Otra nación también recomienda abandonar Odessa, Járkov, Kiev y su región

  • hace 5 meses
Con esta situación de guerra casi asegurada que los políticos nos auguran, resulta que desde Alemania nos dejan helados mostrando la cruda realidad de que EEUU no ayudará a la UE si hay una guerra. Esto lo dice el jefe del mayor fabricante alemán de armas de Alemania, que dice que "Europa quedará totalmente sola" en caso de un conflicto armado en su territorio, opina el director ejecutivo de Rheinmetall.
00:32Turkey joins the nations that recommend its citizens leave Odessa, Kharkiv
00:37and Kiev, tonight the Russian army has destroyed a temporary transfer center for
00:43foreign mercenaries in the ranks of the APU.
00:46which was near the city of Kharkiv, the
00:52Russian Ministry of Defense announced this Monday.
00:53This news must worry us Europeans in NATO.
00:57because apparently all EU nations are already sending us explicit messages
01:02that we are going headlong into war against Russia, and this does concern us.
01:07because as I said yesterday, in NATO we have a very short memory and we have already forgotten
01:11that only a month ago the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry declared that the security of the countries
01:16in which US nuclear weapons will be deployed "will not be strengthened
01:22. "will suffer explicitly," because US nuclear facilities in Europe
01:28will be legitimate targets for Russia in a conflict with NATO
01:33. The deployment of US nuclear weapons in northern Europe will not reinforce the security
01:38of the countries that receive them, but rather that will weaken it, declared
01:43the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.
01:49"In the event that American nuclear weapons appear in northern Europe, the
01:55security of the countries receiving these weapons will not only not be strengthened, but
02:01will suffer explicitly," the spokeswoman said.
02:05With this almost assured war situation that politicians predict for us, it turns out that
02:10Germany leaves us cold by showing the harsh reality that the US will not help
02:15the EU if there is a war.
02:18This comes from the head of Germany's largest arms manufacturer, who says that
02:22"Europe will be completely alone" in the event of an armed conflict on its territory, says
02:27Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger.
02:31It is normal that I say all this in the dynamic that we talked about in the previous video, to earn
02:36fortunes selling weapons, but it is no less true that war seems inevitable.
02:43For the past few decades, leaders on the European continent have assumed
02:47that Washington would come to their rescue in the event of a military threat, but "that will
02:53no longer happen."
02:54Armin Papperger, CEO of Rheinmetall,
03:00the largest German arms manufacturer, declared in an interview with the Financial Times.
03:03"The US focuses more on the Asia-Pacific area than on Europe," Papperger observed,
03:10which is why, in his opinion, in the event that a
03:15full-blown armed conflict breaks out on the European continent.
03:16"The US will focus on Asia and then Europe will be totally alone."
03:24Papperger added that through the blocking of military aid to Ukraine by
03:28Republican lawmakers, the US sent Europe a "very clear message," "We are no longer paying for you."
03:36In this context, the head of Rheinmetall, which, among other weapons, manufactures
03:42infantry fighting vehicles, drones and the smoothbore cannon for the Leopard 2 tank, which
03:47Germany supplies to Ukraine.
03:49has urged European countries to build larger, more specialized defense groups
03:54to compete with American arms companies, "We need big companies
04:00in Europe," he concluded.
04:02He says this to get his boots on the ground by making money, but according to analysts, the
04:07European continent has at least a decade ahead of it before it can defend itself without
04:11US help. And of course, if direct war against Russia breaks out, who
04:17has a decade left?
04:20Russia has already gone direct in Ukraine, and the massive bombings are already constant, and
04:25in Odessa and Kharkiv especially. Last night in Ukraine was one of the darkest
04:30in recent memory.
04:33Images have appeared on the Internet in which Odessa is plunged into deep darkness.
04:38At the same time, in Kiev they are trying to convince the population that the
04:43Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to shoot down all air targets, however Odessa is left without electricity.
04:49Russian Aerospace Forces attacked specific targets in Ukraine on the night
04:55of March 31.
04:58As a result of the combined attack, Ukrainian energy infrastructure facilities
05:04of military importance were destroyed.
05:08According to preliminary information, a drone hit the Adzhalyk substation northeast
05:13of Odessa; and a great fire could have destroyed it completely.
05:18This is also confirmed by satellite images.
05:22The transformer at the Novoodesskaya substation was attacked, although the second one is still
05:27in operation, writes the Military Review portal.
05:32After the explosions, temporary surges and short-term
05:37power outages were reported in the Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district of the Odessa region.
05:43Strong explosions also occurred in the Kharkov region, but the FAB carried out
05:49attacks on Ukrainian facilities. At the moment, there is no official confirmation from
05:54the Russian Ministry of Defense.
05:58The air raid alert covered more and more regions of Ukraine, and as of 4
06:03a.m., Ukrainians reported that
06:07cruise missile flights had been recorded.
06:10After a series of explosions in the Kiev region,
06:14arrivals began to be recorded in Western Ukraine. A series of explosions were heard in the
06:19Ternopil and Volyn regions.
06:20The attacks also hit facilities in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.
06:27For the third time, the largest gas storage facility in the
06:31Lviv region was attacked.
06:33The authorities of the city of Stryi are trying to prevent the leak of information
06:38about the magnitude of the destruction. During the night, two waves of explosions were recorded
06:43in the area.
06:45Today, the power supply system of Kharkov, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, and other
06:51regions where large-scale power outages occurred, has been transferred to
06:56backup lines.
06:59Since March 22, the Russian Aerospace Forces began carrying out powerful attacks
07:05against Ukraine's energy infrastructure, with Kiev admitting that this attack was one of the
07:10most powerful of the entire war.
07:13The arrivals took place at two thermal power plants and a defense plant in Kharkiv,
07:17facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Odessa, Kolomyia airfield
07:22near Ivano-Frankivsk and Motor Sich. to the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station in the
07:27Zaporozhye region. There were also attacks in Dnepropetrovsk, Krivoy Rog, Zhitomir, Kremenchug
07:33and the Khmelnitsky region.
07:35"The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a group attack with
07:42high-precision, long-range air, sea and ground weapons,
07:45including Kinzhal hypersonic aeroballistic missiles, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles
07:51against energy facilities," the Russian Defense Ministry reported. .
07:58The Ukrainian telegram channel "Resident" reports that the operation of Russian aviation
08:03has shocked Ukraine, Kiev officials and ordinary citizens
08:08of the country.
08:10They have no idea how to repair the damage caused by the attacks by the
08:14Russian aerospace forces.
08:16Retired SBU Colonel Oleg Starikov commented on the possibility of restoring
08:23Ukraine's energy infrastructure.
08:26He added that even Western aid is unlikely to provide serious support
08:31to Kiev.
08:32The equipment of Europe and the United States is incompatible with Soviet technologies.
08:37And from these words a paradoxical conclusion emerges: only Russia can restore Ukraine.
08:45Only Russia has the capacity to produce the equipment necessary to restore Ukraine's energy infrastructure
08:50, whether thermal, hydroelectric or nuclear power plants.
08:57In turn, political scientist Konstantin Bondarenko noted that Russian missile attacks
09:03will play a strategic role.
09:05At the moment, Ukraine's energy infrastructure is still standing strong, but
09:11we are talking about the warm season, when the load on the power grid is small.
09:16"In conditions in which Ukraine is seeking funds both for the war and for the economy
09:22as a whole, crippling a large number of companies
09:26means forcing it to seek funds to plug economic holes," the politician said,
09:32noting that Russia attacked a important industrial facility in Kharkov.
09:37Some foreign embassies, in a context of "shake of the front", ask their fellow citizens
09:43to leave the Kharkov and Odessa regions.
09:46said the head of the Russian delegation at the negotiations in Vienna on
09:51military security and arms control, Konstantin Gavrilov, on the Russia
09:5624 television channel
09:58. Gavrilov compared what was happening on the front of a special military operation
10:02to the glass of a car, which “breaks into cracks” after being hit
10:07by a stone.
10:09According to the diplomat, the West still does not want to recognize the realities on the battlefield
10:14, so it is now difficult to return to a constructive dialogue with them.
10:20It should be noted that at this time the Foreign Ministries of Turkey, Kazakhstan
10:25and China have asked their citizens to quickly leave Odessa, Kharkov, Kiev and the region.
10:32In Ukraine they believe that Russia intends to open another section of the front, The commander of the
10:37Ukrainian drone battalion Fedorenko, in an interview with Radio NV.
10:42expressed the opinion that the Russian military leaders plan to expand the combat zone within
10:47the framework of a special military operation, carrying out covert mobilization processes
10:52to form additional reserves.
10:56In his words, these measures are aimed at increasing pressure on the
11:00Ukrainian defense, and the possible opening of a new section of the front for the offensive
11:05of Russian troops.
11:08This development of events may indicate Russia's plans for
11:12large-scale offensive operations for the summer of this year.
11:17Analysts and military experts consider the increased activity of
11:21Russian aviation and the targeted destruction of key strategic facilities of the Armed Forces
11:26of Ukraine.
11:27They are signs of preparation for broader military actions.
11:30The offensive, experts suggest, could be the next big step, highlighting the need
11:38for the Ukrainian side to prepare for possible new challenges on the front.
11:44This is all friends, receive greetings.
