Hasbro Indiana Jones Adventure Series The Dial of Destiny Doctor Jurgen Voller Figure

  • last year
Hasbro Indiana Jones Adventure Series The Dial of Destiny Doctor Jurgen Voller Figure


00:00 hmm that professor Schmidt looks strangely familiar here's a look at the
00:04 Hasbro Indiana Jones adventure series to build an artifact Indiana Jones in the
00:07 dial of destiny dr. Juergen Wohler
00:12 The man in the hat is back again kids and collectors alike can imagine the
00:33 heart-stopping action adventure of Indiana Jones with the figures from the
00:37 Indiana Jones adventure series with exquisite features and decoration this
00:41 series unearths the quality and realism that Indiana Jones devotees love while
00:46 the doctor plans a date with destiny let's grab the tape measure and see how
00:49 tall the figure stands dr. Juergen Wohler actually is about seven inches in
00:53 heights or the figure is going to be built 15 centimeters tall if we were to
00:58 take a tally we'd have now for a dial of destiny figures from Hasbro so here's
01:02 what Wohler looks like along with the older Indiana Jones here's what the
01:05 figure as well looks like with the recently looked at Ronaldo and freeing
01:08 up space unfortunately here's as well what Wohler looks like with Helena Shaw I
01:12 suppose first what we'll look at is the build an artifact piece this is actually
01:16 the backdrop piece that comes attached on top of the table speaking of the
01:20 table I just happen to have the table all fully assembled here the table did
01:23 take a lot of snapping and convincing but I did finally get the legs attached
01:26 on either side now you'll take the back piece here which unfortunately is hollow
01:30 here on the back but that's not really the part that you can be seeing it
01:33 anyways you'll take this and it's supposed to slot on the back of this now
01:36 being that I already took the liberty of snapping the legs in place I felt I was
01:40 pretty confident that I didn't need to have everything wait wait by the waist
01:43 side until I eventually I got this piece so this just slides onto the back snaps
01:47 in place and now we have the completed table of course the only thing then we
01:51 need to do is get all the other figures and we'll just kind of put all the
01:54 things that go on top of the table I will say though one thing I don't really
01:57 like about the table I'd have to go back and watch the movie again as well it
02:00 does look like there's a lot of paint happening here on the table there's not
02:03 really as much happening here on the back and it seems to be a completely
02:06 different brown it's pretty close almost to the legs but the legs have a wash on
02:10 top of it so that sort of the back in a way looks unfinished I'm not sure if I
02:14 really love that a lot but we're gonna move that table for the side to the side
02:17 for right now and look at the rest of the accessories that come included with
02:20 with Valor now Valor comes included with only just a pair of glasses and only
02:25 just a pack bag reason why I say only is if you look at this one hand right over
02:30 here the one that I'm pointing at right now with my own hand you'll see it looks
02:34 as if he should have really come included with a gun if you pick up the
02:37 figure for example and get a closer look at all the thing I just finished saying
02:40 inspecting it closely is it is in fact a gun holding hand and yet the figure
02:46 sadly doesn't come included with it what he does come included with instead is
02:49 his travel pack or his briefcase that he carries around with him you can just
02:53 drape this around his head bring his arm up and you just basically have the bag
02:57 running down the side of him I guess in a way you could have really the strap
03:01 attached inside his hand so it looks like his hand actually does serve a
03:04 purpose but it looks like he's almost wanting to hold you up with an invisible
03:07 gun it looks a little silly now one thing also that the figure comes
03:11 included with is a tiny little pair of glasses the glasses are framed here in
03:16 brown and the actual lenses there are using translucent clear plastic it's
03:20 just a case of actually fit this around his ears and that's basically what the
03:23 dear doctor looks like with the glasses in place I think it looks okay the
03:28 glasses are always one thing that if they aren't already molded to the
03:31 figures face they sometimes just look like they're levitating I mean you can
03:35 kind of buy into the idea that they're supposed to be sitting on top of his
03:38 ears I don't think they sit as well as maybe that they should one thing though
03:42 what a little bit bummed by the fact that he doesn't actually have a
03:44 removable hat now this usually comes with the territory of Indiana Jones
03:48 figures but recently though looking at Ronaldo Ronaldo had a removable hat
03:52 could they not have done something very similar here when it came to Juergen
03:56 baller I mean really I know we see him with the hat in the movie but we also
04:00 see him a lot of times without the hat either so really I wish that this could
04:04 have just been simply something that would have just gone over top of his
04:06 head I know again this involves that the hat would have had to be larger and maybe
04:11 a little bit more unrealistically sized but I think at least it would have
04:14 given you the opportunity to see a sculpted hair piece underneath instead
04:18 of always having to have the figure with the hat on his head now if we were to
04:22 say just take the glasses off right now we're gonna I'm gonna put it at least in
04:25 a place where I hopefully won't lose it we're also take as well the briefcase
04:28 bag off of them and we'll just put that also this I know we didn't really spend
04:32 a lot of time looking at the bag the bag for what it is it's nicely detailed it's
04:36 a brown bag of course you got the little closure there on the front in gold some
04:39 additional gold there on the sides that hold the strap it's a nice-looking bag
04:43 but I also wish that the figure could have come in clear with the gun I had to
04:46 really go back and look at the bag and one of the problems I really also have
04:49 with the fight the idea that Hasbro puts all of their things inside of paper bags
04:53 when I went back and I first took out if we always saw the beginning of the video
04:57 I took out sort of the back frame that goes on top of the table carefully if
05:01 you remove it if you if you pull it too quickly I mean he had little small
05:05 glasses sitting inside the bag and maybe a nice law and not as small but he also
05:09 had himself the bag either one of these things could have easily landed on the
05:13 floor I think I know they wanted to save materials and make more environmentally
05:16 friendly packaging but I think that they if anything they probably should have
05:19 packed the accessories specific to the figures and I'm not even just talking
05:23 about Juergen alone all across the board I think smaller accessories for figures
05:27 should come in clear with their own bags and then the things that are for the
05:30 artifacts should in fact come in their own bags so there's never a chance that
05:34 you may be pulling something out quickly dropping some of the accessories on the
05:37 floor and think that you're missing something that comes along with the
05:40 figure that being said picking a figure up once again getting a closer look at
05:44 the head sculpt I think if anything it does bear a likeness to Mads Mikkelsen
05:48 of course plays the dear doctor in the movie he also in a way in while he does
05:54 look a lot like him I feel in a way he also looks like an old Christopher Reeve
05:58 maybe specifically from Smallville in the few of cameos that he made
06:01 appearances in I mean he looks a lot like him he well he looks a lot like
06:05 Mads but in a way like looking at from certain sides it looks a little bit like
06:10 an older Christopher Reeve as well still I get a bit bummed by the fact that the
06:13 fedora isn't removable I mean again like I feel like this is something that we
06:17 easily could have solved by now as a fixable means of just removing the hat
06:20 I mean like Ronaldo has it I know Ronaldo has a bigger sailors hat could
06:25 they not have done something similar here with the head sculpt here when it
06:27 comes to Jürgen Wohler now comes for the rest of the outfit he is wearing a
06:31 shirt and tie the thing about it though is that his jacket makes up a lot of the
06:35 volume of the figure and it's not really until you peel away the curtains that
06:38 you realize he's a very lean fellow underneath that comes with a tie the tie
06:43 is a separate piece it's molded in sort of a greenish brown while the jacket is
06:47 kind of more in a dark chocolate brown these sleeves are slightly shinier just
06:51 by the nature of the fact that this is a separate piece of plastic this is again
06:54 just molded plastic so it doesn't 100% jive that you can kind of see like it's
06:58 a little bit more shinier of a finish for the arms and more of a matte finish
07:02 here for the actual jacket it carries over that same trend when we also look
07:05 at the legs as well I mean he has just the regular articulation that we'll look
07:09 at more in a moment very brightly brown shoes and of course he does have pegs
07:12 in the undersides of his feet I don't know if I'm necessarily as bummed by the
07:16 idea that we actually got ourselves Jürgen Wohler in this I mean he is the
07:19 bad guy after all in dial of destiny he makes I feel a lot more sense than the
07:23 Ronaldo we looked at before still though I kind of wish that this figure could
07:27 have had a removable hat of course looking at the figures accessories we've
07:30 already looked at those now looking at the figures articulation now when it
07:34 comes to Jürgen Wohler his head is on a ball joint so of course like with the
07:37 other figures we've already had a look at it does rotate all the way around
07:39 head looks up this far and the head looks down that low and you can rock it
07:44 back and forth as well now the arms do come out easily at 90 degrees there
07:47 doesn't seem to be anything that's standing in the way of those you can
07:50 take as well the old those arms and rotate them all the way around on both
07:53 sides figure has a single hinge in the elbow yes he does the arms do also
07:58 swivel yes they do and the hands also rotate also all the way around now with
08:03 the jacket the jacket doesn't do that that of an idea I mean it doesn't get in
08:06 the way necessarily but the thing you have to really be worried about is the
08:09 placement of the tie because the tie if you actually look at it what they've
08:14 done I'm just gonna move the jacket out of the way we've already looked at the
08:16 fact the figure does have a ball joint in the head but he also has a separate
08:19 piece here where you can see like the neck collar piece so there's a second
08:23 really technically there's a secondary ball joint right there and if you don't
08:26 miss if you miss it when you start to move the other things about the figure
08:30 around you before you know you start swaying the tie to the side and you
08:34 realize hey wait where's that tie going until you realize actually the neck
08:38 collar piece is on a separate ball joint so really in actual fact he has one right
08:42 there and he has one right down there I really honestly don't think he
08:45 necessarily needed to have a double ball joint I mean for the fact that the
08:49 figure has a collared tie I think it would be in a more than enough more than
08:53 enough just simply that the figure had a ball joint here and they could have just
08:56 left this off completely I mean with the additional plastic used for that ball
08:59 joint they could have spent then the materials and given him a gun to hold in
09:02 his hand anyways though the figure has an upper torso ball joint the figure does
09:06 split in fact in this in the thighs you can see there's the ball joints working
09:09 behind the scenes legs go forward legs go back three-quarters the way up the
09:13 thigh there's the swivel cuts that rotates all the way around figure has a
09:16 single hinge in the knee that allows at least the lower leg to rotate and of
09:20 course like the other figures an ankle pivot up and down and rock back and
09:23 forth as well good-looking figure I don't think he was necessarily needed as
09:27 part of a glass crusade wave but I know I've been up on my pedestal about that
09:31 this whole time maybe I'll give it a bit of a rest maybe put the figure right in
09:35 the middle here and of course the other dial of destiny figures let's bring back
09:39 in Indiana Jones get him to stand here bring back in Ronaldo I was well want to
09:45 free feel like I want to free up the space here and of course much to the
09:49 chagrin of others here's also what they look like with the Helena Shaw figure
09:53 yeah you know again dial of destiny doesn't really necessarily belong in a
09:56 way where you're starting to build something for you know the last crusade
09:59 dial of destiny really should have been its own wave really could have easily
10:02 been an artifact wave or at the very least could have been sold separately we
10:07 all know we all know what has were wanted to do they wanted to make sure
10:09 they shoehorned in the current movie so whether you had the choices or not I
10:13 mean if you wanted to complete the table that's one thing of course that would
10:17 involve you having to then pick up the figures from the dial of destiny if you
10:20 had little to no interest in building the table one then there's that then you
10:24 probably could have easily just hand-picked the figures that you wanted
10:26 to get instead specifically from the last crusade you know for what he is he's
10:30 not a bad-looking figure I'm more accepting I feel of when it comes to dr.
10:33 Juergen Waller I'm more accepting of him than I was for Ronaldo Ronaldo I just
10:37 don't as good of a head sculpt as it may have been in if you haven't seen my
10:40 review of that definitely check that out Ronaldo I don't think belonged at all
10:43 could be a plastic figure sorry Antonio Banderas if you happen to be watching
10:47 this video I think I make more of a logical argument as to why Waller had to
10:51 be part of this wave not only does it look like mad Mickelson but I think also
10:54 as well like if you're gonna be getting an older Indiana Jones you need to have
10:57 the bad guy that goes along with it and while we haven't really gotten bad guys
11:00 yet from the last crusade I mean really when you look at this wave who do we
11:03 have really as bad guys nobody nobody I mean he really didn't need necessarily
11:08 to be part of this wave but hey and of course that's all that all goes behind
11:12 the scenes when it comes to toy building you got to ensure that of course
11:15 collectors can be buying these figures whether they really they do want the
11:18 figures or not while there may have been some things I didn't really like about
11:21 dial of destiny I will say at least mad Mickelson's plays a pretty good-looking
11:25 bad guy and he really is generally bad in all the things that he's usually in
11:29 Hannibal for example some people really like the silence of the lambs series
11:33 spinoff with of course mad Mickelson's playing a Hannibal Lecter but I never
11:37 really got the chance to watch much of that series I'm more actually familiar
11:40 with mad Mickelson from the James Bond was it was it casino Royale I think it
11:44 was casino Royale that mad Mickelson's was actually in but he actually played a
11:48 pretty good bad guy in dial of destiny I think he justifies at least to have a
11:52 plastic figure released of him he's certainly more justified I feel than
11:56 Ronaldo that we got before we're still bashing on Ronaldo okay we're not gonna
11:59 bash much longer on Ronaldo now the figure does have two accessories so at
12:03 least there's that but still though why would you sculpt the figures hands in
12:07 such a way at least one hand in such a way that it looks like he's supposed to
12:09 be holding a gun to not have the figure packed with a gun seems either like a
12:13 last-minute decision on Hasbro's part that they chose we you know what we we
12:17 already have enough things for really Juergen we don't need to now include a
12:20 gun as well or maybe they just decided that guns wasn't probably the best idea
12:24 when it comes to releasing him if he's gonna be dr. Juergen ball or maybe he
12:27 should have just released with glasses and the bag instead I might just find
12:30 myself a gun because if not for that it looks a little strange these cut just
12:33 one random finger happens to be the pointer figure or the pew-pew gun if
12:37 you're using an imaginary gun just happens to be that one finger that's
12:40 sticking out from the rest of the fingers that are on his hand but what do
12:43 you guys think of dr. Juergen ballard let me know down below in the comment
12:46 section you think he was a pretty good bad guy and dial of destiny maybe a
12:49 better question I'll be asking you guys the viewing audience is who's your
12:52 favorite bad guy of all the Indiana Jones films now we have five films now
12:56 to work with of course the original Raiders of the Lost Ark or Temple of
12:59 Doom depending on which order you like to put that in Last Crusade of course no
13:02 one can also temple of the Crystal Skull which actually I think is still the
13:06 worst Indiana Jones movie I think it's a little bit worse than dial of destiny
13:10 you guys can fight me if you want but who's your favorite bad guy from the
13:13 Indiana Jones five films let me know down below in the comment section also
13:17 as well hey if you guys enjoyed this video hit with like you guys are loving
13:20 the content you guys are seeing and you certainly would like to stick on board
13:23 as we stay back on track to something a little bit more Last Crusade we of course
13:27 still looking at Henry Jones senior and we're also gonna be looking at the
13:30 Knights and between those two figures we'll be completing the table even
13:33 though really technically the tables already finished definitely stick around
13:37 guys for more videos as of course as always guys thanks for watching see you
13:40 guys next time
13:43 you
13:46 you
13:48 (logo thuds)
