• last year
Naz (Sinem Ünsal) is a recent graduate of the police academy and lives with her uncle and her mother, a protective character. The police department, which is in pursuit of a mafia boss named Tarık Koşuoğlu (Tardu Flordun), decides to use Naz and a crazy police officer Pamir (Halit Özgür Sarı) together on an undercover mission. Pamir and Naz will move across the street from the mafia family's house like a newly married couple, gain Tarik Koşuoğlu's trust, and bring him to justice…

Cast: Sinem Ünsal, Halit Özgür Sarı, Tardu Flordun, Bülent Emrah Parlak, Şinasi Yurtsever, Ece Dizdar, Selçuk Borak, İdris Nebi Taşkan, Emrullah Çakay, Fulden Akyürek, Erşan Utku Ölmez, Hasan Elmas ve Şebnem Sönmez


#Undercover #sinemünsal #HalitÖzgürSarı


00:00 Good morning, honey.
00:02 - Honey. - Yes?
00:10 There's a teacher today.
00:12 Remember what she said last time?
00:14 If her father reads her a story before bed...
00:18 Me?
00:19 Yes, honey. You.
00:21 And you'll have a special time.
00:23 I barely finished primary school.
00:26 I haven't read anything since then.
00:28 That's good, honey. You'll read something.
00:31 Look, Nehir. I haven't even slapped this kid.
00:36 I gave her whatever she wanted.
00:38 I'm sick of this pedagogue world.
00:42 Honey, it's okay. You have everything.
00:44 But she wants you by her side.
00:46 I mean, if you love God, I'm forcing myself, Nehir.
00:50 Don't drive me crazy early in the morning.
00:52 Okay, honey. Calm down.
00:56 What's wrong with you?
00:58 Are they the police?
01:01 Who?
01:02 Neighbors.
01:03 Where did that come from?
01:04 Are they the police or not?
01:06 While we were eating, Adem entered their house.
01:12 Tarik, what are you doing?
01:15 Did you secretly enter people's houses we don't know?
01:17 They hid a gun among their books.
01:20 What kind of gun? A gun?
01:22 What kind of gun? A gun?
01:24 Yes.
01:25 Okay, what can we do?
01:27 Do we go into people's houses we don't know and look at their personal belongings?
01:31 You must be crazy.
01:32 Honey, they are our neighbors.
01:35 They are not the police.
01:36 Haven't you seen the girl? She's so innocent.
01:38 Your son is a rich man.
01:41 They must have bought the gun out of fear.
01:44 For God's sake.
01:45 Is that what you're saying?
01:47 That's what I'm saying, honey.
01:49 They are not the police.
01:51 Don't worry, okay?
01:53 Mind your own business.
01:54 [Music]
