EUDR Batal, Tata Kelola Perdagangan CPO Dioptimalkan

  • 2 days ago
Pembatalan undang-undang deforestasi sawit menjadi kabar baik bagi industri kelapa sawit Indonesia. Pasalnya industri sawit dinilai menyumbang signifikan terhadap perekonomian nasional dan memberikan lapangan kerja bagi jutaan orang.


00:00Indonesia's palm oil industry is a good news for Indonesia's palm oil industry
00:05Next, the cancellation of the oil deforestation law
00:08is a good news for the palm oil industry in Indonesia
00:11because the oil industry is considered to contribute significantly to the national economy
00:15and provide jobs for millions of people
00:22The President of the European Commission has officially announced
00:24the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation
00:28or EUDR for a year
00:32Of course, this decision provides legal certainty
00:35and reduces the uncertainty that has been haunting palm oil industry in the country
00:41Palm oil trade observer as well as the main director of the Indobursa Exchange
00:44which focuses on the community trade of raw palm oil strategic
00:47or Agung Rihayanto CPO
00:50Indonesia, as the largest CPU producer in the world
00:53needs an efficient management and trading mechanism
00:56and focuses on productivity growth
01:00It is very important to remember that palm oil contributes significantly to the national economy
01:04and provides jobs for millions of people
01:07Foreign investors will feel more confident
01:10to invest in the palm oil sector in the country
01:14This is actually good news for our palm oil industry
01:21especially the palm oil industry
01:24Because of this, there is no more ban from European countries
01:29on our CPO products
01:32This should be a good wind
01:35Just like the question you asked
01:38What is the relationship with export?
01:42We formed this exchange as a reference of price
01:46which will then be a reference of production cost
01:52The production cost should not be too expensive
01:55because our CPO is competitive
01:58Moreover, if there is no ban from European countries
02:02it means that our market will grow
02:08In addition to Agung Rihayanto as the largest CPU producer in the world
02:12Indonesia should have a strategic role in determining the direction of the global community market
02:17where the government continues to try to create a transparent and credible price reference
02:21in the CPO industry to strengthen Indonesia's position in the international market
02:25From Jakarta, Heru Triyunarto, AITX Jenuk coverage team
