McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman and Robin Batgirl Figure

  • 7 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman and Robin Batgirl Figure


00:00 I think we're gonna need a bigger Batcave. Here's a look at McFarlane Toys
00:03 DC Multiverse Batman and Robins Batgirl
00:08 [Music]
00:35 the Dark Knight battles his greatest threats yet cold-hearted mr. freeze
00:39 venomous poison ivy and the unstoppable brute known only as Bane Batman finds
00:44 himself at odds with his crime-fighting comrade Robin no longer satisfied with
00:48 his role as a sidekick as mr. freeze threatens to unleash a new ice age upon
00:52 the citizens of Gotham City the dynamic duo now joined by the heroic newcomer
00:57 Batgirl must learn to work as a team before Gotham City is put on ice I have
01:02 no idea by the way how outfit has the time or the resources to keep churning
01:06 out new bat suits despite that grabbing the tape measure Batgirl stands at about
01:10 six and a half inches in height or the figure is going to be about 16 and a
01:13 half centimeters tall what we have collected so far for crime fighters
01:18 bringing in first the George Clooney Batman that we had a look at here
01:21 getting the figure just to stand enough that he's not gonna fall forward that
01:24 certainly did happen when we had a look at the Robin speaking of Robin though
01:27 let's also bring in the Robin so you guys can see what he looks like Batgirl
01:30 of at least the trio is the shortest of the three one that doesn't really belong
01:35 necessarily with fighting people or putting on bat suits in the Batcave
01:38 although I'm glad she probably isn't wearing a bat suit because of course
01:41 Alfred would have to then work overtime here's what the figure also looks like
01:44 with the Uma Thurman poison ivy Batgirl succeeds with having the frozen
01:49 finishing touches for mr. freeze but before of course we look at the things
01:52 on this side let's look at the things on this side the figure comes include a
01:56 black circular display stand nothing really different this time around of
01:59 course you got the same DC logo down below here in the middle off to the side
02:02 that's not quite in the middle you got yourself a peg that can plug into either
02:05 one of her feet I had a problem with poison ivy standing although in the
02:09 review I did say at least she had a wider self a wider bottom to her boots
02:12 gave her a little bit more stability although she kind of does rock back and
02:16 forth back girl I'm even blessed by the fact that she can't even balance the way
02:19 that she is right now because she's got really small boots we're gonna talk more
02:22 about that in a moment so I'm gonna keep this pretty close pretty close I'm not
02:26 gonna of course if she happens to take a tumble because of course Robin and
02:29 Batman both took a tumble at the end of the review of Robin I'm gonna make sure
02:33 I have myself my display stand really close and on the ready what's also on
02:36 the ready is the fact the figure comes include with the trading card this
02:39 trading card still looks good I mean it's basically just taking again the
02:41 poster panel so if we kind of line everything up as best we can get it this
02:46 would have been the top for poison ivy I'm gonna take Batman I don't have
02:50 nearly enough hands for this Batman would go can you see that Batman would
02:53 go up to the top Robin a back girl down below here and then just putting Batman
02:57 to the side if we took Robin this is fun we took Robin we just lined everything
03:02 up there so basically that would be the poster and then mr. freeze would kind of
03:05 be like in the middle here again I don't mind the fact that they're using this
03:09 side of Batgirl I mean it's a good it's a guy it's nice side profile and
03:12 honestly again like using if they had taken a still from the movie I didn't
03:16 mention in the other two reviews I don't think it would have made any sense it
03:19 would just been some random image of her I would hate to think it would just be
03:22 Batgirl or Barbara ringing the doorbell of Wayne Manor like how interesting
03:26 would that have really been so again like taking something just from a poster
03:29 I mean there's already somebody that's talented that worked behind the scenes
03:32 to make that poster at least look good whether the movie was a bomb or not why
03:36 not just use this as a piece of source material then on the back of course
03:40 Barbara Wilson not Barbara Gordon even though I did say Barbara Gordon Barbara
03:43 Gordon normally is Batgirl's real name this time around is Barbara Wilson
03:46 because of course she's what the niece of Alfred what why why did we all have
03:50 to have them connected that way and then down below of course you've got yourself
03:53 the paragraph read you can read for yourself just happens to be in fact the
03:57 same read up that we had with Poison Ivy the same in fact read up that we had
04:00 with Robin and if you could believe it the same read up that we also got with
04:03 Batman as well I'm gonna be putting these cards in my sheets I wish I could
04:06 actually put them in such could I put them in such a way that they're well no
04:09 I'll have to kind of put them like that I mean they're obviously not gonna line
04:12 up like a poster never mind move those to the side the figure also comes in
04:16 clue with like I said the finishing touches from mr. freeze where we've
04:19 left mr. freeze so far is in a sad sad state because the figure of course
04:24 doesn't have any arms doesn't have a head yet and I also have if I can reach
04:27 off to the side here it keeps moving away from me these little shoulder
04:31 pieces these shoulder pieces are always prone to falling off this one has fallen
04:34 off the most of the two so I did think I don't know why I thought I had to put in
04:39 the shoulder pads first I just happen to have the here's the arms by the way I
04:42 probably could easily just put the arms in and I probably should have just done
04:45 those earlier but they just plug in place so of course you got yourself a
04:48 little ball joint that plugs then into the hole that's on the side a little bit
04:52 of a snap you're good to go that's one side we'll do it then on the other side
04:55 again looking back on this in hindsight I probably could have easily just attached
04:59 the arms on to mr. freeze because the shoulder pads it's not like the
05:02 shoulders had to go in first I was a fool to think otherwise plug that in
05:06 place there goes one of mr. freeze's legs let's grab that as well other than
05:10 it may be a few little making sure that everything is gonna stay properly in
05:13 place and a very obvious gap that I start to see here with mr. freeze we've
05:17 got at least his lower body ready do we have to add the head maybe we'll add the
05:20 head next pop the head onto the balls right is it gonna be going on there
05:25 successfully me even in fact have to heat this one just a little bit here I
05:30 give me strength yeah I may have to heat this just a little bit but I think I
05:35 could easily just still attach the shoulder pads the shoulder pads are
05:37 fairly rubbery plastics and they'll just plug it on one side they'll plug in on
05:41 the other side you know again they're fairly flimsy I kind of wish in a way
05:45 they were painted with the rest of the body being all the same silver but again
05:48 we'll just plug them in front plug them in the back and there's mr. freeze the
05:52 only thing leave it with me is I'm gonna heat the head or at least yeah I'll heat
05:56 the underside here to soften up the hole so it'll fit properly onto the peg and
06:00 then we've got ourselves mr. freeze that's finished that's what basically
06:02 what he's gonna look like the other thing that comes also included for at
06:05 least mr. freeze is this freeze gun what I like at least about the freeze gun is
06:10 it's large like this considering that we haven't really gotten a lot of guns with
06:14 any characters I guess they could kind of waive that by the fact that this
06:17 clearly doesn't look like a weapon that a burglar was gonna be running down the
06:19 street actually carrying around with them what he also does have with him too
06:23 is a little freeze effect that's done in translucent blue plastic and that just
06:27 plugs on to the end like that I like that you know again it's a nice way to
06:30 finish off mr. freeze not having a freeze gun would seem out of place for
06:34 freeze so I'm glad they actually did include it with at least Batgirl moving
06:37 that to the side while all those things were for mr. freeze poor Batgirl does
06:41 get squat she doesn't have any accessories really whatsoever again a
06:45 continued trend with both the Batman and the Robin none of these figures
06:49 unfortunately have come in clear with any bad gadgets so unfortunately while
06:52 she does without what she does at least have though possessing for her is a
06:56 pretty decent looking sculpt I don't know if I would say it's my favorite I
06:59 if anything looking at the other three figures as I have I would probably say
07:03 she's my least favorite and I don't say she's my least favorite by being the
07:06 fact she's got an inferior sculpt or the paint is really bad or I don't think it
07:10 looks at all like the likeness of Alicia Silverstone none of those things really
07:13 apply for Batgirl and yet it's just because I don't like the character that
07:17 much in the movie it just seemed like they were throwing everything they could
07:21 into Batman and Robin Batman and Robin on their own just battling mr. freeze
07:25 would have been fine but then throw in poison ivy then the throw in Bane and
07:28 then on top of that to throw in Batgirl was way too much bat overload looking
07:34 though at the closer look at the figure I again I feel it looks quite a lot like
07:37 Alicia Silverstone I kind of in a way hope that we aren't gonna be getting the
07:40 free suits that they have at the end of the movie where they're all sort of
07:43 wearing silver suits and really unreasonable reason just to include it I
07:47 think so that Kenner could actually send churn out some toys with again little
07:50 bat sleds and a little bat suits that they would have had at the end of the
07:53 movie I think I'm fine just honestly just to get the black suits and I don't
07:56 think I would be probably good reason to believe I don't think McFarlane has any
08:00 plans whatsoever to release these in the in the gold gold label edition figures
08:04 where again essentially you can be getting this Batgirl with the silver
08:07 suit a Batman with the silver suit and a Robin with silver suit I don't think we
08:11 need those at all I like the head sculpt though I think the paint is really done
08:14 well here I also really like the darker colors of the blonde that they've added
08:17 into her hair otherwise for that I mean she'd have kind of more of a medium
08:20 blonde coloring but just those little streaks that they've added in the darker
08:24 yellow really add a nice little touch and contrast head sculpt is quite pretty
08:27 for what it is whether you really like the idea of Alicia Silverstone really
08:31 meeting Batgirl I I know obviously she was hot at the time what because of
08:34 Clueless and the movies that she was doing at the time I don't really think
08:37 that Alicia Silverstone was a prime candidate to be Batgirl and I think
08:41 honestly Batgirl should have never been related to Alfred she should have been
08:44 always Commissioner Gordon's a daughter never the niece of Alfred the head
08:48 sculpt is good like I said the body is good too although unfortunately like
08:51 just again there's so much black happening Batman had this problem which
08:55 again I really think that Batman needed a white wash or a blue wash just to help
08:58 add a little bit of highlights Batgirl kind of is more in the in the terrain of
09:02 Robin where like her suit really is just more black in the movie itself but
09:06 because there's so much black it almost robs so much of the sculpting that they
09:10 took the time to put into the figure in the first place I mean you can you can
09:13 see it's clearly there but just by having some of it so much of it in black
09:17 plastic it feels again like it's just missing so much you can see there's the
09:21 Batgirl symbol there at the top of her chest nice sculpting there for like the
09:25 little mid like bodice area or like the mid torso area of her body she has I
09:29 didn't realize that she has this little tiny utility belt I don't even know how
09:34 that thing would actually even store anything that do we ever really see her
09:37 using the utility belt in the movie drawing out pulling out for example a
09:41 batarang or a rope there's no way there's no I mean obviously we have to
09:45 suspend some disbelief but there's no way that would ever really hold anything
09:49 look at the size of this belt and it sits so low really on her waist she also
09:53 has like both Batman and Robin little Batgirl symbols at the tops of her boots
09:57 these are higher boots than both Batman and Robin there are other boots would
10:00 have been sitting a little bit lower down but again nice nice sculpting at
10:03 least I would say at least the boots are different shinier black plastic this is
10:07 a little shinier the only thing actually honestly is not as much shiny is like
10:11 this section right here because they're also using as well soft plastic for at
10:15 least the abdomen or at least like the the trunk area the back of the figures
10:19 cape does have some nice texturing to it again there's no real paint to it it's
10:22 only solely just relying I'm guessing on the black plastic alone but you know for
10:25 what it is it's a nice decent cape it looks very much different than Robin so
10:28 I'm just gonna grab Robins off to the side Robin also had a very short cape
10:31 but you can see Robins was kind of more straight and cut off on the bottom
10:35 whereas Batgirls were actually kind of more forming a point I like that it's a
10:38 really interesting design for the cape I don't love honestly the suit I really
10:41 think that Batgirl needed some necessary color in the way that maybe Robin had
10:45 the coloring that he had for of course the striping on the arms and the little
10:48 section on the front of his torso I think at the very least Batgirl could
10:51 probably had a painted symbol there on the front of her chest maybe in kind of
10:54 a darker gold color I think that would have been nice such just there's just
10:57 way too much black on the characters costume that being said though the
11:01 figures articulation is gonna be about the same as Poison Ivy's so the heads
11:04 gonna rotate back and forth because though she has such long locks of blonde
11:07 you're not gonna be able to move the head as much as maybe you would want the
11:11 head looks up and down and you can also rock it back and forth but rotating the
11:15 head you feel right away that it's hitting a lot of different things along
11:18 the way like the shoulders the front of her chest I mean it's just it's a little
11:21 harder there is the option is still to rotate the head but you're not gonna be
11:25 rotating with the ease at all with I mean again like just rotating you can
11:29 just feel like it's hitting stuff a whole time you're turning it just it's
11:33 hitting shoulders it's in the front of her chest but again like you're probably
11:36 not gonna be rotating it too extreme anyways probably just to the left and
11:39 just to the right just enough to kind of get her in somewhat of a dynamic pose
11:43 the upper torso is gonna be once again on a ball joint lower from that you also
11:47 have the abdomen alternate alternate abdomen ball joint I'm getting all
11:52 tongue-twisted here so she has a ball joint here she's a ball joint here as it
11:56 comes to certainly their arms back girls arms do come out 90 degrees you can
12:00 bring as well the arms and rotate them really all the way around so while again
12:03 like just because of the length of her hair she can't really rotate her head
12:06 all the way around she could at least at least by the benefit of having a cape so
12:09 close to her quarters of her body you can at least rotate the arms all the way
12:12 around figure does have a swivel in her bicep double hinge on the elbow and the
12:17 hands rotate once again all the way around still wish though these figures
12:20 could have had actually gripping hands getting them just closed fists for every
12:23 now figure that we've looked at poison I really was the only figure that we
12:26 actually had gripping hands for all the other back characters ironically enough
12:30 that could hold accessories if they had them all of them are still having closed
12:34 fists which again makes no sense to me legs do split out once again they're on
12:37 ratchet joints you can take those legs for back girl and move them forward and
12:41 move them back the lower trunks once again are using a softer plastic so
12:44 unfortunately with that as you're moving the legs forward and back every once in
12:48 a while it's already happened me with Robin for the number of times I've moved
12:51 the leg it starts to kind of develop a little bit of a lip see that so as
12:54 you're moving the leg forward like this it's gonna kind of start to stretch the
12:57 plastic around the trunks so just be aware of that as you're using the figure
13:01 of course the swiveling there's there at the swiveling at the top of the thigh
13:04 the figure does have a double hinge on the knee and again like she got she has
13:07 the ankle articulation back and forth and rocking back and forth but even even
13:11 surprised to see that she has toe articulation but again like look at the
13:14 size of her feet they're so small she really only has this back section for
13:19 her heel and then this much space on the front of her boot to give her occupied
13:23 nest well give her the necessary space to of course stand properly when we look
13:27 at her and compare her say next to poison ivy poison ivy they gave her this
13:30 little extra lip right here I wish they could have done something similar to
13:33 back girl I know obviously her heel sits probably a little bit closer to her
13:37 boots than poison ivy does but I think by just giving her just a little bit
13:40 more clearance or hey why not even even if she has small feet in real life
13:44 Alicia Silverstone maybe even if they had just made the boot just a little bit
13:47 longer in the toe so she had a little bit more of an easier time to stand
13:51 properly again putting the figure down here she gonna even stand she might she
13:56 might maybe she will maybe she will let's hope let's hope she doesn't fall
14:00 like both Robin and Batman did in the earlier reviews and of course like we
14:04 get at the end of the movie there's always that silhouette run where
14:06 everybody's running away from the bat symbol towards the front of the screen
14:10 bringing Batman bringing back girl and bring in Robin nice-looking figures
14:15 again like something I will mention I'm sure when we look at mr. freeze as I
14:19 still feel like we should have gotten ourselves Bane as the build a figure and
14:22 mr. freeze could have been you know again like one of the fifth figures but
14:25 for what selection we actually did get and if this is the only time that we're
14:29 gonna be getting Batman and Robin figures I'm happy with what we've gotten
14:32 by just process of elimination of all the figures we've had a look at back
14:36 girl is my least favorite nothing again on the actual sculpting I don't think
14:40 McFarlane is slouched at all on the sculpting of looking like Alicia
14:43 Silverstone but it's just by the fact that I don't like the character in the
14:47 movie and ever thought that she should have ever been related to Alfred and it
14:50 just felt like almost spider-man 3 like they just forced unnecessary extra
14:54 characters and extra narrative into the movie when easily it could have just
14:58 been a Batman and Robin solo or team up movie back girl didn't need to
15:02 necessarily be in the movie but I'm glad at least that McFarlane included her
15:05 when it came to this wave I think my problem with Batgirl in the movie was
15:10 first the fact that she was even in it second that they cast Alicia Silverstone
15:13 and third the fact they gave her a really boring bat suit I mean Robin
15:17 doesn't have much in the way of color but at least to his credit he has that
15:20 sort of nightwing symbol that goes across the front of his chest
15:23 Batgirl has a small Batgirl symbol but you can't even make it out in the movie
15:28 I mean if they had at least colored that in kind of a darker yellow for example
15:32 matched a utility belt that she could have also had around her waist still I
15:35 mean like I don't even know how she stores anything in that utility belt a
15:38 batarang a rope forget about maybe bat capsules are about the only thing she
15:42 can store in something so small like that but Batgirl really did need some
15:45 necessary color it sort of seemed and it felt like watching her on screen that
15:49 Batgirl was an afterthought like they had already finished everything and
15:53 maybe Kenner came up to them and say hey listen we want to have a female figure
15:56 we want to have Batgirl as part of our figure line even if you go and look at
16:00 the original Batgirl design Kenner had already planned something where Batgirl
16:04 had a cow complete with ears you can clearly see in the movie she never has a
16:08 cow piece other than I think when she's riding that motorcycle into this into
16:12 the iced-over city that she eventually takes that off as a helmet but part of
16:16 that Batgirl and for even the rest of the movie never wears an actual cow which
16:21 is one thing again like hiding their identities I mean we can all say that
16:24 Robin was not hiding his identity at all we all knew by looking at him he was
16:28 clearly Dick Grayson wearing a mask but I feel like in a way like Batgirl Barbara
16:33 was it Barbara Wilson still looked like Barbara Wilson just happened to be hey
16:37 it's Barbara Wilson walking around in a rubber black suit and wearing a black
16:40 mask even though not liking Ian the character I like the look of the figure
16:44 whether she really belonged in Batman and Robin or not what do you guys think
16:48 of the figure let me know down below in the comment section now we of course
16:50 have wrapped up for the four figures because of course we still have to look
16:53 at the build a figure mr. freeze but of the four figures that we've had a look
16:56 at in what order would you put them in what's your favorite figure all the way
16:59 down to your least favorite and is Batgirl number four let me know down
17:03 below in the comment section also hey if you guys enjoyed this video want to hit
17:05 with a like if you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and you
17:08 certainly would like to stick around for more those taking a tally will already
17:12 know we've checked off four boxes we've completed having a look at all the four
17:15 figures and through those four figure reviews we've taken the parts to build
17:19 mr. freeze and actually off-camera I was able to force mr. freeze's head on top
17:22 of his neck ball joint so of course we will have a look at a finished mr. freeze
17:25 in the upcoming review as always guys thanks for watching see you guys next
17:29 time
17:31 you
17:34 you
