Full Moons Tiny Terrors Blind Box Series 1 Figures

  • 6 months ago
Full Moons Tiny Terrors Blind Box Series 1 Figures


00:00 Hey, look now where the horror is hiding.
00:03 What's inside the new Full Moon Tiny Terrors blind box series one figures?
00:15 First I'd like to thank the folks over at Full Moon that did provide these new Full
00:18 Moon Tiny Terrors that we could have a look at.
00:20 They were kind enough in fact to send over eight of these that we're going to be opening
00:23 up and looking at individually.
00:25 If you wanted to check out more from the folks over at Full Moon, definitely head on over
00:29 to www.fullmoonhorror.com.
00:33 Let me know down below in the comments section what your favorite Full Moon horror movie
00:36 is.
00:37 I think we'd have to go back to Puppet Master.
00:39 That's an all-time favorite of mine.
00:41 Although in a bad way, I have a guilty obsession when it comes to the Ginger Dead Man.
00:45 Speaking of Ginger Dead Man, on the side though, he happens to be one of the characters featured.
00:50 It says on the side, "Buy 'em, collect 'em, trade 'em.
00:52 Full Moon's first fearsome fiends are hiding inside.
00:56 Beware the Tiny Terrors are coming for you.
00:59 Warning, choking hazard, small parts not for children under three years of age.
01:02 Tiny Terrors and the distinctive Tiny Terrors logo are 2023 trademark of Full Moon Empire."
01:08 And again, featured on the side here, some characters speaking of which from Puppet Master.
01:12 We have Blade, Tunneler, Leech Woman, Radoo, not really, Baby Oopsie, Torch, Six Shooter.
01:20 Speaking of Ginger Dead Man, we also have ourselves E.B., Jack Attack, and then there's
01:25 two variations.
01:26 One seems to be a variation of Blade, another one seems to be a variation of E.B.
01:32 Obviously something from Evil Bong.
01:34 But of course, if you guys did want to pick these up for yourself, they are available
01:37 at over at Full Moon's website.
01:39 So again, you can click the link down below in the video description.
01:41 Let's reach off to the side with no further ado.
01:44 Grab my knife already.
01:45 McCutcheon's who's got the Blade drawn, he's ready to go.
01:48 Let's cut the first box and see what we've got inside.
01:50 Now, if you have already collected these, let me know down below which ones you've actually
01:54 gotten.
01:55 At the very least, I would like to hope that I'm going to get myself the Puppet Master
01:57 figures.
01:58 And again, I wouldn't mind a Ginger Dead Man as well.
02:02 Opening up first the box.
02:03 Not surprised yet, because of course what we have inside is our little foil baggie.
02:08 I could either cut with the knife or I could just, you know, I could use my hands as well.
02:11 Let's see what we got for the first one.
02:13 You know, speaking of the Ginger Dead Man, look what we just happen to have ourselves
02:17 for the first unboxing.
02:19 Ginger Dead Man himself.
02:20 Voiced by Gary Busey, who just the thought of that accraised Gary Busey voicing a possessed
02:27 or reimagined, I guess, resurrected Ginger Dead Man.
02:31 Very very cool.
02:32 I think there was what, three?
02:34 Was there three Ginger Dead Mans?
02:35 I know there was a second one.
02:36 Was it Passion of the Crust?
02:38 I think there was also in fact a third one too.
02:40 Hedgeclub is really good on this one.
02:41 Now these don't have any possibility possessed by them.
02:44 He has himself his little cleaver.
02:46 Very nicely painted face though.
02:48 And you know what I was also going to say?
02:50 I can only speak from just the one that we've opened up so far.
02:53 But I mean from a size standpoint, these are bigger than I was expecting.
02:57 I thought they'd actually be only about this big, but that's it.
02:59 That's a good size.
03:01 That's a good size Ginger Dead Man to be putting on the shelf.
03:03 Oh, rest assured, he's going to be going on the shelf.
03:06 I think I have the first two, which is why I thought that there was only two, but I think
03:10 there is actually three Ginger Dead Man movies.
03:12 I'm going to put this right in front of my Ginger Dead Man movies.
03:14 Just going to put that off to the side.
03:16 I'm going to try to make my garbage pile be over here so it's not taking up too much
03:20 space.
03:21 Let's open up the next box.
03:22 Yeah, I grew up with, well, I shouldn't say that.
03:26 I grew up basically from high school onward is when really I started into watching horror
03:30 films.
03:31 Full Moon, I guess my first earlier introduction to that was the Puppet Man films.
03:35 So that's the Puppet Master films.
03:37 That's why I always kind of think of Puppet Master being my favorite of the Full Moon
03:41 features.
03:42 The next one we have, speaking of the Puppet Master, we have ourselves the Driller.
03:48 All right.
03:49 Now, he doesn't actually drill.
03:50 He's not going to be, or the Tunneler, I don't know why I was calling him the Driller.
03:53 The Tunneler doesn't actually have a drill that rotates on the top of his head.
03:57 So he's just stacking from that standpoint.
03:59 But man, the Tunneler looks fantastic.
04:01 You can see he's got his little military outfit on.
04:04 I don't know if these are hand painted, but if they are, I mean, very carefully painted.
04:08 You can actually see all the details done to his suit itself.
04:11 The X-Scope is really good on this one as well.
04:12 Again, there's no poseability.
04:14 I think they picked also a perfect pose.
04:16 Sorry for spitting on everybody.
04:19 Perfect pose for Tunneler.
04:20 He's going to be drilling his way into somebody's body.
04:23 Very cool figures though.
04:24 And again, just to put them next to, say, the Ginger Dead Man.
04:27 I mean, obviously, I think if he was standing upright, the Tunneler would be about the same
04:31 size as Ginger Dead Man.
04:33 Very nice looking figures though.
04:34 Let's open up the next one here.
04:36 And again, they were nice enough really to send over eight of these.
04:39 I mean, what is the luck that I'm going to end up having eight unique ones?
04:43 I mean, I won't have the full set because the full set would obviously be 10 plus the
04:47 two variations.
04:48 I don't know.
04:49 I can only hope, fingers crossed, that we're going to get all eight different ones.
04:53 The next one does feel a little bit bigger and that's the base.
04:58 So actually, both of them feel like bases, which makes me think that this is probably
05:02 E.B. from Evil Bong.
05:05 Opening up the next one here.
05:06 It could also be the variation.
05:07 Oh, no, it's not even that at all.
05:09 The next one we have actually is Six Shooter.
05:14 Now he's six shooters because, of course, he's got six arms right there.
05:17 The other arms, by the way, if you're looking for them, are at the back of his body.
05:21 Very cool looking figure though.
05:22 He's got his two little pistols in either one of his hands, nicely painted here in silver.
05:28 Again, the little vest that they've also painted there as well.
05:31 I like that he has multiple holsters.
05:34 That's a fun touch.
05:35 And just to also pair him along with the Tunneler.
05:37 Yeah, he's going to be a little bit shorter than Tunneler, but only again because Tunneler
05:41 is actually leaning downward.
05:42 I'll put him off to the side here and don't worry, we'll bring him back.
05:46 And then, of course, when I finish unboxing all of these, I'll let you guys know what
05:49 my top three favorites are.
05:51 Speaking of favorites, my favorite character from the Puppet Master movies is Blade.
05:55 I do hope that I'm going to get myself a Blade at least somewhere in these boxes.
05:58 Off to the side.
06:01 And again, I could have just used my knife, but I mean, come on, I've got to make some
06:04 effort to work towards this as well.
06:06 What do we have?
06:08 We have ourselves a translucent version of E.B.
06:13 So this one would have been this variant, and this one is one of 24.
06:18 E.B. actually is one of 24.
06:20 It's also a one of 24 case as well.
06:23 So both the clear or slightly translucent Bong and also the regular painted Bong are
06:29 both one of 24s.
06:31 So this one actually isn't no more of a variant than this one here.
06:34 But again, out of 24 boxes, I just happen to luck out and get myself the actual translucent
06:39 version of E.B.
06:40 I'll spin this around so you can see it from all the sides.
06:45 I like this one, but I do hope that I'm going to get myself a fully painted version of E.B.
06:50 as well.
06:51 So I'm just going to put that off to the side.
06:53 We're halfway through the eight boxes.
06:55 Cutting open the next box.
06:58 See what we've got.
06:59 See what we've got.
07:00 Baby Oopsy would be fun to get also as well.
07:03 And let's see what we've got.
07:04 The next one.
07:05 Oh, let's hope it's Blade.
07:07 Let's hope it's Blade.
07:09 The next one we have is Blade himself.
07:14 Now there is a chase from what I'm gathering from the silhouette at least.
07:17 The silhouette seems to be the exact same as Blade on the top.
07:20 I don't know what would be the variation of Blade.
07:24 Maybe he would have blood all over him.
07:25 That's my guess at least.
07:27 A bloodied variant of Blade.
07:29 You can see he has a little hook there on the one hand.
07:31 He's got the Blade obviously on the other side.
07:33 Of course he's got the little spikes there.
07:36 Spikes are a little on the prickly side.
07:39 Nicely painted face though.
07:40 Again, no articulation.
07:41 I'm okay with that.
07:42 I also really like the fact that the display stands, all being by the way on the bottom
07:46 of them, they all say 2020, 2023 full moon features.
07:51 The fact that they are all using the same size base, but what they did instead was actually
07:55 colored the base differently.
07:56 So like this one has a green base.
07:58 This one has a slightly frosted gray base.
08:00 It makes them just a little bit unique from one another.
08:03 So I've gotten like three so far of Puppet Master characters.
08:07 Let's hope we keep continuing with that trend.
08:09 The next box and the last, well we're down to the last three at least.
08:13 Let's see what we've got.
08:16 What's the chances?
08:17 Oh, let's hope we get a torch.
08:20 And inside the bag we have, well we don't have torch, but we do have at least Leech
08:26 Woman.
08:29 Leech Woman.
08:30 Of course you guys see this, the little, is that the pole?
08:33 I see what she's got there, right there.
08:35 Nicely painted face once again.
08:38 I think Leech Woman is the one that kind of grosses me out the most.
08:41 She's the one that goes, and like just I think vomits up little tiny leeches.
08:45 I don't even think I've seen all of the Puppet Master films either.
08:49 I think I've made through, I want to say four or five of them.
08:52 How many Puppet Master films are there?
08:54 Eight, nine?
08:55 Somebody could let me know down below in the comments section.
08:57 But still nicely painted little figurine.
08:59 I like the way they painted the dress in a sort of more metallic, metallic pink.
09:05 Very nicely painted figure though.
09:07 And then of course we've got two left to go through.
09:10 Once again reiterating, if you guys are interested, get these for yourself.
09:13 Head over, head on over to www.fullmoonwhore.com, order them for yourself.
09:18 Of course they also have films over there as well, you can always pick up also.
09:22 The next and the last two we have is Radu.
09:27 Radu.
09:29 I like this one.
09:30 I really like the way they've painted the blue on Radu's face.
09:35 Sculpting on these figures are fantastic as well.
09:39 I do believe also that Full Moon, speaking of Puppet Master figures, the ones we looked
09:42 at earlier, I think they also have more fuller scale, almost like six scale versions of Puppet
09:48 Master characters.
09:49 I'd love to get my hands on those at some point as well.
09:52 Really nice looking painted figure though.
09:54 And there's Radu.
09:55 I guess we could really move over all the figures we've looked at so far.
09:58 And again I'll let you guys know what my favorites are when it's all said and done.
10:02 But I don't want to jinx things yet, but have you guys noticed maybe a trend so far?
10:07 Let's hope that trend continues.
10:09 We got one last box to go through.
10:12 Again just quickly looking through this, one I would certainly like to get, I think just
10:15 to say that I have the Puppet Master is Torch.
10:17 I'd love to get my hands on Torch.
10:19 Eevee, also a fully painted Eevee, looks really good as well.
10:22 Oh, there's a lot of good figures here from Full Moon.
10:24 Let's open up the last box, slicing it quickly through.
10:28 Seems to be my blade is dulling a bit here.
10:30 I'm a Cutchins.
10:31 Might have to break the blade and start anew.
10:33 Let's open up the last box and see what we've got.
10:36 Now I can feel a hat or that's possibly, it might very well be another blade.
10:43 It might also be the other variation, the painted version of Eevee.
10:47 Hard to really tell.
10:48 It twists a little bit.
10:49 I hope I didn't do any damage to it.
10:52 And let's open up the last baggie to see what we've got inside.
10:55 And wouldn't you know it, the last one we have, what was twisting exactly?
11:01 I feel like something was twisting, maybe it wasn't.
11:03 Got ourselves another six shooter.
11:05 You know, that's not bad considering that eight were sent my way and I only got one
11:10 double out of the entire eight.
11:12 I'm also looking at the boxes too as well and I don't think that I, from what I can
11:16 see, I don't think there's a unique code on these.
11:19 I mean obviously if you're going to be picking up, I would imagine you'd be able to probably
11:21 find these in some specialty stores.
11:24 I don't think there's a unique code that says one is different from the other.
11:28 There is a WE0449 on the top but that's just a skew for the box.
11:32 I don't think there's actually a number on any of these.
11:35 Now there's a tracking number on the bottom also as well but I think the tracking numbers
11:38 are all also the same.
11:41 Looking at this one, yeah they all seem to be the same.
11:43 So I don't think there's a way by looking at just the box alone of knowing exactly which
11:47 tiny tears you're going to have inside.
11:49 But considering though I did get all unique characters except for a double version of
11:54 six shooter, that's not bad at all.
11:56 Okay, so let's go through what my favorites of these.
11:59 I would have to go right away.
12:01 I guess we'll work backwards.
12:03 I'm going to say my third favorite is probably the Tunneler.
12:06 I really like the look of Tunneler.
12:08 Yes, his little tiny drill head doesn't actually turn but the head sculpt on this guy is really
12:13 good.
12:14 All of these have been really nicely painted too.
12:17 Love the pose that they put him in.
12:18 Tunneler's going to make number three for me.
12:20 Number two I'm going to go with, I'm going to have to go with Blade.
12:24 I'm sorry.
12:25 I'm going to have to go with Blade.
12:26 Blade I probably would have picked normally number one but there's one character, there's
12:29 one character that actually just moves a little further up the line than Blade.
12:33 Anybody want to take a guess as to who it is?
12:35 You probably already have an idea.
12:37 Great.
12:38 Once again, fantastic head sculpt on him.
12:39 I'm going to put Blade as number two.
12:41 And number one I'm going to have to go, even though it's not one of the greatest movies
12:47 to watch but it certainly does have its cheese to it, I'm going to have to go with the Ginger
12:50 Dead Man just for the fact alone that it's voiced by Gary Busey.
12:54 Just a fantastic head sculpt on this one.
12:56 Those are my top three favorites of the brand new Tiny Terror's line.
13:00 Let me know what your favorites were down below in the comment section.
13:03 And again, if you guys are interested and would like to get these for yourself, head
13:06 on over to www.fullmoonhorror.com.
13:10 I'd like to also again thank the folks over at Full Moon that did provide the sample of
13:13 the brand new Full Moon's Tiny Terror's blind box series one figurines that we had the chance
13:18 to have a look at in the comments or had a chance to look at in this video.
13:21 In the comments, in the comments down below, what's your favorite movie from Full Moon?
13:26 Let me know down below in the comment section.
13:28 And again, if you guys did enjoy this video, why not throw it a like.
13:30 If you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and would like to certainly stick
13:33 around for more, make sure already, if you haven't already done so that is, that you
13:36 hit the subscribe button down below and that you're also as well turning on the bell notification.
13:40 Lots of videos coming your way guys, so as always, thanks for watching.
13:43 See you guys next time.
13:45 (Electronic Sounds)
13:51 (whooshing)
