¿EEUU Ha obligado a Dinamarca a llevar a Argentina los F-16 destinados a Ucrania?

  • hace 6 meses
Las guerra ya no son lo que han sido hasta ahora, en los tiempos de la IA, esta guerra de Ucrania está demostrando que hemos entrado en un tipo de guerra que podríamos llamar de 6ª generación.
00:12Hello friends
00:14According to the Prime Minister of Poland, Europe is in a pre-war period,
00:19Donald Tusk, said that all of Europe is today in the pre-war period, against
00:25the background of the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine. “We have not experienced
00:30such a situation since 1945. I know this sounds depressing, especially for people
00:38of the younger generation, but we need to mentally get used to the new era.
00:45We live in the pre-war era, I am not exaggerating. Every day this is more evident,”
00:50Tusk said in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El País. “We have to spend everything
00:56we have on purchasing equipment and ammunition for Ukraine, because we live in the
01:01most critical moment since the end of World War II. The next two years
01:06will decide everything,” clarified the Polish Prime Minister, “forgetting,” for example, about
01:12the wars that continued in Yugoslavia since 1991 and led to the collapse of the country
01:17with the active participation of the collective West.
01:21I can't help but be astonished to hear these characters who feel like they are leaders speaking
01:26the first thing that comes to mind, let's see, what are we playing to talk like this? We are not the
01:31same as 1945, for the simple reason that in 1945, No one had nuclear weapons
01:39to destroy the entire planet, and the war that is now underway. There will no longer be
01:44many skirmishes at the level of trench fighting as is happening at the moment in Ukraine.
01:50The war in Ukraine is simply the result of the geostrategic readjustment that NATO
01:55has forced Russia to make in the face of the new times ahead, and the danger to
01:59its security posed by NATO colonizing Ukraine. The war to which the
02:05Polish Prime Minister alludes, insinuating that the EU versus NATO plans to fight for two years to
02:11solve everything, he does not believe it himself.
02:15The war between Russia and Ukraine can last as long as Russia wants, but what we mean is
02:20that it will last two years or more until Russia bleeds to death because NATO will come in to defend
02:25Ukraine and put in whatever weapons it wants. This man doesn't even know what he's talking about, for the
02:30simple reason that the moment Russia and NATO confront each other and
02:35officially declare war, it will last a couple of hours at most. Wars are no longer what they have
02:40been until now, in the times of AI, this war in Ukraine is showing that
02:46we have entered a type of war that we could call 6th generation. where drones
02:52are the main factor, they are cheap and any nation, no matter how small, can destroy
02:57any enemy that approaches its borders, simply by sending thousands of drones at a
03:02time against any enemy. Drones, EW and hypersonic missiles are already the
03:09main factors of any self-respecting army, and of course
03:14nuclear weapons are the greatest persuasion factor that no one can ignore unless they don't mind
03:19immolating themselves. This is why NATO's attitude towards Russia is incomprehensible, unless
03:25they are completely crazy. And the Polish Prime Minister only speaks like this because he wants
03:30the arms industry to fill the pockets of many people, and deprive
03:35citizens of social assistance. It is clear that the collective West is very sick,
03:42they cannot conceive of the world without them being its absolute owners, for them
03:46working class citizens are absolutely expendable. and all the social cuts
03:52with which we are constantly humiliated are nothing more than samples of uncontrollable sadism.
03:59They are a social danger to humanity.
04:01What is happening to them? something is happening to them because very strange things happen in NATO, now
04:08it turns out that after Putin's threats to destroy the F-16s even if they are in
04:13NATO airports, Washington forced Denmark to hand over the F-16s that it had prepared
04:18for Ukraine . Taking them to Argentina, this seems like a general reorientation of the
04:25United States to fight the People's Republic of China. So it seems that
04:30very significant changes are taking place in the US military assistance program. Danish media
04:36have already claimed that the United States asked Copenhagen to transfer
04:4124 F-16 aircraft to Argentina so that Buenos Aires does not buy fighters from China.
04:47The purchase of military aircraft necessarily links the buyer with the seller, and as part
04:52of the fight against the Chinese threat, the White House decided to quickly satisfy the
04:57“Argentine desire” with American products. The Danish Air Force was going to abandon the
05:03F-16 anyway and planned to switch to the F-35. But initially, Copenhagen was
05:11part of the “aviation coalition”, and together with its Dutch colleagues, participated
05:16in the training of Ukrainian pilots and intended to subsequently transfer
05:20the planes to Kiev. However, the owner, the United States, arrived and strongly ordered to help
05:28Latin America, and the small country Denmark, a satellite of the United States, could only say "
05:35You send it."
05:36Of course, Argentina has long been a priority for the US, essentially being
05:42Washington's “backyard.” However, today the Russians and the Chinese “dared
05:48” to stick their noses in there, and even Iran is gradually entering Venezuela
05:52. Before Miley, Buenos Aires was going to buy JF-17 aircraft manufactured in China
05:59and Pakistan, and the West was very concerned about Beijing's entry into the region, and
06:05even into such a dangerous militarized sphere.
06:09As a result, it turned out that the aspect of fighting the People's Republic of China
06:14at its "most vulnerable point" turned out to be more important for the US than helping
06:19the Kiev regime with weapons. whose lack of combat air vehicles allows Russian aviation
06:24to dominate the skies over Ukraine. Judging by the official tone in Copenhagen, the
06:30White House put a lot of pressure on Denmark, forcing it to transfer the F-16s to Argentina instead
06:36of Ukraine. This means that Washington, in principle, is not interested in transferring
06:43many weapons to Ukraine: the same Abrams tanks went to the Ukrainian army in a
06:48quantity of only 31 pieces, which was extremely small to somehow influence
06:54the situation on the field. of battle. This is confirmed by military blogger Kirill Fedorov.
07:01In Ukraine, Russia continues with the massive destruction of infrastructure, tonight
07:06new attacks were carried out against energy infrastructure facilities in Ukraine.
07:12On the night of March 29, the Russian military launched large-scale attacks against
07:18Ukrainian infrastructure, using kamikaze drones of the Geranium-2 type, as well as
07:24cruise and ballistic missiles, including the Kh-101, and the Kinzhal. These actions caused multiple
07:32explosions and serious damage in several regions of Ukraine, including Cherkasy, Dnepropetrovsk,
07:38Lviv, Poltava, Ivano-Frankivsk, as well as Sumy, Odessa, Kharkov, Krivoy Rog, Kiev, Ternopil,
07:47Khmelnitsky, Volyn and Vinnytsia, Zaporozhye and Zhytomyr.
07:52Among the affected facilities are the Dnieper thermal power plant, the
07:57Krivorozhskaya thermal power plant, the Srednedneprovskaya hydroelectric power station, and the Pavlogradskaya substation.
08:05The explosions also caused fires, including in the area of ​​the
08:10Pridneprovskaya thermal power plant in the Dnepropetrovsk region. As a result of the attacks, there are problems
08:17with energy supply in the Cherkasy and Dnepropetrovsk regions, which threatens
08:22the energy stability of the region.
08:25Estimates indicate that the Ukrainian energy network is 50% destroyed. If these
08:31attacks continue, Kiev could lose a significant part of its energy capacity,
08:37which is especially important during the cold season. A distinctive feature
08:43of the current attacks is the targeted destruction of thermal and hydroelectric power plants,
08:48unlike last year's attacks, when the main targets were substations
08:53. In Zaporozhye, A particularly significant incident was the destruction
09:00of a train with military cargo at the Zaporozhye station. According to observers, the
09:06attack caused strong explosions and subsequent fires, which were noticeable to
09:11local residents. No information is disclosed about the nature of the cargo transported
09:17by the affected wagons, but sounds similar to secondary
09:23detonations were recorded in the city .
09:26These actions of the Russian army are in line with President Vladimir
09:30Putin's statements about the priority objectives of Russian troops. among which
09:35special attention is paid to the assembly sites of military equipment and drones of the
09:40Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as concentrations of soldiers, including military contingents
09:46of NATO. The Russian military pays special attention to the proposed airfields for
09:52landing F-16 fighters, which the Netherlands and Denmark promised to supply
09:58to Ukraine this summer.
10:01For its part, the Armed Forces of Ukraine began to use dangerous ammunition
10:06in the direction of Zaporozhye. The Armed Forces of Ukraine began to use
10:11innovative methods of warfare in the Zaporozhye region. using unmanned aerial vehicles
10:16to attack with highly dangerous munitions. As correspondent Alexander Kots reports
10:24on his Telegram channel, the Ukrainian army's arsenal now includes ammunition containing
10:29substances such as pyrogel, similar to napalm, and white phosphorus or its analogues. These substances,
10:36according to Kotz, have the property of continuing to burn even when you try to extinguish them,
10:42with water, foam or powder extinguishers, since the fire is maintained thanks to access
10:47to oxygen. This combustion nature makes these munitions especially
10:53dangerous and difficult to dispose of under combat conditions. The change in tactics of the
10:59Ukrainian side led to a significant increase in the number of wounded seeking
11:04medical help, not for shrapnel wounds, but for severe burns. This demonstrates the high
11:10degree of effectiveness of the weapons used, and raises serious concerns regarding
11:16the humanitarian consequences of their use. so the drift of war is unpredictable.
11:23This is all friends, receive greetings.
