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Hiya Toys Star Trek 2009 Exquisite Mini Series James T. Kirk 1:18 Scale Figure


00:00Well, he didn't get the Excelsior, but he did get Exquisite.
00:04Here's a look at the brand new Haya Toys.
00:06This is the Star Trek Exquisite Mini of Captain Kirk.
00:30This brand new James T. Kirk action figure stands at 105 millimeters tall
00:35and faithfully reproduces appearance from Star Trek 2009.
00:38He is dressed in the iconic yellow uniform representing command and strategic personnel.
00:43The Starfleet emblem on his clothes, communicator, phaser, pistol, and other accessories are finely detailed,
00:48capturing the essence of the character even in the 118th scale.
00:52Well, it's been a long time, a Kelvin time, since we've got ourselves some decent Star Trek figures.
00:56Are Haya about to change that?
00:58Before we answer that question with this review, the first thing I want to do is thank the folks over at Haya
01:02that provided the sample of the Star Trek 2009 Exquisite Mini Series James T. Kirk.
01:07We can have a look at this review.
01:08The figure is slated to drop the third quarter of 2024 with the asking price online of $24.99.
01:15Kirk, though, is going to stand at about 4 inches in height, or he's going to be about 10 centimeters tall.
01:21I guess if him and the crew of the Enterprise are going to be exploring the astral unknown,
01:25perhaps some of the other alien creatures they may meet along the way
01:29will be also the ones that we've gotten from Haya in the past,
01:31like, for example, the Berserker Predator and the Pred-Alien.
01:35Just to give you at least an idea, I suppose I probably could have brought in a couple of other examples as well,
01:39but, you know, Kirk from a size standpoint of a human being would fit in well, I think,
01:43with the size of what we're getting with Berserker and the previously looked at Pred-Alien.
01:49Beaming now in are the accessories that come in clue with Kirk.
01:52First, the figure does come in clue with the display stand.
01:54Quite a very elaborate looking display stand.
01:56It actually looks like a view screen that we would see inside the Enterprise.
01:59It's actually really no different than regular rectangular display stands we've gotten from Haya in the past.
02:04This just happens to be, I think, the Injustice 2 display stands, but they work essentially the exact same way.
02:09Though this does have a border, if you look at the bottom of this, though, there are these slots on the side.
02:14You get these eye brackets and you can plug these in place.
02:17You don't really even necessarily need two of them either.
02:20Just plug them into those slots.
02:22Now, I did notice, though, a couple of slots seemed a little tighter, like this one just right here.
02:26If you look at the eye bracket, this one doesn't fit as easily in, so maybe we might just change course correction.
02:33Let's bring it over to the other side as well.
02:35Now, I haven't honestly, truth be told, tried this yet, but these should fit in.
02:40This one right here just seems to be a little thicker.
02:42We'll leave it off for right now, at least.
02:44The point I did want to drive home, though, is if you have yourself a regular rectangular stand from previous Haya releases,
02:49you can actually take the display stand and you can connect them together.
02:52I mean, it may look a little sore and out of place that you're going to have two completely different terrains like this,
02:57but at least that gives the idea across that you can mix and match the components.
03:01You can mix and match the display stands if you so wish.
03:04I don't really know why, though.
03:05That one right here is a little bit thicker.
03:08It looks to be about the same size, and yet I can't get it into that.
03:12There we go. There we go.
03:13Just had to put a little bit of extra pressure.
03:15I feel like this would also be in a good place as well.
03:18You already got the Star Trek logo down below, and also it does indicate that this is a trademark.
03:22I think this also would have been a perfect place to add a bio.
03:25I mean, obviously, I would think that they probably are just going to be using the same generic stands.
03:29We will be looking at both Bones and Spock in upcoming reviews.
03:33But, I mean, how cool would that be if they had put a little bio on the back of this?
03:37Anyways, though, let's just take the eye brackets off.
03:41Really, really finicky this time around.
03:43There we go. Just put it off to the side.
03:45There is a peg right here, too, that you can take the holes on either one of Kirk's boots,
03:49and you can plug them onto the display stand.
03:52Ideally good as well if you want to have this guy in a dynamic pose if you wanted to.
03:57Again, just plug it in place.
03:59The only one concern I really also have as well is if you're looking at the peg,
04:02it looks like they are using translucent.
04:04Can you see that? Translucent plastic.
04:06So it may not have been the best choice of plastic when it comes to a peg that's going to attach onto a figure's feet,
04:10because you're probably going to be putting it on and removing it frequently.
04:13I just think that that plastic may break.
04:15Let's move the stand off to the side.
04:17The figure does also come in clue with a couple of other things as well.
04:20Some swappable hands.
04:22I've actually already taken the liberty of removing one of the hands.
04:24It was a relaxed hand.
04:26The figure also comes in clue with a gripping, I guess I should say a closed fist hand,
04:30because I've already taken the liberty of adding on the gripping hands.
04:33The hands themselves are a little harder to put on,
04:35just because, again, you're dealing with a small figure.
04:38And because you're dealing with a small figure, you're obviously dealing with smaller pegs as well.
04:41The hands themselves do fit on there,
04:43but I find it helps actually just to twist the hand a little bit to get it onto the peg.
04:47Every once in a while, though, and I'm saying this well in advance,
04:50if you go to try to move the hand around, sometimes it does pop the hand off the peg.
04:54It's a fairly easy thing to fix.
04:56While the figure's arm is up right now,
04:58the figure does also come in clue with a Starfleet-issued belt.
05:01The belt is one thing that's going to hold both his communicator and his phase pistol.
05:05You can see there's a holster there on the side for the phase pistol.
05:08There's a slot on the side here for the communicator.
05:10Initially thinking, though, this belt wouldn't be undone,
05:13realizing later, though, it actually has a little tab right here that fits inside this hole.
05:18The thing about it, though, is the first time you do this,
05:21you think, oh, this isn't going to give me any problems moving forward.
05:24And unfortunately, that's not the case.
05:26The plastic, as you can see, does bend, and it bends very easily.
05:29The moment you try to put this back in place, I've noticed this bends this,
05:33I mean, way too many times to count, unfortunately.
05:36And it hasn't yet developed,
05:38but I worry that over time it's going to develop stress marks.
05:41I mean, it's kind of like an old, simple idea that even old action figures back in the 80s
05:46would have had these belts attached the exact same way,
05:48but I don't know, I just don't think the belt really does work all that well,
05:52especially if you're looking to close the clasp again.
05:54Luckily, you don't even really need to do that, either.
05:57I mean, all you really need to do is fit this around his waist,
05:59and then you can just sort of give the suggested idea that the belt is closed up on the back.
06:04I mean, from looking at it from the front,
06:06I mean, you'd be really none the wiser to know that the belt hasn't been done back up.
06:10Again, like if we just move his arms out of the way,
06:12there is a section slot here to...
06:15Well, you know what, let's put the figure down here for a second.
06:17I want to show you guys what these accessories look like up close and personal.
06:19They are pretty small, though.
06:21So he gets himself a communicator.
06:23The communicator essentially just is a black rectangular piece of plastic
06:26with a little bit of silver added to the top.
06:28It doesn't open.
06:29It would be a very difficult thing for this thing to open just for the size of this,
06:33but it does fit, though, into his hands.
06:35And the plastic for the hands, luckily at least, is soft enough.
06:38And you get him to hold the communicator, and he holds it, you know, he holds it okay.
06:42He also does have the option of holding his phaser.
06:46I will tell you, though, I wasn't really a big fan of the phaser in the 2000...
06:49Well, even like just the J.J. Abrams 2009 trilogy,
06:54all the subsequent sequels afterwards,
06:56I just didn't like the way that the front flipped around.
06:58So you'd have basically a stun, and then the front would flip around
07:02if you wanted to have the kill shots.
07:04It is nicely molded here, though, in silver,
07:06and you can also, of course, put that in his hand as well.
07:11And he holds both accessories decently.
07:13The only thing, again, you might have worries with
07:15is maybe like the hands falling off the pegs.
07:17Now, again, you can take both of those,
07:19and you can conveniently holster them on the sides.
07:22We'll just get his arm again out of the way.
07:24The phaser tucks in on one side.
07:26And when you tuck this in, too,
07:28you're going to find a lot of the phaser does stick out,
07:30but I think it's pretty accurate to the movie.
07:32You can also take, as well, the communicator.
07:34The communicator's so small, so very, very small.
07:37And, again, that can holster on the side.
07:39I like, at least, that there's storage for this.
07:42The thing I'm not so crazy with is the fact that the belt just...
07:45It just doesn't do up well enough.
07:47And I was trying to kind of think to myself, like,
07:49what would they have done instead? Could they have used a peg?
07:51Peg would just be something you'd have to fit over top.
07:53That probably would have worked as well.
07:55But, again, like, looking at it from the front,
07:57you'd never really be knowing that the belt wasn't done up completely.
08:00And, too, also, it's just so much easier if you remove it,
08:03where you don't even have this attached in the first place.
08:05Move that off to the side,
08:07getting, though, a closer look at Captain Kirk.
08:09I will say right away, I was impressed to see
08:11how much detail they were able to put into this figure
08:14for a figure that's considering this small.
08:16I feel, from a likeness standpoint,
08:18it does look a lot like Chris Pine's Kirk.
08:21Maybe only offering up any little bit of criticism
08:24would be more so to the coloring of his skin.
08:26I feel like it's maybe a little bit too pink.
08:28But other than that, though, I think the likeness definitely is there.
08:31And you've got to really consider this as well.
08:33Like, here's my finger. Here's the size of Kirk.
08:36How many other companies have failed
08:38getting likenesses this good for a figure this small?
08:41Again, it's well painted.
08:43You can see it on the eyebrows, the eyes, the mouth as well.
08:46It's really landing a decent likeness of Kirk.
08:49I just wish that the coloring of his skin
08:51was maybe a little bit darker
08:53or maybe not as pink as what we're getting here.
08:55Of course, he gets his Starfleet-issued tunic here as well.
08:58What you won't see, though, because of the size of this,
09:00is the tiny little Starfleet symbols.
09:02One of my things I didn't really like necessarily
09:04about the new Star Trek films.
09:06Why just overly complicate it?
09:08Just give them a Starfleet-issued shirt.
09:10You don't have to make it...
09:12Why do all movies and stuff always have to give these shirts
09:14that have tiny little symbols that make up the fabric?
09:16Luckily, he has the only symbol that's the most important.
09:20It's obviously the Starfleet symbol there on the top.
09:22He's got some additional striping there
09:24also along the corners of his shoulders.
09:26It's a good colored shirt.
09:28I feel like it might be a little too green,
09:30but I think all in all, though, it does look quite good.
09:32Lower half of his body, of course,
09:34make up of slacks.
09:36He's got some black slacks.
09:38He's also got some very shiny black boots there as well.
09:40There is also a little bit of attention to detail
09:42as they took the time to paint the little silver there
09:44on the strap he has on the side of the belt.
09:46I didn't even realize he had the strap
09:48on the side of his boot like that
09:50until I realized it on the figure.
09:52Then I went back and looked at it again
09:54and there's a lot of attention going on here
09:56for a figure that's essentially only 4 inches in size.
09:58Now, for the figure's articulation,
10:00if you are familiar with the
10:02Exquisite Super Mini
10:04or the Exquisite Mini series by now,
10:06you're pretty much familiar with what you're going to be getting here.
10:08The head is actually
10:10attached to the neck.
10:12When you're moving the neck, you're basically moving the head.
10:14It's one piece completely.
10:16The head still succeeds to rotate all the way around.
10:18You can move the head up.
10:20You can move it down. Of course, you can also rock it back and forth as well.
10:22Shoulders hinge out. They're on pins.
10:24You can bring it at,
10:26I would say, 90 degrees.
10:28You can also take those arms and rotate them all the way around.
10:30While I'm doing this, you may have already noticed
10:32that the top of his shirt is more of a softer plastic.
10:34I don't know if that means
10:36it was just an easier thing for them to tool
10:38that they took basically a body and then they just
10:40tooled a softer plastic overlay
10:42that went over top of it.
10:44It may also help, too, to give this guy some
10:46additional articulation.
10:48It doesn't seem, though, that you can actually move his torso
10:50where it's separate from the rest of his lower half
10:52of his body, but he does have
10:54succeeding at least with a ball joint
10:56so you can rotate the body all the way around.
10:58Again, going back to the arms, though,
11:00they rotate forward and back. You've got the single bend
11:02in the elbow that allows the arm to rotate back and forth.
11:04And the hands, hopefully,
11:06will stay onto the pegs. You can rotate them all the way around.
11:08There's a little additional silver that they've
11:10actually added there to the forearms, too.
11:12Legs split out.
11:14They're on ball joints, by the way.
11:16You can take the legs and, yeah, you can move them forward.
11:18You can move them back. There's a swivel there at the top of the thigh.
11:20A double hinge on the knee, which is nice to see.
11:22There's articulation, as well,
11:24for the boots, and you can also move them up and down,
11:26and you can also rock them back and forth.
11:28And, again, you can also make use of the fact
11:30the figure does have pegs on the bottoms of his feet.
11:32The only thing, again, I would be a little bit more worrisome
11:34something I did already mention is the fact
11:36that they are using clear plastic here, so
11:38I think attaching the figure onto the feet, or
11:40attaching the peg onto the feet, you just want to be careful.
11:42That's all I'm saying. Just be a little bit careful.
11:44All in all, though, it's a good-looking Kirk.
11:46I'm just so impressed with the fact that
11:48for Haya Toys to take a figure
11:50that is this tall,
11:52well, I mean, to kind of give you at least an idea
11:54compared to my hand, to get a figure this small
11:56with this much detail is quite
11:58really impressive. I would hope
12:00that maybe down the road, we're going to kind of get away
12:02from the Kelvin universe, that we can maybe even get
12:04some classic Star Trek figures.
12:06If this is any guinea of an
12:08indication of what Haya is capable of doing
12:10with Star Trek figures, I would, yes,
12:12definitely be interested to see what they could do with
12:14a true William Shatner Captain Kirk
12:16and maybe even some of the crew from the original
12:18Starship Enterprise. But what I'm seeing
12:20here, though, is what I'm seeing
12:22here for Captain Kirk, I'm really liking quite a lot.
12:24A lot of good colors. Again, I feel
12:26like the colors for his face are maybe a little bit
12:28too pink, but from a likeness standpoint,
12:30quite impressive, again, that they were
12:32able to capture this for such a small-looking figure.
12:34If you are liking
12:36the look of Captain Kirk, and you're interested to
12:38see what Haya has in store for more Star Trek,
12:40all this week, in fact, we will be looking
12:42at the new Haya Toys Star Trek 2009
12:44Exquisite Mini Series, as we
12:46look at both Spock and Bones as well.
12:48If you want more of a fix for the Captain,
12:50you'll be happy to know, beaming up in a
12:52bigger size in November 2024,
12:54Haya is planning to release an Exquisite
12:56Super Series Captain. So instead of being
12:58118th, he's going to be 112th. Instead
13:00of having a plastic uniform, it's going to be
13:02all fabric instead. Now, that
13:04figure is going to be selling at $109.99,
13:06the general asking
13:08price of what Exquisite Super Series figures
13:10tend to be, going back to this one,
13:12perhaps outside of maybe the
13:14pigmentation of his skin, maybe being a little
13:16too light, maybe being a little bit too pink.
13:18I think it does definitely look, especially
13:20for its size, and that's the most important thing.
13:22I think it looks a lot like actor Chris Pine.
13:24He has two accessories, and he also has
13:26a belt. I don't really have, I think, plans to have
13:28the figure displayed with the belt. The belt is a little
13:30more cumbersome, because you have to try to do it up
13:32on the back, and the plastic being as soft
13:34as it is. I feel like, in a case like that,
13:36they probably should have used more of a rubbery plastic,
13:38because I think that would have been giving you
13:40more of an easier time to do it shut.
13:42With it using plastic like this, I worry
13:44that it's going to start to develop stress marks,
13:46but when it comes to displaying the dear captain on my shelf,
13:48I don't really have a plan to display him with
13:50the belt, but definitely will be displaying him
13:52with the communicator and the included phaser.
13:54What do you guys think of Captain Kirk?
13:56Let me know down below in the comments section. Is this a figure
13:58you guys could see yourselves picking up? Like I said,
14:00this guy is going to be dropping the third
14:02quarter of 2024, so around October
14:04to November. Big thank you, once again, to the
14:06folks over at Hayatoys that did provide this sample
14:08that we could have a look at in this review. If you guys
14:10did enjoy this video, do it a solid throw to like.
14:12You guys want to stick around for more so?
14:14I hope so. As mentioned,
14:16we will be looking also at Spock
14:18and Bones. Those will be coming up all
14:20this week, so I want to make sure that you're coming back
14:22regularly. As always, thanks for watching.
14:24See you guys next time!
