• l’année dernière


00:00 *musique*
00:02 *musique*
00:05 *musique*
00:07 *musique*
00:31 *musique*
00:33 *musique*
00:35 *musique*
00:36 Et nous allons vous dire "Ahou"!
00:38 Ici vient le Spirit Ranger. Oh yeah!
00:40 Ici vient le Spirit Ranger. Ahou!
00:43 Ici vient le Spirit Ranger.
00:46 Le Spirit Ranger. Le Spirit Ranger.
00:49 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:51 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:53 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:55 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:57 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:59 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:01 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:04 - C'est parti! - C'est quoi...
01:05 (pleurs)
01:06 tout le bruit? - C'est la saison des gecs!
01:09 - Tous les gecs sont finalement sortis de la cachette.
01:12 Si vous restez assez, les petits gecs-wackers,
01:16 vont se plonger ici.
01:18 (effort)
01:20 Mais les gecs sont tellement dégueulasses et effrayantes!
01:23 - Où sont ces gecs, en tout cas?
01:25 - La voie perdue! Maman l'ouvre aujourd'hui.
01:28 - Hihihi! - Je suis tellement excitée!
01:31 - Les enfants, préparez-vous! C'est un grand jour!
01:33 - Voyez! C'est là!
01:35 Je vais voir un géco western bandit,
01:37 un géco au pied de feuille, un géco à pied de cheval...
01:39 Je me demande si leurs couilles sont froides.
01:41 - Bienvenue sur la voie perdue, les petits!
01:43 C'est l'une des voies les plus populaires et les plus avancées
01:46 dans le parc. Avant de la réouvrir,
01:48 je vous ai besoin de coller des samples de feuilles
01:50 des oches vives et des sycamores pour que papa puisse les examiner.
01:52 Comme les Rangers, grands et petits,
01:54 c'est notre devoir de s'assurer que nos arbres restent en santé.
01:56 - Mais maman, c'est la saison des gecs!
01:59 - Pas la saison des collections de feuilles!
02:01 - Vous pouvez toujours vous amuser, mon amour,
02:03 mais je vous demande de rester concentrée sur votre tâche.
02:05 - OK, oui, je peux rester concentrée.
02:07 Je suis la reine du concentré.
02:09 C'était un jour bleu?
02:11 - Voici un sac pour les collecter.
02:13 Je vous attendrai à la fin du chemin.
02:15 Oh! Et une chose encore...
02:17 Un grand bisou de maman au poisson avant de partir!
02:19 Oh, mes petits Rangers sont tous devenus adultes!
02:21 - Maman! - OK!
02:23 Allez! Avant que je ne me rende pas à la place
02:25 comme la semaine dernière,
02:27 et la semaine précédente,
02:29 et la semaine précédente.
02:31 - Au revoir, Bluejay! Je veux dire, Bob, nous sommes en route!
02:33 - Je vais collecter tellement de feuilles!
02:35 Ah! Où commençons
02:37 cette belle, calme, paisible recherche des feuilles?
02:39 - Bonjour!
02:41 - Bonjour, Coyote! Bonjour, Lizard!
02:43 Est-ce que vous avez vu des gecs ces dernières semaines?
02:45 - En été! Nous ne devons pas nous détracter, vous vous souvenez?
02:47 - Exactement. Nous sommes ici pour trouver des feuilles pour maman.
02:49 Pas des gecs.
02:51 - C'est un peu bizarre, mais c'est un peu bizarre.
02:53 - C'est un peu bizarre, mais c'est un peu bizarre.
02:55 - Des feuilles pour maman. Pas des gecs.
02:57 - Des gecs?
02:59 - Oui. Pourquoi voulez-vous les trouver?
03:01 Ils ne sont pas si cool.
03:03 - Euh... ne sont-les pas les mêmes choses?
03:05 - D'abord, comment avez-vous l'air?
03:07 Deuxièmement, pas du tout.
03:09 Les gecs sont des lézards, mais pas tous les lézards sont des gecs.
03:11 Les gecs n'ont même pas d'yeux.
03:13 Ils lèchent leurs propres yeux pour les garder mouillés.
03:15 C'est dégueulasse. Ecoutez! C'est la plus vieille rivalité de l'époque!
03:17 - Vous êtes juste déçu de ce moment
03:19 où j'ai rencontré le grand esprit de gec.
03:21 - Le grand esprit de gec?
03:23 - Où?
03:25 - Bonne chance de vous rencontrer.
03:27 Vous devez entrer dans le forest
03:29 de la grande gecque espionnante.
03:31 La légende dit que si vous l'entrez,
03:33 vous ne sortirez pas pendant 20 ans.
03:35 - Oui, oui.
03:37 Maintenant, allons chercher des clous de gec.
03:39 - Vous ne m'avez pas laissé finir.
03:41 D'abord, vous devez entrer dans le forest.
03:43 Et puis, vous devez le voir.
03:45 C'est très rare de voir le grand gec.
03:47 - Heureusement.
03:49 - Samur, je n'aime vraiment pas ça.
03:51 - Oui, vous devez être concentré.
03:53 - Allons chercher pour lui.
03:55 - Un petit peu.
03:57 S'il vous plaît!
03:59 - Oh non! Elle fait les yeux de chien!
04:01 C'est ma faiblesse!
04:03 Comment je peux dire non?
04:05 - Ne regardez pas!
04:07 - Je ne peux pas me cacher! C'est si mignon!
04:09 - OK, nous pouvons regarder.
04:11 Mais juste un petit peu.
04:13 - Ah!
04:15 - Puis, c'est parti.
04:17 - Mr. Grand esprit de gec,
04:19 êtes-vous à la maison?
04:21 - Prince de gec!
04:25 - On se rapproche!
04:27 - Suivons-les!
04:29 - Je ne pense pas que je...
04:31 - Oh! Regarde ce que j'ai trouvé!
04:33 - Un prince encore plus gros!
04:35 - Vraiment? Où?
04:37 - Il y a tellement de choses qui ressemblent au prince de gec
04:39 qui ne sont pas du prince de gec!
04:41 Cette fleur ressemble au tous de gec.
04:43 Décevant! J'aime ça.
04:45 - Un gec!
04:47 - Un gec!
04:49 - J'ai trouvé un gec!
04:51 - Cette normale de gec n'a rien
04:53 sur le grand esprit de gec.
04:55 - Plus de gecs?
05:01 Je pense que ces gecs vont le tuer.
05:03 - Suivez le rainbow gec!
05:05 - Grand esprit de gec!
05:09 Sortez! Sortez! Où que vous soyez!
05:11 - On vous promet! On ne vous mangera pas!
05:13 - Même si vous le ferez.
05:15 - Bonne chance, lézard!
05:17 - Qui a besoin d'un grand gec quand vous avez moi, ma chérie?
05:19 Un grand lézard!
05:21 Avec des yeux magnifiques
05:23 que je n'ai pas à lisser!
05:25 - Je pense que ce n'est pas le jour pour nous.
05:27 On devrait revenir à la collection des feuilles.
05:29 Sommer, c'est le moment!
05:31 - Sommer! Coyote!
05:33 - Ils sont partis?
05:35 Où sont-ils?
05:37 - On doit les trouver.
05:39 - Et aller plus profond dans ce forest bizarre,
05:41 de gecs, plein de légendes et de cauchemars?
05:43 - Je savais que c'était une mauvaise idée.
05:45 Pauvre Sommer et Coyote!
05:47 Ils sont probablement si perdus et effrayés.
05:49 - Je suis tellement contente!
05:51 - C'est un rêve qui vient true.
05:53 Je suis la reine des gecs!
05:55 - Je ne sais pas pourquoi le lézard n'aime pas les gecs.
05:57 Ce sont des créatures merveilleuses
05:59 qui savent comment faire un bon chapeau.
06:01 - Dis, lézard, pourquoi as-tu...
06:03 Attends.
06:05 Cody! Eddy!
06:07 - Sommer?
06:09 - J'ai hâte de brûler.
06:11 - Sommer?
06:13 - J'ai hâte de le te dire, mais...
06:15 - Je pense que nous sommes... - Trouillés!
06:17 - C'est OK.
06:19 - Je vais juste utiliser mes puissances de lézard pour nous sortir d'ici.
06:21 - Si nous allons au parc de l'esprit,
06:23 je suppose que nous allons trouver Sommer.
06:25 - Bien pensé!
06:27 Allons trouver notre soeur!
06:29 (musique)
06:31 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:33 ♪ Let's go, Spirit Rangers ♪
06:35 ♪ Calling all the Spirit Rangers ♪
06:37 ♪ Let's go, Spirit Rangers ♪
06:39 ♪ Calling Cody, Sommer, Eddy ♪
06:41 ♪ Cody comes! ♪
06:43 ♪ Sommer, ha! ♪
06:45 ♪ Spirit Rangers, Spirit Rangers ♪
06:47 ♪ And Eddy Turtle ♪
06:49 ♪ Let's go, Spirit Rangers ♪
06:51 ♪ Calling all the Spirit Rangers ♪
06:53 ♪ Spirit Ranger ready ♪
06:55 - I'm scared, Cody.
06:57 I'd rather hug a great gecko
06:59 than lose Sommer for 20 years.
07:01 - Don't worry,
07:03 little turtle hatchling.
07:05 We got this.
07:07 - There! I'll climb up this tree.
07:09 It'll be easy to spot Sommer.
07:11 - Uh, Eddy?
07:15 Maybe you shouldn't look up. - Why?
07:17 - Geckos!
07:21 - Ah! Stop! I tickle!
07:23 - Whoa! Whoa!
07:25 - Well, that didn't work.
07:27 Any other ideas?
07:29 - My idea is to hide.
07:31 - Got any room for me in there?
07:33 - I'm gonna get a hawk's-eye view from above.
07:35 It'll only be a sec.
07:37 - Ah!
07:39 - Oh! I think it's too tangled up there
07:41 for me to make it through.
07:43 But no problem. I can just use my wind blast.
07:45 - Yeah, I don't think-- Whoa!
07:47 - Hey!
07:51 I look like Eddy!
07:53 - Turtle, turtle.
07:55 - I don't know what to do.
07:57 If I can't fly or use wind,
07:59 how will I find them?
08:01 Caw! Eddy?
08:03 - Coyote? I'm here! I'm okay!
08:05 Which direction are you in? - We're lost.
08:07 They can't hear us.
08:09 - This is all my fault.
08:11 - But look!
08:13 I found another gecko print! - Coyote, I can't
08:15 care about that right now. I keep getting
08:17 distracted and-- Wait a minute.
08:19 That's it! Focus!
08:21 I need to focus! - That you do.
08:23 - Wow! - Come over.
08:29 Don't be shy. - It's such
08:31 an honor to meet you, Great Gecko.
08:33 I'm Summer, and that's Coyote. Thank you
08:35 so much for appearing.
08:37 - Appearing? I'm always around.
08:39 You just have to focus to spot me.
08:41 Us geckos are great at hiding,
08:43 aren't we? - So that's
08:45 why I only saw you once.
08:47 - Yeah, 'cause you're a bit of a--
08:49 How do you say it? - Genius.
08:51 Tanté. - Mm.
08:53 - Scatterbrain.
08:55 But maybe those two. - Great Gecko,
08:57 I'm so happy I got to meet you.
08:59 But I got everyone lost
09:01 in the forest because of it.
09:03 Is there any chance you could help me find my brothers?
09:05 - Most certainly.
09:07 But in order to do that, you'll have to stay
09:09 focused.
09:11 - Look at what you've done.
09:13 Actions have a cost. All of your distractions
09:15 got you good and lost. Time to buckle down.
09:17 Come on, Summer Girl. Who's a giant
09:19 pink spirit squirrel? No!
09:21 Gotta stay focused. Gotta
09:23 stay on task. 'Cause
09:25 some discipline is not so much
09:27 as a task.
09:29 Need to find the boys, but you've got no map.
09:31 If you stay on target, then you'll find them
09:33 in a snap. Summer, do not fear, 'cause
09:35 I've got a hunch. I wonder where that gecko is
09:37 for lunch. Ah! Gotta stay
09:39 focused. Gotta stay
09:41 on track. If you do,
09:43 you're gonna find the right way back.
09:45 Just ignore
09:47 that singing spirit
09:49 locust.
09:51 And you'll get back home
09:53 if you just stay--
09:55 Wait. What was I singing?
09:57 It had something to do with--
09:59 Oh, yeah! Gotta stay focused.
10:01 Gotta zero.
10:03 And staying focused is the
10:05 only way to win!
10:07 - There you are!
10:09 - Summer! I was so
10:11 worried. - I'm so sorry I got
10:13 us all lost. But I promise
10:15 I'm going to stay focused now.
10:17 Will you ever forgive me?
10:19 - Always! - Of course,
10:21 Summer. I hope you also
10:23 forgive me for this. - Oh, great
10:25 gecko!
10:27 - Hi there. - Whoa!
10:31 - Ah! - Whoa!
10:33 - Ah!
10:35 - All right.
10:37 Maybe, maybe they're as cute
10:39 as lizards. Maybe.
10:41 - Bo-do-do-bo-do-do. - Bo-do-do-bo-do-do.
10:43 - Happy to see you come around, lizard.
10:45 Time to finally put that old
10:47 rivalry to bed? - Who needs
10:49 eyelids anyway? Consider me
10:51 a gecko fan. - Now that just leaves...
10:53 one of us.
10:55 Get it?
10:57 - Is...
10:59 it gonna b-b-bite me? - I was
11:01 thinking of something better.
11:03 - Hi-ya! Giddy-up,
11:05 great gecko!
11:07 (rires)
11:09 - Mom's gonna love all the leaves
11:15 we collected. - Thank you for your help,
11:17 great gecko. - You're welcome.
11:19 Until we meet again, my focused
11:21 little friend.
11:23 - Look at all those leaves.
11:25 - Job well done, Junior Rangers.
11:27 Did you see any geckos on the trail?
11:29 - Oh, you know, just a few.
11:31 - But one of them was really
11:33 cool. Right, Eddy?
11:35 - Right. Hey there, little
11:37 guy. I'm gonna call you...
11:39 lizard. What do you think?
11:41 - Ah, I think its eyeball looking
11:43 good. - What?
11:45 (laughter)
11:47 (musique douce)
11:49 (musique douce)
11:51 (musique douce)
11:53 (musique douce)
11:55 (rires)
11:57 (musique douce)
11:59 (rires)
12:01 (rires)
12:03 (rires)
12:05 (rires)
12:07 (rires)
12:09 (rires)
12:11 (rires)
12:13 (rires)
12:15 (rires)
12:17 (rires)
12:19 (rires)
12:21 (rires)
12:23 (sifflement)
12:25 - Lizard, are you eating cake?
12:27 - No! I'm
12:29 turning those plates off.
12:31 - Why don't we have frosting
12:33 in the spirit, huh?
12:35 - Done! Now let's
12:37 get to that concert.
12:39 I hope you rangers didn't forget
12:43 that the Fish and Otter spirits are having
12:45 a concert at the lake today.
12:47 - That's why I'm trying to finish
12:49 cleaning.
12:51 - The Fish and Otter spirits have invited
12:53 us all to play clapper sticks.
12:55 - Clapper sticks?
12:57 Oh! You mean wonsok.
12:59 Wonsok is the Somali word for
13:01 clapper stick. And I love my
13:03 wonsok! I've been totally practicing.
13:05 Watch! Clappity-clap!
13:07 Clap-clap-clap! Come on,
13:09 join in! - Thing is, we've
13:11 been so busy with our ranger duties
13:13 that we haven't actually
13:15 made our clapper sticks yet. - What?
13:17 But how are you gonna
13:19 be able to clap with us at the concert?
13:21 - Don't worry. We'll make our clapper sticks in no time.
13:23 We need to hurry and clean.
13:25 You two, sweep up. I will take out the trash.
13:27 - Remember to close and lock
13:29 the trash bin. - Otherwise, animals
13:31 might get into the trash and stuff themselves!
13:33 - Yeah! - Yeah! I got it!
13:35 - Clappity-clap! Clap-clap-clap!
13:39 - Hmph!
13:41 [clap!]
13:43 - There.
13:45 All done. Now, let's go
13:47 find Didi, so she can help us make our
13:49 clapper sticks. - Did you lock the trash bins?
13:51 - Yeah, yeah. Sure, sure. Let's make our
13:53 clapper sticks. We have a concert to catch.
13:55 - Kiddos! I'm so proud
13:59 of you! You made your very
14:01 own clapper sticks!
14:03 California tribes have been using these
14:05 as instruments for centuries.
14:07 The Chumash play them at special
14:09 events, ceremonies, and,
14:11 well, just for fun.
14:13 They're called...
14:15 - Wan-thok. - Oh!
14:17 Nice, Cody! Who taught you that?
14:19 - Uh, a f-friend.
14:21 - How does this look, Didi?
14:23 - Very good, Eddy. Sanding
14:25 the wood from an elderberry tree
14:27 takes time. You can't rush.
14:29 - Done! - Or
14:31 maybe you can rush it. - Everybody!
14:33 Get ready for
14:35 summer! The world-famous
14:37 clapper sticker! - Don't give my clapper!
14:39 I'm still putting the finishing touches
14:41 on it. - What? Still?
14:43 Can't you go any faster?
14:45 Chop-chop! I mean,
14:47 clap-clap!
14:49 Okay, does everyone have
14:51 their clapper sticks now? - Uh, yeah.
14:53 I made mine, like, forever
14:55 ago. - Then let's go to
14:57 Spirit Park. We'll make the concert
14:59 just in time!
15:01 Let's go, Spirit Rangers!
15:09 Calling all the Spirit Rangers!
15:11 Let's go, Spirit Rangers!
15:13 Calling Cody, Summer, Eddy!
15:15 - Cody comes!
15:17 - Summer, ha!
15:19 - Spirit Rangers, Spirit Rangers!
15:21 - I'm Eddy Pearl! - Let's go,
15:23 Spirit Rangers! Calling all the
15:25 Spirit Rangers! - They're Spirit Ranger ready!
15:39 - Look! The Spirits are starting!
15:41 - We just barely
15:43 made it! - Ha-ha!
15:45 Good one, Cody.
15:47 - I like music! I want
15:59 all the music!
16:01 - Oh, no! - Spirits!
16:07 - What just happened?
16:09 - Ka-Kamash-Nut-Ch-Chussa
16:11 just happened, that's what.
16:13 - Kamah-Hoo? - You guys have
16:15 never met old Kamashi?
16:17 Kamash swims down here every now and then.
16:19 He's a giant fish monster
16:21 from the Cowlitz tribe up north.
16:23 - Um, hello, Coyote? You forgot to mention
16:25 the part where he swallows up things he likes
16:27 and then traps them in his see-through
16:29 belly? - Uh,
16:31 Spirit Rangers, we have to
16:33 save those spirits!
16:35 - Come on, save the concert! - Eddy,
16:37 can you blow his bubble so we can breathe underwater?
16:39 - You got it!
16:41 - Spirit Rangers, we've got
16:47 a fish to catch!
16:49 - Maybe that's Kamash.
16:59 - Hang on, Eddy.
17:03 - Ouf!
17:05 - Aaaaah!
17:11 - Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
17:13 - Otters,
17:15 fishes, any
17:17 spirits in here?
17:19 - It's really hard to find
17:29 a see-through fish monster,
17:31 but we can't stop now.
17:33 I'll go back. - Wait, Summer!
17:35 We should slow down
17:37 and think of the right way to search.
17:39 - Playing music helps me think.
17:41 - Great idea, Eddy!
17:43 Let's try it!
17:45 - Oh, come on! How am I gonna be a world-famous
17:53 cloppersticker if my clopperstick stinks?
17:55 - I want
17:57 all the music! I want all the music
17:59 right now!
18:01 - Aaaah!
18:05 - Kamash!
18:09 You don't wanna do this! I do not taste good.
18:11 - It's true. Every monster says so.
18:13 - Hey! Big monster!
18:15 No swallowing my brothers or my friends!
18:17 - I want all the
18:19 music now!
18:21 - Whoa!
18:23 - Cody!
18:25 Eddy!
18:27 - Oh, no!
18:29 - Okay, Summer, think.
18:35 Kamash keeps saying that he wants music.
18:37 Maybe that's why he surfaces?
18:39 But I'm not gonna be making any music
18:41 with this stinky clopperstick.
18:43 I need to go back and get DeeDee to help me make a new one.
18:45 - Let me guess.
18:47 Your clapperstick fell apart
18:49 because you made it without cake. - Yeah.
18:51 But I need a new one, like, right now, now, now.
18:53 - You can't make one now, now, now.
18:55 - Please, DeeDee, please!
18:57 There's no time to take our time!
18:59 - Trust me.
19:01 The slow way is the fast way.
19:03 The only way to make a clapperstick
19:05 is to take the time to do it right.
19:07 - (Gasps)
19:09 ♪ Oh, come on, DeeDee ♪
19:11 ♪ Help me make a clapperstick ♪
19:13 ♪ And what better way to make something ♪
19:15 ♪ Than to create it quick? ♪
19:17 ♪ 'Cause I've got places I've gotta go ♪
19:19 ♪ And adventure does await ♪
19:21 ♪ I need to make some music ♪
19:23 ♪ And I want it to sound great ♪
19:25 ♪ The right way, the right way ♪
19:29 ♪ Making things faster is the right way ♪
19:33 ♪ Oh, my dear Summer ♪
19:35 ♪ You're always on the run ♪
19:37 ♪ Listen to your elder ♪
19:39 ♪ I'll show you how it's done ♪
19:41 ♪ 'Cause our ancestors said ♪
19:43 ♪ To move patient and slow ♪
19:45 ♪ Like the water's low ♪
19:47 ♪ It's the right way ♪
19:49 ♪ The right way ♪
19:51 ♪ The right way ♪
19:53 ♪ The right way ♪
19:55 ♪ Making things with patience is the right way ♪
20:05 - Thank you, DeeDee.
20:07 (Clapping)
20:09 ♪ ♪
20:13 - Hey, watch the wings!
20:15 - I want all the music now!
20:19 - "Now" isn't always the best way.
20:21 Sometimes you have to slow down to do things the right way.
20:24 - Slow down?
20:26 But I want music now!
20:28 That's why I swallowed everyone all up!
20:31 - Well, I don't think you're gonna hear any music
20:34 with all the musicians in your belly.
20:36 If you let the concert go on,
20:38 then you'll get to hear lots of music.
20:40 - Oh, yes! Oh, yes!
20:42 Fishy joy!
20:44 - Ah!
20:47 - I don't think I'll ever get used to monster slime.
20:51 - Way to go, Summer! You saved us!
20:53 - I see you made a new clapper stick.
20:56 - Yeah, it took me forever to make it.
20:59 But I love my new clapper stick.
21:01 - Music now?
21:03 - Yes, Camash! I think we can all use the music now.
21:07 You ready, Otters? Ready, fishes?
21:09 Hit it!
21:11 (Footsteps)
21:13 (Chant en langue étrangère)
21:16 (Chant en langue étrangère)
21:19 (Chant en langue étrangère)
21:22 (Chant en langue étrangère)
21:25 (Chant en langue étrangère)
21:28 (Chant en langue étrangère)
21:31 (Chant en langue étrangère)
21:34 (Chant en langue étrangère)
21:37 (Chant en langue étrangère)
21:40 (Rire)
21:43 (En anglais)
21:47 (En anglais)
21:50 Je te promets que je sais. Quand je sortais le déchets, en très de pression, je n'ai pas fermé ou fermé les sacs de déchets. Je n'ai pas fait de la bonne façon.
22:00 Ne t'inquiète pas, Summer. Nous pourrons aider à déchetter ces oiseaux.
22:04 Hey, revenez ici, oiseaux de fête !
22:06 [Musique]
22:14 [Musique]
22:18 [Musique]
22:46 [Musique]
23:11 Non, non, ok.
23:14 [Musique]
23:21 [Musique]
23:31 [Musique]
23:41 [Musique]
23:51 [Musique]
24:01 [Musique]
24:11 [Musique]
24:21 [Musique]
24:31 [Musique]
24:41 [Musique]
24:51 [Musique]
25:01 [Musique]
25:11 [Musique]
25:21 [Musique]
25:31 [Musique]
25:41 [Musique]
25:51 [Musique]
26:01 [Musique]
26:11 [Musique]
