What are your chances for a white Christmas this year?

  • last year
AccuWeather forecasters say the Christmas of 2023 may end up being one of the greenest Christmases in years.
00:00 All right, Santa will be here in four days,
00:02 but he won't find much snow to sled through
00:05 in much of the country.
00:06 Bernie Rayno is checking out the likelihood
00:08 of a white Christmas where you live.
00:10 - Yeah, I've certainly been dreaming of a white Christmas
00:14 for the last month, but unfortunately,
00:16 here at the Rayno household in AccuWeather HQ,
00:18 that's all it's gonna be is a dream.
00:20 In fact, this amount of snow we have in the country,
00:23 this may be one of the greenest Christmases
00:26 we've seen since the early '70s here.
00:28 Take a look at the snow cover, a couple of areas.
00:30 Now this is from the snow that fell
00:33 in the wake of our storm Monday into Tuesday.
00:35 And I suspect while it's gonna warm up,
00:37 a lot of this snow is gonna remain intact.
00:40 But even in the West, you've gotta go in the mountains here
00:43 where you start picking up the snow.
00:45 And we're not done with the snow either
00:46 in the northern Rockies either,
00:48 'cause we've got a storm that's gonna be coming
00:50 south and east over the next couple of days.
00:52 One storm in the Northwest, upper level low in California,
00:55 and guess what?
00:56 We're gonna be looking at additional snow here,
00:58 mostly as we head into the weekend.
01:00 Watch this across Colorado, there it goes.
01:03 Even around Denver, there'll be a little stripe of snow
01:06 across parts of Nebraska and the Dakotas.
01:08 But notice what's going on here,
01:10 especially in the north central, northeast.
01:12 No snow, it's actually gonna be turning a little warmer
01:15 as we head toward Christmas.
01:17 So unless, I mean, we may even have to trim back
01:20 this a little bit here.
01:21 Unless we can get a little snow on Christmas Eve
01:25 and Christmas night, which is maybe a little possible
01:27 around the Minneapolis area.
01:28 I suspect there's no, no white Christmas in Minneapolis.
01:33 Much of the northeast, you have to get near the lakes,
01:35 but in the Rockies, hey, if you're going skiing
01:38 in the Rockies, central, southern Rockies,
01:41 or any of the Rockies into Mount West,
01:42 plenty of snow, and it's gonna look quite festive.
