FTS 12:30 10-01: Ecuador registers 40 terrorist acts in last hours

  • 7 months ago
FTS 12.30
*Tense debate on first day of analysis of. Pres. Milei’s law
*UN rapporteur denounces Israeli genocide in Gaza
00:03 In Ecuador, security forces registered 40 terrorists
00:12 acts in the last hours in the context
00:14 of the increasing security crisis the nation experiences.
00:16 In Argentina, high tension debates
00:22 marked the first day of the analysis of the presidency
00:25 bill.
00:25 Deputies noted threatening tones of the representative
00:28 of some state institutions.
00:30 And the United Nations rapporteur
00:34 denounced that the Israeli genocide in Gaza
00:36 worsened the hunger of the Palestinian people.
00:38 Hello, welcome to From the South.
00:46 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Dresdor Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:50 We begin with the news.
00:51 In Ecuador, the first day of the internal armed conflict
00:54 has resulted in 10 deaths, three wounded,
00:56 and at least six kidnapped, including three police officers
00:59 who have been released.
01:00 During the last report given at the emergency cabinet meeting
01:03 convened by the mayor of Guayaquil,
01:05 Achilles Alvarez, eight people were killed.
01:07 However, a later police statement
01:08 confirmed the execution of two of its agents.
01:11 Guayaquil, located in the southwest of the country,
01:13 has been the epicenter of violence
01:16 that has been exponentially worsened
01:18 after the escape of Jose Adolfo Macias,
01:20 known as Fito, leader of the dangerous Generos gang.
01:24 Regional authorities confirmed more than 1,900 calls for help.
01:32 And more than 40 acts of terrorism
01:34 were reported by the security authorities in Ecuador
01:36 after the escape of the leader of the Generos gang.
01:38 The region has lived the most terrifying hours
01:40 of its history.
01:42 Moments after the decree of President Daniel Noboa, who
01:44 declared a state of emergency, went into effect,
01:46 there have been explosions of vehicles,
01:48 armed attacks against commercial areas,
01:50 looting, kidnappings of civilians and policemen,
01:52 and several executions and murders.
01:55 Some cases of police and military excesses
01:57 have also been reported, concentrating
01:59 in impoverished areas of Guayaquil,
02:01 taken over by tanks and hundreds of armed officers.
02:04 In an hour and a half, we have had
02:12 a result of eight people dead, two injured people, two
02:16 vehicles burned, two motorcycles burned, a police officer injured
02:20 by firearm, damage to the infrastructure of UPC-02.
02:25 And we have 14 detainees in the different events that
02:28 have occurred during the social conventions
02:30 today in the afternoon in the city of Guayaquil.
02:34 On Tuesday, the government of Peru
02:35 decided to declare a state of emergency
02:37 on the border with Ecuador in the midst of the wave of violence
02:40 that is shaking the neighboring country.
02:42 The information was released by the Peruvian Prime Minister
02:44 Alberto Rahola.
02:45 This is as a consequence of the violence
02:47 raging in the Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil
02:49 during the last hours.
02:50 The Prime Minister assured that a contingent of police officers
02:53 has been deployed to support the security forces currently
02:55 stationed at the border with Ecuador
02:57 to carry out a more intense control of the transit of people.
03:00 Other measures for the contingency
03:02 will be announced on Wednesday.
03:03 When a state of emergency is declared,
03:11 the armed forces are ordered to come
03:12 to support the national police.
03:14 And of course, they will be in transit.
03:17 We have a series of military establishments
03:19 that are coordinating.
03:21 The ministers of the ground are going
03:23 to coordinate the operational part.
03:25 But we want to assure you that the decision taken
03:28 by President Boluarte to give tranquility and calm,
03:31 especially to the population of Tumbe and Piura,
03:34 there has been a little alarm by this event.
03:38 President Andres Manuel López Obrador
03:40 expresses disagreement with the situation of violence
03:43 that Ecuador is facing today and expresses his solidarity
03:46 and support to the people and government of the nation.
03:51 We express our solidarity and support
03:54 to the people of Ecuador and its government.
03:56 Of course, we reprove these vandalic attitudes,
04:00 the violence, the desire to impose with the use of force.
04:04 We do not agree with that.
04:05 We support the people and the government of Ecuador.
04:10 The Chinese government offers support
04:12 to the government of Ecuador for the reestablishment
04:14 of public order and social stability
04:16 in the face of the security crisis
04:17 that the country is experiencing.
04:19 The foreign minister instructed diplomatic missions
04:21 to activate emergency mechanisms for consular protection,
04:25 in addition to verifying the status of Chinese citizens
04:27 and institutions, although so far no victims of Chinese origin
04:30 have been reported.
04:31 Beijing also called for the prompt restoration
04:33 of public order in the country and earthly authorities
04:36 to protect citizens.
04:42 China supports the government of Ecuador and its efforts
04:45 to safeguard social stability and hopes
04:48 that Ecuador will soon restore normal order.
04:51 We hope the Ecuadorian side will properly
04:54 protect the security of Chinese people and institutions
04:58 in Ecuador.
05:00 The foreign ministry has instructed its embassy
05:03 and consulates in Ecuador to immediately launch
05:06 emergency response mechanisms for consular protection.
05:10 We are currently verifying the security situation
05:13 for Chinese citizens and institutions in Ecuador
05:17 and issuing alerts and security precautions
05:21 through multiple channels.
05:22 We have not yet received any reports of Chinese casualties
05:26 in Ecuador.
05:28 The issue of citizen security has also
05:30 been at the center of the news in El Salvador,
05:32 where the legislative body approved the 22nd extension
05:34 of the emergency regime.
05:36 As reported by the executive branch,
05:38 this measure is the backbone of the security system
05:40 implemented by the government of President Nayib Bukele.
05:43 After a lengthy debate where differences
05:45 between the ruling and opposition benches reemerged,
05:48 the measure again obtained the support of the majority
05:50 with 67 votes in favor and only 7 votes against.
05:54 Among them is that of Congresswoman Claudia Ortiz,
05:56 who has again put the spotlight on the serious allegations
05:59 of state violence that is protected
06:00 under the state of emergency.
06:02 A few weeks ago, we proposed that this legislative
06:10 assembly investigate from our faculties
06:12 who really is the crack.
06:14 We have asked to investigate which members of the Salvadoran
06:18 states authorities have given these benefits to evade justice
06:23 in exchange for electoral benefits
06:26 or of any other measure has happened in the past.
06:30 And that's why people know that we do not
06:33 want to go back to the past.
06:34 We cannot go back to the past.
06:37 And it is important that we aspire to a country
06:39 without gangs, without gun violence,
06:42 where innocent people live free from the violence
06:45 of these organized crime groups and also
06:48 live free from the violence and terror of the state.
06:51 Let's take now a short break.
06:55 But remember, you can join us on TikTok @TalesurEnglish,
06:58 where you will find news in different formats, news
07:00 updates, and much more.
07:02 Other stories coming up.
07:06 Stay with us.
07:10 Welcome back from the South.
07:27 This Tuesday, Congress of Argentina
07:28 stated debating commissions of the bill known
07:31 as basis and starting point for the freedom of Argentines.
07:34 Its intentions were marked by today.
07:36 The attorney general of the treasury,
07:38 Turlofo Barra, the secretary of energy Eduardo Rodriguez,
07:41 and the minister of justice, Mariano Cuneo,
07:43 were some of the representatives of the state
07:45 and the executive present at the event.
07:48 Their presentation in defense of the law in charge
07:50 of the attorney general raised the tone of the conclave.
07:52 They later questioned the nature of the institutional response,
07:55 referring that none of the hard crises
07:57 that the country lived through allowed anything
07:59 similar to what was proposed by the law's rapporteurs.
08:02 [AUDIO OUT]
08:07 In Argentina, members of the United for Culture movement
08:10 hold demonstrations on Wednesday in several cities
08:13 to express their rejection of Abril Mele's government
08:15 measures.
08:16 According to this space, in social media,
08:19 artists, workers, teachers, and students
08:22 from different disciplines participate
08:23 in a national casteloazo from 6 PM local time.
08:27 Demonstrations will take place in Buenos Aires,
08:29 Córdoba, Rosario, Santa Fe, San Salvador de Jujuy,
08:32 San Miguel Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, Salta la Plata,
08:35 Comodoro, Rivadavia, San Luis, San Juan, Mendoza,
08:39 and Newquen, among many other territories.
08:42 On December 20th, the president issued a decree
08:44 of necessity and urgency that provides
08:46 for the dismantling of more than 300 regulations,
08:49 including the laws on rents, supply, land, industrial,
08:53 and commercial promotion.
08:54 The new provisions are being widely
08:56 rejected by the population for legal and social organization.
09:00 In Venezuela, the remains of General Domingo Antonio
09:07 Cifontes arrive at the National Pantheon.
09:09 In a solemn ceremony attended by President Nicolás Maduro,
09:12 the remains of the general arrive
09:13 at the mausoleum of the liberator Simon Bolívar,
09:17 where several acts were held in commemoration of his deeds
09:20 on the occasion of the 111th anniversary
09:23 of his physical departure.
09:24 High-ranking officials highlight the historical legacy
09:27 of General Cifontes, who played a decisive role
09:29 in the expulsion of the English rule
09:31 from Venezuelan territory.
09:33 During his speech, President Nicolás Maduro
09:35 highlighted the contribution of General Cifontes
09:37 in the defense of Venezuelan territorial integrity.
09:40 Today, bringing General Domingo Antonio Cifontes,
09:50 hero of Uyuni, terror of the English,
09:53 to the National Pantheon is the greatest justice
10:05 we can do to vindicate a good man who defended the homeland
10:08 above any circumstance, difficulty, or pain, who
10:22 loved his land, who loved Venezuela,
10:24 and demonstrated his love in battle.
10:26 The Venezuelan head of state pointed out
10:30 that Venezuela is not only a country of natural wealth,
10:33 but also a country of enormous spiritual wealth
10:35 in its patriotic population.
10:36 One says that our Venezuela has not only gold, not only
10:42 diamonds, not only oil, gas, huge natural resources.
10:46 Our Venezuela has had and has, the greatest thing it has
11:00 is the huge spiritual wealth of its patriotic men,
11:03 of its patriotic women, of its brave people.
11:08 In Russia, trade amounted to $1.5 billion
11:11 last December, with an 80% increase in trade
11:13 between Brazil and Russia.
11:16 The Brazilian Statistics Institute
11:17 reported that the country obtained tons of Russian oil
11:20 derivatives for $1.14 billion, making
11:24 Russia the largest fuel supplier, followed by the United
11:26 States and the Netherlands.
11:28 Brazilian exports to Russia contracted 17% to more than $93
11:31 million when shipping meat, coffee, and peanuts to Russia.
11:36 On the other hand, the South American country
11:38 imported more than $304 million worth of fertilizers
11:42 from Russia.
11:42 In Haiti, the court ordered the arrest
11:50 of more than 30 high-ranking officials
11:52 for alleged government corruption.
11:54 The arrest warrants accuse the officials
11:56 of embezzlement of funds or equipment linked
11:58 to the country's National Equipment Center.
12:00 Said center is in charge of using heavy machinery
12:02 for tasks such as road construction or debris
12:05 removal.
12:06 The list includes former presidents Michel Martelly
12:08 and Georges-Alain Rivert, as well as former Prime Minister
12:12 Laurent LeMond, Jean-Michel Lapin, Evan Spohr,
12:15 and Jean-Henri Zandt.
12:17 The authorities reported that no one has been arrested so far,
12:21 but detailed that the investigations are still
12:24 in progress.
12:24 Cuba does not present the levels of COVID-19 cases
12:32 that have been registered in the region.
12:34 However, President Miguel Díaz-Canel
12:36 has indicated that he will follow the recommendations
12:38 of the World Health Organization.
12:41 The head of state held a meeting this Tuesday
12:43 with scientists and health experts
12:45 at a regular exchange in which he
12:46 is accompanied by members of the Politico
12:48 Bureau and the Prime Minister.
12:50 In view of the epidemiological situation reported
12:53 for the Americas by the Pan-American Health
12:55 Organization, he took advantage of the meeting
12:57 with the experts to ask for maximum attention in view
12:59 of the increase of respiratory diseases.
13:02 The Vice Minister of Health, Caril La Peña,
13:03 explained the current situation of the island.
13:10 When we talk about genomics, it is
13:12 to know the variants of the SARS-CoV-2 that is circulating.
13:16 And so far, we have not detected any variant in the country that
13:19 has changed.
13:20 It continues to be an migrant with the sub-variant that
13:24 are circulating in the region.
13:25 And so far, there are not variants
13:27 that make us think that there is going
13:30 to be any aggravation of the COVID-19 disease.
13:33 Therefore, the population must continue
13:35 to make use of individual protection measures.
13:40 We have a second short break coming up.
13:41 But before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
13:44 for our English-speaking audience,
13:45 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
13:48 and share the link to reach more people.
13:50 There's a new coverage of North America and the Caribbean,
13:52 as well as the rest of the world.
13:54 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
13:57 Final short break.
13:58 Don't go away.
14:32 Welcome back from the South.
14:34 While proceedings are being prepared,
14:35 the International Court of Justice
14:37 complains against Israel for genocide, war crimes,
14:40 and crimes against humanity are on the rise.
14:42 United Nations rapporteur compiled cases.
14:44 The United Nations special rapporteur
14:46 said that Israel prevented the entry of international observers
14:49 and the press, because that is the only way
14:51 to aggravate Israel's story, and the figures are exaggerated.
14:55 Based on data collected by the Israeli non-governmental
14:58 organization, TZILAM, the reporter
15:00 warned that 2.2 million Palestinians, over 50% of which
15:04 are children, infants, pregnant women, and the elderly,
15:07 suffer from hunger as a direct result of Prime Minister
15:10 Benjamin Netanyahu's state policies
15:13 of depriving them of food.
15:14 In Netherlands, the International Criminal Court
15:21 confirmed on Tuesday that it is investigating
15:23 the killing of journalists in Gaza as possible war crimes.
15:27 Several organizations dedicated to the defense of press workers
15:30 and civil rights in general filed
15:32 before the court based in The Hague a complaint
15:34 for alleged war crimes perpetrated
15:36 by the Israeli occupying forces in the framework
15:38 of the genocidal operation launched
15:40 after the incursion of Hamas into Israeli territory.
15:43 The court's prosecutor's office, headed by Karim Khan,
15:46 confirmed that the list of facts it is investigating
15:49 includes the murder of press workers, whose number already
15:51 exceeds 106, many of them executed with their families.
15:55 The Israeli occupation forces Wednesday
15:58 detained 26 Palestinians from several areas
16:01 across the occupied West Bank, sources confirmed.
16:04 According to the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees
16:07 Affairs, the majority of the detainees
16:09 are from Bethlehem and Ramallah, where two former prisoners, one
16:13 of whom is a cancer patient, while the rest are
16:15 from Tulkaram, Tubas, Hebron, Jenin, and Nablus.
16:19 They pointed out that the detention campaign
16:21 are accompanied by widespread abuse, severe beatings,
16:23 and threats against detainees and their families,
16:25 in addition to widespread destruction of citizens' homes
16:28 and the confiscation of vehicles and money.
16:30 The number of detainees has risen since October 7th
16:33 to more than 5,780, targeting all groups,
16:36 including former detainees, the sick, and the elderly.
16:39 The League of Arab States and the United Nations
16:46 said on Tuesday that the United States
16:48 is working on a request to grant the State of Palestine
16:51 permanent membership within the international organization.
16:54 Palestinian Permanent Representative
16:55 to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour,
16:57 said that the obstacle is in the Security Council,
17:00 adding that they need to find a solution to that obstacle
17:03 and remove it from the path so that the State of Palestine
17:06 assumes its rightful place as a member
17:08 state of the United Nations.
17:10 Mansour and other briefed journalists in New York,
17:13 adding that the group asked for an open invitation
17:15 to the UN Security Council to discuss the war in Gaza
17:18 this coming Friday.
17:19 He said a slew of meetings are scheduled this month,
17:22 and the group is enjoying momentum.
17:24 He stated that their three objectives include a ceasefire,
17:27 humanitarian assistance, up to scale,
17:29 and the stop of forced transfers.
17:31 We had a very important and extensive meeting yesterday
17:40 in which we discussed the possibility of a ceasefire
17:44 and we discussed in depth the strategy
17:48 that we are putting in place for at least the next two
17:54 to three months here at the United Nations.
17:58 We will mobilize and try to get the maximum support that we
18:04 can for the implementations of the three objectives--
18:08 ceasefire, humanitarian assistance, up to scale,
18:12 and against the mass forced transfer.
18:16 But also, we will begin to mobilize around other issues
18:22 which were adopted in the Arab OIC summit in Riyadh
18:29 a few months earlier.
18:32 Among these issues is to start mobilizing
18:36 for going to the Security Council with the view
18:41 that we believe that the state of Palestine,
18:44 after changing its status in the year 2012 to an observer state,
18:50 now it is high time to recognize and admit the state of Palestine
18:57 for membership.
19:03 In Spain, countless tiny plastic pellets
19:15 have been washing up on the shores of the northern part
19:17 of the country and local authorities
19:18 declared an environmental emergency on Tuesday.
19:21 The tragedy comes after a shipping container
19:23 fell off a transport vessel last month.
19:25 The regional government of Galicia
19:27 has risen the alarms due to the pollution.
19:29 A neighbor in Asturias asked Spain's national government
19:32 for help.
19:33 On Monday, Spanish state prosecutors
19:34 opened an investigation as they feared that the pellets could
19:37 have toxic properties.
19:38 There are indications that the pellets have also
19:41 been found on French shores.
19:43 The spill was first reported to authorities on December 13,
19:46 when hundreds of thousands of tiny white balls
19:48 began washing up on Spain's Atlantic shoreline.
19:55 In Serbia, an evacuation effort to save
19:57 hundreds of cattle and horses stranded
19:59 on an island in the Danube has begun
20:02 close to the town of Novi Sad.
20:04 The cattle, the Podolian type, famed for their long horns,
20:08 as well as dozens of horses, were stranded on the Kredinska
20:12 Ara island, some 40 kilometers northwest
20:14 of the capital Belgrade, as the water of the Danube
20:16 began to rise.
20:17 As the levels of the river grew higher,
20:20 the animals were effectively cut off from mainland,
20:22 unable to walk to the shore.
20:24 The Kredinska Ara island is often
20:26 used by local cattle farmers, who leave their animals
20:29 to graze on location for several days or weeks.
20:32 After appeals from local ranchers,
20:33 which lasted for several days, Vodvodina Zume,
20:37 a state-run organization that takes
20:39 care of forests and waterways in northern Serbia,
20:42 supplied a boat with a barge so the evacuation
20:44 of the stranded animals could take place.
20:46 We have come to the end of this news brief.
20:52 You can find these and many other stories on our website
20:55 at terresuryinglish.net.
20:56 You can also join us on our social media,
20:58 Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
21:01 For Terresur English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
21:03 Thank you for watching.
