Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore (1983)

  • last year


01:24 This could be the room of any small boy,
01:29 but it just happens to belong to a boy named Christopher Robin.
01:33 Like most small boys, Christopher Robin
01:36 has toy animals to play with.
01:38 And they live together in a wonderful world of make-believe.
01:44 But his best friend is a bear called Winnie the Pooh, or Pooh
01:49 for short.
01:50 Now, Pooh had some very unusual adventures,
01:53 and they all happened right here in the 100 Acre Wood.
03:03 Now, the 100 Acre Wood boasted many natural wonders,
03:07 but none was more beautiful than a tiny stream
03:10 running through the forest.
03:14 This particular stream had a very long way to travel.
03:21 And by the time it reached the edge of the forest,
03:23 it had grown up so it was almost a river.
03:27 Being grown up, it said to itself, there is no hurry.
03:31 We shall get there someday.
03:36 Now, crossing the river at its most peaceful spot
03:44 was an old wooden bridge.
03:47 It was a familiar spot to Winnie the Pooh,
03:49 for he would often wander there, doing nothing in particular
03:53 and thinking nothing in particular.
03:56 But on the most recent of these excursions,
03:58 something took his mind off of nothing.
04:03 Hmm, this is a very good fur cone,
04:06 and something ought to rhyme to it.
04:09 Think, think, think.
04:12 Now, fur cones belong in trees, up high with the buzzing bees.
04:17 But this one I found down on the ground,
04:21 freed by a gentle breeze.
04:29 Oh, bother.
04:37 I suppose I shall have to find another one.
04:41 Pooh had every intention of getting another fur cone,
04:44 but the river was slipping away so peacefully beneath him
04:47 that he began to slip away with it.
04:51 That's funny.
04:52 I dropped it on the other side, and it came out on this side.
04:57 Hmm, I wonder if it would do it again.
05:04 I wonder which will come out first.
05:16 Well, the big one came out first,
05:19 and the little one came out last,
05:21 which was what Pooh wanted.
05:22 I did?
05:23 Yes, Pooh, and that was the beginning
05:25 of a game called Pooh Sticks.
05:28 Which I invented.
05:31 Now, one day, Pooh and Piglet, Rabbit and Roo,
05:34 were all playing Pooh Sticks together.
05:36 But why call it Pooh Sticks?
05:39 I thought I started with fur cones.
05:42 You did, Pooh, but sticks were easier to mark.
05:47 Oh, yes, now I remember.
05:51 Now, one day, Pooh and Piglet, Rabbit and Roo,
05:54 were all playing Pooh Sticks together.
05:56 All right, now the first stick to pass all the way
06:00 under the bridge wins.
06:02 Now, on your marks, get set, go.
06:07 We must all start together.
06:09 Oh, dear, now where was I?
06:11 Oh, yes, on your marks, get set, go.
06:17 [♪♪♪]
06:21 I can see mine. I win, I win.
06:24 Can you see yours, Pooh?
06:31 No, I expect my sticks stuck.
06:35 They always take longer than you think.
06:38 Oh, I can see yours, Piglet.
06:40 Mine's a sort of grayish one.
06:42 Yes, that's what I can see.
06:44 It's coming over to my side.
06:46 Come on, stick, stick, stick.
06:49 Are you sure it's mine?
06:51 It's a big gray one. Here it comes, a very big gray.
06:54 No, no, no, no, no, it isn't. It's... it's...
06:57 Eeyore.
06:59 Don't pay any attention to me. Nobody ever does.
07:07 Eeyore, what are you doing down there?
07:11 Give you three guesses.
07:13 Fishing.
07:14 Wrong.
07:15 Going for a sail.
07:16 Wrong again.
07:18 Oh, waiting for somebody to help you out of the river.
07:23 That's right. Give Rabbit the time and he'll get the answer.
07:27 He's going round and round.
07:29 If I decide to practice the slide movement from right to left...
07:34 or left to right, it's nobody's business but my own.
07:41 Eeyore, what can we... I mean, how should we...
07:46 You think if we...
07:48 Yes, one of those would be just the thing.
07:52 Thank you, Piggly.
07:54 I've got an idea, but I don't suppose it's a very good one.
07:58 I don't suppose it is.
08:01 Go on, Pooh, let's have it.
08:04 Well, if we all threw stones and things into the river on one side of Eeyore,
08:10 the stones would make waves and the waves would wash him to the other side.
08:15 Oh, that's a very good idea. I'm glad we thought of it, Pooh.
08:20 Pooh?
08:21 Oh, Piglet, Piglet, give Pooh a little more room.
08:29 Get back a bit there, Roo.
08:31 I think it looks to the left, Pooh.
08:33 No, no, to the right, yes.
08:36 Eeyore, could you stop turning round for a moment?
08:39 Because it muddles me rather.
08:41 I like turning, especially round.
08:45 Pooh, when I say now, you can drop it.
08:48 Eeyore, when I say now, Pooh will drop the stone.
08:53 Are you ready?
08:54 Ready.
08:55 Good.
08:56 One, two, now.
09:06 Oh, dear, perhaps it wasn't such a very good idea after all.
09:11 There he is.
09:13 Oh, Eeyore, you're all wet.
09:26 That happens when you've been in a river a long time, Piglet.
09:32 How did you fall in, Eeyore?
09:35 I was bounced.
09:37 Did somebody push you?
09:39 Somebody bounced me.
09:41 I was thinking by the side of the river, minding my own business,
09:46 when I received a loud bounce.
09:48 But who did it?
09:50 I expect it was Tigger.
09:53 Eeyore, was it...
09:55 Tigger?
09:57 Ha, ha, ha, hello, rabbit.
09:59 Tigger, what happened just now?
10:02 Just when.
10:03 When you bounced Eeyore into the river.
10:06 I didn't bounce him.
10:08 He bounced me.
10:09 I didn't really.
10:10 I just had a cough, you see, and I happened to be behind Eeyore,
10:14 and I said, I said...
10:16 It's all right, Piglet.
10:22 That's what I call bouncing.
10:24 I didn't bounce, I coughed.
10:26 Bouncing or coughing, it's all the same.
10:29 Oh, no, it's not.
10:31 Try bouncing me, Tigger.
10:33 All I did was cough.
10:35 You bounced.
10:36 Coughed.
10:37 Bounced.
10:38 Coughed.
10:39 Excuse me, perhaps I can help.
10:41 Who said that?
10:43 It's the narrator.
10:45 In order to find out what really happened,
10:47 we'll simply return to the spot where Eeyore was thinking by the side of the river,
10:51 up at the top of page 245.
10:54 There's Eeyore.
10:55 Shhh.
10:57 [crash]
10:59 So he did bounce him.
11:03 Oh, well, it was just a joke.
11:07 Eww, some people have no sense of humor.
11:12 Tigger's so thoughtless with his bouncing.
11:17 Oh, I should take a think of me.
11:20 Nobody else does.
11:22 Why do you say that, Eeyore?
11:25 [music]
11:27 Without question, something was troubling Eeyore.
11:36 And while his friends puzzled over his unusual behavior,
11:39 Eeyore followed the stream back to his gloomy spot.
11:43 Which became even gloomier than usual.
11:48 Oh, fairy.
11:54 [music]
11:56 Just as I thought.
12:01 No better from this side.
12:03 Nobody minds.
12:05 Nobody cares.
12:07 Pathetic.
12:08 Eeyore, what's the matter?
12:10 What makes you think anything's the matter?
12:15 You seem so sad.
12:17 Why should I be sad?
12:22 It's my birthday.
12:24 The happiest day of the year.
12:26 Your birthday?
12:28 Of course.
12:29 Can't you see all the presents?
12:31 No.
12:33 Can't you see the cake, the candles, the picture?
12:37 No.
12:38 Neither can I.
12:40 Oh, well, many happy returns of the day, Eeyore.
12:44 Thank you, Pooh.
12:46 But we can't all.
12:48 And some of us don't.
12:49 Can't all what?
12:51 No candy.
12:53 No song and dance.
12:55 No here we go round the mulberry bush.
12:58 But don't worry about me, Pooh.
13:01 Go and enjoy yourself.
13:04 I'll stay here and be miserable.
13:07 With no presents, no cake, no candles.
13:12 Eeyore, wait right here.
13:15 Pooh hurried home as fast as he could,
13:17 when who should he find in front of his house but Piglet.
13:20 Hello, Pooh.
13:21 What are you trying to do?
13:23 I'm trying to...
13:24 Oh, oh.
13:26 That is, I was trying to reach the knocker.
13:31 Let me do it for you.
13:32 But, Pooh.
13:34 I found out what's troubling poor Eeyore.
13:37 It's his birthday, and nobody has taken any notice of it.
13:41 And he's very gloomy and...
13:44 Well, whoever lives here certainly takes a long time answering his door.
13:49 But, Pooh, isn't this your house?
13:54 Oh, so it is.
13:56 Well, let's go in.
13:59 Hmm, I must get poor Eeyore a present of some sort.
14:07 Honey, that should do very well.
14:11 What are you going to give Piglet?
14:13 Wouldn't I give it to him from both of us?
14:20 No, Piglet.
14:22 That would not be a very good plan.
14:26 Perhaps I could give Eeyore a balloon.
14:29 That, Piglet, is a very good idea.
14:32 Nobody could be uncheered by a balloon.
14:34 I have one at home.
14:35 I'll go and get it right now.
14:39 So off Piglet trotted in one direction.
14:43 And in the other direction went Pooh with his jar of honey.
14:46 However, Pooh hadn't gone very far when a very funny feeling began to creep over him.
14:53 It began at the tip of his nose and trickled all the way down to the soles of his feet.
15:00 As if someone inside him was saying,
15:03 Now then, Pooh, time for a little something.
15:07 Pooh had a little something.
15:09 And then he had a little more.
15:12 And a little more.
15:14 Until he had taken his last lick from the inside of the jar.
15:19 Now let me see.
15:21 Where was I going?
15:23 Oh, yes.
15:24 Eeyore.
15:25 I was going to...
15:28 Oh, bother.
15:30 I must give Eeyore something.
15:36 I think I shall go see my good friend Owl.
15:42 Oh, that should do it.
15:44 The perfect spot.
15:53 Yes, yes, coming.
15:55 Pooh, to what do I owe this?
15:58 Many happy returns of Eeyore's birthday, Owl.
16:02 Oh, is that what it was?
16:04 Well, come in, Pooh, come in.
16:07 You know, that reminds me of the birthday of my great Uncle Robert.
16:12 A portrait of whom you see upon the wall on your right.
16:16 He had just reached the ripe old age of 103.
16:20 Although, of course, he would only admit to 97.
16:24 And we all felt a celebration was in order.
16:27 So, while Uncle Robert was returning in the late forenoon from a...
16:30 What are you giving him, Owl?
16:33 Giving who, Pooh?
16:35 Eeyore.
16:36 Oh, Eeyore.
16:38 Yes, I...
16:40 What are you giving him, Pooh?
16:43 I'm giving him this useful pot to keep things in.
16:47 And I wanted to ask you...
16:48 A useful pot?
16:50 Hmm.
16:52 Evidently, someone has been keeping honey in it.
16:58 You can keep anything in it.
17:00 It's very useful like that.
17:03 And I wanted to ask you...
17:05 Oh, you ought to write "Happy Birthday" on it.
17:08 That was what I wanted to ask you.
17:11 My spelling is wobbly.
17:13 Hmm. Very well, then.
17:15 Ahem. If you please.
17:26 It's easier if people don't look while I'm writing.
17:31 There. All finished.
17:33 What do you think of it?
17:35 I kept it simple.
17:37 Just saying "Happy Birthday."
17:40 It seems like a lot of words.
17:43 Yes. Well, um, actually...
17:46 Of course, I wrote a very happy birthday with love from Pooh.
17:52 Naturally, it takes a good deal of words to say a long thing like that.
17:57 Oh, I see. Well, thank you, Owl.
18:00 Eeyore will be most pleased.
18:03 Oh, I do hope so.
18:05 Oh, this is so exciting.
18:09 I'm flying directly over to Christopher Robbins to tell him the news.
18:15 ( music playing )
18:18 Many happy returns of Eeyore's birthday, Piddler.
18:30 And many happy returns to you, too, Owl.
18:33 ( music playing )
18:42 ( both moaning )
18:45 Oh, dear. Oh, dearie, dear, dear.
18:53 What shall I-- How shall I--
18:56 Well, perhaps Eeyore doesn't like balloons so very much.
19:01 ( music playing )
19:08 ( music playing )
19:11 Good afternoon, Eeyore.
19:28 Good afternoon, Piglet.
19:30 If it is a good afternoon, which I doubt.
19:34 Many happy returns of the-- d-d-d-day.
19:37 Meaning my birthday.
19:39 Yes, Eeyore, and I-- I've brought you a present.
19:43 Pardon me, Piglet. My hearing must be going.
19:47 I thought you said you brought me a present.
19:50 I did. I've brought you a b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-balloon.
19:56 Balloon? Did you say balloon?
19:59 Yes, but I'm afraid-- Oh, I'm very sorry.
20:03 But when I was running, that is, to bring it,
20:06 I-- I fell down and-- and, uh--
20:10 My balloon?
20:13 My birthday balloon?
20:16 Red. My favorite color.
20:20 How big was it?
20:22 About as big as m-m-m-me.
20:25 My favorite size.
20:28 Many happy returns of the day, Eeyore.
20:32 I've brought you a little present.
20:34 It's a useful pot,
20:36 and it's got a very happy birthday with love from Pooh written on it.
20:42 And it's for putting things in.
20:46 Like a balloon?
20:49 Oh, no, Eeyore.
20:51 Balloons are much too big to go into a--
20:55 So it does.
20:58 Eeyore, I'm very glad that I thought of giving you a useful pot to put things in.
21:05 I'm very glad I thought of giving you something to put in a useful p-p-p-p-p-pot.
21:12 Many happy returns, Eeyore.
21:15 Hmm?
21:16 Hooray!
21:18 Ooh, bravo, bravo. Good show.
21:23 This reminds me of the party we once gave my great Uncle Robert.
21:28 He had just reached the ripe old age of 103,
21:31 though of course he would only admit to 97.
21:34 So we had to instruct the guests to pretend that he was a little boy.
21:39 We had to instruct the guests to pretend that he--
21:42 Hello!
21:43 Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Not--
21:46 Tigger.
21:48 Hello, Tigger. We're having a party.
21:50 A party?
21:52 Oh, boy, a party. Oh, Tiggers love parties.
21:56 Ooh, and cake.
21:58 You've got a lot of nerve showing up here after what you did to Eeyore.
22:08 Well, I think Tigger should leave.
22:11 Aw, let him stay.
22:15 What do you think, Christopher Robin?
22:19 I think-- I think we all ought to play Pooh Sticks.
22:25 Pooh Sticks? Oh, boy.
22:27 That's what Tiggers do best.
22:29 So they gathered on the old wooden bridge and played the game for many contented hours.
22:36 And Eeyore, who had never played it before, won more times than anyone else.
22:42 But poor Tigger won none at all.
22:45 Brrr. Tiggers don't like Pooh Sticks.
22:48 Let's play again.
22:50 We must go home now, dear. It's past your bedtime.
22:53 Gee, do we have to? I'm not tired.
22:57 Come along.
22:58 I think we should all be going.
23:01 Yes, quite right.
23:03 Congratulations, Eeyore. It's been a delightful party.
23:08 Thank you all.
23:10 Tigger, I'd be happy to tell you my secret for winning at Pooh Sticks.
23:21 Oh, you would?
23:22 It's very easy.
23:24 You just have to let your stick drop in a twitchy sort of way.
23:28 Oh, yeah, I forgot to twitch. That was my problem.
23:31 (GIGGLES)
23:33 Monster again.
23:35 Tigger's all right, really.
23:41 Of course he is.
23:43 Everybody is, really. That's what I think.
23:47 But I don't suppose I'm right.
23:50 Of course you are, silly old bear.
24:01 (FARTING)
24:17 (dramatic music)