Imprese, Tripi (Confindustria): “Aziende destinate a chiudere senza applicazione AI”

  • 13 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il bene che sta avvenendo è quello che dice che senza l'applicazione delle intelligenze artificiali nelle aziende, queste chiudono, le aziende non diventano competitive”. Queste le parole di Alberto Tripi, special advisor di Confindustria per l’Intelligenza Artificiale, durante la presentazione del VI rapporto dell'Osservatorio di 4.Manager "Intelligenza Artificiale. Cambiamento culturale e organizzativo per imprese e manager: nuove traiettorie della managerialità" presentato oggi in occasione dell'apertura dell'anno accademico della Pontificia Università Antonianum.


00:00We have to be very careful to take advantage of these changes, limiting evil.
00:10And limiting evil, how do we do it?
00:12Either with the knowledge that we all have and that we are doing as Confindustria towards our associates,
00:18either by applying those laws that are coming out of the European Community,
00:23and either by relying on the common sense of each of us.
00:28The good that is happening is what tells us that without the application of the law in companies,
00:34companies close down, companies don't become competitive.
00:37How do you choose a product if you don't have a range of products that are offered?
00:43Organize a better information flow, organize your own machines, your own shifts, sell better.
00:50The competitors do it, we have to do it too.
