Met Office Afternoon Weather Forecast 14/01/24 – Snow in the North

  • 9 months ago
This afternoon will see a generally cold theme, specially in the north, courtesy of strong northerly winds. Scotland will see snowfall, while the rest of the UK will see patchy cloud, with few isolated showers across the southern England, especially over coastal regions. Strong winds in the north. – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the afternoon of 14/01/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Jonathan Vautrey.


00:00 Hello there. Some of us have the increasing chance of seeing a few wintry flakes falling
00:04 from the sky over the next few days. We've actually already seen some of those across
00:08 Scotland this morning. The rain showers that were in place yesterday increasingly fell
00:12 asleep into the evening and into the early hours of this morning they've been turning
00:16 to snow even at lower levels. It's all due to a cold plunge of air coming directly down
00:21 from the Arctic and that'll be sweeping its way across all areas of the UK during the
00:25 next 24 hours. Ahead of that though there are a couple of cold fronts just slowly pushing
00:29 their way southwards. This will bring a legacy of cloud particularly to Wales, central and
00:33 southern areas of England today. Can't rule out the odd spot of drizzle around at times
00:37 but there'll be a few brighter sunny spots to watch out for particularly into central
00:40 Scotland as we head into the afternoon. Further north in combination with those showers there
00:45 are some very strong winds around at times, severe gales for Shetland today while temperatures
00:50 will only be 2 degrees Celsius. It's going to feel even colder than that when you are
00:54 exposed to the wind and with those strong winds and the snowfall that does bring the
00:59 risk of some blizzards around at times as well. Further towards the south temperatures
01:03 just around where we'd normally expect them to be for this time of year, that's 7-8 degrees
01:08 Celsius mark. But the cold air in Scotland is going to continue to push its way southwards
01:13 as we head into this evening and overnight. Actually helping to clear out some of this
01:17 cloud so skies will be turning increasingly clearer for all of us. Underneath that though
01:22 it is going to turn very cold indeed. With surfaces and roads turning frozen there
01:29 is the risk of icy stretches at times where we see those showers persisting overnight
01:32 for Northern Ireland and northern areas of Scotland but for all of us it is going to
01:36 be widely frosty. Temperatures even in our towns and cities will be as low as -2, -3
01:42 degrees Celsius. So do be prepared to get the ice scrapers out first thing on Monday
01:48 morning. The greatest chance of seeing some snow on Monday though is for those regions
01:52 that are still exposed to that northerly wind. So again, northern Scotland, parts of Northern
01:57 Ireland, particularly County Derry, County Antrim seeing some snow showers. Some sneak
02:01 showers maybe for Western Wales, far south west of England and some snow just skirting
02:05 the far eastern coast of Yorkshire down into Norfolk as well. But head further inland it
02:10 will be very dry and with plentiful amounts of crisp winter sunshine as well. Still feeling
02:15 cold though, temperatures only seeing as high as 1, 2 degrees Celsius at best and if I turn
02:21 on the feels like temperatures you can see it's actually going to feel sub freezing for
02:26 most of us, particularly along those eastern coastal regions where you're still exposed
02:31 to that very blustery wind pushing its way down the North Sea. So if you step outdoors
02:35 here it is going to be feeling very bitter and very raw. The frost will quickly return
02:42 as well as we head into Monday evening and overnight into Tuesday. So a very another
02:47 cold night for all of us. Again the risk of some icy stretches where we do see those snow
02:52 showers continuing as well. Into Tuesday we have the potential to see some slightly more
02:57 organised areas of snow and rain moving its way in due to this system pushing in from
03:02 the northwest. It's where it's moving into the cold air ahead of it that we potentially
03:05 see it starting to fall as snow in time. These are the warnings that have been issued for
03:11 Tuesday. For Northern Ireland at the moment it looks like it could be a bit more of a
03:15 transient rain snow feature. The warning currently up until nine o'clock on Tuesday morning.
03:21 For Scotland, Northern England down into parts of northwest Wales as well, though the warning
03:25 is in force throughout Tuesday. Again, the snow potential, particularly for areas of
03:30 northern Scotland, the higher ground parts of the southern uplands and the Pennines throughout
03:35 the day. For lower levels of southern Scotland, northwest England down into northwest Wales
03:39 as well. Again, it could be a bit more of a mixed phase precipitation. What we'd say
03:44 that mix of rain, sleet and snow, mainly sleet and more rain towards the lower level parts
03:50 as well. We do keep up to date with the forecast, though certainly something to keep an eye
03:55 on for. And we'll keep you up to date with all the latest warnings as well because there's
03:58 further snow and ice risk as we head throughout Wednesday and Thursday as well. Keep up to
04:03 date on our social media channels and subscribe on YouTube as well. And we'll see you again
04:08 here very soon. Bye bye.
