'The Ultimatum' Cast Opens Up About The Surprise Pregnancy & How They Feel About The Dating Experiment

  • 9 months ago
Lisa and Brian from Season 2 of “The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On” opened up about their surprise pregnancy and how it affected their relationship after leaving the Netflix show. Antonio and Roxanne also spoke to Narcity's Asymina Kantorowicz about how they felt during the proposal and their overall experience on the show.


00:00 And that's where my suspicion kicked in.
00:02 And so I literally was in my hotel room
00:05 and was like, "I don't feel right."
00:07 - Hi, I'm Miss Nina with Narcity.
00:09 How are you both doing today?
00:10 - Hey, good.
00:12 Nice to meet you.
00:13 - Lisa, I'm going to start with you.
00:15 First off, congratulations on the baby news.
00:18 I know it happened a while ago for you,
00:19 but for me it just happened.
00:22 So, you know, when Nicole Shea mentioned you were pregnant,
00:26 like my jaw dropped
00:27 because this has never happened on the show before.
00:30 Tell me, you know, what happened?
00:33 Did you have any suspicions before you found out?
00:36 You know, when did you find out?
00:37 How did that happen?
00:39 - I had no suspicions prior to coming onto the show
00:42 because obviously our lady days were supposed to be
00:47 actually the first week while filming.
00:49 Clearly, mine did not come.
00:51 And that's where my suspicion kicked in.
00:54 And so I literally was in my hotel room
00:56 and was like, I don't feel right.
00:59 You know, I feel like I'm acting normal.
01:02 I feel overly emotional about things.
01:04 So I took a pregnancy test and here it is.
01:08 - Yeah. And when you told Brian,
01:10 obviously a bit of shock there,
01:13 how has your relationship been affected by, you know,
01:16 the baby and the show and just the overall experience?
01:19 - I will say like initially after leaving the show,
01:24 we were in like a weird place.
01:26 Obviously it took a lot of work, but that's it.
01:30 It took the work, you know,
01:31 two people who were intentionally intentional
01:34 about working on the relationship and we were that.
01:36 And so now we are in a really great space.
01:39 - And Roxanne, moving on to you,
01:41 going into the proposal,
01:42 you said yourself that you weren't sure
01:44 what you were going to say.
01:45 You would, you know, see in that moment,
01:47 what made you, 'cause you were very adamant
01:49 that you weren't ready to get married to Antonio
01:51 from the start.
01:52 What made you say yes?
01:54 - My gut. I always go with my gut.
01:56 I think through the whole season,
01:57 what I did is go with my gut with everything with Alex,
02:01 with our fallout through the season,
02:06 to the moment I said yes to Antonio,
02:08 I feel like a woman's gut is the most important thing
02:12 you should listen to.
02:13 And I was like,
02:14 I'm not going to make a decision until I see him.
02:16 And he asked, and whatever I feel in my stomach
02:18 is what I'm going to go with.
02:20 'Cause I did not know.
02:21 - And this is a question for both of you.
02:24 How has going on the ultimatum sort of maybe affected
02:28 or helped you understand what you're looking for
02:30 in a partner and just what you need,
02:32 yourself need as well?
02:34 - I think for me going on here,
02:36 it just made me more aware of what I wanted for sure,
02:41 what things I'm willing to deal with
02:43 and not willing to deal with in regards to my partner.
02:46 And that has helped us because before we never verbalized
02:50 like flat out, like what we like, don't like,
02:53 versus, you know, after the show is like,
02:56 now we are verbalizing, like, I don't like this.
02:59 I don't like this.
03:01 And that helps your relationship move so much smoother.
03:04 And I kind of took that for myself too,
03:07 of like, okay, for myself,
03:09 what do I want for myself out of life?
03:11 And, you know, having that come to realization
03:14 even after the show.
03:15 So that's ways that it has helped us.
03:19 - Real quick, I was just going to say,
03:21 when you're looking for a partner for me,
03:22 it was take out everything you think should be
03:26 with a partner and just go with what your heart is saying
03:29 and your mind, it goes back to the guy, you know, I had,
03:32 for me, it was take out the checklist.
03:34 And with Antonio, it was,
03:36 he is all these things that I need and want.
03:38 And I thought Alex would have maybe
03:42 been all those things truly.
03:44 I mean, I was, you probably saw,
03:45 I was super excited to be with the dude.
03:48 I was.
03:49 And sometimes you just got to forget
03:50 about everyone else's feelings
03:53 and what everyone else wants for you.
03:54 Just go with what you want for yourself.
03:57 That's it.
03:58 - Brian, I'm going to start with you.
04:00 So I want to go back to that conversation
04:03 that you were having with Lisa, you know,
04:05 walk me through that.
04:06 Was the first time you found out actually on camera,
04:09 you know, what was going through your mind
04:10 when you found out?
04:12 - Yeah, that was truly the first time that I found out.
04:14 As you can see my face,
04:16 it was much of a surprise to me, right?
04:18 I didn't know if she was, if it was a joke or not,
04:21 but you know, like I said,
04:22 I knew she wouldn't play around like that.
04:24 But, you know, immediately within the first few seconds,
04:28 I had to make the decision on whether or not,
04:31 you know, this is something that I was willing to accept
04:34 and move forward with.
04:35 But I knew, you know, instantly that she is someone
04:39 that if anyone that I would want to kind of bring a child
04:42 into this world with.
04:43 And I think, you know, ultimately we had to make
04:46 that decision.
04:47 And that was the one that was best for us.
04:49 - And you mentioned that, you know,
04:50 a baby would obviously complicate things.
04:52 You had just gone through a lot, you know,
04:55 how did the baby impact your relationship
04:57 and just overall, you know, everything?
05:01 - Yeah, I think the thought of it was like conflicting,
05:06 right?
05:09 Because it's like, there's no way we just went
05:10 through this whole experience of the time that we did.
05:14 And there's been, you know, ups and downs, right?
05:16 As you can see, and thinking that it's gonna be easier
05:20 moving forward.
05:21 I think it was actually the opposite.
05:24 Well, not the opposite of easy.
05:25 It was actually the opposite of what I thought.
05:27 You know, afterwards things got easier
05:30 because we kind of looked at it from a clear mind, right?
05:33 Being out of the experience at this time to say that like,
05:36 you know, all right, we're gonna focus on the baby,
05:39 but we're gonna also focus on fixing ourselves,
05:43 working on our communication and just working on that trust
05:46 within each other.
05:48 And it's worked out, it's been going well.
05:49 - Antonio, moving to you and your experience on the show,
05:53 you know, going back to having to make that choice
05:57 on who to choose for the trial marriage,
06:00 you know, obviously that's a tense situation.
06:02 I can only imagine how uncomfortable it is
06:04 hearing your partner talk about how amazing someone else is.
06:08 What was going through your mind
06:09 and what was that experience like having Roxanne,
06:12 you know, choose Alex?
06:14 - I knew she was gonna pick him all along.
06:16 I just knew it.
06:17 I knew what she was looking for.
06:19 And he was pretty much like the polar opposite
06:23 of where I was at, at that point in my life,
06:25 you know, successful business owner.
06:27 I mean, more than once he'd already sold
06:29 one of his own businesses
06:30 and he was doing his own thing again.
06:32 And he had this, you know, lifetime of experience
06:35 that she really related with.
06:36 And it was, I was trying to, you know,
06:41 gain that sort of skillset as we got onto the show
06:46 and throughout the show and since after the show.
06:50 So I was pretty scared.
06:52 I was pretty dang scared when I saw
06:55 that she had chosen officially and it all became real.
06:58 - And then going to the proposal,
07:01 you seem somewhat surprised when she said yes,
07:04 what was going through your mind then
07:05 and how has the whole experience
07:08 impacted your relationship moving forward?
07:10 - Yeah, I mean, it's like,
07:12 I can almost really only liken it
07:15 to like when a cop's driving behind you,
07:17 you may not be doing anything wrong
07:18 and you know what the outcome is gonna be,
07:20 but in that moment, you're like,
07:21 oh crap, like what's gonna happen?
07:24 And I think that's kind of what was splayed all over my face.
07:27 And not to mention that the first words out of her mouth
07:29 after I'd said, will you marry me?
07:30 Were, I just want you to be happy.
07:32 So like, I don't know what that meant.
07:35 Like, especially the moment I was like,
07:37 so you're saying without you, I'm gonna be happy
07:40 or what are you saying?
07:41 So, it was nerve wracking for sure.
07:44 Since she has said yes, you know,
07:48 and even before this, before all of this,
07:50 and I've never been more sure that Roxanne is the person
07:52 that I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with.
07:54 And that has since just been confirmed tenfold.
07:57 So life is good.
07:59 I've moved so far in the direction
08:02 that I've been wanting to move in.
08:04 I've become a business owner,
08:06 things are going really well
08:07 and I just, the future is something
08:10 I've never been more excited for.
08:11 - Well, congratulations on the business
08:13 and on the engagement.
08:14 And just my final question is, you know,
08:17 any regrets from the ultimatum going on the show?
08:19 You know, having that ultimatum,
08:21 either giving it or receiving it.
08:23 What are your thoughts on that?
08:26 - No regrets.
08:27 I mean, like the term I think James and I coined
08:31 was high stakes therapy.
08:33 And I learned a lot about myself.
08:36 It forced me to really hold myself much more accountable.
08:39 So I think I'm a better person for it.
08:42 I think my relationship is stronger for it
08:43 and I don't regret a thing.
08:46 - Yeah, likewise, I would say the same.
08:48 Definitely on the accountability part,
08:49 I definitely learned a lot about myself,
08:52 like really quickly too.
08:53 And kind of had to kind of make that decision
08:56 of whether or not I was gonna continue being stubborn
08:58 with them all, right?
09:00 Or like, I was gonna be the person for Lisa.
09:03 - Well, thank you so much
09:05 for taking the time to speak with me.
09:06 It was a pleasure speaking with you both
09:07 and I hope you have a great day.
09:09 - Thank you so much. - Thank you.
09:09 - Take care. - Thank you.
09:11 (upbeat music)
