20 aso at 3 pusa, rumampa sa Howl-O-Ween Paw-Shion Show ng isang hotel sa Baguio

  • last year
20 aso at 3 pusa, rumampa sa Howl-O-Ween Paw-Shion Show ng isang hotel sa Baguio
00:00 Halloween is coming.
00:02 A hotel in Baguio City has a unique gimmick.
00:06 It's full of costumes of cats and dogs.
00:11 Let's watch the unique fashion show
00:14 in the style of Jorton Campana of PTV Cordelera.
00:17 Instead of being scary,
00:24 a pet-friendly hotel in Baguio City has good vibes.
00:28 How come cute cats and dogs are the stars of the Halloween fashion show?
00:34 This is the hotel's gimmick whenever Halloween is coming.
00:38 In the second year of the fashion show,
00:41 more than 20 candidates,
00:43 including cute dogs and cats,
00:46 came and showed off their costumes.
00:50 This is a good platform for us
00:53 to invite all the pet owners
00:55 together with the veterinarians and the pet suppliers
01:01 to be bonded together in exchange for goods
01:04 and promote the advocacy of being a pet owner.
01:07 Arnold Salas and his lovable dog,
01:10 Alona from Pampanga,
01:12 won the grand prize.
01:14 They really didn't run around in their costumes.
01:18 The winner of the cash prize, dog food,
01:20 and hotel stay gift certificate
01:22 is Arnold and Alona.
01:25 I'm so happy because so many participants came.
01:29 We're from Pampanga,
01:32 so it's a long way to go.
01:34 It's worth it.
01:36 Other best friends didn't go home
01:40 because they were given all the one-night stay gift certificates
01:44 and pizza.
01:45 According to the owner of the hotel,
01:47 there's nothing better than bonding with cute pets.
01:52 For parents, I think you should be very thankful to all your pets
02:00 because the pets does not only give you love,
02:05 it removes your stress and gives you good health.
02:08 Jorton Kampana, for the people.
02:12 on.
02:12 *outro*
