NECA My Bloody Valentine Ultimate Miner Figure

  • 7 months ago
NECA My Bloody Valentine Ultimate Miner Figure


00:00 Roses are red, violets are blue, Harry got a figure and he's coming for you.
00:05 Here's a look at the neck of toys, my bloody Valentine, the ultimate miner.
00:28 A decades-old folk tale surrounding a deranged murderer killing those who
00:33 celebrate Valentine's Day turns out to be true to legend when a group defies
00:37 the killer's orders and people start turning up dead. It happened once, it
00:42 happened twice, cancel the dance, it'll happen thrice. Before of course we get a
00:46 closer look at the ultimate miner from my bloody Valentine, let me send out a
00:49 heart-shaped box thank you to the folks over at neck of toys that did provide
00:52 this sample we could have a look at. We have gotten a retro cloth release of
00:55 Harry Warden or the miner from before and of course I'll bring that figure in
00:59 a second but I'm really super excited to get finally an ultimate fully
01:02 articulated version of the miner that I could put on display. It's one of my
01:06 all-time favorite slashers. The miner though stands about seven and a quarter
01:09 inches in height or he's gonna be about 18 and a half centimeters tall.
01:13 Yeah, about that retro cloth miner, here's what the figure looks like with him. This
01:17 figure did in fact get two releases, a very limited run that came in clear with
01:20 the Scream Factory release of my bloody Valentine. I believe either on a
01:23 steel case, I think it was a steel case edition, but then they eventually did get
01:27 a clamshell release that was released retail wide. The figure wise, they're not
01:31 that much different in size. Of course the smaller scale Harry Warden
01:35 that's gonna have the fully articulated body is the one that we're gonna be
01:37 looking at in this review but like the retro cloth release isn't that really
01:40 that much bigger. Another figure I did also want to bring in for comparison
01:43 sake, you may be scratching your head, are you bringing in a Michael Myers simply
01:46 just because you're talking about seasonal slashers? Well actually not only
01:49 that but also if you look at Michael Myers he's sharing a lot of the same
01:52 elements that are gonna be carried over to the miner here. Specifically the tops
01:56 of the shoulder area, so like this part of the arm down to the bicep or I guess
02:00 really down to the elbow because it also shares the same double hinge on the
02:03 elbow and he also is sharing the exact same thigh sections as well. If you were
02:08 lucky enough though to get that retro cloth release miner, then all the
02:11 accessories that we get include with this ultimate release in fact are the
02:14 same ones. Well not exactly the same, you'll kind of see what I mean in a second.
02:18 First the figure comes in clear with a knife. The knife itself is fairly soft in
02:23 plastic. You can see like the blade for example has been painted nicely here in
02:26 silver while the rest of the handle is all molded here in black plastic. I'm
02:29 gonna be bringing in all the other accessories that came included with the
02:32 other Harry Warns so you can see the differences between the two. I would be
02:35 looking at the two knives and I would be swearing to you that they are exactly
02:39 the same. Maybe if anything like the end of the blade is a little bit different
02:43 here for the retro cloth release but I mean like size wise they're almost
02:46 identical to one another. The figure also as well comes in clear with the bolt or
02:50 nail gun that he uses in the movie. A gruesome looking death and he fires off
02:55 several rounds. The actual nail gun itself is also one that shares with the
02:59 same retro cloth release and other than really just painting it slightly
03:03 different, the one to the top that has more of the silver is actually the one
03:06 that came in clear with the retro cloth release. The smaller one actually and you
03:10 can see it is slightly smaller has more of the black on the top and it's a
03:13 little bit more movie accurate. Other than that though and almost about the
03:17 same size but size wise I would give it just to the retro cloth release for
03:21 being slightly a bit bigger. The figure as well comes in clear with his pickaxe.
03:24 The pickaxe has been very nicely molded. One thing I really like about the
03:28 pickaxe and one thing that NECA does consistently well is that they always go
03:31 in and add these wood grains to the wood handles to kind of give it a little bit
03:35 more like look like wood. Now also to bring back in the pickaxe, the pickaxe is
03:40 very notably bigger here on the retro cloth release and it's also a lot
03:43 darker too. You don't get as much of a chance to have the fun with the wood
03:46 grain because it's really not here present on the retro cloth release. It's
03:49 definitely a lot more present here when it comes to this release that comes with
03:52 the ultimate miner and the last thing that comes included with the figure is
03:54 the box of chocolates. Well you may be thinking I'm gonna be turned off by the
03:59 idea of going in there looking for nougat. Nougat is kind of like one of
04:02 those actually that's not true. The one of the last things I always usually look
04:04 at when it comes to boxes of chocolates are things that filled with fruits.
04:07 Oranges with chocolate I think is a no-go and cherries inside of chocolate
04:11 just it doesn't work for me either. But what you'd find inside is not left
04:14 behind chocolate but the left behind remains of someone that
04:19 Harry Warden has already killed. You can see that the blood is circling around
04:23 the heart that's left in behind in the tray. I would imagine though just a
04:26 little bit of jostling around there probably should have been blood all
04:28 around this as well. I can't imagine that he's glued the heart to the inside of
04:31 the box. Maybe he's a very efficient, maybe he's very detailed oriented when
04:35 it comes to that. The heart-shaped box to bring back in the one we got here with
04:40 the retro cloth release is a little bit bigger on the retro's release. It also
04:43 has more of a trim around the edges. This one doesn't have as much of it but has a
04:47 lot more pattern work to it. Ideally really you could use either both of
04:50 these or if you wanted to you can actually have you know just choose this
04:53 one if you want to have it with Harry Warden. The minor for example you can
04:56 see them just let me open up both the boxes so you guys can there we go. I will
05:01 say one thing I really like about the retro cloth release a little bit more is
05:04 that the inside of it actually does have kind of I would imagine to be kind of
05:08 like you know those the kind of that paper film that when you take it off
05:11 it's in between kind of the layers of the chocolate or sometimes if you are
05:14 lucky enough to be gifted a box of chocolates. This never happened for me by
05:17 the way. Sometimes they actually have kind of little packing material on the
05:20 inside. The retro cloth release did have that. The regular ultimate release does
05:24 not unfortunately have it. I also like the darker coloring of the heart for
05:27 this version rather than the for this version here and again like just simply
05:32 a case of taking the lid and the lid just fit over top of it making sure of
05:35 course you got the right ones. Yeah definitely different looking accessories.
05:38 I think the only one I would almost even say is still the same as maybe the knife
05:42 but again like looking at the knives again yeah I mean looking at the handle
05:46 now it's even more apparent retro cloth release is a little bit longer of a
05:50 knife. So those are all the accessories that come included with Harry. Funny
05:53 enough though on the back of the packaging it also says for the
05:55 accessories a pair of interchangeable hands. The only hands he in fact comes
06:00 included with are the ones that are currently on the ends of his gloves so
06:02 he doesn't actually come with any interchangeable hands. Any one of these
06:06 hands by the way he only really has two is more than enough to accommodate. Now
06:10 this hand is already actually set for a triggering firing of something so if you
06:13 wanted to for example you could put the bolt gun into that and that just slides
06:17 down. I will say like the plastic that they use for the hands is a fairly rigid
06:21 plastic. It wasn't the most forgiving of plastic so I ended up heating
06:25 this up just a little bit with not a hot water trick but rather excuse me
06:29 running a few passes with a hair dryer instead and that was more than enough. He
06:33 holds that I mean obviously he holds the pickaxe we did that the beginning of the
06:36 video the pickaxe just again slides down his hand like that or again like you
06:41 also have it on this hand as well at least he has the benefit while not
06:43 necessarily living up to the details on the back of the box at least he has two
06:48 gripping hands already out the box so you don't even have to worry about
06:51 swapping out anything if he had say like closed fists which really wouldn't made
06:54 sense I feel for someone like the ultimate miner. Speaking of the miner
06:57 though getting a closer look at the head sculpt here really really interesting
07:01 design for the miner one of my favorite things he's actually one of my favorite
07:04 slasher designs as well not only is the original my bloody Valentine from the
07:07 80s my go-to when it comes to top slashers I would say it even ranks top
07:11 three for me at least Harry Warden or the miner is also one of the most
07:15 notably memorable killers when it comes to those 80s movies a simple rinse and
07:20 repeat when it comes to really all of the killers when we eventually when we
07:24 initially got of course Michael Myers introduced things in 1978 you could even
07:27 predate that by 74 for Leatherface I mean obviously he sort of set the
07:31 benchmark for slasher movies after that and of course I I feel like while all
07:35 there's a lot of generic killers out there during the 80s and even 90s Harry
07:39 Warden is really one that still stands out to me now this one actually isn't
07:42 that much different I'm gonna bring back in the original one that we did get from
07:45 before you can see there are a few little notable things like for example
07:49 where only like the first one only really just had silver on the inside of
07:53 his was little helmet light there for example this version of the ultimate
07:57 minor at least does have his helmet light on so you can see all the better
08:00 the people he's wanting to kill the interesting thing also about the minor
08:04 is while both of them are wearing of course the gas masks and the miners hats
08:08 this benefits actually this figure by having one that's removable some of you
08:13 may have not even known this but you can actually take this whole helmet piece
08:16 off you kind of want to keep the helmet intact because the helmet is actually
08:19 attached to the front of the face but in fact you could take the whole thing off
08:22 it's actually easiest just to kind of hold it from the bottom of his gas mask
08:26 you want to be careful of this wire because this wire is gonna attach the
08:29 battery pack on the side of the figures body but all the rest of it though you
08:32 can easily slide off and that's what the killer looks like underneath there I'm
08:36 not gonna give it away for anybody that hasn't yet seen the original 80s
08:39 slashings as I was gonna say slashings classic but his guess it guess it is a
08:45 classic it's not really one that I feel has picked up a love for the film until
08:49 like years after its release I don't recall it actually doing all that well
08:52 in the theaters but there's what the killer would look like underneath the
08:55 mask I'm not gonna reveal who the killer is you'd have to see the movie for
08:57 yourself I love the idea that in fact actually there is a removable piece to
09:01 Harry Warden so you just simply take that off a there I go call him Harry
09:04 Warden again just simply take off the miners contraption like his gas mask of
09:08 course his his helmet on the top and he actually got yourself a very nicely
09:11 sculpted surprise face underneath literally and figuratively I mean look
09:15 how surprised the look is on this character's face very cool-looking
09:19 additional Easter egg there obviously for me I'm gonna be displaying the
09:23 figure at all times with the gas mask but the fact that neck of would take the
09:26 time as they did as they always do when it comes these horror releases to add
09:29 these little cool little Easter eggs thank goodness for the fact that they're
09:32 doing figures like this now I did already mention the fact that the gas
09:35 mask on the back of it does have the wire that wire runs all the way to the
09:39 side here where he has the battery pack but then he also has the breathing
09:43 apparatus here on the front of his gas mask that runs by a very soft hose and
09:47 that connects actually onto the other side of the figures body when it comes
09:50 to his actual articulation that we'll look at more in a moment it doesn't
09:53 limit necessarily where I feel like I'm turning it back and forth and this is
09:56 gonna get to way too tight or this is gonna get way too tight they seem to
10:00 have allotted for enough allowance here at least on the figure that when it
10:02 comes to again rotating him I don't feel like I'm worrying about breaking
10:05 anything in the process bring you back in here Michael Myers here for a second
10:09 well the bodies are gonna be very different from one to the other I should
10:12 have really brought in the h2 Myers I'm wondering if that in fact is using the
10:16 same body build for that but you can definitely see when it comes to like
10:19 this part of the figures body the tops of his sleeves and even more importantly
10:22 his elbows are actually shared between the two figures the lower forearms for
10:26 example are gonna be differently because they would have to retool gloves on the
10:29 ends of the ultimate minor and actually when you look at the thighs the thighs
10:33 are sculpted exactly the same as well now the lower half because like the
10:36 gloves they would have had to sculpt brand new pieces for at least this part
10:39 of the figures body but the top half seems to be shared with a 2018 Michael
10:43 Myers and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was also shared with other Myers
10:46 from other NECA releases as well now for the figures articulation the ultimate
10:51 minor does have a bulge right I'm gonna twist this back and forth even though
10:54 I'm not really necessarily worried about the wire on the back I'm not really
10:57 worried even about the hose there on the front one thing I am worried about though
11:00 is I just don't want to damage the mask at all because of course it does have
11:03 rubber straps there on the back and of course you don't want that to rip in the
11:07 process but he does move back and forth he does look up he does look down and of
11:11 course you can also rock it back and forth as well the thing he is limited
11:14 though is similar to what Michael Myers would be limited and he doesn't really
11:17 have any waist articulation it seems like there is something working behind
11:20 the scenes where I may be able to a crunch up and down but rotating it back
11:24 and forth is not gonna happen here on this figure the figure also has as well
11:28 arm articulation he hinges out at the shoulders but only hinges out at about
11:32 45 degrees you take those arms and rotate them all the way around just be
11:36 careful while you're doing it that you don't hit the battery wire in the
11:39 process figure has a double hinge on the elbow good to see that the hand as well
11:43 rotates all the way around so it was nice to see that and also hinges back
11:46 and forth the Myers Myers the miners legs do split out and when they split
11:52 out you can see it kind of does stretch the battery pack on the side but does
11:56 split and almost the full splits there so you can bring those out there's the
11:59 hinges actually working behind the scenes the miners legs do move forward
12:02 you can move them back there's a swivel at the top of the thigh a single hinge
12:06 only on the knee the lower leg does rotate and when it comes to his boots
12:10 the boots move up and down and back and forth sorry what you were saying what
12:13 sir yeah go ahead oh yeah I didn't really get the chance to really show you
12:17 the boots quickly wanted to show you guys the work that they did sculpt into
12:21 those really nice looking figure I wonder if this guy could actually be
12:24 used again tooling them slightly again to get a release of the prowler remember
12:28 anybody remembers the prowler maybe not as successful of a movie it did have
12:31 Savini's work there behind the scenes and really a gruesome looking kills on
12:34 some of them but a really neat looking minor once again we'll just put down to
12:39 the minor here the ultimate release of him will bring back in the retro cloth
12:42 release of the minor I always feel like when it comes to NECA and correct me if
12:46 I'm wrong I feel like it's always a case where they sort of test the waters
12:49 first in retro cloth figures because of course they they really only need to
12:51 retool or sculpt a brand new head sculpt and a lot of times they just need to add
12:55 the accessories onto the figure the fabricing or the tailoring of these
12:59 costumes I would imagine aren't the most expensive of things it's always tooling
13:02 brand new bodies and maybe that's the reasoning why they did test the waters
13:06 first when it came to a retro cloth release of the minor then eventually
13:08 then releasing the ultimate release when they saw obviously there was popular
13:12 demand for figure to get released of him and while again I'm looking at him I'm
13:16 thinking there's probably a lot more elements than just the 2018 Michael
13:19 Myers I did bring in I'm thinking maybe the torso may have been used maybe from
13:22 the h2 Michael Myers judging again by the higher collar there also as well but
13:27 yeah even though he's using some of the elements from a Michael Myers were
13:29 released from before I am super stoked super excited that we finally got
13:33 ourselves an ultimate minor and the fact that it also does have a removable mask
13:37 so it does give you a bit of a reveal who the killer actually is even though
13:41 really it's only just the eyes so it might leave unsuspecting unviewed
13:44 viewers who haven't seen yet the movie still guessing who's the killer behind
13:48 the mask and of course curiosity did get the better of me I went back to my two
13:52 pack Michael Myers that came in clue with dr. Sam Loomis and looking at the
13:56 two now I as I was right they are using again a lot of the same elements it
14:00 looks like they are using the in fact of these same body between the minor and
14:04 the h2 Michael Myers as when you look at the pocket sort of the fact of course
14:08 this Michael Myers did have whole bullet holes all on the front of his torso but
14:11 does look like they're using the same torso the same in fact arms except for a
14:15 course the gloves the same lower legs except for the boots and again I'm okay
14:19 with that if it meant we finally got a chance to get ourselves an ultimate minor
14:22 release roses are red violets are blue one is dead and so are you jumping now
14:29 over to the final look of the ultimate minor from the 1981 classic slasher my
14:33 bloody Valentine got the minor currently displayed with the bolt or nail gun they
14:36 uses to kill off Hollis and I've got the figure displayed also as well with a
14:39 heart-shaped box on the other hand unfortunately though with the ledge at
14:43 the plastic around the lip of the heart-shaped box and with the way that
14:47 the hands are already designated more for holding weapons he really doesn't
14:50 have an easy time at all to hold the box of chocolates now actually funny enough
14:54 though on the back of the packaging NECA didn't write in that the figure was
14:57 gonna have at one point interchangeable hands maybe the other hands literally on
15:02 the other hand that the figure was gonna have was maybe a hand for better holding
15:05 the box of chocolates and it might have very well been something that they
15:07 decided to scrap it's no no foul at all in fact I'm just gonna have the figure
15:11 ultimately displayed on my shelf just with the box of chocolates resting
15:14 against his arm I don't know whether I'm gonna be displaying him with the nail or
15:17 bolt gun or if I'm gonna be displaying him with the pickaxe I can feel like the
15:20 pickaxe is his more go-to weapon especially more in the remake he's using
15:24 that pickaxe basically to kill everybody so I might just end up displaying the
15:27 figure with I think the pickaxe and then the box of chocolates in his other hand
15:30 nice touch though also a NECA's part I did mention this review the fact that he
15:33 does have a removable gas mask and helmet something that didn't even need
15:37 to be there the retro cloth didn't release the retro cloth release of the
15:40 minor didn't have that benefit but the fact that they threw that in also the
15:44 ultimate release fantastic work on NECA's part finally giving me the one
15:48 figure I've been asking for for the last I don't know how many years I think in
15:51 several reviews you could probably even date that back that I kept saying the
15:55 one figure I want NECA to release above all others just because I was a big fan
15:58 of the original 1981 my bloody Valentine is please NECA release an ultimate minor
16:02 and they did release an ultimate minor now whether we are gonna be getting a
16:06 remake ultimate minor from the 2000s film that would be certainly something I
16:09 would love to see maybe with interchangeable heads I'm sure they
16:12 probably could easily just use the body again get the most mileage out of the
16:14 mold after all but maybe release just consider this NECA down the road a
16:18 remake of my bloody Valentine ultimate minor but what do you guys think of the
16:22 figure let me know down below in the comment section have you had the chance
16:25 to pick this one up and you also agree that I mean the minor is one of the cool
16:28 looking slasher killers around from the 80s films what other killers do you
16:33 think from old 80s horror movies would you say is a really cool design that you
16:36 like to see NECA release a figure for let me know down below in the comment
16:39 section if you in the meantime though you guys did enjoy this video I want to
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17:15 you
17:17 you
17:19 (explosion)
