Rusia advierte a EEUU y a la OTAN para que dejen de acosar y amenazar nuclearmente a Corea del Norte

  • hace 6 meses
Tras el llamamiento oficial de la embajada de Kazajistán, a “abandonar urgentemente las regiones de Odessa y Jarkov”, los ciudadanos chinos comenzaron a recibir “fuertes recomendaciones” similares de sus empleadores
00:12Hello friends
00:14As German opposition leader Friedrich Merz said in Welt newspaper, The
00:19danger of Ukraine losing the war is increasing, the official said he was
00:24watching developments in Ukraine with "increasing concern." "Russia has put
00:31its entire economy on a war footing and produces weapons and ammunition in volumes that
00:35significantly exceed its current needs. This means that Russia is
00:42massively rearming much more than it uses in the war against Ukraine," he noted. I certainly
00:48don't know what they intend to achieve with these types of statements, it turns out that Europe
00:53is fully immersed in the third world war against Russia.
00:58and this man says that Ukraine is in danger of losing the war, incredible. and although
01:03the arguments he says are childish, they follow the same direction as all those responsible
01:09for the EU, by saying that Russia produces more weapons than it would need for the operation
01:14in Ukraine. He is saying that the EU has to do the same with the military industry
01:20as the rest of the EU leaders, echoing what we saw in yesterday's video. It also
01:26wants to tell us that since Russia has put its economy on a war footing, and manufactures more
01:30than what it needs for Ukraine, that means that after Ukraine it will go after
01:35Berlin. Damn the way things are going, why hasn't it occurred to you to say the metaphor
01:41in reverse? That from the Russian side they think that since NATO has completely surrounded Russia
01:46on its own borders, it is because they want to go after Moscow. you have to screw yourself. Anyway.
01:54The fact is that the war has entered into a dynamic of war without contemplations, this
01:59is already observed in many places, Russia has destroyed 50% of the
02:05electrical infrastructure in a few days and it continues at that pace. Technicians say that the
02:10electrical system could collapse completely, something that would indicate that the offensive will not stop until Russia achieves
02:15that security zone that Putin spoke of. and this seems to be seen even in China, because
02:21after Kazakhstan, Chinese businessmen also asked employees to leave
02:26Kharkov and Odessa. Following the official call from the
02:30Kazakh embassy to “urgently leave the Odessa and Kharkov regions”, Chinese citizens
02:36began to receive similar “strong recommendations” from their employers. Ukrainians
02:42who collaborate with the Chinese on agricultural projects write about this in various
02:47chats such as that of the authors of the Navodka project report on Telegram.
02:51Chinese businessmen reported that they are leaving Odessa for three months. But the offices and a dozen
02:58people will continue to work," the message says.
03:02At the same time, the official representatives of the Chinese Embassy at the time of writing
03:08the news did not give any response or statement about the situation. In turn,
03:14a A top manager at one of the largest IT companies in Moscow
03:19told Pravda.Ru that “there was no statement from the government about the need to evacuate
03:24from Odessa and Kharkov.” He stated that “employers, logically, can ask to
03:30his subordinates to leave a dangerous place," and added that he himself would "evacuate
03:35staff from Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev, and possibly Kiev." It was also learned that Kazakhstan
03:42officially transferred most of the embassy staff in Poland to Poland. Kiev.
03:48The reason is security issues and "the need for stable operation of
03:52the mission." This can only indicate that the war is going to escalate to the limit.
03:57In addition, according to journalists from the American military magazine Military Watch,
04:04yesterday Russia carried out a warning to the US and NATO to stop harassing and threatening
04:09the DPRK. and warned NATO members against nuclear intimidation of
04:17North Korea. Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia,
04:24on March 28 warned the United States and other NATO member states against
04:28continued military intimidation of North Korea, in particular against the threat
04:33of the use of its nuclear weapons.
04:37Vasily Nebenzia said that it is "Of particular concern the increasingly
04:41open participation of Washington's nuclear potential in NATO maneuvers. This dangerous
04:47development of events in the region affects core security interests
04:52Russia's national security," Nebenzia said. Emphasizing that Washington and other
04:58NATO member states "located tens of thousands of kilometers from North Korea," are
05:03rapidly militarizing the region surrounding the country. "In this context, it is clear that In
05:09recent years, sanctions have not contributed to achieving the objectives set by the
05:14international community, and have not led to the normalization of the situation on the peninsula. “This situation
05:21is not conducive to dialogue, especially after Washington demonstrated dishonesty
05:26in front of the entire world,” Vasily Nebenzia added.
05:30The Russian official's criticism of the Western bloc's policies towards its
05:35East Asian neighbor comes after Moscow blocked a
05:41sanctions resolution drafted by the United States on March 28. intended to further intensify
05:46Western efforts to wage economic war against the country. It also follows a
05:52significant expansion of the US military presence in East Asia and
05:57smaller but still significant expansions by other NATO members. North Korea
06:03has a long history of strong support for states waging war against
06:07NATO members. or to its security partners, from Cuba and Vietnam, which received significant support
06:14in the 1950s and 1960s, to Iran, Syria, and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.
06:22They remain dependent on Korean support, from tunnel networks to ballistic missile technology
06:27, in their ongoing confrontation with the United States and European
06:32NATO members
06:34. By the way, speaking about the DPRK, Russian transport planes began to fly to
06:42the DPRK with transponders turned off, in the context of strengthening
06:49relations between Moscow and Pyongyang. A significant increase in bilateral transport
06:54connections is observed . According to information published by NK News, a Russian An-124 transport plane
07:01made a trip to North Korea and arrived at the airport in the
07:06DPRK capital late at night. The peculiarity of this flight was that the transponder was
07:15turned off during the flight, which aroused certain suspicions. since the United States
07:20had already expressed concern about possible shipments of ballistic missiles from the DPRK
07:28to Russia aboard aircraft of this type.
07:31Furthermore, the intensification of air transport between both countries is complemented
07:36by the growth of rail traffic. This became evident after the visit
07:40of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un to Russia in September last year. when
07:46regular flights of the Russian Il-76 transport aircraft were detected
07:52, and information about flights of similar North Korean aircraft appeared. North Korea's
07:57recent ballistic testing activity is also of interest. Shortly after the An-124 arrived in Pyongyang,
08:04Kim Jong-un tested a ballistic missile as well as a multiple launch
08:09rocket system. Although these types of weapons have not yet been detected in the zone of
08:14Russia's special military operation, the publication reports that Russia has identified the use of
08:19another North Korean development: the Hwasong-11 series of ballistic missiles.
08:26In addition to all this, this war has many fronts, and as important as the economy,
08:31and based on this, Russia wants to create a BRICS grain exchange, the consequences of which
08:37will be felt by the entire world. The BRICS grain exchange is a new strategic step
08:43for the global south and for Russia, which can take a strategic step by initiating the creation
08:48of a grain exchange within the framework of the BRICS. If the project is implemented, the impact
08:54on the global agricultural market will be serious, according to the Chinese newspaper South China
08:59Morning Post of Hong Kong.
09:02This initiative demonstrates Russia's desire to change the current grain pricing system
09:07, where Western influence predominates, and could also become
09:12another challenge to the dominance of the dollar as the world's main commercial currency.
09:18It is important to note that despite the difficult political situation associated with the conflict
09:23in Ukraine and sanctions from the West, Russia remains one of the main participants
09:28in the global agricultural market. According to statistics, Russia controls almost a quarter
09:35of world grain production. Last year, Russia exported agricultural products
09:42worth more than $43.5 billion. This year, Russia is scheduled to increase
09:49the volume of grain exports to 65 million tons.
09:55This new initiative could generate changes in the global economy, provoking reactions
10:00from key participants in the international market. The creation of the BRICS Grain Exchange
10:07opens new perspectives for the development of the agricultural sector not only in Russia, but
10:12also in other member countries of the group. Last year, the BRICS countries accounted for
10:18around 42% of global cereal production, equivalent to almost 1.2
10:24billion tonnes. Data from the Russian Ministry of Agriculture indicate a
10:30significant influence of this block on the world grain market.
10:36Given the increase in cereal production and consumption in the BRICS countries, and the new
10:41members of the group such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Iran and Ethiopia.
10:47The estimated production of cereals this year exceeds 1.24 billion tons, while
10:53consumption is estimated at 1.23 billion tons. But what would happen if all
11:00these countries joined together to create a universal grain exchange? This unification
11:06would lead to the formation of a powerful alliance of the
11:11world's largest grain buyers and exporters, which could change the dynamics of the global grain market.
11:18Such a measure would facilitate more efficient trade, stabilize prices,
11:23and establish common quality standards for cereal crops.
11:29Ultimately, the creation of a grain exchange of the BRICS countries and their
11:33partners could lead to the formation of new strategies for the sustainable development
11:38of the grain sector and increased global food security. And in
11:44the current context of the war with NATO, an important factor to consider is the
11:48possible consequences for the West. The creation of the BRICS grain exchange could
11:55become a key moment in the geoeconomic field. This could affect not only
12:01the economy and trade, but also the general political environment. It is important
12:07to analyze the long-term consequences of these actions and prepare for possible
12:12challenges that may arise as a result of changes in the distribution of power,
12:16and influence in the global economy.
12:20Many BRICS countries have important resources: oil, iron ore, soybeans, sugar,
12:28fertilizers, coffee and oilseeds, and these countries play an important role
12:33in the global market for agricultural products and raw materials. The creation of a
12:39grain exchange will help reduce uncertainty in the food market and
12:44global supply chains. This approach will allow the partnership participants to ensure
12:50a stable flow of grain and maintain security of supply even in the event of
12:55possible crises in agriculture and the food industry.
13:00This is all friends, receive greetings.
