• last year
Frank The Tank


00:03 (tribal drumming music plays)
00:07 (choir sings)
00:20 Fun,
00:30 but he just slept all day.
00:34 The numbers went away.
00:37 Dave started saying, "What the fuck?
00:40 Why is this on our main channel?"
00:43 It could have been the greatest stream in the world.
00:47 He should have done those challenges.
00:55 Except he quit after two minutes.
00:59 Plus he was frustrated.
01:01 I was counting and he was losing his mind.
01:06 Oh, he did it for absolutely nothing.
01:09 (typing)
01:15 (upbeat music plays)
01:18 (upbeat music plays)
01:21 - Where are we, Frank?
01:38 - Well, we're here for a public hearing
01:40 about fare increases for New Jersey transits.
01:43 (crowd chatter)
01:45 - You found your board?
01:50 - Yep.
01:51 - Okay.
01:51 - When you come here and you ask us to pay more,
02:01 pay more for trains that are old and breaking down.
02:06 You come here and ask us to pay more.
02:08 We go to stations like York Penn Station,
02:12 which is falling apart.
02:15 And it's falling apart so much
02:17 that the corporate executives have built themselves
02:20 a $400 million building next door.
02:25 $400 million.
02:26 And also you're asking us to pay for your parking
02:30 at $44,000 a month.
02:33 There's your budget.
02:35 That's where it's coming from.
02:36 You're asking us to pay you guys more.
02:39 You're not paying the engineers.
02:41 They haven't gotten a raise in five years.
02:43 (crowd cheers)
02:44 And you have trains that are falling apart.
02:46 They're older, 40 years old and older.
02:49 And it's unreliable.
02:50 Just yesterday, the whole transit system stopped
02:54 because that bridge was out again.
02:55 And then this guy is saying that this new bridge
02:57 you're building is unsafe.
02:59 And you fire him because he's got concerns.
03:02 We all got concerns about the bridge you're building.
03:05 And then we have no wifi on these trains.
03:08 We have trains that all of a sudden
03:10 have operated unavailability.
03:12 And you ask us to pay more for this.
03:15 Unreliable service, old service, breaking down service.
03:18 And these trains that we ride,
03:20 it looks like they haven't been washed in 30 years.
03:23 The windows are so filled that you can't even see out them.
03:26 And you're asking us to pay more.
03:28 Pay more for this, 15% this year.
03:30 3%, 3%, 3%.
03:32 As he said, it's gonna be, after six years,
03:34 it's gonna be 30%.
03:36 That's a one third increase of already high fares.
03:40 High fares are extremely expensive.
03:43 They need to take away some things like the flex fare.
03:45 Oh, you got time on your tickets.
03:48 You're just taking more and more money from us.
03:51 You're taking blood from the stone.
03:52 But you guys, all you do is get stuff for yourself.
03:55 I mean, I got advice.
03:58 If you are $44,000 to park in Newark, how about this?
04:02 How about you take New Jersey Transit and see what it's like?
04:05 (applause)
04:09 - Thank you, Mr. Fleming.
04:10 - With five to seven years.
04:12 (typing)
04:13 - He's not super fast, and I think maybe that's where it was
04:16 like water and oil a little bit for the play with.
04:18 He still put up good numbers, though.
04:20 What was the fall of the Devils this year?
04:24 It was such hype.
04:25 I'm sure you were excited coming into this year.
04:27 And of course, we've seen a progress to,
04:30 you know, the clips that we've seen of you just destroyed
04:33 where the Devils sit right now.
04:36 - Well, goaltending's been bad.
04:38 Van Den Check last year played above his head.
04:41 And now we see that he's probably one of the worst goalies
04:43 in the NHL.
04:45 And of course, they get Jake Allen,
04:46 who hasn't been good in seven years.
04:48 Meanwhile, they get--
04:51 - Jake Allen was gonna go to Colorado as a two or three,
04:55 just a pure backup.
04:56 And now that's what the Devils are doing,
04:58 to try to save the season.
05:00 - There's no saving the season.
05:02 Season's good, done.
05:03 (keyboard clicking)
05:05 People who take 20 minutes to park
05:08 and find a spot to park in,
05:10 is there backing in and backing out?
05:13 Is there just going in front ways?
05:16 And it slows down everybody?
05:20 (sings)
05:24 You see, he could have pulled in front ways
05:29 and back out at the end of the day.
05:32 But no, he's doing it now,
05:33 because he is a perfect parker.
05:35 He is the Lord of the Park.
05:37 Meanwhile, everyone, four hours later.
05:47 (mumbles)
05:59 You could just pull in front ways,
06:01 or you could do like I'm doing,
06:02 going up to the fourth level,
06:04 where there's a little more space to park.
06:06 - Pain, suffering, misery.
06:12 - Best possible outcome today?
06:22 - I'm a huge fan, I watch all your videos,
06:31 can I please take a picture with you?
06:33 Can we both actually take a selfie with you?
06:35 Take a photo.
06:36 - We have James in the back.
06:41 (mumbles)
06:44 - Frank, do I just look every--
06:45 (beep)
06:47 (coughs)
07:00 (typing)
07:03 (mumbles)
07:06 - Listen, it is delicious.
07:09 I'm so impressed.
07:10 This is crazy.
07:12 I think I'm just gonna quit my Stu Feinig gig.
07:19 Add me in as like a player now,
07:21 every day with you guys,
07:22 I'll somehow come here in the morning,
07:24 vice versa.
07:26 Ryan has so many connections on Long Island,
07:30 too, you should come there.
07:31 We got this quarter of a million dollar TV,
07:33 that we could sit behind and just fucking do podcasts,
07:37 do anything off of, advertise anything you want on this TV.
07:42 And then the room is perfectly with acoustics,
07:46 and then he also sells beautiful furniture and chairs
07:50 and speakers within, right in front of the TV,
07:54 so it's a great place just to hang.
07:56 It's almost like a lounge, it's amazing.
07:59 We can do anything there.
08:01 And the guy loves me,
08:02 and then the guy has a half a million dollar movie theater
08:06 right next door, 16 seats,
08:09 and can plug into any streaming service,
08:13 and you watch a movie theater in almost like a sense around,
08:16 almost like an IMAX.
08:18 Dope.
08:20 We can do anything there.
08:21 And then Ryan's got this 18,000 square foot building,
08:27 that he rented out 10,000 square feet of it,
08:30 and he's got 8,000 upstairs, it's crazy.
08:32 It's state of the art, it's a $15 million building,
08:37 and he's best friends with the owner.
08:39 So we could do anything you want there too,
08:42 if you think of anything, Tank, you know?
08:46 I mean, fuck, it's gotta be something, right?
08:49 What do you think, James?
08:50 - There's always something.
08:52 - I like it.
08:53 - This is the H&R Block guy?
08:56 - Yep.
08:57 - What did he say?
08:58 - And then he's got a call.
08:59 "Hi honey, yeah, I'll be home.
09:01 "Yeah, I got someone who wants to not pay his taxes."
09:05 That's crazy, yeah, that's right.
09:07 I hear you, you're very funny, I'm gonna write,
09:08 and I thank you, thank you, Steven, thank you.
09:11 We should save 99.999% of our money in taxes.
09:17 The only thing we should get is what the government gives us,
09:22 and then we should just be happy to have it,
09:24 and then our very dear politicians
09:27 should live in a life of luxury.
09:29 (crowd cheering)
09:32 (crowd cheering)
09:35 (crowd cheering)
09:37 - Kill the church, kill the church.
10:00 (crowd cheering)
10:03 (crowd cheering)
10:27 (crowd cheering)
10:30 - Dre, killed it, man.
10:39 (crowd cheering)
10:43 (crowd cheering)
10:45 (crowd cheering)
10:48 (crowd cheering)
10:57 (crowd cheering)
11:13 (crowd cheering)
11:16 - You've got a great season, 20 wins.
11:24 We're gonna be dancing, but I want you to do one thing first.
11:27 Let's take the Big East Tournament.
11:29 - You're putting a lot of pressure on me right now.
11:30 (laughing)
11:31 But listen, listen, I'm all about the pressure.
11:33 You know, we're gonna go in there and do our best, trust me.
11:36 - All right, thanks.
11:37 - Great year, fabulous year, so proud of you.
11:40 - Appreciate you guys, thank you.
11:41 (gentle music)
11:43 (gentle music)
11:46 (typing)
11:56 (chattering)
11:58 (chattering)
12:01 (chattering)
12:03 (chattering)
12:05 - Jesus fuck!
12:26 (typing)
12:29 - You going away?
12:32 - Every player, every quarterback that's been behind him
12:34 has had concussions.
12:36 - Yep.
12:38 - Because,
12:41 the team you played on last year
12:47 allowed the most sacks in the season ever.
12:49 (chattering)
12:52 - You know, the other day,
12:56 Thomas Thompson was doing this going,
12:57 "Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:00 "Mama said knock you out."
13:02 - Too fast for me now.
13:03 - Is that an animal?
13:05 - A little animal?
13:06 - Yeah, three Rangers took Jack Hughes,
13:10 like, by the hands like this,
13:11 and started punching him,
13:12 and the other Devils were like,
13:14 and then one of the Rangers went like this,
13:18 right into the Devils' bench,
13:19 and started hitting players on the bench,
13:20 and all the players were like, crying.
13:22 Don't hit me, don't hit me!
13:25 (typing)
13:29 - It's a live look at Devils practice.
13:31 See who it is?
13:40 The other side is Kevin Nasik,
13:42 and here's the Devils defense.
13:45 (typing)
13:48 (chattering)
13:51 (chiming)
14:04 (typing)
14:08 (chattering)
14:14 (chattering)
14:16 - Thanks so much, man, have a good one.
14:20 - No problem.
14:21 (chattering)
14:24 - And here we go.
14:27 (chattering)
14:29 - The world smiles.
14:38 In fact, he's gonna come up with his baby.
14:41 I don't know about Bader.
14:42 It would be a fucking (laughing)
14:45 - Who?
14:46 - Who?
14:47 - Like, pro character.
14:48 (laughing)
14:50 - Who?
14:51 - Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bussey Ginsburg.
14:53 - Who would be better at what?
14:55 - Better hitter than Harrison Bader.
14:57 Yes!
15:00 (clapping)
15:00 - You're providing air conditioning
15:03 with your horrible swinging.
15:04 - You need to stretch your legs.
15:05 (chiming)
15:08 (chiming)
15:10 - Is everybody hungry?
15:15 (clapping)
15:17 - I'll go through the itinerary for next week.
15:23 - Yeah, well.
15:24 - Sopranos.
15:25 - This is, you'll see what is wrong with it.
15:27 It's about child abuse.
15:34 - Okay.
15:35 - And there's a little kid in--
15:37 - I remember you showed me this video before, right?
15:38 - Yeah, that's Jason Surbong.
15:40 - Okay, so that's Jason Surbong.
15:41 - Yes.
15:42 - That's the correlation.
15:43 That's the correlation.
15:44 So, back to the itinerary.
15:45 Los Angeles, the rest of the country,
15:49 should die in a nuclear explosion.
15:51 Aren't not fabulous Los Angeles,
15:53 where the celebrities live and they're better than you,
15:55 and you're just a shitty fool,
15:57 and you should be tracked to death.
15:59 Is that like Los Angeles,
16:01 where the celebrities should have private shits,
16:03 and you should have nothing but shit.
16:06 I'm Joe Davis.
16:08 - Yes!
16:09 - In fabulous Los Angeles.
16:10 I've never seen a rocket launch live.
16:13 (rushing water)
16:16 (rushing water)
16:19 (rushing water)
16:22 (rushing water)
16:32 (rushing water)
16:37 (rushing water)
16:47 (rushing water)
16:49 - I see this rocket.
16:55 I don't see a fucking rocket.
16:56 (laughing)
16:58 - They're lying.
16:59 It's a big fucking conspiracy.
17:01 - I feel like they're normally on time.
17:03 Yeah, they're very schedule oriented.
17:07 Like, 7.04 is pretty specific.
17:09 Go.
17:12 - Am I going?
17:12 - Go to the water.
17:13 Get out of my way.
17:15 - I'm not going over.
17:17 (rushing water)
17:20 (laughing)
17:22 - I see you're angry, Edward.
17:26 - Fuck, me too.
17:28 - Like an old man.
17:30 (rushing water)
17:32 - So if you walk too fast,
17:38 Frank doesn't speed up for you.
17:40 And if you walk too slow, or you stop,
17:42 maybe you break an ankle,
17:44 maybe you have a seizure,
17:45 maybe you're on the ground dying,
17:46 he'll just keep walking.
17:48 - 'Cause all the man does is walk.
17:51 - Frank walk.
17:52 - Friday 10 is, you gotta microwave those,
17:56 mother fuckers.
17:57 They feel mighty cold.
17:59 - I'm eating them cold.
18:01 - Cold, I can never eat them,
18:04 they're sitting right there cold.
18:06 What's this, though?
18:08 - Pot roast.
18:08 - Oh, this I definitely can't eat.
18:14 (beeping)
18:16 - That's third most points to you,
18:30 what position is gonna be the most valuable.
18:33 Baseball, you just gotta go get the best players available.
18:36 I mean, you're gonna have to do this every day,
18:38 you're gonna have players that are valuable and girls.
18:41 (mumbling)
18:43 (mumbling)
18:45 (mumbling)
18:49 (mumbling)
18:51 (mumbling)
18:53 (mumbling)
18:55 (mumbling)
18:57 (mumbling)
19:08 (mumbling)
19:12 (mumbling)
19:17 (mumbling)
19:23 (mumbling)
19:26 (mumbling)
19:28 (mumbling)
19:35 (mumbling)
19:40 (mumbling)
19:44 (mumbling)
19:49 (mumbling)
19:51 - Boy, that escalated quickly.
20:02 I mean, that really got out of hand fast.
20:06 - Whoop-de-doo, yeah.
20:08 No, we didn't want to beat the stars, but you watch.
20:11 No, no one in the devils will get their ass kicked
20:12 by the goddamn motherfucking Arizona coyotes
20:14 in a couple days.
20:17 (upbeat music)
20:20 - Frank, what is that?
20:21 - Let's Go Mets.
20:22 - What is it?
20:23 - The 1986 Mets music video.
20:26 Why did they approve the other one?
20:27 Is it because they ripped off the bears?
20:28 Because it was so bad.
20:29 - Oh, okay.
20:30 And they ripped off the bears.
20:31 - Yeah, probably.
20:33 (upbeat music)
20:35 (laughing)
20:42 - These are in good shape, guys.
20:44 I mean, you can make one of them a short guy.
20:46 (birds chirping)
20:49 - Woo-hoo!
20:56 (engine revving)
20:59 - Look at the five-two in the car!
21:07 (chattering)
21:10 - Just 20 bucks a pop.
21:12 (chattering)
21:14 - Thank you so much.
21:18 (chattering)
21:20 - Yeah, I love the Bulls shirt.
21:29 (chattering)
21:32 (chattering)
21:34 - He's a six-rated prospect.
21:56 - And what's your breakdown?
21:58 - Evil, terrible, awful.
22:01 - Awful?
22:02 (chattering)
22:04 (sighing)
22:23 - This is who the Mets are going to future on.
22:29 (chattering)
22:32 (coughing)
22:42 - Wait, can you get a shot of me filming Frank?
22:49 (cheering)
22:51 - Yeah, is it Daniel Vogel back at that?
22:55 - 23 and he knew it.
22:57 - 23, clear of basement.
22:58 (chattering)
23:01 - The Mets in the next decade will not have a season
23:09 without a score.
23:10 200 pounds.
23:11 That's the hardest season ever hit in the ball.
23:15 (chattering)
23:17 (clapping)
23:22 (upbeat music)
23:26 - Who the Mets weigh on London Bridges?
23:29 (chattering)
23:31 - The ball went over the head of Drew Gilbert.
23:46 (chattering)
23:49 - This is Gussie Baker's son.
23:53 - Oh, nice.
23:54 - How tall is Drew Gilbert, Frank?
23:55 - 5'2".
23:56 - Okay.
23:57 How tall is he actually, 5'7"?
24:01 He's gotta be 5'7", 5'8".
24:03 They're gonna get blown out.
24:09 - A few minutes later.
24:12 (chattering)
24:14 - So far, the first eight batters,
24:23 they've had seven or so now.
24:26 - Standing at the face, looking at, looking at--
24:34 - Number 89, regular Drew Gilbert.
24:37 - The only contact he made was narrow.
24:42 Every 10, eight minutes, none but solid contact.
24:44 No time to have any solid contact.
24:47 (chattering)
24:52 - I'm surprised they didn't say, "Will you sign my arm?"
24:54 I get a lot of arms.
24:55 - Why?
24:56 - Why would you do that?
24:57 - I know, if I got a picture.
24:58 - You gonna amputate it?
25:00 - Oh, someone has to do that jersey.
25:04 - I'm sorry.
25:05 - Oh, no.
25:06 - He's been a Yankee.
25:07 - Just a bad guy.
25:08 (laughing)
25:09 - Just a bad guy.
25:11 - Just a bad guy.
25:12 (chattering)
25:15 (chattering)
25:17 - The line has been rather feeble lately.
25:37 I think we've only scored one run in the last 214 innings.
25:44 - I'm not expecting much today.
25:46 - What?
25:47 - You know, you could, it's better than sucking
25:49 in spring training and better than being too good
25:51 in spring training.
25:52 - Yeah, you know that thing's not on, right?
25:56 - Oh, shit.
25:57 (laughing)
26:00 Sorry, I'm so sorry.
26:02 (laughing)
26:04 - Hey, you're fucking stupid, dude.
26:11 All right, I'm so sorry.
26:14 (chattering)
26:16 (typing)
26:22 (phone ringing)
26:27 (chattering)
26:29 (phone ringing)
26:32 (chattering)
26:34 (chattering)
26:37 (chattering)
26:39 (chattering)
26:42 (chattering)
26:44 (chattering)
26:46 (chattering)
26:49 (chattering)
27:08 (chattering)
27:10 (typing)
27:22 - Go ahead.
27:23 (chattering)
27:36 - And action.
27:37 There's no need to take your glasses off.
27:59 - Frank, fine, you don't gotta take your fucking glasses off.
28:02 But when you bring the body armor,
28:04 show the body armor, I'm looking at a barcode.
28:07 I need to see the body armor.
28:09 Take three.
28:18 Ready, set, and action.
28:26 Action.
28:26 Perfect.
28:49 All right, take three.
28:50 (laughing)
28:55 (airplane engine roaring)
28:58 (chattering)
29:22 - I haven't checked out of a hotel in a decade.
29:24 There's no penalty for not checking out of a hotel.
29:27 They can't charge you anything.
29:30 - In the old days?
29:34 - Yes.
29:36 - Frank, the new day.
29:37 - In the future, you don't have to check
29:41 out of a hotel anymore.
29:43 - Frank, you gonna check out?
29:48 (laughing)
29:51 - No.
29:52 - Of the conversation or the hotel?
29:54 - Both.
29:55 (laughing)
29:57 - Are you kidding me?
30:00 How much do you think Enterprise
30:05 is gonna charge me for that one?
30:07 - They won't know.
30:08 - Okay, cool, sounds good.
30:11 - It's not very good, not very good.
30:14 (chattering)
30:37 (chattering)
30:40 - He has ironclad contract, ironclad.
30:44 He could stab the owner in the heart
30:46 and he'd say, "Keep your job."
30:49 - All right, man.
30:53 - See you around.
30:54 - We'll see you.
30:55 - Chris Spear.
30:57 - C. Boston, happy 3/16 day.
31:00 You know, I think we should be going for a walk.
31:03 Stop a mudpole on the paths as we walk
31:07 or Frank walks, you're inviting.
31:10 - Trash throws, trash throws.
31:19 - We just went to the preseason Met game
31:30 and hopefully the Mets win.
31:32 Got to run into Frank the Tank here and Jenks,
31:35 which I was very excited about.
31:37 And I wanted to point out that it's amazing
31:40 what these guys do.
31:41 I call them the dynamic duo.
31:43 And I just had back surgery about 10 days ago
31:46 and the doctor told me the best thing to do is walk.
31:49 So we figured we'll go walk around the stadium
31:51 and we were seeking out this guy.
31:52 And lo and behold, we found him, my daughter and I.
31:56 And as we were leaving the game,
31:57 these two were going and I offered them a ride
31:59 to their next stop.
32:00 So that's where we're at now.
32:02 And this has been an amazing baseball game.
32:04 - Oh yeah, thanks.
32:05 Thanks, thanks a lot.
32:06 - You guys, you just, you're amazing.
32:08 - Thank you.
32:10 - Thanks for tuning in to Frank in the Wild.
32:13 I hope you enjoyed our Florida ventures.
32:16 There are more ventures to come, so stay tuned.
