PLT Mentan Pastikan Stok Pangan Aman

  • last year
Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pertanian memastikan, stok atau pasokan pangan hingga akhir tahun aman terkendali. Hal ini diyakini, khususnya pasokan beras di Bulog mencapai 1,7 juta ton.


00:00 Meanwhile, the government through the Ministry of Agriculture...
00:02 ...ensures that the stock or food supply...
00:04 in control until the end of the year.
00:06 This is believed to be the case, especially...
00:08 ...the rice supply in Bulog reaches 1.7 million tons.
00:12 The Ministry of Agriculture, which is also the head of the National Food Board...
00:16 ...Arief Prasetyo Adi, ensures that the food supply...
00:18 in control until the end of the year.
00:20 Amin said that at the moment...
00:22 ...the rice supply in Bulog reaches 1.7 million tons.
00:26 Even until the end of the year, the rice supply...
00:29 ...will increase to 600,000 tons.
00:31 After that, the government will also ensure...
00:33 ...that there is rice importation to increase the rice supply...
00:37 ...especially to maintain stability of the price of rice...
00:39 that it is in control.
00:41 The stock in Bulog is 1.7 million tons.
00:47 Then it will enter...
00:50 ...until the end of the year.
00:53 The friend from Kemendak already knows, 600,000 tons.
00:56 It is still being searched for 500,000 tons.
00:59 What we assure is that the importation...
01:02 ...does not affect the price of the farmers.
01:04 But it is necessary to intervene...
01:07 the people in need.
01:09 Both the SPHP and the Ministry of Food.
01:12 Then, Mr. President in the last meeting also said...
01:15 ...if it is needed in December to add more food aid...
01:19 ...why not while we count with the Ministry of Finance.
01:22 It is still not enough. Mr. President will also say...
01:25 January and March.
01:27 (electronic music)
