Potensi Bisnis Platform Penyedia Kebutuhan Home & Living Berbasis "Transparent Pricing"

  • 2 days ago
IUIGA (ai-yu-ga) startup ritel dari Singapore, hadir di pasar Indonesia di tahun 2020. IUIGA tersedia dalam bentuk website dan aplikasi yang dapat diunduh melalui App Store dan Play Store. Perusahaan rintisan ini bekerja sama dengan ratusan pabrik. IUIGA menggunakan model bisnis ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) yang memungkinkan konsumen mendapatkan produk yang terjangkau.


00:00And now we're back in the CreateUp segment.
00:09This time we will discuss the potential of business platforms
00:13to provide home and living needs based on transparent pricing.
00:17And we are joined by Lai Sin, Co-Founder and COO of Ayuga Group.
00:22So, thank you very much for joining us in CreateUp.
00:25Mr. Lai.
00:27Good morning, everyone. Good morning, host.
00:29Okay, first question of our discussion today.
00:32What do you read from the home and living market today?
00:36Home and living definitely increased a lot,
00:39especially during the COVID period.
00:41So far data that online,
00:43the first year of the COVID is increased three times
00:47because I believe that everyone stay at home,
00:49so they're more focused on the things they are using at home.
00:53So, it kept increasing.
00:55I can say it's still like a post-COVID period.
00:59It's still increasing a lot compared to before COVID for our data.
01:07Okay, so before we dig deeper,
01:09maybe our viewers want to know more about Ayuga.
01:14Can you explain more about Ayuga?
01:18Okay, Ayuga has a quite unique disruptive business model.
01:23So, in general, what we have done is we're searching around the world
01:28for the big manufacturers.
01:31So, the world's top layer of the manufacturers
01:34in home and living products.
01:37So, we're getting in touch with more than 800 manufacturers
01:41that work with us.
01:43And we are selecting the durable and valuable money,
01:48mid to high-end quality products
01:51and selling to our customers at a transparent price.
01:55So, that's the value we provide to our customers.
01:58So, how long has Ayuga been established until today?
02:03Until today now, it's already seven years.
02:06At the beginning of time, we're actually purely e-commerce.
02:09So, it's a direct-to-consumer website.
02:13And we found out that during the day that the acquisition is quite high online
02:19and the way and the brand itself,
02:21then we can, you know, next year, we decided to go to the offline,
02:26which is, you know, retail.
02:28So, it's already seven years.
02:30So, Ayuga as a retailer or moving in retail industry,
02:37how about the pandemic?
02:39We know that three years ago or two years ago,
02:43was Ayuga impacted so deeply for the pandemic?
02:51And how about now?
02:53Has it already been better?
02:56Or maybe you can share more about what is Ayuga's condition right now?
03:02During the seven years, yeah, I'm pretty comfortable.
03:05Yeah, we are suffering from COVID.
03:09But the good things for us, we are doing the omnichannel.
03:12So, in one hand, we have our own e-commerce website
03:16and our own developed app.
03:19Then we have our own online channel.
03:22On the other hand, we have a lot of retail shops,
03:25of course, Singapore, Indonesia, and China.
03:29And during the COVID, of course, impact a lot for offline retail.
03:35Because during the time the traffic is bad
03:37and we've been closed down for the pandemic period.
03:41But the online part is catching up so quickly
03:44because everyone stay at home and they are buying things from online.
03:49So, that period during the COVID two, three years.
03:54So, we can see that the behavior,
03:57the shopping behavior from the customers change a lot,
04:00mainly from offline to online.
04:02Of course, starting from 2023,
04:05so everything is catching up and the country is open there.
04:11And we can see that the trend is the other way around.
04:14So, now we are more strong in retail instead of online.
04:20So, now our retail is quite strong in many areas.
04:25And offline is like online is still increasing, I mean, concurrently.
04:31So, not bad right now.
04:34Okay, it's good to hear that iYuga has already adopted the technology
04:39to provide the consumers or maybe to make the consumer more easier to access iYuga.
04:45So, what obstacles do consumers face when iYuga fulfilling their needs?
04:50And what solutions does iYuga present?
04:53And how can iYuga provide transparent services to fulfill home and living needs?
04:58But we will continue our discussion after a short commercial break.
05:03And the producer is still with us.
05:05CreateUp will be right back.
05:06Yes, back with us in CreateUp.
05:08And let's continue our discussion today.
05:11And of course, it's related to iYuga.
05:13So, Mr. Lai, how does iYuga provide transparent services
05:18to fulfill home and living needs for the consumers?
05:23Yes, thank you, host.
05:25For us, we have very unique strategy when we do the transparent pricing.
05:31So, for every item we sell to our customers, we release them.
05:35So, what is our cost in terms of label, transportation, tax, and so on and so forth.
05:42We let the customer know what is the cost of this item
05:46and how much we sell to you and how much other brands, normal brands sell to you.
05:50So, we have two reasons to do that.
05:53In one way, we want to control ourselves.
05:55In some items we get it, we don't want to mark it too high.
05:59So, with our limited markup strategy,
06:02we want to keep our prices the most competitive in the market.
06:06In other hand, we want to build up this trust between us and the customers.
06:13Because nowadays, people like to shop online.
06:16But when you go to the platforms, shopping online, you are shopping.
06:20You know, if you search some items, you see thousands of results.
06:24How to choose the different price, different pictures, different instructions.
06:30So, you need to spend a lot of time and try your luck to get the quality one.
06:36So, for us, for Ayuga, we are aiming to do this transparency
06:40to allow customers to view how much you are really paying for.
06:44So, when you receive the item, you are checking the price,
06:48you are checking the quality, you are believing that,
06:50okay, Ayuga really provides value.
06:52So, this is the price they provided and this is the quality we gathered.
06:56So, they were building the trust between us to the consumers.
07:01So, building the trust, Ayuga build the trust for the consumers.
07:06And how has the market responded so far?
07:09The market is quite good.
07:12The normal customer, if you are a new customer,
07:15the normal customer journey will be quite interesting.
07:18That's quite interesting.
07:19And I don't believe it.
07:20Because I don't believe that kind of qualities,
07:23you are only selling that kind of price.
07:26But they are curious.
07:29They want to make the try.
07:31They may just go to offline to touch and feel,
07:34or they purchase a very small amount, small items online to try it out.
07:39And then when they receive the item, they check the quality
07:42and they are slowly believing it and they become our fans.
07:46Because we are doing the member system,
07:48even if you go to offline, the system is linked with online.
07:53So, no matter if you purchase from online or offline, it's all combined.
07:57So, it's called a true Omnichannel shopping experience.
08:01And if you purchase something online and have some problem,
08:05you can go to any of our stores offline
08:08and they can track your purchase history
08:11and they can solve the problem for you.
08:14So, this is the Omnichannel shopping experience
08:16that we are building to our customers.
08:18So, we can say that it is iUGA's strategy for competing in the industry.
08:22But how tight is the industry right now in iUGA Infosnow?
08:30Would you like to describe more about the competition in the industry right now?
08:35Oh, yeah.
08:36If you talk about the home and living sectors,
08:40you don't come up with many brand names.
08:43I don't know if I'm allowed to speak other brand names here.
08:46If you think of something with the I, right?
08:48Globally, very big.
08:50And they have a target with the mass market.
08:53And the quality and price is, I mean, for the common qualities.
09:02And for us, our aim is when I go to the middle, high ends,
09:06the quality, but the price is very affordable.
09:09So, that is our target.
09:11We want to target at the middle-income peoples.
09:14And they have demanding for the living qualities,
09:19but don't want to pay that much for the luxury products.
09:22So, for iUGA, we provide high quality,
09:25but transparent, affordable price for those customers.
09:28Oh, all combined.
09:30And it will be a massive consideration for consumers to buy iUGA's products.
09:36Well, you can say that the price and the quality,
09:40it will prove itself for the consumer.
09:43So, what are the iUGA's targets in the short and long term?
09:48In the short term, you can see for the offline,
09:50we're starting with the retail shop, like 100 square meters to 200 square meters.
09:56And currently, we are trying to open a bigger store,
10:00like 1,000 square meters in different regions.
10:03So, this is our short-term vision.
10:06And it's going to open up at the end of this year.
10:09And in the long term, definitely we want to be a global quality home and living brand globally.
10:20Okay, that's maybe the last question for our segment in CreateUp.
10:24Thank you very much, Laisin, for sharing about iUGA.
10:28We wish iUGA a good luck for now and the future.
10:33Thank you very much.
10:34Yes, thank you. Thank you for your time.
10:36And, Mr. Mirza, we've been with you for 90 minutes in Power Breakfast.
10:40And before we close Power Breakfast for today,
10:42let's first take a look at the position of the joint share price index this morning.
10:47Mr. Mirza, is there a new development in the first 30 minutes?
10:55And we can see from the RTI,
10:58this is from 9.28.
11:03We check for the joint share price index.
11:07This is still visible in red, 0.44%.
11:10Meanwhile, the top gainers here are a number of shares.
11:13Fern, Antam, PTMR, Toba, Raja, and a number of other shares can also be seen.
11:19And from the top losers, there are WINS, MKAP, 1GEMS, TAPG, HOMI, P1 Aksi, and PDPP.
11:30And, Mr. Mirza, I hope today's discussion can be a reference and source of information for you
11:34and keep updating your information on IDX Channel,
11:36your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
11:38And don't forget to watch the Market Review program
11:40which will air at 10 o'clock Indonesia time.
11:42And because the business of the future must move forward,
11:44I'm investor Saham, I'm Fadjar Royong.
11:46See you later.
