McFarlane Toys Spawn King Spawn with Demon Minions

  • 6 months ago
McFarlane Toys Spawn King Spawn with Demon Minions


00:00 heavy is the dead that wears the crown here's a look at McFarlane toys spawn
00:04 King spawn and demon minions
00:08 a government agent Al Simmons was killed by his own men resurrected from the
00:36 depths of hell he returned to earth as the warrior spawn guarding the forgotten
00:39 alleys of New York City as he seeks answers about his past spawn grapples
00:43 with the dark force that returned in the earth battling enemies and discovering
00:46 unlikely allies as he learns the harnesses extraordinary powers he begins
00:50 to grasp the full extent of what brought him back and what he left behind first
00:55 thing we'll do before we look at Simmons wings and things and he's got plenty of
00:58 things to go around first I'd like to thank the folks over at McFarlane toys
01:01 that did kindly provide the sample of new King spawn and his several minions
01:05 even though you can't see them right now they're lurking around I think one of
01:08 them is right now grabbing a soft drink the figure though is a standard size
01:12 spawn although he does have the wings on the back the figures body because he's a
01:15 standard spawn he's about still the same inches in height about seven of those or
01:19 the figures about 18 centimeters tall grabbing one of the various spawns I
01:23 have in my collection this just happens to be the spawn that got packed along
01:26 with the Cape Crusader same size spawn perhaps a different slightly different
01:29 body but obviously this one also doesn't have a cape it has wings on the back
01:33 instead another figure I did want to bring in for size comparisons even
01:36 though you're not necessarily gonna be scaling the two side by side but here's
01:39 also what the figure looks like with Cygore always a sucker for a cybernetic
01:43 ape as for King spawns accessories though the term the cup runneth over
01:47 would best describe the stuff that comes included King spawn not only does the
01:51 figure come with a traditional display stand and trading card but he also comes
01:54 with three demon minions and a series of firearms yes I'm hoping that you guys
02:00 were sitting when I'm saying that he comes with not one not two but seven
02:03 different guns that you can display with either this figure or display with other
02:06 figures that have unfortunately had no guns packed with them back tracking just
02:11 a little bit I know everybody's right now wanting to look at the guns hold on
02:14 a second let's not get gun happy first the figure comes a clue with a display
02:17 stand I would be obviously pointing out the obvious is the fact that the figure
02:21 comes include the same type of stand as all the other DC multiverse and other
02:24 things that McFarlane's team have put out other than the fact that this one
02:27 now has branded down below the spawn the spawn font off to the corner there there
02:33 is a display stand peg that will come handy though when it comes to displaying
02:36 King spawn stating I'm sure the obvious things the fact he does have wings on
02:40 the back of the figures torso means that he is very back heavy although he hasn't
02:44 fallen just yet now that I've jinxed myself saying that the figure also as
02:48 well comes include the training card depicted on the front at least is the
02:51 head for King spawn notably though the horns on the top of King spawns head are
02:56 actually gray instead of red they decided to mold them in red but I think
02:59 they're supposed to be gray instead I get this it probably did that just to
03:02 so have there's a little bit more pop of color to the figures face I prefer I
03:06 would preferred if they had been gray but I mean again other than that the
03:09 fact we are getting a King spawn loving the look of them on the back though if
03:12 you were expecting something new for King spawn you'd have to look elsewhere
03:16 unfortunately the read up on the back is just a generalized Al Simmons Rita
03:20 describing how he left from hell and became spawn on earth I will be of
03:25 course putting this in with the rest of my training cards not necessarily the DC
03:28 multiverse these all have a dedicated space in my binder these all go with the
03:32 rest of my spawn cards love once again that the using source material keep that
03:35 trend up let's go on now to the other things that come include the figure
03:39 first he also comes included demon minions I just love the idea that the
03:43 figure comes include demon minions I was actually also surprised to see that not
03:46 only are they all different from one another but they also possess on some
03:49 level some possibility you can move their arms back and forth unfortunately
03:53 though moving the arms around does then give a little bit of stability issues
03:57 when it comes to figure standing there's only so many ways that you can actually
03:59 have these displayed bringing the arms up for example obviously then you're not
04:03 gonna have the demon minion being able to move or stand as well this was kind
04:07 of interesting though because it's kind of got like it looks to be something
04:10 like a cross between like a kaiju from the from Pacific Rim and maybe something
04:14 we saw from Pirates of the Caribbean dead man's was a dead man's chest one of
04:19 the cronies of course for Davy Jones really interesting design though for the
04:23 demon minion again this one does have the long tongue sticking out here looks
04:26 like something that maybe Jean Jean Simmons I'm sure would have designed a
04:29 character like this interesting colors too and the thing I like also about the
04:33 demon minions is that the colors are all different from one another so while this
04:36 is kind of being more of a charred kind of grayish black we have one here that's
04:40 a got a little bit more of a purple color scheme to it again it's got some
04:43 arm articulation so you can move them back and forth but again like depending
04:46 on how you move those arms will dictate just how stable this guy stands this one
04:50 also doesn't have any leg articulation I thought for a second that this guy
04:53 could move down below but it's only just a case it seems to be able to move his
04:56 arms I love the way they've got the rows of teeth here on the top and on the
04:59 bottom both this one and the one that just happens to be my favorite of the
05:03 three look like something you'd expect to see from a new Ghostbusters movie
05:06 speaking of which we got a new Ghostbusters movie coming I can't wait
05:08 for that but this one is one by far my favorite it does look a little bit like
05:12 a ghost a ghoul something that the Ghostbusters would be busting multiple
05:16 eyes are in the front big long teeth on the bottom the bombs and on the top
05:19 again there is articulation the articulation with this one the neat
05:23 thing is that he has tiny little arms also as well but the arms are attached
05:26 permanently to the rest of the larger forearms so you can only really move
05:29 both of them at the same time by far my favorite though is this one here and
05:33 just the idea that we actually get ourselves tiny little minions such a
05:36 nice touch on McFarlane's part okay I know what you guys want to look at let's
05:40 check out the guns now he has seven different guns surprised that he
05:44 actually got as many as he did surprised in fact they actually got guns in fact
05:48 at all I don't know what the mandate would be when it comes I know certainly
05:51 what the mandate would be for the DC multiverse stuff but I wonder if maybe
05:54 it doesn't apply as much for McFarlane's spawn brand because obviously spawn is
05:57 still doing well when it comes to weapons he has several weapons to wield
06:01 the ones that look a little bit more kind of cartoon or comic book look to
06:05 them as these big bulky guns they're all kind of cast and sort of more of a
06:08 medium gray plastic yes they could have probably have afforded a little bit of
06:11 wash I'm not gonna knock the fact that we actually do finally get ourselves
06:14 some guns with these figures so I can actually use these around with other
06:17 figures I might even just decide to use these with some DC multiverse figures
06:20 now the handles I will say that the handles are the medium size but there's
06:25 a almost like an oversized bulkiness to all these guns now these are the ones
06:29 these are my favorite of the batch that we get but then we also get kind of ones
06:32 a little bit more rooted to earth so like this one here of course all the
06:35 standard size guns I'm not gonna probably start to rhyme off the actual
06:38 models of these guns we got like a shotgun we got like a that's an m16
06:42 this is this is an actual m16 but yeah again like they're all molded here just
06:46 in great plastic we've got ourselves kind of like one of those you know the
06:49 ones that shoot like the grenades out there Arnold Arnold would have had this
06:52 in t2 and then we also got ourselves a traditional Tommy gun which is kind of
06:55 cool as well they're all really neat but I just wish that they could have had a
06:59 little bit of wash to them other than just relying on just the great plastic
07:02 alone some of them of course get the benefit of having some additional brown
07:05 to them like for example a shotgun like for example the Tommy gun but all the
07:08 rest of them really are just kind of relegated to the gray plastic alone now
07:12 because the figure does have gripping hands on both forearms means as well
07:15 that you can actually have the figure displayed with wielding guns obviously
07:18 only has two arms to work with so obviously you're not gonna be able to
07:21 have the figure displayed with multiple guns and the guns hold okay in his hand
07:25 there's sort of a bit of an oversized look to them they don't kind of look the
07:29 most realistic but at least the fact we actually finally get ourselves guns with
07:33 these figures I'm just happy for that again we can kind of go with these as
07:36 well I'm gonna take this one and put this in his hand again this is one of my
07:39 favorites that the figure comes included with and I might just again loan these
07:42 weapons around for other figures on my shelf love the idea that he comes
07:46 included with some firearms finally and move those to the side as well getting
07:50 though now a closer look at King's spawn other than the one thing I did mention
07:54 earlier I kind of wish though the horns were not maybe the coloring of the red
07:57 this spawn sort of does look a little bit like Darth Maul kind of a little bit
08:01 like Darth Maul with the spikes sticking out the top of his head he has more of a
08:04 classic look to spawn other than just the fact that his face now has a visible
08:07 mouth the mouth doesn't open or close or anything like that but it's got some
08:10 really nice detailing done to the tops and the bottoms of the teeth you got some
08:13 nice glowing green eyes there as well all the things you'd expect to see was
08:16 spawn the colors though of his suit aren't the darkest though they kind of
08:20 went to more of a medium or to dark gray rather than a black if you were to say
08:24 compare them to well let's bring in the other spawn that we've already had a
08:26 look at the spawn that got packed along with Batman definitely goes the more
08:30 darker approach of black I kind of wish that maybe the colors were the plastic
08:33 were a little bit darker than what we're actually getting here the gray works
08:36 really well but if they had just turned it down one notch and made it just a
08:39 little bit darker than what it is I think colors like the figures face for
08:42 example would stand a lot more than what it is these horns by the way on the top
08:46 of his head are made of fairly soft plastic so if you were worrying for
08:49 example that these could potentially break stop you're worrying they're not
08:52 gonna break at all of course now I say that somebody's gonna be breaking their
08:54 figure of course he has traditionally looking spawn suit to him the nice
08:58 little belt buckle of the skull there on the front this is all by the way using
09:01 soft soft silver plastic it's attaching from the front if you follow it all the
09:05 way to the back there's also another although smaller skull belt buckle on
09:09 the back of the figures body the texturing on this guy looks really good
09:12 again you've got the more traditional colors of spawn with the lighter white
09:15 you've got some additional red also added in there as well and of course all
09:19 the things you'd expect spawn to have like the little rings of spikes that he
09:22 has on his bicep little gauntlets that he has there as well all have been
09:25 really nicely painted they actually did take the time to go in there and paint
09:27 the spikes sometimes we have gotten spawn figures before where we have
09:31 gauntlets like this and unfortunately none of the things like spikes are
09:34 painted this one actually does get the afforded paint job done to them and
09:38 actually looking at this it kind of looks like the head of a triceratops or
09:41 a dragon just something I did notice got a couple of belt pockets there on the
09:46 side of course every 90s character has to have some belt pockets on their thighs
09:49 or on their biceps spawn just happens to have here on this by on his thighs these
09:53 are softer plastic again and again he's got the big clunky boot down below as
09:56 well so nothing really does change from spawn other than the fact that this one
10:00 does have of course the crown of horns the horns of the crown of horns and also
10:04 again the visible mouth the other thing also this whole time of talking about
10:08 this obviously the very obvious thing is the fact the figure also has the wings
10:11 on the back of the figures body I can't tell if these are the same wings that we
10:14 got with like for example the anti spawn this also may have been also the same
10:18 ones that we got also with the the Batman who laughs ones with wings but I
10:22 think if anything it looks more like the wings that we got with the anti spawn the
10:25 wings are sculpted nicely I mean there's no deep there's no sense in that you can
10:29 actually move these around there is a pose ability point actually on the back
10:32 of his torso we can move the wings up and down this way you can also hinge
10:36 them back to but of course the more you hinge them back the more back heaviness
10:39 you're gonna be essentially giving the figure and the figure is gonna have
10:42 harder time to stand you can lean a little bit further forward but the wings
10:46 are gonna continue to pull this guy back so definitely make use of a display
10:49 stand it's packed with him anyways you might as well use it now for the figures
10:53 articulation the head sculpt is once again to be on a ball joint so it does
10:56 rotate the head all the way around the head looks up about that far and looks
11:00 down quite bit quite a bit down actually and you can also hinge it back and
11:04 forth as well shoulders easily come out 90 degrees even further past 90 degrees
11:08 I didn't know so on this arm of mine at least that's a little on the looser side
11:12 still it rotates all the way around there has a bicep swivel double hinge on
11:16 the elbow and the hand even though this one's a little harder to get because
11:19 underneath the gauntlet does still allow to rotation one thing I did also want to
11:23 mention though while we were talking about the fact that nothing got missed
11:26 here on the top of the gauntlet sadly something did get missed when you look
11:29 at the actual spikes that he has on the tops of his hands no paint was actually
11:33 afforded to that area the figure has an upper torso ball joint a lower torso
11:37 ball joint legs do split out on ratcheted joints you can take those legs
11:41 and move forward move them back a swivel at the top of the thigh double hinge on
11:45 the knee and once again you got that ankle articulation now this foot
11:49 speaking of things that are loose this foot is a little on the looser side it
11:52 does rock back and forth just a little bit and the figure again has toe
11:55 articulation if you want to stick to that side or you want to switch to this
11:58 side the figure also has on this side also toe articulation there as well even
12:02 though he has the clunkier boot it's definitely a figure that does rely on
12:05 the display stand so if you didn't have a display stand luckily one got packed
12:09 along with them you can always pillage the ones for that we get from other
12:12 McFarlane releases that's the benefit really of McFarlane toys is the fact
12:16 that they include display stands even if you don't necessarily need them you
12:19 never know though when you may need them as a figure like you know King Spawn's
12:22 gonna come out like this and be a very back heavy figure as you can see like
12:26 the display stand does really come in handy to keep this guy from falling over
12:29 but even then you're gonna probably have to have this guy with the wings maybe a
12:32 little bit further forward as it sort of does distribute the weight a little bit
12:35 better at the end of the day though really nice figure I do like the
12:38 inclusion as well of the guns let's just get this guy on his display stand I do
12:42 like the inclusion of the guns the fact that we get not one not two but seven of
12:45 these things means that you can also share these around with other figures
12:48 you don't have to necessarily have them always displayed with spawn figures if
12:51 you wanted to you're gonna have them also as well displayed with the DC
12:55 multiverse figures which up to this point most of the figures if not all the
12:59 figures have been sorely lacking in and any ammunition at least we now have the
13:03 benefit of some additional firearms that don't get packed with them but certainly
13:07 could be lent over when we get one like with all the ones that we get here with
13:10 King Spawn banking on not just the one display stand that figure came included
13:14 with I end up just pillaging one I had off to the side here on the studio table
13:17 just to give him a little bit of extra stability speaking of stability what you
13:20 can also do as well with the figure I tend to do with a lot of figures that
13:23 have wings is that if you lean them back like this normally can you give him a
13:26 really interesting looking pose but he can also rest some of the weight on the
13:30 tip of the wing at least on one of the wing and that's more than enough to keep
13:33 this guy from falling over because I really like the pose I've got him in and
13:36 just probably after this review I'm gonna literally carry it over carbon
13:39 copy the way he is looks right now and put him immediately on the shelf I
13:43 certainly will be as well displaying this guy with one or two of the various
13:46 seven guns that the figure comes included with still again can't believe
13:49 the fact that we actually do get ourselves a McFarland release that
13:52 actually does have guns even though again like the DC multiverse stuff is
13:55 really missing the fact that they don't have guns especially for characters that
13:58 are supposed to have them at least you can't borrow off the ones that we get
14:01 here with King Spawn and just lend them off to another figure instead not only
14:05 does he get seven guns but then he also gets three demon minions a nice included
14:09 touch even though the minions don't have a lot of pose ability I was really
14:12 pleasantly surprised to see that not one not two but all three of them actually
14:16 have some mobility in their shoulders unfortunately with some of them though
14:19 like my favorite has to rest on front of his hands so even though he has the
14:23 movement there on the tops of his shoulders you really can't move them
14:26 anyways because the figures are just gonna take a top topple over anyways
14:29 what do you guys don't think of King Spawn overall a nice-looking figure he's
14:33 painted where it counts I mean obviously there's still an opportunity where they
14:36 could have gone in there and painted the spikes on the ends of their arms on the
14:39 ends of his hands the wings are nicely painted I'm sure they probably have used
14:42 these over from above from the anti spawn or the Redeemer but again I think for
14:47 what he is and considering he has as many things as he does and considering
14:51 the fact that the figure has seven different weapons to wield a nice
14:54 release from the folks over at McFarlane toys what do you guys think though of
14:57 King Spawn have you guys had the chance to pick up this one for yourself if you
15:00 have let me know what you guys think of him down below in the comment section a
15:03 big thank you once again to the folks over at McFarlane toys that did provide
15:06 this sample of the brand new spawn King Spawn and his three demon minions
15:10 certainly if you guys did enjoy this video I want to throw it a like if you
15:13 guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and you're on board to
15:16 certainly see more we may be wrapping up things right now for a spawn it's not to
15:19 say that we won't be looking at some more McFarlane reviews in the pipeline
15:23 in fact I keep saying this I keep looking over and I got a stack of stuff
15:27 that we're gonna still be looking at so we're not wrapping up things at all of
15:30 anytime soon for stuff that we're getting from McFarlane's team as always
15:33 guys thanks for watching see you guys next time
15:38 you
15:40 (whooshing)
15:42 (explosion)
