In this video, join Dr. Oz as he reveals his family's best-kept food secrets with none other than Lisa Oz. From nutritious recipes that have been passed down through generations to modern twists on classic dishes, Lisa shares it all!
00:00 (audience applauding)
00:03 My next guest has taught me more
00:08 than any other person on the earth,
00:09 and she also doesn't mind if I snore and drool on her.
00:12 It's sort of nice.
00:13 Plus, she's a master at saving time in the kitchen,
00:15 and today she's gonna share
00:16 some of our Oz family food secrets.
00:19 (audience applauding)
00:20 Please welcome my beautiful wife
00:21 of exactly 30 years this year,
00:23 I didn't forget the anniversary,
00:24 and author of the new book, it's fantastic,
00:26 she wrote it all, "The Oz Family Kitchen," Lisa Oz.
00:29 (audience applauding)
00:31 So, please, just in case rumors get started,
00:33 I don't drool, do I?
00:35 No.
00:36 What do I do?
00:37 You steal all the covers, for one.
00:39 I do do that, I'm greedy about covers.
00:40 Yes, yes, and go ahead, you tell them,
00:42 you love the story of the puffing air.
00:44 She claims, she claims, I go like this.
00:46 She does.
00:47 (audience laughing)
00:49 But she says it's worse than snoring,
00:51 but I don't think it exists.
00:51 However, you claim it's so, and I'll believe it.
00:53 All right, so Lisa knows a ton about eating healthy,
00:55 I don't, when we first started dating,
00:57 I heard she was a vegetarian, and I have to admit this,
00:59 I had no idea what a vegetarian was.
01:01 I thought vegetarians ate vegetables and other things.
01:03 So I made you this specialty of mine,
01:06 it was chicken wrapped in aluminum foil.
01:08 And that was it, nothing else.
01:10 (audience laughing)
01:12 And it was your specialty, and that was the first
01:14 and last meal I think you've ever cooked.
01:16 Yes, it was.
01:17 (audience applauding)
01:17 But it was my best effort, and we were in Philadelphia,
01:19 I was in medical school, so, 'cause she didn't wanna eat
01:21 the chicken, 'cause she didn't eat chicken, I learned,
01:23 I took her to a steakhouse.
01:24 Yeah, it was really sweet, he said,
01:25 "Let's go out for dinner, if you don't eat chicken,
01:27 "we'll go to a restaurant."
01:29 The restaurant was Pat's Cheese Steak, so.
01:31 If you're from Philly, you know they got
01:32 great cheese steaks there.
01:33 And I don't know that he didn't know what a vegetarian was,
01:35 I just think he wasn't listening when I said vegetarian,
01:37 it's that male condition where the ears don't work
01:39 when you talk.
01:40 Why I'm listening today, she's gonna educate all of us
01:42 about food, I must say, I've been blessed to have
01:44 wonderful food for 30 years, but a lot of folks
01:47 don't realize how we eat.
01:48 So you decided to put together one little tome,
01:50 and what prompted you to spend so many hours
01:52 of your life doing that?
01:53 Well, it was the number of people who had come up to me
01:55 when I would say I was your wife, and they would say,
01:57 "Do you just eat kale and soaked nuts at home?"
02:00 Yeah, literally, kale, blueberries, yogurt, and soaked nuts,
02:03 that's our diet.
02:04 So no, I wrote this because I figured people needed to see
02:07 that the way we eat at home, which is healthful
02:09 and good for your body, is also abundant and delicious
02:12 and fun and joyful.
02:13 It's not purgatory for eating.
02:16 All right, so she's picked out three items,
02:17 come on over here.
02:18 Secret number one is something that I actually love,
02:20 it's a casserole.
02:21 Yes.
02:22 And most people probably don't think I have a touch
02:23 of casserole, but this is a little different.
02:25 Well, that's because most casseroles are all cream
02:27 and noodles and not things that you would normally eat.
02:29 But this is a fabulous casserole dish.
02:32 It is beans, it has a Mexican flavor.
02:34 So you start by, you saute, it's super easy,
02:37 and it's actually really cheap to make.
02:39 It's beans and peppers and onions and garlic and mushrooms.
02:43 You saute it all together, it does not take long at all.
02:45 So you pretend that you're sauteing that.
02:48 Delicious, right?
02:48 Usually I just sit by and watch her anyway,
02:50 I don't really help that much.
02:51 This is true, this feels like home, this is what we do.
02:54 And then we make a quick crust,
02:56 a cornbread crust, 'cause you know how good cornbread is
02:58 with Mexican food?
02:59 And it's cornbread and--
03:01 You said it was like home.
03:02 (laughs)
03:04 Yeah, not that part.
03:06 And then we've got--
03:07 It's foreplay.
03:09 Yeah, food foreplay.
03:10 Baking soda and some chili powder,
03:12 this gives it that delicious Mexican flavor.
03:14 A little salt, and now this is my secret ingredient
03:17 for Mexican food, I love it.
03:19 I bet a lot of you out there hate this.
03:21 Mehmet loves it, Daphne hates it.
03:22 Cilantro, my favorite herb.
03:25 How many cilantro lovers are there out there?
03:28 I don't want all the haters.
03:30 There's actually a gene that makes some people
03:32 taste cilantro like it's soap.
03:33 So if people don't like it, that's what's wrong with you.
03:36 My daughter Daphne, as Lisa mentioned, has it.
03:37 Okay.
03:38 So wait, it's not done yet.
03:39 I'm getting ready.
03:40 You have a powder on a casserole.
03:41 So this is actually a vegan recipe,
03:43 so instead of using eggs, we use flax seeds ground up
03:48 with a little coconut milk,
03:49 and you moisten the flax seeds in water,
03:53 put in the coconut milk,
03:53 and the secret ingredient is a little bit of maple syrup,
03:57 so it has a nice sweetness to it, and then, ah,
04:00 you mix that.
04:01 See what a good whisker I am?
04:01 After years of training?
04:02 Whisking, that is your job, sweetie.
04:05 You found, if this TV thing doesn't work out,
04:06 you know what you can do.
04:07 My calling in life, surgery and whisking.
04:09 We do this in the OR a lot.
04:10 Can you sort of get more of it in there?
04:12 Anyway, once you've got this all whisked,
04:16 actually, you were doing better than I am,
04:18 then we're just gonna take dollops of this
04:20 and put it on top here.
04:22 It's gonna be whisked better when you do it at home.
04:23 And then you just make individual serving-sized dollops
04:28 like that, pop it in the oven,
04:30 and this is how it comes out.
04:32 It is so good, my friends.
04:33 Home, isn't it good?
04:35 It's like a fiesta.
04:36 And it's the kind of thing,
04:38 you'll be full on this,
04:39 and you won't be in too many galleries.
04:42 All right.
04:43 Lots of fiber.
04:44 Number two family secret.
04:46 Has to do with the food you guys all know that I love,
04:48 which is nuts.
04:49 Yeah, there's not much of a secret
04:50 that you're Mr. Nuts, is there?
04:52 No.
04:52 (audience laughing)
04:54 That's right.
04:55 I always tell you, you soak your nuts,
04:57 freeze your nuts, all those kind of things.
04:58 But this is different kind of preparation for nuts
05:01 because it gets to get boring eating raw nuts all the time.
05:03 So how do you spice them up?
05:04 Right, so this is a glazed spicy nut.
05:07 I like to make it spicy.
05:08 You don't like it too hot,
05:10 so it's a not so spicy nut.
05:12 But what we do is we make a glaze here.
05:14 It's got a little olive oil, again, maple syrup,
05:17 and any spices you like.
05:19 My favorite spice is nigella seeds.
05:23 So I happen to use a lot of nigella seed,
05:25 cumin, oregano, salt, pepper,
05:28 and then what makes it spicy, some garlic.
05:30 What makes it spicy is the cayenne pepper.
05:32 So you can put in as much cayenne pepper as you like.
05:35 She burns my mouth out.
05:36 The whole tongue feels like it's falling out
05:37 when she puts that stuff in there.
05:38 But can I expand?
05:39 Yeah.
05:40 What I do love is nigella seeds,
05:41 which give it a very different, almost exotic flavor.
05:44 But most people don't use these.
05:45 So educate folks.
05:47 Well, you can get them, if you can't find them
05:49 in your local market, you can get them online, anywhere.
05:52 And they have a wonderful Middle Eastern flavor.
05:54 If any of you have ever had Armenian string cheese,
05:56 you ever had this cheese with the little black dots?
05:59 It's that taste.
06:00 It's a little bit licorice-y, but not quite.
06:03 So then you dump them in.
06:04 This is the part I do.
06:05 Yes, okay.
06:06 I'm good with my hands.
06:07 Yes, you are.
06:08 Yes.
06:09 And you do that.
06:10 Yes, and then?
06:11 And then you just spread them out.
06:13 The spreading part I'm really good at.
06:15 There we are.
06:15 Yep, here.
06:16 Oh, okay.
06:17 We gotta clean off your hands.
06:19 (audience awing)
06:20 How do you like that?
06:21 This is how you stay married for 30 years.
06:24 Pop these in the oven.
06:25 Yeah, and lots of nuts.
06:26 Pop these in the oven.
06:28 Watch how long you keep them in there,
06:29 'cause people's ovens have different temperatures.
06:31 So keep an eye on them.
06:32 You just want them to be lightly toasted.
06:34 They come out, and they are so tasty.
06:36 Now, you don't have to trust me.
06:37 I'm gonna take this to the guys,
06:38 the other family I have,
06:39 with the folks who work here at the show.
06:40 So Tony, taste that.
06:42 Uli's our food stylist.
06:44 Paul, take some of that.
06:46 Thank you.
06:46 And share it.
06:47 Oh, they're feeding each other.
06:48 Oh my goodness.
06:50 What do you guys think?
06:51 Is it worth it?
06:52 Very good.
06:53 Even if it takes 20 minutes?
06:54 (audience applauding)
06:56 15, 20 minutes later, you got heaven.
06:58 All right, finally, the last food secret is Lisa.
07:03 That Mehmet likes a shot of tequila every now and then.
07:06 (audience cheering)
07:09 I do like it.
07:10 I love tequila.
07:11 Lisa does not like straight up tequila,
07:12 so she actually makes a gingered polymer.
07:14 Well, I'm just too old for shots these days.
07:18 So I figure a cocktail's a little more sophisticated,
07:20 a little more grown up, but it still has tequila.
07:22 It's grapefruit juice, a little lime,
07:25 some ginger juice, a splash of club soda,
07:28 and then we've got this grown up cocktail.
07:30 I got this for you also.
07:31 Oh, I'm gonna do both?
07:32 This is mine, yes.
07:33 I'm gonna do shots and cocktails?
07:34 Yes.
07:35 A two-fisted drinker here?
07:36 I toast to you, honey.
07:37 Yeah, thanks.
07:37 (audience applauding)
07:39 You gotta chug that.
07:40 She's too smart for me.
07:43 It's the real tequila.
07:45 Yeah, the fake tequila and the real tequila.
07:47 She's too smart for me.
07:48 After 30 years, she's figured me out.
07:49 I love you dearly.
07:50 All right, up next, Lisa's gonna show you
07:51 how to make a salad bar.
07:52 This is actually what we eat at our house most evenings,
07:55 'cause it's easy to do and it's so good for you.
07:57 We'll be right back.
07:58 (audience cheering)
08:01 We are back with my beautiful wife, Lisa,
08:04 who has a great new book.
08:05 It's called "The Oz Family Kitchen."
08:07 It's filled with quick and easy ideas
08:08 for feeding your family.
08:09 It's what we do in our family.
08:11 We're the big, busy family.
08:12 Lisa grew up in one and she made one with us, with me.
08:15 Lisa has her favorite go-to meals.
08:17 And there isn't much time to make dinner,
08:18 so these are the ones we go to all the time.
08:20 One of my favorites, the Oz Family Salad Bar.
08:23 So why do you like salad bars when you're big and busy?
08:25 (audience applauding)
08:27 Well, the great thing about this is it's customizable.
08:29 You know, in our family,
08:31 there are 15 different diets at any one time.
08:33 So we have been, I've been vegan, I am a vegetarian.
08:36 We have a daughter who's gluten-free.
08:37 We have my son, our son,
08:39 who has to have meat pretty much at every meal.
08:42 He plays football.
08:42 So the nice thing about this is everybody can eat
08:44 the same thing without me being a short-order cook
08:47 and doing 15 different entrees,
08:49 but we can customize it to whatever it is we like.
08:51 So we start with a big bowl of salad, greens.
08:54 You can use any greens that you have.
08:56 The thing about this recipe is that really,
08:58 it's about your pantry, your refrigerator.
09:00 And then you pick a protein.
09:02 So if I like these beautiful little roasted chickpeas,
09:06 that's a protein,
09:07 or you can use chicken if you're a meat eater,
09:09 or you like chicken.
09:11 Then you pick a nut, a seed,
09:12 Mehmet here, you can do sunflower seeds.
09:15 Those are almonds.
09:16 You could do pecans, walnuts,
09:17 any kind of nut you like.
09:19 And again, you spread this out on the table
09:21 and everybody makes their own meal.
09:23 You do a cheese if you want.
09:25 This is feta, but you could do Parmesan.
09:27 You could do munster, whatever you've got lying around,
09:29 and then a fruit.
09:30 And if you don't have any fresh fruit,
09:31 you can always use dried fruits.
09:32 You can use cranberries.
09:34 You can use dried cherries.
09:36 You can use apricots.
09:37 Again, whatever you have lying around.
09:39 This is the salad that you put together on your own plate.
09:42 He did it in the whole bowl.
09:44 You would actually eat that whole thing.
09:45 That's a meal in a bowl.
09:46 - In Paris, we don't actually make it on a plate.
09:48 We'll make a whole bowl,
09:49 and then people will pick at this for the rest of the evening.
09:51 - And then they could add whatever they want
09:52 separately onto their plates.
09:53 - But the magic isn't this.
09:55 The magic is the dressing.
09:57 - Well, yes.
09:58 So it's so easy to make
09:59 that there's really no reason
10:01 you would ever have to buy bottle dressing.
10:02 This is super fast, super easy.
10:05 You would dress the salad.
10:06 It's basically just olive oil, apple cider vinegar,
10:09 a little bit of maple syrup, again, to cut the tartness,
10:13 some garlic, some mustard, salt, pepper,
10:16 and my favorite ingredient, which is fresh cut chives.
10:20 And I'm just gonna put a little extra chives on there.
10:22 They make everything taste good.
10:24 - The dressing is the best part.
10:26 - The dressing is so good.
10:27 - In fact, I don't care if the salad's wilted.
10:29 It still tastes good.
10:30 Thank you for watching.
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