 10 steps
08:45 She was asked about her caste
08:47 She said that she was from SC caste
08:50 She left the girl and went ahead
08:53 Casteism is still there
09:00 We should see people as humans
09:03 If we encourage the will of the blind people
09:09 They can face any problem
09:12 This was our story today
09:16 We will meet again in the next episode
09:19 [MUSIC]
