Mezco Toyz One:12 Collective A Nightmare On Elm Street Freddy Krueger Figure

  • 5 months ago
Mezco Toyz One:12 Collective A Nightmare On Elm Street Freddy Krueger Figure
00:00 It's one really bad dream, but at 1/12 the size. Here's a relook at the Metsko toys
00:05 and a Mirin Elm Street 1/12 collective Freddy Krueger.
00:27 Whatever you do, don't fall asleep. The 1/12 collective Freddy Krueger figure
00:31 features four head portraits capturing the fearsome expressions of the dream
00:34 demon, including one with a removable face plate that reveals the skull's
00:37 sculpt from the iconic scene where Freddy and Tina have a fatal encounter.
00:41 Freddy is outfitted in his infamous striped sweater and comes complete with
00:44 signature clawed hands and a trash can lid straight from Tina's nightmare.
00:49 Nancy, your boyfriend's on the phone. Just before we get a closer look, a relook if
00:54 you will, at the 1/12 collective Freddy Krueger. I'm gonna grab this of course
00:56 the tape measure and see how tall the figure stands. We have looked at this
00:59 figure before, but like the Jason Voorhees we just recently had a look at,
01:02 apparently you guys want to see this guy reviewed again. Freddy Krueger actually
01:06 stands exactly six inches in height or the figure is about 15 and a half
01:10 centimeters tall. I'm sure not the boys are generally dreaming about, but here's
01:13 what the Freddy Krueger looks like with the just recently relooked at 1/12
01:16 collective Friday 13th part 3 Jason Voorhees. We also did bring this figure
01:20 in from before as well. Here's what he looks like with the Texas Chainsaw
01:23 Masker leather face, also from the 1/12 collective and we had done this as well
01:26 when we looked at Jason Voorhees. I did want to bring in an ultimate release
01:29 from NECA. Here's what he looks like with the Nightmare on Elm Street ultimate
01:32 Freddy Krueger. Because the review of Jason Voorhees is still pretty fresh on
01:36 our minds, then the things that we're about to have a look at may seem quite
01:38 familiar to you. First, Freddy Krueger comes in clear with a display stand.
01:42 Though before it was a shower curtain with Jason's hand reaching through it,
01:44 this time around we have Nancy and then somebody's up there by her pillowcase.
01:48 The Nightmare on Elm Street display stand does look quite good. Still they're
01:51 using of course the same circular stand as what we already got before and of
01:55 course like before it also comes in clear with the adjustable neck. I don't
01:59 again have any plans at all, any purpose in mind to have actually these
02:02 adjustable necks used with displaying of my figures. Usually with all my horror
02:06 figures and really all the 1/12 collective, I usually just tend to put my
02:09 figures on the actual display stand. See there's a peg right there. If you did
02:13 want to use the adjustable neck, say if you wanted to have, I don't know,
02:16 Freddy Krueger maybe floating around in the air in your dreams, what you can do
02:20 is on the bottom of the display stand take the post that's on the bottom of
02:24 the adjustable neck and push all the way through and you'll find it's the easiest
02:28 way to remove the peg. The peg, make sure you don't lose it. I've just got it off
02:32 to the side here. Then you just pop that back out, reverse around the other side.
02:36 Now you got yourself an adjustable neck. Now the adjustable neck adjusts here,
02:39 here, here and here and of course you can also open up the waist clip and then you
02:44 can take yourself your Freddy Krueger and just clip it around his waist. Now
02:50 would anyone display the figure like that? I mean obviously you probably could
02:53 do a little bit better of a job than what I'm doing right now but I'm never
02:56 never gonna use the adjustable neck. Maybe the off time that I might have
03:00 used it maybe with one of my Superman 112 collective figures because I think I
03:03 did have one Superman figure. Yes I think that's correct. But all the other times
03:07 I'm usually just having the figures displayed onto their display stands. So
03:11 of course while showing you guys what this actually looks like, I still want to
03:14 make sure I'm not gonna lose the peg because the peg is the very crucial
03:16 thing of displaying the figure. By the way though on the bottoms of his feet,
03:19 Freddy Krueger does in fact actually have two peg holes on the bottoms of his
03:22 heels and you just plug that onto this display stand. It just looks I think a
03:25 little nicer than this weird looking floating display stand with the
03:28 adjustable neck. I just don't know if I'm a big fan of that. What I am a big fan of
03:32 though is the fact that they all include these 112 collective baggies. These are
03:35 good if you want to keep all your all your accessories stored inside of these
03:39 instead of always having to go back to the boxes. Most of my boxes are always
03:42 usually kept in the basement and they're always usually hard to get to because I
03:46 always have like a stack of them off to the far corner. With the baggies like
03:49 this, they're always easy then just to keep all your accessories in there. You
03:52 could write down below if you want to "Freddy Krueger's accessories" you want
03:57 to just make sure of course your writing isn't big enough that's gonna just
04:00 wander its way off the end of the actual bag but just write down below or you
04:03 could also take yourself a label printer or hey you could also just leave it
04:06 blank. Anyone would know right away I'm sure the accessories inside that would
04:09 belong to Freddy Krueger because of course he does have various different
04:12 burned faces. And seeing again that we just recently looked at Jason
04:16 Voorhees, comparing out the accessories from one figure to the other, you might
04:19 notice though that Freddy comes up a little bit short on extra things.
04:22 Although he does benefit from having now extra heads, Jason only had one, Freddy
04:26 has a total of four. Just before we actually look at those extra heads, the
04:30 figure comes in clear with his trash can. The trash can looks to be molded here I'm
04:34 guessing in silver plastic as you can see on the bottom there and then they
04:37 just brushed across it a darker coloring of gray maybe like a gunmetal gray just
04:41 again and give it a little bit more wear and tear. It doesn't really serve much of
04:44 a purpose. You know to look at something like this and then realize something
04:48 that was omitted. I do kind of wish in a way that they could have included the
04:51 telephone that Nancy's talking on that has a little tongue sticking out. Why
04:54 would they have not included that and yet they include the trash can. Something
04:58 else that goes along with the trash can, one thing that unfortunately is omitted
05:01 here with Freddy Krueger and I could understand why they omitted it was the
05:04 extendable arms. It would probably just be a little bit harder of course because
05:07 the characters contained already in a sewn up sweater. It would just be very
05:11 impossible I would imagine just to try to get in there to remove those arms and
05:14 get the longer arms in there. Maybe a future release? Being the fact of how old
05:18 this figure is, I don't think a future release is going to be part of the
05:21 discussion. What we could though discuss is the fact the figure comes in clue
05:24 with a couple of swappable hands. Now he has a relaxed hand on this side, he has
05:28 the relaxed glove on the other, but he also has a closed fist for no reasons. I
05:32 have no idea why they would have included a closed fist. Like what would
05:36 be the choices on Mezco's part? Let's include a closed fist with Freddy
05:39 Krueger. What purpose would it serve? I guess if he's angry at the kids for
05:43 leaving the dreams, I mean he could be flailing his fist. He also comes included
05:47 as well with another relaxed hand. The relaxed hand again only goes on this
05:50 side, but because he already has one on this side that really isn't when you're
05:54 looking at the two that much different really. It doesn't make any sense at all
05:57 why would they give you a secondary hand that's doing basically the exact same
06:01 job. This hand at least does the job of doing something different. This is of
06:05 course the one that he starts to slice off his tiny little piggies. Is this
06:08 little piggy that went to the market? This little piggy stayed home? No this is
06:11 the one that stayed home. This is the one that went wee wee wee. Apparently he went
06:15 wee wee wee squirting out the side there. All the ooze of the green is oozing out
06:19 the end of the finger or what's left of it at least. This does then just replace
06:23 with this hand right here. He does also have a swappable hand that then replaces
06:27 out with the relaxed hand. I just want to show you guys first what the glove looks
06:30 like. This is the relaxed glove. Looks really fantastic. I love the way they've
06:34 actually painted the gold on there as well as the more darker dingier looking
06:38 brown, but he does also come with one other glove which I think had a problem
06:41 when the first time I had a look at this figure is this hand right here. First of
06:45 all it has a pointing finger while all the other hands are basically all the
06:48 other fingers are all bent back like this. This one blade right here is off. I
06:53 would have said it's broken and I probably would be right by
06:57 saying that, but you could still take the blade in the end of the finger and put
07:01 it back in that hole. Does that still make it broken? Yes I think it still
07:05 still makes it broken. I still have yet to actually glue this and every single
07:09 time I look at this hand I keep saying the same thing. You know you got to get
07:12 around to gluing this thing. I'm sure I'm gonna get around to gluing this right
07:15 after this review. And again this hand just swaps out with this hand right here.
07:19 You want to see it? Okay we'll see it. Just go ahead and remove the hand and while
07:23 you're removing the hand carefully first of all you'll notice that the end of the
07:27 glove still stays behind. This with a little bit of pressure and persistence
07:31 on your part you probably could just pop that right off. Just leave it be. Leave it
07:34 be. Now I don't know what caused the breakage the first time around. Maybe I
07:38 was putting too much pressure against the glove. But you want to just kind of
07:41 wiggle it on to the provided post. Just pop it on like that. It doesn't help
07:46 matters at all that the post is so small. That's really difficult not to put
07:51 pressure against those blades to get the glove to stay in place. And if I can
07:55 actually get it on there... why am I now having problems doing this? Of course
08:00 while the camera is rolling let's just go ahead and pop this back on. This just
08:05 wiggles on to the provided post like I said. It just pops in place. Do I have it
08:08 in place? I hope I have it in place. And then from there we can go ahead and just
08:12 put the blade back in. I'm sure this is what caused this problem of having the
08:15 hand fall off. See there the hands falling off. We'll just... you know what we'll leave
08:18 it off for right now because I know there's a whole lot of problems ahead of
08:21 me if I don't potentially break the extra blades on the actual hand. So let's
08:25 just put the relaxed hand back in place because I know of the two that's the
08:29 easiest one to stay in place. There we go. I'm just gonna put that off to the side
08:32 with the promise. I gotta write this down somewhere. Fix Freddy's glove. I'm just
08:37 actually writing it down. I'm not really writing it down. I'm just kind of
08:40 retaining in my memory. I'm sure I will still forget. Putting the
08:44 figure down here that he also comes included again a couple of swappable
08:47 hands, swappable head sculpts. We'll just get him to stand here right now. The
08:50 figure also comes included with a fedora. The fedora looks okay on its own but
08:54 then the moment you decide to put it on Freddy's face, Freddy's head, it kind of
08:58 looks a little off-sized. It looks a little, I don't know, misshapen. Now I know
09:04 obviously the original fedora on the Nightmare 1 Freddy would have looked a
09:07 little like this but I think like there's something to be off about the
09:10 sizing here. I don't know if it's just this part's too thick, this part's too
09:13 narrow. I don't feel it really looks accurately to the size. Maybe it does
09:17 doesn't look as bad from the side of the character but looking at it
09:20 straightforward, it kind of looks like the fedora is kind of misshapen. Am I the
09:23 only one that's thinking that? By the way, I did
09:26 default this guy to start with a smiling face. I'm just going to remove the
09:30 fedora right now. All of the head sculpts are actually by the way attached to the
09:33 neck so when you are removing any one of the heads, you're also removing the neck
09:36 that goes along with it. Each one of the head sculpts very nicely painted. While
09:42 maybe being a little underwhelmed by the way they've actually handled the sweater,
09:45 I will say like the head sculpts, all of them, all of them are really really quite
09:49 good. Now there's a couple of different heads to choose from. There's a neutral
09:51 expression. I think this is the one that kind of starts things off when you first
09:54 get this guy out of his packaging. Basically just a neutral expression
09:57 Freddy. The scars are placed about the same places and they're all nicely done
10:01 here. All the gashed wounds there. Look how dark red they are. Very nicely painted.
10:05 But you got this defaulted head. You also have this one here which is a slightly
10:10 more grimaced expression for Freddy. This one's also a really good-looking head
10:14 sculpt and then there's this one too which I was really nice to see that they
10:17 actually included. It's the skull face. To remove the heads by the way it's just a
10:21 case of popping off the neck, making sure of course the neck goes along with it.
10:24 And you'll notice there's quite a long provided post there and that's actually
10:27 sitting inside the socket. Then go ahead and just take the head that you want to
10:30 use, pop that on top of the ball joint. Nice little satisfying snap. The benefit
10:35 of this one is not only the fact he does have a ghoulish looking skeletal face,
10:38 but it also has a face that goes over top of it. The face will not convince
10:43 anybody that that looks realistically like Freddy. I mean it's not like you
10:46 could really display this guy on the shelf all the time looking like this.
10:48 Someone's gonna come downstairs and gonna say "wait what's what's wrong with
10:52 your Freddy?" By the way it does still still gives you the chance to kind of
10:55 put the fedora on his head, but it looks like Freddy is trying to change the cat
10:58 litter box. Looks a little strange doesn't it? But the benefit of this one
11:04 is the fact that that the face plate does actually remove and it stays in
11:08 pretty good too. Here's what the inside of the face actually looks like. It's
11:11 frictions, it's not magnetized or anything like that, but it stays really
11:15 well in place. It just looks extremely silly on Freddy when you have to figure
11:18 displayed with this all the time. Probably would just imagine having the
11:22 figure displayed with the skeletal face or again like of the ones that I have
11:25 the head sculpts I think my favorite is probably yeah again like the smiling
11:29 Freddy face. Let's just go ahead and pop that off. So I did say like the head
11:33 sculpts were all good on them and that the sweater is a little underwhelming.
11:36 The problem with the sweater though is the fact that they had to print the
11:38 stripes on there. Now they could have gone also the route of what NECA does
11:42 with the retro cloth figures and actually sewn on the actual stripes to
11:46 the sweater. Unfortunately though what goes with most retro cloth figures from
11:49 NECA toys is the fact that the sweaters tend to look really puffy. This sweater
11:53 actually looks a little bit better and more conformed to the shape of Freddy's
11:56 body. It's a much smaller sweater but unfortunately in order to get the
12:00 stripes what they ended up having to do is they had to print the stripes on by
12:03 probably like a printing press. It does sort of look artificial. It doesn't look
12:07 like actually naturally striped sweater that you would sew by hand. It just
12:12 looks like someone took a bit of green paint and just striped it across the
12:15 sweater. Being that this is also Nightmare 1 Freddy, you'll notice that
12:18 he doesn't have the stripes on his sleeves here. He just has the regular red
12:21 sleeves. The sweater looks good as well as the pants. I just don't still like the
12:25 idea that they actually had to print on the stripes because it just looks a
12:28 little artificial. The pants themselves are a little bit more in a brown. Of
12:31 course when you lift up the pant legs down below, kind of similar to actually
12:35 Jason Voorhees. Normally you'd expect to see shoes and just above that whatever
12:39 you know like socks. I don't think Freddy's actually still wearing socks
12:41 but this actually he has boots so you can see the way that the boots are
12:45 sculpted gives him some decent articulation which we'll talk about
12:48 right now. Okay so for the figures articulation, the head sculpt is going to
12:53 be on a ball joint but again being that it's attached all as one piece, there's no
12:57 ball joint here on the neck separately from the head so all everything is all
13:01 collectively going together. It does look down and up back and forth and of course
13:05 you can also rotate the head all the way around. Arms come out at 90 degrees. You
13:08 can take those arms and rotate them all the way around. Normally you'd be able to
13:11 rotate them all the way around. Obviously just with the sweater bunching up like
13:14 this you're not gonna be able to get a full 360 rotation but you can still move
13:18 it forward and back. The figure has a swivel in the bicep, double hinge on the
13:21 elbow and the hands do rotate all the way around. Oh there goes Freddy's glove.
13:25 Writing that down is something else I'm gonna have to do before the end of this
13:28 review. Upper torso is on a ball joint. Something always gets claimed by the
13:32 floor. Lower torso ball joint. The legs do split on Freddy. There's a swivel at the
13:37 top of the thigh, double hinge on the knee and then there's the articulation
13:41 here down below with the boots. Back and forth and back and forth and rocking
13:44 back and forth this way as well and of course I already mentioned the figure
13:46 does have pegs on the undersides of his feet overlooking the fact that he is now
13:50 missing one hand. It's a nice-looking Freddy. I like the head sculpts. I think
13:54 all the head sculpts are really good. I mean some of them work a little bit
13:55 better than others and of course when it comes to displaying this guy I like to
13:58 display him with all my other horror 112 collective figures. So just recently had
14:02 a look at Jason Voorhees. Might as well just bring him back. There is definitely
14:05 also a size difference between the two. Freddy is notably shorter than Jason as
14:09 it really should be but while Jason did have a lot more accessory count when the
14:12 way when it comes to weapons that he can wield, Freddy doesn't have as much of
14:15 that but he does have a lot more of it when it comes to interchangeable head
14:18 sculpts. I do kind of wish in a way that they could have still included tiny
14:21 little telephone. Even if it wasn't an accessory I was ever really gonna
14:24 display with the figure, the telephone with the tongue is just something as I
14:27 got as iconic. Maybe much more iconic than the actual trash can lid. I just
14:32 don't know why they wouldn't have included it. The Freddy does have a few
14:35 little problems like they already mentioned the fact that the hand does
14:37 have the one problematic little pointing finger. I'm marking it down on my list of
14:41 things to do. Don't worry I will glue it but yeah nice looking Freddy overall and
14:45 of course the finishing up the touches of it just adding the fedora on the end
14:48 of his head on the top of his head. I do like the look of this figure but the
14:51 likelihood that we are gonna be getting any other Freddy's I mean I would
14:54 imagine that 112 collective they've done one figure and that seems to be enough
14:58 for them. They've only done one Jason, they've only done one Leatherface, they've
15:01 only done one Michael Myers. I would imagine the case would probably be still
15:05 the same when it comes to Freddy Krueger. I don't think we're gonna ever gonna get
15:07 any others. I would love to have seen if they could have done maybe a Dream
15:11 Warriors Freddy something where they could have incorporated the stripes on
15:14 sleeves. I would imagine the stripes by the time of progression of course making
15:17 the figures a little bit better than the ones from before. I would hope that the
15:20 striping on the sweater would have been a little bit better if they had done
15:23 another Freddy because that's one of the only things I feel is a stumbling block
15:26 for this Freddy. It's just the way they print the stripes on his sweater not
15:29 liking the look of that at all. Well I did have two goals today and I completed
15:33 both. The first one was I found the glove that was actually on the floor that was
15:36 easy enough to find. The more important goal, the one that had been postponing
15:40 this whole time, was I finally fixed the finger on Freddy's other glove. I just
15:44 took a little bit of glue. I mean obviously I don't really always want to
15:46 rely on glue but being the fact that that's always gonna be a problem and if
15:49 I only just put it back in the bag I know every single time I go back to that
15:52 glove I'm gonna be like "why didn't you just get around actually gluing that
15:56 finger?" I said "no, no I'm actually gonna do it this time around so now the hand
16:00 is finally fixed." For all that work that I actually put into it it's probably not
16:03 the hand I'm gonna be choosing anyways. Up to this point and still probably I'm
16:08 gonna continue to have the figure displayed with a relaxed glove hand
16:10 because I think it really gives the chance to also show all the paintwork
16:13 that they put into this piece. Not only in Freddy's glove but all the four
16:17 different interchangeable head sculpts that he comes included with as well. I'm
16:20 choosing right now the smiling face but there's a lot of other worthy contenders
16:24 when it comes to displaying this figure. Probably not going to display him though
16:26 with a skull face even though I like the idea that he actually has the peel away
16:30 face that goes over top of it. Realistically it looks a little out of
16:33 place. It looks jank and anyone putting that on displays their defaulted Freddy
16:38 I'm sorry to hear that that's the way you decide to choose your display in
16:41 your figures. Freddy does look good on the shelf he's obviously a little bit
16:44 smaller than some of the other 112 collective figures but they put just as
16:47 much time just as much effort just as much paint in this figure. Unfortunately
16:51 though the one part they decide to paint on him was actually the stripes on the
16:54 sweater. It's the one thing that still continues to look out of place on Freddy.
16:58 I know obviously the alternative of that is that they would have to have sewn
17:02 individual pieces of fabric together and it just would have looked awkward as
17:06 well. It would have also looked jank so what they decided to do instead the
17:10 simpler route I suppose was that they just painted the stripes onto the
17:13 sweater and I gotta say just it looks fake and if that's the goal that they
17:17 had in mind mission accomplished. What do you guys think of the 112
17:21 collective Freddy Krueger? Have you guys had the chance to pick up this figure? I
17:24 know like the Jason Voorhees we've already had a look at he's a little on
17:27 the older side. Checking online by the way because I did I'm sure anyone who
17:30 was asking what's the price of what this guy's going for right now thought ahead
17:33 of that I actually looked online I think this guy's going for like right 160 to
17:37 180 unless you can't find this guy a cheaper price or you never know you
17:41 might be able to stumble into a local comic book store and they just happen to
17:44 have one sitting on the shelf. I have no such luck but I am glad at least
17:48 I did hold on to this guy. The only the only again 112 collective figure that
17:52 I've actually gotten rid of is the 1978 Michael Myers. I'm still trying to track
17:56 one down I'm looking online as we speak well not literally as we speak because
18:00 we're talking together right now but as we're checking around as I'm looking
18:03 around I can find one for about a hundred and forty dollars and that's
18:06 still sealed I think that's a pretty good price do you think that's a good
18:09 good price let me know. In the meantime guys if you guys did enjoy this
18:14 video here I am thinking of 78 Michael Myers if you guys did enjoy this video
18:17 why not throw it a like if you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing
18:20 and you certainly do want to stick around for more we may not have I mean
18:23 we've kind of covered off most of the territory on 112 collective at least
18:26 of the horror variety. I just recently announced by the way is Mezco is gonna
18:29 be doing a 112 collective ghost face yes very excited for that one I don't think
18:34 a pre-orders up yet for him but the moment there is one I'm definitely gonna
18:37 be getting one in because I definitely want to get my hands on that 112
18:40 collective ghost face other than that though I don't think there's not not
18:42 much in the way of 112 collective horror but I'm always keeping my eyes open
18:46 believe you me definitely gonna still be having more videos on the way guys if in
18:50 the meantime you guys want to go back and look at my other 112 collective
18:52 reviews popping up at the very end of this video will in fact be a playlist of
18:55 all the other 112 collective stuff I've done from Mezco toys and hey why not I
18:59 might be a little bit generous I might just throw up on there as well a
19:02 playlist for other things I've looked at from Mezco as well more videos coming
19:05 your way guys as always so it's thanks for always watching and I'll see you
19:09 guys next time
19:11 you
19:14 you
