McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse 85th Anniversary Superman Figure

  • last year


00:00 The boy in blue is back but with a lot more red. Here's a look at the brand new
00:04 McFarlane toys DC Multiverse Gold Label Collection Superman 85th Anniversary
00:09 Edition.
00:11 Sent to earth from the dying planet of Krypton is baby Kal-El was found by
00:38 farmers Martha and Jonathan Kent and raised as their son Clark. As Clark grew
00:42 up the radiation from the earth's yellow Sun gave him extraordinary powers which
00:45 he kept hidden. Now fully grown he uses his powers to protect his adopted world
00:49 as Superman. The man of steel is virtually invulnerable and his powers of
00:53 super strength, super speed and flight. He also has enhanced senses including heat
00:58 vision, x-ray vision, super hearing and super breath. Supes celebrates 85 years
01:03 of saving the planet. I'd like to go ahead and thank the folks first over at
01:07 McFarlane toys that did provide the sample of the new 85th anniversary
01:10 Superman that we could have a look at this review. Following to that let's
01:13 grab the tape measure. Now this is using the same body and build as both the
01:16 hush Superman and the Superman that got packed along with Doomsday. Both figures
01:20 we've already had a look at in this channel. Both figures will be brought in
01:23 for comparisons in a second. Superman though in the meantime stands seven
01:26 inches in height or the figures about 17 and a half centimeters tall. Yeah
01:32 speaking of those other Superman let's bring those in right now. Here's what the
01:35 85th anniversary Superman looks like with the hush Superman. Here's also what
01:38 he looks like with the Superman that got packed along with Doomsday. In both the
01:41 cases you're getting a slightly squatter, stockier Superman. It seems to be also
01:46 the case that while they are using of course the same bodies for all the same
01:48 three, it looks like the one that we're getting here for the 85th anniversary
01:52 edition celebration Superman is using in fact the same head sculpt that we got
01:56 packed for the hush Superman. At least it seems to be the case. Obviously they've
02:00 just changed the colors quite a lot as this Superman that we're about to have a
02:03 look at is mostly all done in a dark navy blue as well as some very vibrant
02:06 red. Certainly Superman gets a lot of the bells and whistles when it comes to
02:12 presenting the figure though unfortunately he doesn't come in clue
02:15 with any accessories specific to the figure itself. More so just stand options
02:20 and there's certainly a lot to go around. First the more simplest and still I
02:23 don't mean to demean that at all but he comes in clue with a flight stand. We
02:26 have seen this before. It basically consists of two parts. We're just going
02:30 to detach it right now. You can get just a circular clear stand. Of course you can
02:34 see my hand waving behind it. It's got the DC logo printed down below. One small
02:37 peg that can plug into either one of Superman's feet. Then he has the
02:40 additional neck piece. Not adjustable. It is adjustable though in the waist
02:44 section but this just slides into place, snaps into place and then you're good to
02:48 go. This then clips around Superman's waist. I'll do in a second. You can either
02:52 have the figure levitating or you can also have them in a flight pose. Now I
02:55 feel with the way they've depicted Superman with all the dark blue and then
02:58 the vibrant of the red on the side, I feel he actually worked quite well to be
03:02 in a flight pose which I'll of course show you guys in a second. Before we do
03:05 that though I wanted to show you as well the card that comes in clue with
03:08 Superman. This one actually does have the depiction of what the character is
03:11 supposed to be. See how he's mostly all dark blue and then on this side where
03:14 the light's basically hitting him, he's got all again that bright red. Behind him
03:18 though is 85 which again signifies the 85th anniversary of the Man of Steel.
03:22 Down below that just again write home the fact that this is the 85th
03:25 anniversary release though also to flip around to the back you get a certificate
03:29 of authenticity. This certifies that the limited edition worldwide product the
03:33 Superman 85th anniversary figurine is authentic and officially licensed by
03:37 McFarlane toys. The figurine was created, developed and designed by Todd McFarlane
03:41 and his award-winning design group. All figures are individually hand-painted.
03:45 How about that? It's also been signed although obviously it has been signed by
03:49 Todd himself. It's been printed on his signature but I was like the idea that
03:52 you get yourself a card like this that has a certificate of authenticity. You
03:56 get also as well this really cool looking display stand. Now this was at
04:00 the bottom tray so of course if you get this figure for yourself you want to
04:03 make sure that you pull all the tray pieces out because of course not only
04:06 will you have this on the second tray but then if you take the tray away and
04:10 you'll also find this the back card that's gonna fit along the back section
04:14 here of the display stand. The display stand here is cast in a very nice
04:17 looking blue. I really like the blue that they chose here. Of course a very large
04:20 Superman logo printed on the top and then there's a hole here to the side.
04:24 This hole actually then accommodates this tiny little button. A circular
04:28 shaped sort of signage that then if you take the peg and just fit it into the
04:32 provided hole you got yourself a little floating, not so much floating, but you
04:35 got a little DC stand sign sticking out the front. I think that's a really nice
04:39 touch. Now there doesn't seem to be, for example, let's just move everything out
04:44 of the way here for a second. Let's grab the back card. Now again like this is on
04:47 the bottom tray so you want to make sure like you're pulling all the trays out.
04:50 This is on the bottom. It's only printed on the one side but it only needs really
04:54 the one side anyways. You've got a silhouette of the same essential image
04:57 that's shown here on the card. Of course in this case it's just a cutout of
05:00 Superman with 85 behind him. This does then fit into the provided grooves on
05:05 the back of the stand and this serves as sort of a serviceable backdrop which
05:10 does of course then if you take Superman, which I didn't do at the beginning of
05:13 this review because again like if you had this guy spinning on a turntable
05:15 there'd be a point of course when you get to the back side of it it would be
05:19 nothing but blank. But boy does that ever look nice when it comes to displaying
05:22 the figure on the shelf. Now the only downside that is there's no place to
05:26 really then store the card. There is really enough allotted space that you
05:29 could sort of tuck it along the back along with the back cardboard or what
05:33 you can also do as well you can easily just remove this all together and you
05:37 could take then the card if you want just something a little bit more
05:39 simpler and just attach the card on the back there as well. Not really sure the
05:43 route I'm gonna be going when it comes to displaying Superman. I kind of do
05:45 really like the idea that you got this oversized kind of 8.5" x 11"
05:49 just dropping things. I got some 8.5" x 11" cardstock that
05:52 actually can fit behind Superman. I think that finishes the figure I think a
05:56 little nicer but again if you if you wanted to have something a little bit
05:59 more space obviously behind Superman then you can always go the
06:02 option of just attaching the card onto the back like I've done right there. Okay
06:06 so taking Superman we're just gonna move him to the side. We're actually gonna
06:09 take the display stand too and carefully move it out of the way. I'm sure we are
06:12 gonna be getting this stand used again. Mark my words. We're gonna move that
06:16 though to the side. Of course with the Superman I did already drop it. We're
06:19 gonna bring back in the flight stand. As already mentioned with Superman these
06:23 flight stands we're just gonna open up the waist clip here. This does just fit
06:26 around Superman. You're gonna have to move his cape obviously out of the way
06:28 first but that's gonna just clip around his waist and again like you can have
06:32 him in a levitating pose or which you can also do too and I prefer this at
06:37 least when it comes to this Superman is that you can also have him in a flight
06:39 pose. Not really the most interesting pose I've got him in right now. He's
06:43 literally just standing and just slightly tilted but I will be changing
06:47 that of course when we get to the final looks of the figure. Leave that with me.
06:50 The one thing that the figure unfortunately doesn't come with with all
06:53 the other things that we talked about those bells those whistles and yet
06:56 unfortunately the figure doesn't come in clue with any other hands than the big
06:58 closed fist that he has. I really think in a case like this especially if you're
07:03 gonna be putting Superman at least I will be putting this Superman in a
07:05 flight pose. I really would have liked at least flat hands. This isn't something I
07:10 could easily just pillage from another Superman because of course this one's
07:13 all colored here in blue. I really wish that this guy at the very least could
07:16 have come in clue with flat flying hands if in case you don't want to swap them
07:19 out with the ones that he has right now. As for the figure itself getting a
07:24 closer look at it right now I really am happy with the way that this one did
07:27 turn out. It's not gonna be I know it meaningly this isn't gonna be everyone's
07:30 cup of tea. Some people don't really like the idea that they're gonna simply just
07:33 use the mold again and just in this case paint it all more mostly in blue. I gotta
07:38 say like the colors for what we get at least of it looks really good to bring
07:42 back in the hush Superman. From what I can see at least it seems to be the
07:46 exact same mold figure. The funny thing is though by the way they've colored it
07:50 with a half and half sort of two-faced look in a way it actually sort of
07:54 distorts the sculpting of the figure where it doesn't look like it's quite
07:57 this head sculpt but I think it is. I mean looking at the bodies the bodies
08:01 are exactly the same. It also shares the exact same closed fists as a Superman we
08:05 got before but again like this Superman did have again like the flying
08:09 flat hands whereas this one's this Superman doesn't have it. Now this one as
08:13 you can see getting a closer look at that does have sort of where the light
08:16 will be hitting it from the one side so the this side here will only be really
08:20 the dark colors other than a few little areas and patches on his face. I really
08:24 do like the way that this has been handled. The colors again match that of
08:27 the card so again we're just gonna bring back in the card you can kind of see
08:30 what's going on here very much dark blue and then just again those highlights of
08:33 the red but if you have I tell you though angle it just right if you have
08:37 it like this let's just kind of get it to the way that the card is right now
08:40 kind of angle the arm like this we're gonna just bend Superman's legs just
08:44 imagine if you will how good that's gonna look on the display stand well I
08:47 mean again like we let's just grab ourselves a flight stand bring the stand
08:50 back in we're gonna just clip it around Superman's waist carefully though of
08:55 course these are hand-painted at all and again like if you guys wanted to have
08:58 this in a flight pose you can really pull off a very successful look to
09:02 Superman the thing about also using the clear stand is so sort of gives the idea
09:07 that Superman is floating on his own without the use of actually a stand
09:10 holding him up I mean in a way it sort of is detracting a bit because Superman
09:14 is not flying by his own means but again I'm glad to use it I'm glad to see that
09:18 they at least included a flight stand I feel like a Superman like this
09:21 especially to angle him just a little bit like this sort of as well I really
09:25 feel like the figure looks best when in flight not necessarily have him just
09:29 stand I mean again for all intents and purposes you can also just have the
09:32 figure standing like it is right now very stoically presented kind of kind of
09:35 his head arched it back just a little bit too but I gotta say like one thing I
09:38 really like is the head sculpt I'm gonna go back to that again I know when we did
09:42 look at the hush Superman for example I said he profiled really nicely he's got
09:46 a really good side profile whatever your feelings may be about the size of his
09:50 eyes or the size of his lips or the fact that his face seems very large I gotta
09:55 say like it looked really good from the side and I will say as well to carry
09:58 over that that mindset the coloring of the red along with the blue boy does
10:03 ever really bring out the features that I really liked about the head sculpt
10:06 before especially when you're seeing it from the side now some some may say it's
10:10 a bit jarring the fact that Superman's s shield for example is a very bright red
10:14 and why wasn't it the same color for the rest of the figure well again to look at
10:18 it the sell of this is the fact that it's supposed to be presenting Superman's
10:20 shield I mean as a figure he's basically just only like monochrome chromatic he's
10:25 basically just like two colors but like to look at the shield the shield is the
10:29 thing that's supposed to stand out so I'm glad that they made this a brighter
10:32 color that that's the thing that you're really gonna be looking at against the
10:34 backdrop of the darker blue and the darker red the only thing I will say
10:38 though is that they've done the cape well but I feel like the cape is maybe
10:42 just a little bit too bright it looks close enough in color but I wish that
10:46 they could have matched the colors a little bit closer to the red that he
10:48 has in his body so so again it didn't look like the cape stood out as much as
10:52 it did the other thing about the figure though is when you flip it around no
10:55 real afforded paint was given to the back of the cape there's a smudge here
10:59 on the back but I think that was just by my figure alone and he's got a little
11:03 bit of darker colors for the shadow on the top there but I kind of wish that
11:06 some of it made its way onto the back of the cape as well even if you were to say
11:10 flip the cape up to you'll notice that under the hood there is no additional
11:13 paint so it's really he's more to be seen from the front than he is really to
11:17 be seen from the back for the figures articulation it's gonna be exactly the
11:21 same as the other Superman's from before so his head's gonna be on a ball joint
11:24 yeah rotates all the way around it looks up and it looks up fairly well too so if
11:29 you go and want to get this guy in a flight pose you can certainly pull that
11:32 off head looks down about that far you can also rock the head back and forth as
11:36 well arms are still your regular DC multiverse articulation so they're gonna
11:40 rotate all the way around that arms go out beyond I would say the point of 90
11:43 degrees you can take as well those biceps and swivel them swivel them on
11:47 both sides the figure does have a double hinge on the elbow and the hands do
11:50 rotate all the way around the upper torso is on a ball joint the lower torso
11:55 further from that is also on a ball joint so you can rotate that all the way
11:58 around and just again like look at the detailing that they put onto the side of
12:01 the figures body legs do split out once again relying on ratcheted joints you
12:05 can take the legs move forward move them back a mild swivel at the top of the
12:09 thigh a double hinge of course on the knee although my knees not my knees
12:12 Superman's knees are very very tight and I'd much rather tight joints than really
12:17 loose joints speaking of also loose joints I don't have any loose joint
12:20 issues when it comes to the ankles here of this Superman my Superman that came
12:24 packed with doomsday I've already started to kind of get looseness in the
12:27 ankles so far this Superman's pretty good though it moves back and forth this
12:30 way you can rock it back and forth moderately and you can of course get
12:34 that toe articulation happening there as well it's a good-looking Superman I will
12:39 admit though I mean like anyone picking this up or anyone even just like
12:41 watching this review may be very split on whether they would think it's worth
12:45 to get this figure again if they say for example they already have the other two
12:49 superman from before let's get this guy to can I get him to stand I hope I can
12:53 get him a stand but yeah if you already have say this figure not everyone is
12:57 gonna be sold on the idea you know well let's get ourselves a display stand I
13:00 just happen to have one right over here just a gate a regular black display stand
13:04 because of course if I'm talking away I want to make sure this Superman's doing
13:07 his job and standing in place but yeah if you already have say for example this
13:10 Superman okay maybe that's not that maybe that's not the best example but
13:14 let's say for example you have this Superman which for all intents and
13:18 purposes again is just essentially the exact same mold is it enough I would say
13:22 is it enough to be investing in the idea of getting the 85th anniversary well
13:26 obviously 85th anniversary edition why am I having so many problems when it
13:29 comes to this I need might get myself a display stand where's their display stand
13:33 ah there's a display I've literally like just a stack of stands here to the side
13:36 let's get this also on Superman yeah if you already have say this one is I don't
13:42 know if everyone is gonna be getting on board the idea of getting the same mold
13:45 essentially just in a darker blue with the red I think it really showcases the
13:49 figure and the mold really nicely you know of course it's gonna be a little
13:52 bit more limited in quantities the price of this one is gonna be a little bit
13:55 higher to get then say for example the hush and say for the example the one
13:58 that got packed along with doomsday but I gotta say if you're a big fan of
14:01 Superman and you really like again the way that they've silhouetted the color
14:05 scheme here like he has on the card boy it's a great-looking Superman to be
14:08 displayed on the shelf I don't know if necessarily I would be displaying him
14:11 straight like this as stoic as he may look I'd more likely want to be
14:15 displaying him in flight to match of course the way they looks here on the
14:18 card and here in final looks I've got the 85th anniversary Superman in flight
14:23 using of course the included flight stand I'm so glad to see that they use
14:27 this stand with all of course the other invested plastic that they put with the
14:31 larger Superman stand not to mention the little signage of the DC logo in the
14:35 front you would think then that that would be the budget for plastic and yet
14:39 they still came through and provided the flight stand I'm so glad that they did
14:42 now of course here I have left off the big back card something just because
14:47 again like as Superman spins it's fine it's good to be looking at from the
14:50 front but now of course when we get to the back of the figure you'd only be
14:53 looking at the back white of the cardstock so rather instead I just
14:56 decided to use that slot provided on the back of the stand for using and
15:00 supporting at least the 85th anniversary certificate of authenticity
15:03 that also comes in clue with it as well I think they'll likely what I will do is
15:07 after I've wrapped up the review when this guy goes eventually onto my shelf I
15:10 will be though removing the card and replacing it again with that larger
15:13 backdrop that has of course the silhouette of Superman along with 85 as
15:17 well the Superman does look great though again I did mention at the end of this
15:21 review while still trying to balance the two Supermans on either side of him I
15:24 didn't mention that maybe not everyone's gonna love the idea of basically a
15:28 two-tone Superman only just blue only just in red but I gotta say like again
15:32 it really does give the chance for McFarlane's team to really show and
15:35 shine the sculpting that they put into their figures this those does use a
15:39 slightly stockier Superman of course following still the same traits as
15:43 both the hush Superman that we looked at as well as the one that got packed
15:46 along with doomsday and again I'm okay with that I think this Superman mold is
15:49 good it's a little on the shorter side but I think it works quite quite well
15:52 for this particular pose that they wanted to go with certainly as one side
15:56 note one thing I did want to mention though is while I don't mind at all the
15:59 fact that the Superman shield is obviously the different color because
16:02 the whole idea is that still supposed to stand out with the backdrop or the
16:05 silhouette of Superman I will say though I wish that the cape was a brighter
16:09 color I wish the color was of the cape wasn't as bright as what it is if only
16:13 they had matched the colors to the red that they used on the body for example I
16:16 think the cape is the one thing that does stand out a little bit too much on
16:19 this figure but all in all other than that I'm really happy with how this one
16:23 turned out big thank you once again to the folks over at McFarlane toys that
16:26 did provide the sample of the 85th anniversary Superman that we had the
16:30 chance to have a look at in this review is this a figure you guys could see
16:32 yourselves picking up let me know down below in the comment section also as
16:36 well if you guys enjoyed this video hit with a like if you guys are loving the
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16:47 well have a little bit of time popping up at the end of this video there is a
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16:54 on your hands we are gonna be looking at some more DC multiverse stuff that's in
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17:03 watching see you guys next time
17:07 you
17:10 you
