• 2 months ago
FTS 16.30
*Israeli genocide in Gaza continues after 316 days.
*Indian women rally for justice and security.

These and many more stories now!
00:00The President of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Venezuela announced that
00:13she has started the technical analysis of all the electoral material consigned related
00:19to the elections of last July 28th.
00:25The Israeli army continues to intensify its attacks against the Gaza Strip when the genocide
00:30against the Palestinian population reaches the 316th day and over 40,000 people killed.
00:41And women take to the streets in India after the rape and murder of a women doctor demanding
00:46justice and greater security in hospitals.
00:54Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra Garcia from Telesub Studios in Havana,
00:59We begin with the news.
01:00The President of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Venezuela, Carizlia RodrĂ­guez,
01:04announced that they have started the technical analysis of all the electoral material consigned
01:10related to the elections of last July 28th.
01:13RodrĂ­guez informed that the National Electoral Council has provided all the digital and physical
01:18electoral material for the investigation process.
01:22Likewise, she pointed out that the investigation will be carried out by the best technical
01:27and specialized team until the High Court gathers the necessary evidence to certify
01:32the decision of the Venezuelan people.
01:34In addition, RodrĂ­guez reiterated the commitment of the judiciary to import justice in the
01:39face of the cybernetic coup of the global ultra-right denounced by the re-elected President,
01:45Nicolás Maduro.
01:46In view of the fact that, by means of judgment number 29, dated August 10, 2024, the magistrate
02:03of this electoral chamber will order an expert appraisal of all the electoral material of
02:07evidentiary value consigned in physical or digital form related to the presidential election
02:13process held on July 28, 2024.
02:17This chamber will make the following considerations.
02:20First, this electoral chamber shall proceed to perform in person the supervision and control
02:25of the expertise process of the material.
02:43That is in the custody of the National Electoral Council and in the custody of the CNE, the
02:48political organizations and the former candidates, said expertise is in process of execution
02:54by a group of experts in electoral material with the highest technical and scientific,
02:59national and international standards, guaranteeing the highest level of technical and legal excellence,
03:05which shall be performed directly, personally and daily during the entire process.
03:18Various social and political Dominican organizations expressed their solidarity with Venezuela
03:23as the nation is being under attack after the July 28 presidential elections.
03:28On a press briefing, Dominican revolutionaries claimed that the US plans to make a coup d'etat
03:33against the Venezuelan people.
03:35On a press release, they ratified that Venezuela sets the National Electoral Council as the
03:40entity empowered to arbitrate the elections as well as to give the results, and in compliance
03:46with the constitutional United Nations Charter.
03:49Its decision must be respected by all countries.
03:52They further demanded that the Dominican President Luis Abinader stop compromising the country
03:58with meddling actions against other nations and be guided by the Constitution of the Republic.
04:08The history of humanity knows no country more despotic and terrorist than the United States.
04:13Those who are aligned with the US are the actual dictators and the despots.
04:16Yes, they are the criminal and the terrorist.
04:18This is the truth that is systematically hidden by media dictatorship.
04:24Which countries are encouraging precisely that meeting?
04:27Countries that are puppets, that are lackeys of the US.
04:30So those nations have not proven their true sovereignty and self-determination.
04:33Those are the ones that want to impose a meeting of that nature in the Dominican Republic.
04:37Here we say no.
04:41The National Assembly of Venezuela approved a bill that regulates non-governmental organizations'
04:47operations and requires transparency of their funding sources, lawmakers say.
04:52This law fills a legal void in the country.
04:55Our correspondent Leonel Retamal has the details.
04:59After finishing its reading, discussion item by item, parliamentarians approved the legislation
05:04that regulates the operation of non-governmental organizations.
05:08The public consultation over this law started in January 2024, and by this week members
05:13of the National Assembly finally passed it.
05:17Please, raise your hands if you agree on its approval.
05:21Consequently, the law for the audit, regularization, performance and financing of non-governmental
05:27organizations and non-profit social organizations is hereby unanimously passed.
05:32We declare the legislation approved.
05:35NGOs are organizations that work on the public policy, environment, human rights, LGBTQ communities
05:42and other civil society affairs, such as civil foundations and associations.
05:47So far, there has been no legal framework to regulate their operations.
05:52The National Assembly is in tune with an important decision, which is to guarantee that the operating
05:58NGOs in the country comply with the requirements that have been established.
06:03NGOs have to register, they have to transparently show their accounts, where their incomes come
06:07from, where their expenses go and fundamentally NGOs ought to dedicate themselves to the
06:12activity for which they are created.
06:14Parliamentarians underscore that the law does not seek to ban the NGOs' work, but to make
06:18their operations more transparent.
06:22This law was like a pending matter that we had for quite some time, and one watches the
06:26hypocrisy of the institutions and of some countries.
06:29We saw in these days someone from the UN, the rapporteur spoke that Venezuela should
06:35But the European Union prohibits, for instance, the use of Russian funds in NGOs, it is banned
06:41by law.
06:42There are nations that have made their legal reforms to review where the funds come from,
06:46that's what we are willing to find out.
06:50Following the latest violent riots, legislators and authorities have denounced the link between
06:54some NGOs and the sponsorship of criminal or terrorist organizations.
06:59One knows how NGOs operate in other countries when they have some health contingency, some
07:03humanitarian crisis.
07:04We are watching them in Palestine, they are fully identified, they use their ID cards,
07:09they identify their vehicles, they have a humanitarian reason, a social and altruistic
07:15In Venezuela, this does not happen, they all operate under the table.
07:18But why?
07:19Because here, NGOs are directly tied up with the political conspiracy.
07:23Following the latest violent riots, legislators and authorities have denounced the link between
07:27some NGOs and the sponsorship of criminal or terrorist organizations.
07:37One of Argentina's main workers' unions, Autonomous CTA, together with other labor
07:42and social organizations, announced on Friday they will intensify their campaign against
07:46the decree of necessity, an urgency signed by President Javier Millet at the beginning
07:51of his mandate.
07:52Workers emphasized that social groups continue to collect signatures against the governmental
07:57measure with the aim of having it annulled by the Chamber of Deputies and the Supreme
08:04The decree, promoted by Javier Millet, modifies and eliminates more than 300 regulations,
08:09among them the laws regarding rent, supply, land, industrial and commercial promotion.
08:18On Friday, the strike at the Chilean mine known as Escondida, the world's largest
08:23open-pit copper mine, entered its fourth day with no agreement between the Chilean workers
08:28and the transnational company BHP.
08:31The union maintains its demand for more rest time, better wages, an increase in the amount
08:36of bonuses given to the miners and compensation for those who are fired for all the time they
08:42have worked there.
08:44The union emphasized that the dialogues to resolve the conflict failed, denouncing that
08:48the company is trying to condition the dialogues on the suspension of the strike, besides limiting
08:54the talks to only two of the demands.
08:57In this context, they added that a salary adjustment of 2% and a health insurance plan
09:03of 100% were considered insufficient.
09:06Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at TeleCity English
09:13where you will find news in different formats, news updates and more.
09:16We'll be right back, stay with us.
09:27Welcome back.
09:39In Puerto Rico, at least 900,000 people are without electric service after the passage
09:44of Hurricane Ernesto.
09:46On Thursday, the Emergency Operations Center of Puerto Rico, LUMA, activated its restoration
09:51process to address the impacts of Tropical Storm Ernesto, which became a hurricane.
09:57According to Morning Report, LUMA Energy detailed that slightly more than 470,000 customers
10:03or subscribers were without electric service, which represents 31.9% of total customers.
10:10The company's president and chief executive officer, Juan Saca, said that LUMA has been
10:15working around the clock to assess the damage, re-energize the affected portions of the power
10:21grid, and restore power to affected customers.
10:27The power outage left us in the dark for over 24 hours even before the storm.
10:31I have elderly people and others who are bedridden.
10:34I don't know how much longer the blackout will be.
10:36We can't stand it.
10:52The Israeli army continues to intensify its attacks against the Gaza Strip when the genocide
10:59against the Palestinian population reached 316 days and more than 40,000 people killed.
11:05In this regard, the Ministry of Health in Gaza informed on Thursday that seven people
11:09were martyred and several were wounded after an Israeli bombardment of a residential building
11:14in Havalia, north of Gaza.
11:16In the meantime, they also noted that another attack claimed the lives of five civilians
11:21and injured eight in Al-Darash area.
11:23In this way, the Israeli occupation forces continue their aggression against the Gaza
11:27Strip by land, sea and air since October, despite the international community call for
11:34an immediate ceasefire.
11:40The Israeli occupation forces continue to commit genocide and massacres against the
11:44Palestinian people.
11:46Several floors in this building, which the al-Ahmad family owns, were targeted.
11:50I know this family well, they are civilians and innocent.
11:53A large number of people were killed, including children, women and seniors.
12:00In this context, the victims also reflected on the hypocrisy of the Israeli regime that
12:06intends negotiation talks in Qatar while continuing to massacre civilians.
12:12We came to the place and found hanging bodies and limbs on the ground.
12:16We couldn't assist them because of the severity of the scene.
12:19We were really terrified.
12:20We wonder how we are negotiating in Doha.
12:23And why did Israeli PM Netanyahu send a delegation to the talks while we are being killed here?
12:27The fighting should at least stop during the negotiations.
12:30On Friday, in Palestine, dozens of Israeli settlers stormed into the village of Jit in
12:37the occupied West Bank.
12:39In this sense, local authorities said that the extremists shot dead one young man and
12:44seriously wounded another, in addition to setting fire to houses and vehicles.
12:49In this regard, they identified the fatality as Rashid Mahmoud Sada, of 23 years old, while
12:55another young Palestinian was taken to the hospital with chest wounds.
13:00On the other hand, Israeli media reported that about 50 settlers, some of them hooded,
13:05entered the village where they fired shots through stones and Molotov cocktails.
13:10It is worth noting that more than 700,000 Israeli settlers live in the occupied West
13:15Bank and use violence on a daily basis to harass the Palestinian population.
13:24We remain in Palestine, where a demonstration took place in the city of Ramallah in support
13:29of the Gaza Strip population and to condemn the crimes of the Israeli occupation army.
13:35In this regard, on Thursday, hundreds of protesters took to the street to demand an end to the
13:39genocide in Gaza, which has killed more than 40,000 people since October 7th.
13:45During the demonstration, participants raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans in support
13:50of the resistance.
13:51Those present also denounced the silence and complicity of some international governments
13:57concerning the massacres committed by the Taliban regime.
14:05On Thursday, during his speech in front of the Great National Assembly in Turkey, the
14:09President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, announced his decision to go
14:14to Gaza with all the Palestinian leaders.
14:16At the event held in Ankara, Abbas also called for international support to ensure his safe
14:22arrival to Gaza.
14:24The President also urged world leaders and the Secretary-General of the United Nations,
14:28Antonio Guterres, to visit the besieged territory whose death toll has risen to more than 40,000
14:34people killed by Israeli forces since October 7th, 2023.
14:44I announce before you, before the entire world, and our Palestinian people, since we
14:54are left with no other solutions, that I have decided to go to the Gaza Strip with all members
15:04of the Palestinian leadership.
15:34Welcome back to From the South.
15:42In India, after the rape and murder of a woman doctor, thousands of people took to the streets
15:47to demand justice and greater security in hospitals.
15:50On August 9th, authorities found the victim's body in the seminar room of the State Medical
15:55College Hospital in Kolkata.
15:58Autopsy data confirmed the sexual assault in which more people were allegedly involved.
16:03A police volunteer has been arrested in connection with the case.
16:07In recent days, dozens of people have rallied for urging to a safer work environment.
16:13According to the National Crime Records Bureau, 31,516 rape cases were reported in 2022, a
16:2020% increase over previous years.
16:30Women of this country are being wronged daily.
16:32I don't understand what do we achieve after studying for so many years.
16:37Whether you are a rich or a poor woman, educated or uneducated woman, everyone's fate is the
16:44There is no reason for us to live in this country.
16:47Predators can do anything they want to women in this country.
16:51There is no justice, there is no action.
17:00On Friday, Thailand's House of Representatives elected a new Prime Minister, Phaythong Tharnchina
17:05Watra, daughter of former President and influential politician Thaksin, won 319 votes of the 493
17:14deputies in the current chamber and is the second woman to become the country's Prime
17:20At 37, she was one of the new faces of her party during the 2023 election campaign and
17:26is now the youngest to hold the post.
17:28The decision comes on the heels of the dismissal two days ago of Shereta Thaksin, who according
17:34to a court violated the code of ethics established in the constitution.
17:43Right now, of course, today I feel very honored and I feel very happy.
17:50I really hope that I can make the people feel confident about that we can to build
18:01the opportunities and to improve the quality of life and to empower to our ties.
18:09On Thursday, authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo reported 548 deaths due
18:15to the outbreak of the infectious disease known as Mpox virus.
18:20In this sense, Minister Samuel Roger Kamba added that in addition of the death toll,
18:24the country has registered a total of 15,664 potential cases so far in 2024.
18:31For his part, Roger Kamba also indicated that the virus is affecting most of the provinces
18:37of the nation of 2.3 million square kilometers and a population of 96 million.
18:43In this regard, also on Thursday, the World Health Organization declared the Mpox virus
18:48an international public health emergency at the highest level of alert.
18:53It must be emphasized that the current epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo has a
18:57mortality rate estimated at 3.6%.
19:13On Friday, the Ministry of Defense of Russia informed that the Ukrainian troops suffered
19:18the loss of at least 15,000 soldiers during the last week.
19:23In this regard, the report confirmed that the decrease of soldiers of the Ukrainian
19:28army during the fighting in the Russian Kursk region has reached 2,860 military personnel.
19:35On the other hand, Kiev's casualties in the area of responsibility of the Northern Group
19:39of Forces are estimated at 2,765, while the Western Russian troops repulsed 12 counter-attacks
19:48and killed 3,450 servicemen.
19:52In this regard, the Ministry of Defense of Russia assured that Lyshchonye, Ivankova and
19:58Selyejevka settlements in the Donetsk region were liberated by the action with the interception
20:05of 20 counter-attacks.
20:10On Friday, the Chinese spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense, Zhang Xiogeng, denounced
20:16the US and Japan's world-like stances, warning they are raising international tensions.
20:22Earlier, the US stated China posed a military global threat, thus Xiogeng described the
20:29allegations as an excuse to stir up conflicts in Asia.
20:33He charged the US with posing the largest global menace for the biggest nuclear arsenal.
20:39Likewise, the spokesperson reaffirmed its nation's sovereignty over the islands of
20:43the Sea of Southern China and its surrounding waters, and warned against any attempt of
20:49trespassing that space.
20:55We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and many other stories
20:59on our website at telesuryinglish.net, and join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram,
21:04Telegram and TikTok as well.
21:07For Telesury English, I'm Alejandra GarcĂ­a, thank you for watching.
