• l’année dernière


00:00 *Musique*
00:03 *Musique*
00:05 *musique*
00:12 *musique*
00:40 *musique*
00:51 Il y a toujours du plaisir à trouver dans Chucklewood.
00:54 Mais, il y a une fois par an que les chiens ne peuvent pas attendre.
00:58 C'est le jour où ils font une voyage spéciale.
01:02 -Viens maman, allons-y!
01:04 -Oh, tu sais comment j'hate de faire une voyage et de laisser la grotte imprimée.
01:08 -Mais maman!
01:10 -Oh, d'accord.
01:12 -Oh, ça va être génial!
01:15 -Prête, Bear, Benton, Frisky?
01:19 -Tout dit, où est Sprinklin?
01:21 -Là!
01:23 *rires*
01:25 -Est-ce que je peux t'aider, Abner?
01:29 -Non, on peut le gérer parfaitement, Ranger Jones.
01:32 Mais on apprécie que tu nous l'aies donné.
01:34 -Ok, je te verrai dans quelques jours.
01:38 Bon voyage!
01:40 -Oh!
01:42 -Abner, peut-être que tu devrais attendre pour le raft.
01:49 -Bien, j'espère que c'est un beau voyage vers le bas de la baie.
01:53 -Oh, je suis sûr que c'est vrai, Bridget.
01:55 -Je me demande ce que Luster a en tête pour nous cette fois.
01:58 -Il va y avoir quelque chose de super! Les jeux de raft sont tellement amusants!
02:02 -Oh, je suis juste contente de retourner voir mon vieil quartier.
02:06 -Moi aussi!
02:07 -Un bon repas, tout le monde!
02:09 *cris de joie*
02:12 -Je suppose qu'on a oublié de prendre en compte tout ce vent d'hiver.
02:17 *cris de joie*
02:19 -Ca a été amusant!
02:21 -Ouais, faisons-le encore!
02:23 -Pas jusqu'au prochain an.
02:26 -J'espère que tu peux te rappeler de quel endroit on va, Abner.
02:30 -Pas de problème, Bridget. C'est là-bas, à droite.
02:33 -Ok, c'est bien!
02:35 -Es-tu sûr?
02:36 -Bien sûr que oui. Pas de soucis, on a encore des voies à travers.
02:40 -Je me souviens que c'est de cette façon.
02:43 -Moi aussi!
02:44 -En fait, je peux prendre un petit petit-café.
02:48 -Bien, selon la mathématique...
02:51 -Oh, oui, on n'est plus sur la mathématique.
02:54 -Il vaut mieux écouter Bébette. Après tout, elle a grandi ici.
02:58 -Ok, maman!
02:59 -Rien de plus relaxant que de naviguer dans la baie.
03:06 Pas de soucis dans le monde et...
03:09 Hey!
03:12 Il y a quelque chose dans l'eau et...
03:14 C'est...
03:17 -Salut, les gars!
03:20 Bienvenue à la baie de cristal.
03:28 Suivez-moi.
03:29 -Ce gommeau était tellement délicieux.
03:35 Vous devrez nous donner la recette, Lester.
03:37 -Désolé de vous décevoir, mais c'est une recette familiale secrète.
03:40 En d'autres termes, j'utilise tout ce que j'ai en main.
03:43 -Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
03:48 -Rien.
03:49 Juste un petit gommeau.
03:53 Qui est prêt pour la commencement des Joueurs de la Baie?
03:58 -Nous sommes prêts!
03:59 -D'abord, je vous présente notre talent local.
04:04 Vous vous souvenez de Porcupine Sam?
04:06 C'est Oscar.
04:08 Oh! Nous devons oublier Rufus.
04:11 -Ca ne nous ferait pas oublier Rufus.
04:14 -Non, monsieur.
04:15 -Il semble que le premier événement commence.
04:19 -Vous jeunes, vous devriez vous débrouiller.
04:22 Creeper Leaper.
04:24 L'objectif de ce jeu est de voir combien de creepers vous pouvez attraper.
04:29 Montrez-les, Oscar.
04:30 -C'est bon.
04:32 C'est parti!
04:36 -All right, guys!
04:38 -One...
04:39 ...two...
04:41 ...three!
04:43 -Well, who wants to try next?
04:54 -I do! Go, Rusty!
04:56 -Hey, Rusty!
04:59 -One, two, three, four!
05:05 -Oh!
05:07 -Oh, boy!
05:09 -Nice going, Rusty! Now watch me!
05:12 -Yahoo!
05:14 -Go, buddy!
05:16 -Two, three...
05:18 Whoa! Four!
05:20 -We're tied at four.
05:27 Ain't this fun?
05:30 (Musique joyeuse)
05:32 -And now for today's grand finale,
05:54 the Grease Pole Gold Medal Showdown!
05:57 -Oh! C'est du solide de l'or?
06:00 -Du solide de l'or, non, siree Bob,
06:02 mais c'est du chocolat solide à l'intérieur.
06:05 -Hm, comment ça marche?
06:07 -Bah, tu vois, qui ne perd pas de balance
06:09 et ne se met pas dans le mouillage, gagne!
06:12 -Vas-y, Rufus! Toi d'abord!
06:14 -Quoi?
06:16 -Hey, Lester!
06:18 Je veux dire...
06:20 -Whoa!
06:23 -All right, Lester, try this one for size.
06:27 -Here's back at ya!
06:31 -I think you need to work on your aim some, Lester.
06:36 -Rufus, look out behind you, Rufus!
06:40 -Whoa!
06:42 -Yay, Lester!
06:47 -T'es faire.
06:50 I'm gonna have to get even, first chance I'll get.
06:54 -Oh, come on, y'all!
06:58 It's time for some stompin' and a-rompin'!
07:01 -Step, hop, turn all around, do a little jump,
07:03 step forward, step back and give a little bump,
07:06 move your arms in the air like you're swimmin' in a swamp!
07:10 Slide right, slide left, and stomp, stomp, stomp,
07:13 back to my eucalyptus rump!
07:15 Stomp, dum-dum, stomp, stomp, anyone can do it,
07:19 come on, y'all, try it, easy what you're doin',
07:21 like eatin' by your berry pipe,
07:23 get your arms stuck whenin' your body's a mood,
07:25 the right healthy exercise'll get in the mood,
07:28 and groove!
07:29 Step, hop, turn all around, do a little jump,
07:31 step forward, step back and give a little bump,
07:34 move your arms in the air like you're swimmin' in a swamp!
07:38 Slide right, slide left, and stomp, stomp, stomp,
07:41 back to my eucalyptus rump!
07:43 Stomp, dum-dum, stomp, stomp,
07:46 back to my eucalyptus rump!
07:49 [musique]
07:52 [applaudissements]
07:54 - Phew!
07:55 Ah, I haven't danced like that for a long time.
07:58 - Hoo! That dance has worked off
08:00 some of that delicious jambalaya.
08:03 - What a terrific time. Well, thanks to you, Lester.
08:06 - Yeah, well, uh, down in Crystal Bayou, we aim to please.
08:11 - Heh! Sure. Go ahead.
08:14 Enjoy yourself, Lester, while you can.
08:17 - And now, Lester, we have a surprise for you.
08:20 - We baked your favorite, sweet potato pie.
08:24 - Uh, shucks! Um, well, uh, uh, that's nice of you,
08:28 but, uh, you'll have to excuse me.
08:30 Uh, go ahead and start, Anne, without me.
08:32 - Everybody's having such a great time.
08:35 - Except for Lester.
08:37 - Yeah. Come on, Buttons.
08:39 [musique]
08:42 - Hmm. Pie sure looks good.
08:45 - Maybe he has some kind of problem.
08:47 Maybe we can help.
08:49 - [groaning]
08:52 Ow! Ooh!
08:54 [musique]
08:57 - Lester, is everything okay?
09:00 - Ooh, uh, what? Ooh, uh, sure, sure.
09:04 Everything is just fine.
09:06 Now, let's talk about tomorrow.
09:08 It's gonna be more fun than a swamp full of tadpoles in spring.
09:12 - Oh, my goodness! Lester didn't get any pie.
09:15 - Oh, this is terrible. We made it specially for you.
09:18 - Ah, now, don't you fret.
09:20 Uh, I'll get some next time I'm up in Chucklewood.
09:24 - Yes, but it's your favorite.
09:26 - Hmm. Strange.
09:28 I've never known Lester to miss out
09:30 on Bridget and Rosie's sweet potato pie.
09:33 [slurping]
09:34 - Yep. You gotta move fast if you want some of that pie.
09:38 - Well, we'll just have to make another pie.
09:41 - Your second favorite flavor.
09:43 - Pecan, nuts, and honey.
09:45 And you cubs are in charge of gathering the ingredients.
09:48 - We'll be right back!
09:50 - Now, uh, don't go to any trouble on my account.
09:54 - Oh, it's no trouble. It's our pleasure, Lester.
09:57 [whirring]
10:00 - That ought to be enough.
10:03 - Okay, you got it. Now, let's run!
10:06 - Told you it would be no trouble.
10:08 - Say, Lester, remember how you used to crack pecan nuts
10:11 in your teeth for us?
10:13 - Oh, yes! That was so much fun!
10:15 - Uh, well, I'll tell you what.
10:17 Uh, I am, uh, plum-tuckered out.
10:21 What do you say we jaw-bout it in the morning?
10:23 'Cause, uh, right now, I'm heading for the hammock
10:26 to, uh, catch some seeds.
10:28 - Uh, hammock?
10:30 - Oh, just hop right in, Abner. There's nothing to it.
10:34 - You, uh, sure it's strong enough to hold me?
10:37 - [snoring]
10:39 - Whoa!
10:41 [snoring]
10:43 [mumbling]
10:45 [snoring]
10:47 [mumbling]
10:49 [snoring]
10:51 - Oh! Ow!
10:53 - Buttons?
10:55 - Huh? What's happening?
10:58 - Look, something really is wrong with Lester.
11:01 - Oh!
11:03 Ow!
11:05 - What's that smell? It's like some kind of spice.
11:08 - I don't know.
11:10 - Huh? Who's there?
11:12 - So, let's see. Lester didn't want any pie.
11:19 - And he's been kind of mopey.
11:21 - And then in the middle of the night, he was pacing and moaning.
11:24 - And you say there was a smell of some kind of spice in the air?
11:27 Well, I think we can only deduce
11:30 one possible explanation for Lester's behavior--
11:33 a toothache.
11:35 - A toothache?
11:37 - I can't deny it.
11:39 - A toothache? Oh, so that's why he didn't want any pie.
11:43 - Huh. A toothache never stopped me from eating a pie.
11:47 - Yes, it looks like you have a cavity on incisor number 48.
11:51 And it needs immediate attention.
11:53 - You're fortunately-- I mean, unfortunately, Franklin,
11:57 there is not a dentist around these parts.
11:59 I'm using this here clove and castor oil mixture.
12:02 It's my and Pappy's remedy for easing pain.
12:05 - Well, it may ease the pain, Lester,
12:07 but it won't solve your problem.
12:09 I know a very reliable tooth specialist.
12:11 He lives over by Cypress Lake.
12:13 I can have him back here in a very short time.
12:16 - Oh, well, don't trouble yourself on my account, Franklin.
12:20 - Oh, nonsense. We'll be back before you know it.
12:23 - Oh, you all don't let me spoil your fun.
12:26 I'll catch up with you later.
12:29 - Poor Lester.
12:31 - Now you know why we always make sure
12:33 you cubs brush your teeth every day.
12:35 - And why we don't want you eating too much candy.
12:38 - That's right. Now how about you cubs
12:40 gathering up some bayou berries for breakfast?
12:42 - Okay, Mom, and we can do a little exploring along the way.
12:45 - I know where there's a sunken ship.
12:48 - Wow! - Where?
12:50 - Follow us.
12:52 - Oh, no!
12:54 - Oh, it's you.
12:58 - Rufus!
13:00 - Where's that Lester?
13:02 - You'll find him back there in his shack, but--
13:04 - Chicken, huh?
13:06 Too scared to go best out of three on the grease pole, huh?
13:09 - No, no, he's got a toothache.
13:12 - Toothache? Huh.
13:14 That's about the lamest excuse I ever heard.
13:16 Well, I'll show him how to fix a toothache.
13:19 - Boy, now that's what I call a sore loser.
13:22 - Oh, we better hurry if we want to see
13:24 the sunken ship before breakfast.
13:28 - Wow!
13:30 - Where did it come from?
13:32 Who did it belong to?
13:34 Maybe it was some pirates who got lost.
13:36 - If anyone knows, it would be Lester.
13:39 - Yes, we should ask him later.
13:41 - Come on.
13:43 - Mm-mm-mm.
13:47 These sweet bayou berries are the best ever.
13:49 - Yeah, too bad Lester couldn't join us.
13:52 - He'll feel much better when he's seen the dentist.
13:55 - Truer words were never spoken.
13:58 - Allow me to introduce Dr. Drill Bill.
14:01 - Nice to meet you, Dr. J. - Nice to meet you.
14:04 - How do.
14:06 This seems to be as good a place as any
14:08 to set up my equipment.
14:10 Chipper, grinder, packing chisel.
14:13 Excellent. Now, where is the patient?
14:18 - Oh, he's resting indoors.
14:21 - We'll go get him.
14:23 Lester, the dentist is here to see you.
14:26 - Hmm. He must be sleeping.
14:28 He was probably awake all night long.
14:30 - Lester's not there.
14:32 - And look, it's Rufus' cat.
14:35 - Oh, no! What if something bad's happened to Lester?
14:40 - Rufus sure was mad at Lester.
14:45 - Come on, everyone, let's start searching for Lester.
14:48 - Perhaps I'd better stay here in case the patient returns.
14:51 - Abner, why don't you, Bridget and Rosie take the raft?
14:54 George, you go with Bearbead and Frisky.
14:56 And I'll go with Buttons and Rusty.
14:58 We'll start in that direction.
15:00 - No sign of him here.
15:03 - See anything from up there, Franklin?
15:05 - No. The brambles are way too thick.
15:08 - He has to be out here somewhere.
15:10 - That's right. And we'll find him.
15:12 Sooner or later.
15:14 - Says you.
15:16 - Lester? - Are you in there?
15:19 - Hold on there now.
15:21 - Y'all are kicking up more fuss than a barrel full of frogs.
15:24 - Oh, it's you, Sam.
15:26 - What are y'all doing out here?
15:28 - Lester's missing. - Missing, huh?
15:30 That's bad. I'll go tell Oscar.
15:33 - It doesn't look good. See that quicksand?
15:36 - Wait, Franklin! Look, if it was Lester who made those tracks,
15:40 he didn't go toward the quicksand.
15:42 - Rusty's right. Maybe he just dropped the metal.
15:45 - That's possible. - And the tracks lead over that way.
15:48 Come on!
15:50 - Look, Abner. What's that?
15:52 - Oh, probably just a shiny rock or something.
15:55 - No, it looks like silver.
15:57 - Okay, okay. Let's pull it in and see.
16:00 What is a whittling knife?
16:02 Looks like the one Rufus was using.
16:05 Good thing I stopped to check it out.
16:08 Now, let's get back in the raft.
16:10 We must be on the right track.
16:12 - These tracks look really fresh.
16:15 We must be getting close.
16:17 - Depends what you're looking for.
16:19 Y'all could be getting close,
16:21 or y'all could be getting further away.
16:24 - We're looking for Lester. Do you know him, ma'am?
16:27 - Is he a big old handsome-looking gator?
16:30 - I guess so. I mean, yes. You saw him?
16:34 - Uh-huh. I sure as sugar did.
16:37 I tailed it off way over there, as far as I could tell,
16:41 with another big old ugly alligator right behind him.
16:44 - You don't say.
16:46 - That must have been Rufus.
16:48 - Come on, come on, before we're too late.
16:50 - Right, Rusty. Thank you, ma'am.
16:53 - Lester!
16:56 I wonder if the others have found any clues.
16:59 - It certainly looked like him.
17:01 - But why would he run from us?
17:03 - I don't know, but we may be about to find out.
17:06 - He must be inside.
17:08 We know you're in there. Why don't you come out?
17:11 - I think you owe us an explanation.
17:14 - Okay, okay.
17:16 - Sorry, I shouldn't have took it, but I'm sorry.
17:19 I don't even have it anymore.
17:21 Must have dropped it when I seen Lester coming,
17:23 just like I dropped my whittling knife.
17:25 - Rufus, what on earth's going on?
17:27 - I don't get it. What did you take?
17:30 - Well, the gold medal, of course.
17:32 When I seen it just lying around there in Lester's shack
17:35 with no one around, I couldn't resist.
17:38 I deserve that there medal, and I sure do love chocolate.
17:42 - That is no excuse, Rufus.
17:45 - I know you're right, Franklin.
17:47 I'm downright ashamed of myself for acting so ornery.
17:50 - Well, do you know where Lester could be?
17:52 - Could be over at Rotten Log Holler.
17:54 - Something tells me we'd better have another word with Granny Gator.
17:58 Come!
18:00 I had a feeling Granny Gator wouldn't stick around here for long.
18:04 - Clothes! Lester's homemade toothache lotion!
18:08 But that means... Let's go!
18:11 - Where to?
18:12 - Where we were heading before Granny Gator sent us the wrong way.
18:16 - Where do we go from here?
18:19 - Oh, we're too late!
18:22 - Oh, Abner, all this swamp vegetation makes it awfully tough going.
18:28 - Bridget, we've got to keep paddling if we're going to find him.
18:32 - Oh, easy for you to say, Abner.
18:35 Oh, we're caught on something.
18:38 - Oh, it's just a piece of creeper. I'll take care of that.
18:41 I'll just use Rufus's whittling knife.
18:44 - This is pretty tough stuff!
18:47 - Oh, be careful with that knife, Abner.
18:49 - Don't worry, Bridget. I know what I'm doing.
18:52 Uh-oh.
18:54 Whoa!
18:56 Oh, okay. We're slowing down now.
18:59 - And we're sinking!
19:01 - Quick, hit the paddles!
19:03 Look, head for that old boat.
19:09 - We're safe.
19:11 - Which is more than I can say.
19:13 - But, Lester, why did you run and hide?
19:18 - Oh, it's too embarrassing.
19:21 - Oh, you can tell us, Lester. We'll understand.
19:24 - Well, I'm just about as scared as a toad in a road going to see the dentist.
19:29 - Scared to see the dentist? That's all?
19:34 - That's all. I let my fear get the best of me.
19:38 - I can't look.
19:40 - There. All done. That wasn't so bad, was it?
19:43 - No, it wasn't so bad at all.
19:46 And the best part is, when it heals, there's not gonna be any more pain.
19:50 - Yes. Perhaps I should do your check-up now, Abner,
19:53 since you're due for one next month anyway.
19:56 - Not right now, but thanks, Doc.
19:58 We've gotta be getting back to Chucklewood. Right, folks?
20:04 - Sorry about the raft, Jonesy.
20:06 We were cruising along and something up and took a bite out of it.
20:10 - This is one story I gotta hear.
20:13 - Now, if you think it's not important to take care of your teeth,
20:22 oh, look under the surface at what's going on beneath.
20:28 Food can stick to your teeth, especially in the cracks.
20:33 You gotta brush, brush, brush, brush it out.
20:36 Well, that's where decay attacks.
20:39 Brush before you go to bed and after meals.
20:42 You'll be mightily surprised at how good it feels.
20:45 And to play it extra safe, learn how to floss.
20:50 Show Mr. Tooth Decay just exactly who's the boss.
20:56 Eating too many sweets helps decay to thrive.
20:59 Fresh fruit and veggies keep your teeth alive.
21:03 Pay your dentist at least an annual visit.
21:09 Your smile can last a lifetime.
21:11 Hey, that's not too bad, is it?
21:14 - Uh-uh. - Nope.
21:16 - Didn't think so.
21:18 - We're Waddens and Rusty, a frolicking, friendly pair of cubs.
21:24 We create adventure anywhere.
21:27 Uh, uh, uh, grab your imagination.
21:29 There's so much to do and see.
21:31 We've got stories and tickles, giggles and la-
